MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - Body found - #5

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You people need to slow down. I stopped reading at 5:30 and came back to 13 more pages. :eek: I didn't read all the pages just started back up a couple of pages again.

This article says he saved the receipts;

He said he presented receipts for purchases he made at Kmart, Wal-Mart, and Lowe’s on the days in question.

I've never seen an investigation with so much poor media coverage. Today A is A but tomorrow A is B and then C is A and B. :crazy:

If I give her the benefit of the doubt, it could mean that's she's glad that not knowing what happened is over. JMO

If he doesn't have a record as a pedophile I think he's got a point. A weak point but a point nonetheless. ~snipped for space~

Yup the article says he saved them and after LE left he says

...He said he presented receipts for purchases he made at Kmart, Wal-Mart, and Lowe’s on the days in question.

“They showed dates where I was,” he said.

After being dropped after questioning, Mr. Easter said he went into his duplex, peeked outside to make sure they were gone, and waited about 10 minutes to go outside to start a fire in a pit in the backyard.

“I happened to gather some of the receipts because they were through looking at them,” and because he wanted to have a little fire in his fire ring, he decided to burn them inside a TV dinner box, he said...

He might not be a SO but he don't have a lick of common sense in my book!
I wonder how confident LE is that a boat (canoe) was not used?

I'm very curious about the fact that there is not only parking near the bridge but there is also the canoe launch. Makes more sense to use that instead of schlepping down a steep bank with a 90 lb bag of concrete over your shoulder. Just thinking out loud.
If he doesn't have a record as a pedophile I think he's got a point. A weak point but a point nonetheless.

After reading that article, I agree. It sounds like they picked him up for absolutely no reason except that he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If his account is accurate, he was treated horribly. I can't find him on the SO registry.
Kat, if Mr. Easter wasn't involved, what the heck were those receipts for? I know the stores but what's up with that?
I just rewatched JVM and the father of Nevaeh's little friend Austin...something's just not sitting well with me where this guy is concerned. Nevaeh ate with this family hours before she went missing, she was at their home often according to the father of Austin, she was Austin's best friend. Why did Nevaeh need to change her cloths after she left this man's house? WHY? and where are those cloths. I sure would like to know where this man was that evening.

Thanks for straightening me out on that mom and kat.
I feel the same way about him and I don't know where this is coming from - I know nothing about the guy. It isn't like we don't have hundreds of SO's in the area to focus on and who, understandably, would evoke this feeling but something is wrong here and I'm going to listen to my gut because too many others have expressed this same uncomfortableless > is that a word? < with him. Don't worry, I won't do anything crazy . . .just yet. (lol)
No, on second thought I don't believe it is him. The ears are different, the ages are wrong, the hair color is wrong, and SO has a dimple on his right check that the myspace guy doesn't have. The SO guy has a much higher hairline than the myspace guy.

I don't think it is him either, momtective. The jawline is different and the hairline.

They look really similar to me, but wouldn't LE be well aware of an RSO living in Nevaeh's building?
Apparently it wasn't George who did the visiting. He dropped Roy off and Roy visited while George went to his motel and to get gas. Then George picked Roy up. That's why there's two trips to the inmate dorm.

Why would Roy need a ride if he had his own car? He is the one that came and picked up GK and SG and took them back to the hotel. I think it was another person/persons that he gave a ride to. Might have provided one of the alibis for that night, too.
Kat, if Mr. Easter wasn't involved, what the heck were those receipts for? I know the stores but what's up with that?

I'm sure LE would have made copies of those reciepts...just in case KWIM?

I think his behavior is off, but I think he's just probably squirrely for lack of better word. His behavior has become like a red herring in this case. JMHO.
It may be totally unrelated. It could have been lying on the ground and the perp kicked it into the grave with his foot. The DNA on it might belong to some fisherman who had absolutely nothing to do with the crime.

Beer drinkers are pretty loyal to their brands. I wonder if George drinks Busch beer.

Beer cans litter the woods. Fishermen drink beer. It could have been in the dirt that was shoveled onto the body. That would figure, if it was done in the dark. The perp may not have seen it at the time.

