MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - Body found - #5

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It could be that she just can't stand the uncertainty, and doesn't want to keep on an emotional rollercoaster. So she'll see the body, make her peace, and eventually move on. Weird that she'd think when your child dies, it is completely over. "It" what??
A guilty party might make such a statement, as well. Anxiety mounts while waiting for the deed to be discovered. After the climax, there's a moment of relief, then the desire for "it" to just end there sans any consequences.
What is even more strange is this was Memorial Day weekend and one would think there would be people outside who would've seen something. Unless of course, Nevaeh wasn't snatched from the parking lot while riding her scooter. :waitasec: MOO

Exactly, I meant to add that panthera. A holiday weekend, a sunday afternoon and no one is outside cooking steaks on a grill - I may not understand all of that but it's clear that Nevaeh had all of the odds stacked against her when it came to surviving in this world and that makes me incredibly angry. I'm angry at those who stacked that deck and I'm angry at the person or persons, the pathetic empty blobs of nothingness, void of anything good and decent who robbed this child's life.
It's me again...I live in Toledo and know Monroe very well. Toledo is only maybe 2-3 miles from the state line of Michigan and Monroe is about 15 mi from toledo and kind of a weird city. Monroe "proper" downtown is your typical small town look. Brick buildings, shops, government offices, etc. It literally only takes up a few square blocks though. Monroe has a pop. of about , I'd say, a little over 20,000. So small town. It borders Lake Erie and The River Raisin and is a MAJOR fisher, hunter, boaters, etc. If you live in Monroe, you're a blue collar (Not all of course, but most) It's a place where a nice home sits next to a shack. Alot of apartment complexes that are Section 8 HUD housing, unemployment is high, etc. There's maybe a populated area and then nothing but trees, grass, etc. Monroe has ALOT of acreage that is just basically parklike, trees, forests, undeveloped land.
Now Dundee (where Neveah was found) is a village IN monroe County. Pop. there is around 4000 I think. Dundee's claim to fame is that they built a huge Cabela's there. It's a huge superstore of all sports like stuff. Hunting, fishing, boating, etc. Aside from Cabela's, if you blink..you miss Dundee.
This area of the River Raisin where Neveah was found is dense trees, brush, etc. The "slope" that people are talking about from the road is not a little hill. It's pretty steep and slippery...I'm sticking with my theory that he came in with her by boat. If you live in Monroe or Dundee, you KNOW how to use a boat, and a rowboat with a trolling motor (2-3 HP which makes almost zero noise) would do the trick. You wouldn't need a large boat at all. Just your standard rowboat would do. And men in particular would KNOW the river and Lake Erie like the backs of their hands. They just do. And if we're thinking like a killer, that's what I would do. Slip silently thru the water, dig a shallow grave and dump. Probably to nervous to dump her in the lake or river because of the Scot petersen syndrome, where they eventually wash up, or it could be some other reason. Perhaps this person wanted to go back and "visit" and the concrete marked the spot. I know it sounds macabre, but stranger things have happened, and it lends credence to the fact that the person or persons involved KNEW her. I will be completely shocked if this person is NOT a local.
The place where the piece of trash that calls herself her mother lives, yes, of course, there's good decent working people there to, BUT it is also highly populated with YOUNGER people with NO jobs that collect Medicaid and housing allowances. There is a higher percentage of people that live there that have been in jail. I'm not meaning to offend anyone, but it's true. The complex is shabby and there are ALOT of kids that run around unsupervised, not just Neveah, because that is the "mindset" of the people that live there...(SOME people) not ALL of them.
Just a little more background of the area for you guys..
I think that Roy Smith and GK are in cahoots somehow. LE yanks RS in, questions him, releases him at approx. 2-3 AM and George goes home and IMMEDIATELY starts burning stuff in his burn barrel?? Come on. So LE snatches him up again, releases him again, and now poor Roy is all over the airwaves, "Demanding an apology" Go to hell Roy.
Now, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a little to soon after the finding of Neveah's remains that the site is not even cordoned off? There have been people tramping up and down the hill, standing on the concrete, kicking crap around, setting up memorials on the EXACT spot..I mean, seriously? The feds and MSP actually think they do NOT need that crime scene to be uncontaminated at all..even for just another few days? I'm just appalled at this. It's all over the local news for Gods sake. it just seems really soon to me.
Of course, I still remember the Oakland "Babysitter" serial killings and how the State Police mucked that up from here to eternity. 4 children (if not more) kidnapped and murdered in the span of a year i think....

Here's a link to how people are tramping all over the burial site...

snip for space
and now poor Roy is all over the airwaves, "Demanding an apology" Go to hell Roy.
Can someone please confirm to me, that it was Roy Smith or James Easter that wanted the apology. my feeling any of the three won't get apology,
I also thought it was James that was buring, did I miss something.
Peliman I didn't find the right one listed on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry website.

I did find him here:


click on offender search a new window will open.

MDOC Number: 163676 is his number. You can also search by just his first and last name. Scroll down and you will see a rap sheet as long as your arm and then some.

Good grief what in the world was Nevaeh's mother thinking?

