GUILTY MI - Katherine 'Kate' Phillips, 4 mos, Ludington, 29 June 2011 (Deceased/Not Found)

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I came here to post that I just googled baby Kate after wondering about her and saw that Huff post says Ariel is marrying him, that she applied for the liscence but isn't doing it for love, but to find out more about Kate by being allowed visits due to their marriage. Makes no sense to me but what does make sense is her marrying him so they don't have to testify against one another. Jmo

Just read the letter, I'll keep my words to myself other than to say what a moron.
What a pathetic try...probably some of it could be true. Like how he didnt even try to help her, that he never even gave that a though.
Wow, just wow - in the letter he claims he jerked the car seat out and she died in the process...

Makes no damn sense, carseats protect children from AUTO ACCIDENTS and yet pulling a carseat from the car (that in and of itself tells me they didn't have it anchored/secured correctly) with the baby in it kills her.


Then has the nerve to write, " I never even tried to help her. Never even thought to.".

Ariel sounds plenty guilty of things too :(

They both suck :(
If he pulled her out and she got thrown from the seat, surely someone would have seen, it was around lunch time near fast food places.....

What i got from his letter is that he got pissed from the phone ringing and everything that went on with Ariel beforehand, i think that made him flip and she was probably crying back there and he lost it on her.

That poor baby didn't stand a chance with either of them. Ariel should have just gone through with the adoption. JMO.

R.I.P Baby Kate
I’m not really sure how anyone can blame Ariel for the situation that Shawn caused? Shawn lied to his parents about being Kate’s father, Shawn wanted to put Kate up for adoption, Shawn drove off with Kate in the car, and Shawn killed Kate. Ariel chased him down the street and then called 911. I understand that she didn’t make the best choice in a father for her children but she had nothing to do with causing Kate’s death.

I dated an emotionally immature man and the jail letter from Shawn sounds just like the ones my ex would send me from jail. He was really sorry but in the end his situation was my fault. Shawn’s letter was full of self pity and blame shifting. This letter was not to give Ariel any closure – it is just to torture her and tell her it was her fault. Well, I’m sure she didn’t need Shawn’s permission for that – I’m sure she blames herself everyday for getting out of that car without Kate. There is no way she could’ve known what he would do.
I do think some of the things in the letter are true. I think that he was sitting in the car getting aggravated that Ariel kept calling him but I also think Kate was in the backseat screaming. Anyone that has put a car seat in a car knows that you can’t pull the seat out from the front seat. You have to actually unhook it from inside the backseat of the car. I think he may have tried to pull the seat out like he said but couldn’t and that only enraged him more – to the point that he got out of the car, unlatched the seat, took it out, and threw it with Kate still inside. I think at that point Kate started crying harder and he removed her from the car seat but when he couldn’t get her to stop crying, he put his hand over her mouth & nose, and suffocated her.
I cannot believe she is marrying this . Where do these women buy their common sense? The dollar store? :maddening:
I just read this entire thread for the first time. Since WS is a victim friendly forum I will tread lightly. I read the transcript of the letter to Ariel from Sean.
"I want my parents to know. Things spouses tell each other is confidence cant be made to testify. But we aren't married yet in the eyes of the government. Then hearsay cant be used, so if you told then it would be hearsay as it didnt come from me. But Grand Jury can sometimes allow hearsay. Could you ask your attorney about that stuff? If you want to ask me things try to do it all at once. So we arent hearing incriminating stuff more than we need to.
Out of time for mail. Destroy theses. We'll talk." ( letter dated July 16, 2012
"Courtland says the marriage is not an indication that she is in love with Phillips, but part of her ongoing effort to get answers about what happened to her daughter who disappeared when she was 4 months old and still hasn't been found." from 9/11/12.

I don't know what to think. He doesn't know where her body is, supposedly. What more information does she think marrying him will give her? It sounds like she originally agreed to the adoption and kept "putting it off." What in the world REALLY happened to Baby Kate because that story from the letter is absolutely unbelievable. How was he able to even send the letter? I thought prison mail was monitored and he would be banned from contacting the victim's family.. Who is Annette? So many questions still remain. What information could he possibly share with her at this point that will need to be protected by the spouse can't testify law? Clause? Whatever it is..
Annette is his lawyer.