Hmm..in the dark...
Why would Roy need a ride if he had his own car? He is the one that came and picked up GK and SG and took them back to the hotel. I think it was another person/persons that he gave a ride to. Might have provided one of the alibis for that night, too.

I asked that same question and was assured that it was Roy who needed the ride. I think Savannah's mother is one of the alibi providers. It was her car he borrowed at 7:15.
Oaky y'all this is Aaron Bakers myspace


and this is a RSO Aaron Baker

I think it's the same guy

No, not the same, imo.
I don't. Myspace guy clearly has a tattoo and the RSO is listed as having none. Look him up on the state site itself and see if he has a tattoo listed there. The one on Myspace guy certainly isn't new. No tattoo, not the same guy, IMO.

I already tried that. He's not listed on the state site.

ETA: He's on the MI registry, but not on the OTIS site which is where I checked.
The differences are much more obvious in the other photo of Aaron on his myspace page.
The ears are definitely different. In the photo Momtective posted here, he's wearing a cap, and I thought it might've been pushing down on his ears. But in the MS photo, no cap, same ears. I don't think it's the same guy.
Sheriff says killer probably local
by Ray Kisonas , last modified June 06. 2009 1:15AM
Monroe County Sheriff Tilman Crutchfield said the person responsible for the death of Nevaeh Buchanan is probably a local person because the place where she was found buried is rural and not well-known.
"It’s someone who knows the area," the sheriff said Friday night. "In my mind, it’s someone from around here. I don’t think anyone would come up from Ohio or California and just come across this place."
The cause of death will not be available immediately, the sheriff said, because lab tests have to be completed. However the body, which was buried along the banks of the River Raisin off Dixon Rd., did not have any obvious signs of trauma, Sheriff Crutchfield said.
"There were no obvious injuries," he said.
Evidence had been collected at the scene, but the sheriff would not divulge details. He said tests must be completed before anything is determined. An autopsy was performed Friday at the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office.
"I wouldn’t expect anything from the autopsy for a couple of days," the sheriff said. "There’s a lot of analysis that needs to be done."
At a press conference Friday morning, the sheriff said the task force is continuing to follow more than 1,000 tips and leads in hopes that a suspect is developed soon.
"This is a sick and disturbed person we’re looking for," he told reporters. "(The task force) is a group that is committed to resolving this crime."
On Friday night, the site where fishermen discovered the body encased or covered with concrete was reopened. Although evidence had been recovered at the scene of the burial, a search of the river did not produce much success.
"We didn’t recover anything of value from the river," Sheriff Crutchfield said.
Although all indications are that the body found is Nevaeh, the sheriff said officials are waiting for DNA results to be 100 percent sure.
"It’s our opinion that this is Nevaeh," he said.
Funeral arrangements will not be decided until later, said The Rev. Dale Hayford of Crosswalk Community Church. Rev. Hayford said family members were "as good as can be expected" and a Sunday church service was planned for mourners.

Why would Roy need a ride if he had his own car? He is the one that came and picked up GK and SG and took them back to the hotel. I think it was another person/persons that he gave a ride to. Might have provided one of the alibis for that night, too.

In Savannah's version, Roy came and picked her and George up at her mom's house and took them to the motel, where they found the police waiting.

In George's version, he and Savannah were out searching for Nevaeh when he got a call from Jennifer telling him the police wanted to talk to him, so he drove to the motel to meet them.
I dunno if they would run him or not? I mean he was just a witness to the fact that she was at his house and had eaten there before going missing. Would they run him through a data base?

One minute I look and think it looks like him, the next minute I look and it doesn't.
I called it in anyway...better safe than sorry. I certainly don't want to cause more work for LE but there is a resemblance, the name is the same, same State and there is just something NOT right with Mr. Baker. IMO
I could be completely wrong...I have been before and I'm absolutely positive I will be again.

It seems like LE would have checked ALL the RSO's in the area. I think they'd notice if one lived in Nevaeh's building.
momtective I did a search and there is an A. G. Baker but no addresses listed for him in Monroe. (age 39-40).

A. G. Baker's addresses include:

In Monroe there is an A. W. Baker age (35-36) He is the only A. Baker that I can find in Monroe.

This A. W. Baker has had addresses in:

I think these are two different men JMHO.
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