Thanks Kat, I'm going to say he's a good POI and friend of GK and SG maybe. Just wanted to put him on radar. Friends of N's mom.
I came into this case just a few days ago . . . but let me see if I know the facts:

1. Nevaeh goes missing while she is allowed to play outside by herself with no supervision.

2. Her mother has sex offender friends.

3. Her mother calls a radio show to defend her decision to have sex offender friends -- not to beg for the return of her daughter.

4. They have a in custody who was a "Father Figure" to Naveah but was also a sex offender who shouldn't have been within 300 miles of this little girl.

5. The police found pictures of young girls in his hotel room.

Did I pretty much sum it up?

Excuse me if I'm not politically correct here -- but this "mother" needs to be locked up FOREVER with the person who did this.

Putting your children in danger like this is UNACCEPTABLE behavior. Being a parent is not a game. In today's world you cannot leave your children unattended for ONE SECOND.

This little girl never stood a chance with a horrible parent like this.

God Bless Nevaeh

Hi Swa, Nice to see you here, I just wanted to comment on your point #1. I read yesterday a neighbor said Navaeh was allowed to run free in their complex at all hours, even to where she would play in cars. I don't think she had hardly any supervision at all.

Also learning that the Child's Services {?} stated they wanted her taken out of that home, I wonder if there will be any backlash from nothing being done about that. I think there should be a big stink. If she had been either put with the father or in a foster home, Navaeh might still be with us. xox
i sent a message to a mod...but everyone ive looked at are off line...

Mods can show as being offline when they're really online... They have magical mod pixie dust!:)
Body was buried very close to the river, maybe less than 2 feet from.

Peliman look at the link I posted of the picture Angel who cares posted on astro's thread.

Nevaeh's grave kisses the edge of the water from what I can see.
I totally agree with that. Plus in a boat the body would be quite visible unless maybe covered with rain gear or something. I'm thinking he probably took her there alive to do his thing--maybe saying they were going fishing. Possibly drugged her in a soda and let the drug take effect and later it killed her. If we can't honestly say her whereabouts after 3:30 or so, he had plenty of time. Bury the body in shallow grave, possibly leave a lookout & then go get the cement.

I agree with possibly burying the body in a shallow grave and later returning to cover it with the cement. I suppose it could've even been a day or two after she was buried that she was then covered with cement. So, the cement and the body would not necessarily have been carried down the slope at the same time. Also, I'm interested to see the autopsy report and the estimated time of death. The perp may have kept her alive for a day or two before killing her.
I wonder if they put concrete over her because of burying her so close to the water's edge and didn't want to her to move if the water's rose? Like an afterthought. Bury her at the river's edge, realize that she might move later on because of water levels..go back and cover with concrete? Just a thought. Pure speculation on my part.

ETA: I used the word "they" to describe the perp. I wasn't suggesting that there was more than one, it's a podunk regional thing to say "they" :)
I wonder if they put concrete over her because of burying her so close to the water's edge and didn't want to her to move if the water's rose? Like an afterthought. Bury her at the river's edge, realize that she might move later on because of water levels..go back and cover with concrete? Just a thought. Pure speculation on my part.

I agree and with the constant media attention within the first 48 hours the perp probably freaked out thinking if he didn't do something else she might be found...hence the concrete.
Yes, pedos do as a general rule have a proclivity for girls of a certain age. However, it doesn't mean he couldn't have changed his MO and decided it was safer for him to assault a child to avoid going back to jail.

Or he was never caught with a child younger that could tell what he had done to them. JMO.
and we cant forget...it could be a *her* perp as well...
has LE said what was all found in the grave?....this is why we need a forum...because im to lazy to go back thru all the threads to find this info....
Peliman look at the link I posted of the picture Angel who cares posted on astro's thread.

Nevaeh's grave kisses the edge of the water from what I can see.

kat can you check something out for me - I went on that link and looked at the picture of the man looking down at where Navaeh had been (kills me to look at), I don't know if I'm tired and my eyes are playing tricks on me but is there a bridge to the left in the distance (but not real distant)? Thanks. I have to go out but I'll be back in a few and I'll check back in. :run:
I just rewatched JVM and the father of Nevaeh's little friend Austin...something's just not sitting well with me where this guy is concerned. Nevaeh ate with this family hours before she went missing, she was at their home often according to the father of Austin, she was Austin's best friend. Why did Nevaeh need to change her cloths after she left this man's house? WHY? and where are those cloths. I sure would like to know where this man was that evening.
I agree and with the constant media attention within the first 48 hours the perp probably freaked out thinking if he didn't do something else she might be found...hence the concrete.

If that proves to be accurate momtective then that was his downfall. Had he not used it, it might her grave might not have been so noticeable.

Further speculation: I think the perp has a psychological connection to the river. I think it was nursebeemee that pulled up a route map and there were many other places to select to hide Nevaeh. Yet, a spot kissing the rivers edge was selected. Lot's of speculation could be made about that.

If Nevaeh was taken there and a crime commited against her before her murder (molestation etc) it could still be seen as a psychological connection to the murderer. Why take her there? Just speculation, interesting to me though.
Respectfully snipped. I really like this idea. It hasn't been talked about much, if at all, but is VERY possible.

I think that was a great thought, after seeing the video, I thought that.
Is there alot boats on that river? Is there a marine in Monroe?
Also it could be a visiting local who might had live in area and was back for a visit , and might had left town. :rolleyes:
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