MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - scooter abandoned - #3

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Haas anyone ever heard of a body disposed of in this way? I think it is very unusual. Six years here and I can't think of a single case except for bodies buried under a basement floor.
Welcome to WS, Syttende!

I am having problems with the mother's account of things, too. Her daughter goes missing and one of the first people she calls is the pedo who is "fishing" with his other girlfriend. When asked in an interview yesterday on HLN, she refused to talk about what they discussed. Her attitude again was not to say anything against him.

Many pages ago we talked about the fishing story. Once again there are two versions. Savannah's story originally was that she and Kennedy were at the motel together all day until 8:30 when he drove a friend home, nothing about fishing or about a call saying that Nevaeh was missing, or about George going out to search for her. Very odd.
At the risk of sounding like a concrete expert - cement is one ingredient in concrete. Cement, gravel, sand, and water need to be added in the proper ratios to create concrete. What was apparently used in this case was Quik-crete, which is a product that comes prepackaged in bags ready for use, just add water. When any concrete product is used without forms, it spreads out and becomes very thin at the edges. The thin areas crack and crumble. I think that might be the crumbling that's being referred to in this case.

Cement wouldn't be stored out in the open.
I know the fact of how she was disposed is a horrific issue for some posters as it should be and i am not going to sugar coat this I am only wishing to post fact and i am sorry if it seems insensitive the way i am going to put it
some form would have had to have been used and i am no expert but i have used concrete more then 10 times.... it is not like the concrete is thick enough where you could just roll her around in it
it is a watery heavy substance (if that makes sense) it may appear thick to the eye but if you were to try to just "plaster" it on someone it would drip off due to its weight and liquid like properties and the fact that it crumbled says to me that it was made even more watery than necessary
IMO some type of a "form" had to have been used if not the body would have only had a thin layer and would have looked like somebody wearing a mud mask all over... a form is usually built out of would and then disassembled afterward leaving only the block... however what you are saying brings up 2 different points to me... lets say the "form" was a cooler or some other square object that is not easily destructable (which i think would be the case since this person doesn't know how to mix it how would he know to make it of wood?)... the weight of the body would have sunk to the bottom and left a thin layer at the bottom... again if he was experienced he would have propped the body on something to avoid it hitting the bottom like bricks etc.... my theory is he lined some sort of container with a liner of plastic material and when he got there tipped it over making the badly constructed bottom the top now... a cooler would not be out of place at a fishing area if he was spotted with it
Is anyone good with maps and has some extra time? If so, is this enough enough to google map out the location of the discovery?


...Earlier, police cordoned off an area near the River Raisin around Dixon Road in the area of Ida-Maybee and Neiman roads. By 7 p.m., at least four people in white Hazmat suits were walking along the south bank of the River Raisin in an area just east of railroad tracks near Yensch Road...

TIA for anyone up to the challange.
I am afraid the concrete may not be the smoking gun after all. If it is as flaky, as thin as I am surmising it to be it might not hold the all the evidence I was hoping it did. OTH maybe it will have preserved the body somewhat for better analysis, therefore, better examination and DNA recovery, hopefully.
The concrete may provide evidence beyond material evidence (e.g. DNA, etc.)

It probably was Sakrete or a similar product. Although that isn't hard to come by, as has been mentioned, the sources are still constrained to building supply type businesses. Forensics will be able to pin down manufacturer, brand, lot, and so forth.

Most companies that use these products don't generally keep much on hand unless they plan to use it quickly, because it really doesn't keep well unless it is carefully stored. I won't go into details. You'll have to trust me. So it may not be too likely that it was acquired from a construction firm or apt, complex. What someone did have would probably be noticed missing.

If it can be shown that one of these people purchased any it will go a long way toward nailing them. They would have to account for its use, and that would be hard to fake.
I agree with you. I have no sympathy for SOs. Recidivism rate is too high. At the very least, castrated and put on an island. There is no "cure" for SOs.