From the letter, he makes it sound like she had agreed to give up Kate that day but backed out wanting the DNA test first. He had denied Kate was even his and didn't tell his parents that he had possibly fathered a second child with Ariel. They had discussed adoption and the police even found partially filled out paperwork in Ariel's Apartment.

I also feel like he is telling her in the letter that he has kept quiet so far about everything but is now ready to talk, i feel like he is maybe warning her that he could get her into trouble. JMO.

This case has bothered me so much because i do think Ariel is hiding something, she was quick to say donations would help with a funeral. It was like she knew all along that Kate was gone for good. Again JMO.
Well this blows the whole "I'll marry him and he'll talk" out of the water

After Courtland gets a valid marriage license, the warden of the Michigan Reformatory in Ionia, where Phillips is lodged, is required to allow the marriage, according to John Cordell, spokesman for the Michigan Department of Corrections.

But that doesn’t give Courtland a right to visit Phillips, Cordell said. In fact, he said, the warden “likely will” continue to forbid visits between the two.

“Her visiting application was restricted by the warden on the grounds of order and security and the likelihood that any visitation by this woman would not assist in the positive rehabilitation of the prisoner,” Cordell said Wednesday.
I have followed Kate's disappearance but it went silent for a while so I might need updated. tia

He sounds detached from killing Kate in that letter and it's everyone elses fault for what he's done, especially mom. He tries to block out knowing a baby is in the car seat, and he threw her & doesn't remember where that was? He completely leaves out Kate & a lot but puts blame on others (mom, family). What are the other people involved contributions? Why in the heck would mom want to marry this dude, failed attempt to cover? It's a rewrite of the history of Kate. gah...A dishonor to Baby Kate & I'm sure it won't fly long for her sake with the story I'm seeing now. jmo
I have followed Kate's disappearance but it went silent for a while so I might need updated. tia

He sounds detached from killing Kate in that letter and it's everyone elses fault for what he's done, especially mom. He tries to block out knowing a baby is in the car seat, and he threw her & doesn't remember where that was? He completely leaves out Kate & a lot but puts blame on others (mom, family). What are the other people involved contributions? Why in the heck would mom want to marry this dude, failed attempt to cover? It's a rewrite of the history of Kate. gah...A dishonor to Baby Kate & I'm sure it won't fly long for her sake with the story I'm seeing now. jmo

I don't believe his story for a second. I think there might be glimpses of the truth in that letter but IMO he's spent a year in jail trying to concoct this 'accident'. He's attempting to prepare his defense. He knew that letter would be read. He isn't THAT stupid.

I think Ariel is only marrying him to cover her own butt.
Now we know that this precious baby is no longer alive and sadly, she may never be found.

There are cases where new parents forget they have a child in the backseat and sadly leave them there.

Whether he knew Baby Kate was in the car or not, he should have called 911 to seek help. I can give him the "I was in shock", but even people in shock do something eventually.
This article says that even if she marries him, spousal privilege can not be invoked in a case like this.

So she can't refuse to testify against him, she has the letter supposedly explaining what happened..... why marry him? Love? Does she get any Government assistance for having an incarcerated husband/father of her child? It just makes no sense unless she is truly not right in the head. I would cut off both my legs before even entertaining marrying a man that refuses to tell me where my child's body is.

Wow. This guy clearly murdered his innocent baby. The tome in his letter. he barely refers to Kate. It's all about how he felt, how upset he was..."I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe." "I was in shock and couldn't think." Whatever.

This was the worst, self-serving letter I've seen in a while. Murderer.

As for the mom, I have never felt she was involved or knew what happened. I excused her lack of reaction and discussions with this creep and his family as her trying to get info.

I still believe she had zero to do with this. But her willingness to marry this guy indicates to me that she never loved her baby at all. He is more important and always was. Getting him and keeping him was her main goal. I think she might have used baby Kate to shackle him. It didn't work but now that he's in prison, she's got him where she wants him in a sense.
Re: letter

He really skips over the part where he kills his child. He spends way more time talking about himself and how frustrated he was and how it was everybody elses fault.

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