Castration doesn't even work because their brains are still in full gear from what I've read. There is no cure for pedos, which is what we are dealing with here. IMO
This is one of three versions of events that Jennifer has given. In one, the girl who was outside with Nevaeh came to the door and said Nevaeh was gone. In another, a new girl who was going to spend the night with Nevaeh showed up and they couldn't find Nevaeh. Could be sloppy reporting again :waitasec:
Uh huh. Maybe not.
Haas anyone ever heard of a body disposed of in this way? I think it is very unusual. Six years here and I can't think of a single case except for bodies buried under a basement floor.

I agree, I've never heard of a body being disposed like this. Very weird.
The concrete may provide evidence beyond material evidence (e.g. DNA, etc.)

It probably was Sakrete or a similar product. Although that isn't hard to come by, as has been mentioned, the sources are still constrained to building supply type businesses. Forensics will be able to pin down manufacturer, brand, lot, and so forth.

Most companies that use these products don't generally keep much on hand unless they plan to use it quickly, because it really doesn't keep well unless it is carefully stored. I won't go into details. You'll have to trust me. So it may not be too likely that it was acquired from a construction firm or apt, complex. What someone did have would probably be noticed missing.

If it can be shown that one of these people purchased any it will go a long way toward nailing them. They would have to account for its use, and that would be hard to fake.

Remember Smith said he was burning receipts!

ETA: Whoops! It was Mr Easter who was burning receipts. Sorry ;}
Haas anyone ever heard of a body disposed of in this way? I think it is very unusual. Six years here and I can't think of a single case except for bodies buried under a basement floor.

Only once. Give me a few minutes Scandi I"ll see if I can find a link. But it was not a child IIRC it was a missing man.
Haas anyone ever heard of a body disposed of in this way? I think it is very unusual. Six years here and I can't think of a single case except for bodies buried under a basement floor.

usually bodies disposed of this way are not found... ask the mob
This is one of three versions of events that Jennifer has given. In one, the girl who was outside with Nevaeh came to the door and said Nevaeh was gone. In another, a new girl who was going to spend the night with Nevaeh showed up and they couldn't find Nevaeh. Could be sloppy reporting again :waitasec:

It has been reported that the police interviewed a little boy and a little girl that were supposedly outside playing with Nevaeh when she disappeared. One of these children is the little boy that said Neveah was stabbed and the other is the little girl that said Nevaeh went in the woods to meet Daddy George.

As you say Chilly - Jennifer has given several different versions of what happened that afternoon AND NONE of those versions match LE interviewing these two kids.

It is very confusing. It does sound as if Nevaeh was outside playing at some point in time with the two children, but is not at all clear that it was during this play session that Nevaeh disappeared. I believe it still has to be determined exactly who saw Nevaeh last.

I know the fact of how she was disposed is a horrific issue for some posters as it should be and i am not going to sugar coat this I am only wishing to post fact and i am sorry if it seems insensitive the way i am going to put it
some form would have had to have been used and i am no expert but i have used concrete more then 10 times.... it is not like the concrete is thick enough where you could just roll her around in it
it is a watery heavy substance (if that makes sense) it may appear thick to the eye but if you were to try to just "plaster" it on someone it would drip off due to its weight and liquid like properties and the fact that it crumbled says to me that it was made even more watery than necessary
IMO some type of a "form" had to have been used if not the body would have only had a thin layer and would have looked like somebody wearing a mud mask all over... a form is usually built out of would and then disassembled afterward leaving only the block... however what you are saying brings up 2 different points to me... lets say the "form" was a cooler or some other square object that is not easily destructable (which i think would be the case since this person doesn't know how to mix it how would he know to make it of wood?)... the weight of the body would have sunk to the bottom and left a thin layer at the bottom... again if he was experienced he would have propped the body on something to avoid it hitting the bottom like bricks etc.... my theory is he lined some sort of container with a liner of plastic material and when he got there tipped it over making the badly constructed bottom the top now... a cooler would not be out of place at a fishing area if he was spotted with it

It was poured into a shallow grave on top of the body. The grave walls became the form.
This is one of three versions of events that Jennifer has given. In one, the girl who was outside with Nevaeh came to the door and said Nevaeh was gone. In another, a new girl who was going to spend the night with Nevaeh showed up and they couldn't find Nevaeh. Could be sloppy reporting again :waitasec:

I'm watching Nancy Grace (repeat from 8pm tonight) and they just replayed the tape where Jennifer talks about how she realized Nevaeh was missing and apparently, from what I understand, it's all one story with 3 parts, haha. She was saying (on the video) that Nevaeh was playing outside, and came inside and said she was going to change her clothes and then go play with a friend upstairs (in the same apartment building). Then, about 20 minutes later, Nevaehs friend goes to her apartment and says that Nevaeh is "riding on the road on her scooter" and Jennifer goes outside and realizes she's gone.

So, from what I understand of Jennifers story, Nevaeh tells her mom she's going to this little boys house and either he wasn't home, couldn't play, etc. so she goes to play with her friend on her scooter in the road.
Chilly... looking up...there seems to be many conflicting reports on the concrete and conditions (block, etc)... either way... the whole concrete thing has me rethinking why I ate dinner tonight

OMG - I just tried to eat a simple ham sandwich, and it's still sitting in my throat. I feel guilty about eating, going on about my day - wishing I could do something.

Mark Lunsford is my hero, and works tirelessly to protect children.

In Florida, The Jessica Lunsford Act was passed in 2005 after the rape and murder of his little girl, by a previously convicted child molester. Jessica's Law requires a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years imprisonment, and electronic monitoring for the rest of their life for offenders who are convicted of lewd or lascivious acts against a child under the age of twelve years old. Florida considers sexual battery or the rape of a child a capital felony, which is only punishable by death or life in prison with no possibility of parole.


Forty two out of the US's 50 states have now passed similar legislation . We need Jessica's Law enforced in all 50 of our states. Check your local sex offender registry, and you'll be surprised at how little time these child predators have had to serve. It outrages me in a way that nothing else has. These are our children and there is no excuse for lawmakers to have let this go on. Most of the sex offenders listed in my town's registry have done less than a year in prison for molesting a child.

Unfortunately, the JML Foundation has been closed, They have not stopped their efforts by any means.You can continue to support Jessie's Law & Mark Lunsford in his pursuit for justice for our children at the new c4 group Support Jessie's Law.Or by contacting Mark Lunsford at mrklnsfrd@yahoo.com.

We're trying - just not hard enough.


In California, we have a similar law in place, but it only holds true to High-risk-sex offenders. From where I sit, there are thousands in San Diego who are supposedly not high risk - thus free to roam the street. I think the law should be changed to all SO's. I'm just glad that Westerfield received the death sentence! It gives me hope!

Thanks for listening. And anything you can do to help your state, please put pen to paper :)

We can all do this for Nevaeh



There is no easy or nice way to say this. Maybe the sexual assault/murder happened at the spot where she was found and the clothes were simply there. The cement could have already been in his vehicle and was an afterthought.

yeah but then what he hung around hours until it dried.... i don't think so i think it was an easier place to have an unnoticed concrete slab
Only once. Give me a few minutes Scandi I"ll see if I can find a link. But it was not a child IIRC it was a missing man.

I found a couple articles about people dying in a cement plant (falling in cement, therefore causing their bodies to be found encased in cement) but nothing that was murder, or intentional.
It has been reported that the police interviewed a little boy and a little girl that were supposedly outside playing with Nevaeh when she disappeared. One of these children is the little boy that said Neveah was stabbed and the other is the little girl that said Nevaeh went in the woods to meet Daddy George.

As you say Chilly - Jennifer has given several different versions of what happened that afternoon AND NONE of those versions match LE interviewing these two kids.

It is very confusing. It does sound as if Nevaeh was outside playing at some point in time with the two children, but is not at all clear that it was during this play session that Nevaeh disappeared. I believe it still has to be determined exactly who saw Nevaeh last.


I agree, she was outside playing at some point in time. I'm just not so sure that it was at 6:15. However, I see no reason to doubt the friend's father who said that she ate a meal with them at 3:30.
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