MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - scooter abandoned - #3

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What do we know about the friends father? He could be the last person to see Nevaeh.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You`ve said or the family has said that Nevaeh was a pretty cautious girl, kind of a shy girl and that this is probably not any chance that she would have gone with any stranger without putting up any kind of fuss or whatever. Are you still feeling that eight days in?

BUCHANAN: Yes. She`s not the type to just go with any kind of stranger whatsoever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So then you still feel that she was probably with somebody, whoever it is that she knew of from the neighborhood or something?

BUCHANAN: Probably someone from around here. Not exactly, technically, my apartment complex, but it has to be someone from Monroe.


Here is another huge red flag I see in her interviews. How the hell does she know it is someone from Monroe and "not exactly, technically" from her complex?!

Maybe her statement was misconstrued? :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Salem
I'd like to hear more from the friend's father. Such as what time Nevaeh let his apt. If she came back wearing different clothes, and if so, about what time? And then again, when did she leave to go outside to play?

I have a hunch she went home to change and never went back to the friend's house. I don't think she went outside to play either.
I would think the same except for the little girl who JB said came to inform her she was outside. I have to assume LE talked to the little girl to confirm she did see her on the scooter. Now...if LE comes back and there was no sighting by the girl then JB has big problems.
I agree, I've never heard of a body being disposed like this. Very weird.

Only once. Give me a few minutes Scandi I"ll see if I can find a link. But it was not a child IIRC it was a missing man.

Kat, do you know when LE first picked up GK? I read something yesterday that someone gave him a ride to the motel and LE was waiting for him, took him into custody.

I wonder who drove him there? Also, someone at Monroe Talks mentioned if the timeline is right and he was arrested right away, maybe Smith was the one who did the disposal for him. Nah, that doesn't sound logical unless Smith was a party to killing her.

I think SS is pretty much right on it here and that river side could have been the crime scene; a bit of panic set in, realized he had a bag of Quik Set in the back end of the truck, a pail and a shovel too, worked hurridly so he wouldn't get caught, river water in the pail, add mix and stir with a stick . .

It could have been premeditated, or he could have left her there and come back right away with these things, before it was out there she was missing. IMO ????
I agree. And we need to remember, the press has said she was found with clothes similar to the ones she was wearing when they were disappeared. That doesn't mean she was clothed. The perp may have put the clothes in with the cement. If it's a SO, why go to the trouble of putting her clothes back on (not as if I know the perp even took them off).

Waiting to hear more...just waiting.


usually when people redress the victim it is out of remorse and one could argue that it would indicate that the killer knew the victim so as to not shame them by being found naked... lots of rapists redress their victims afterward out of remorse
I've been following this case, but haven't posted much. Sandra's case wore me out. But, I have to say, I am very sad to hear that Nevaeh was found deceased, but glad she can be laid to rest properly. I have a feeling her killer(s) will be put to justice shortly. Rest In Peace, Nevaeh.
Haas anyone ever heard of a body disposed of in this way? I think it is very unusual. Six years here and I can't think of a single case except for bodies buried under a basement floor.

Paul Bernardo encased one of the girls he kidnapped and murdered in concrete. He cut her into pieces, encased them in concrete and then sunk them in the lake. Sorry to be graphic. :(
Kat, do you know when LE first picked up GK? I read something yesterday that someone gave him a ride to the motel and LE was waiting for him, took him into custody.

I wonder who drove him there? Also, someone at Monroe Talks mentioned if the timeline is right and he was arrested right away, maybe Smith was the one who did the disposal for him. Nah, that doesn't sound logical unless Smith was a party to killing her.

I think SS is pretty much right on it here and that river side could have been the crime scene; a bit of panic set in, realized he had a bag of Quik Set in the back end of the truck, a pail and a shovel too, worked hurridly so he wouldn't get caught, river water in the pail, add mix and stir with a stick . .

It could have been premeditated, or he could have left her there and come back right away with these things, before it was out there she was missing. IMO ????

I'm sorry Scandi I can't recall off the top of my head because I've been up since 5 am. I'm sure someone here like momtective or scarlett or a few others can remember exactly.

As a matter of fact I've got to go to bed now all. My middle daughter graduates 8th grade in the AM.

Prayers for justice for Neveah.
The guy burning the receipts (at 5am in his backyard) was James Easter. He's not a registered sex offender, but he was charged with indecent exposure in 1999 and arson in 2009. Police originally called him a person of interest, and arrested him on arson charges, but the judge ruled that he wasn't a person of interest, and he posted bond and was released.

if a judged deemed him not a person of interest that could be as simple as not wanting him to lawyer up... if he is designated a suspect he can plea the fifth if he is just questioned then whatever he says can be used against him without having to mirandize him...JMO
Can't recall who asked about this earlier, but....


"Jennifer Buchanan told Local 4 her daughter lives with her and her mother and on Sunday evening she was outside playing with a friend. The friend came into her home and told the mother that Nevaeh was playing with her scooter."

a family member can have custody and the parent live with them at least in TN it can happen

I was a foster parent for 4 years and when the parent lose custody. the judge can give grandparent custody with the parents living in the same house

I Have heard the local judge say about million times
this means if you run to walmart and your only going to be gone a few mins you take the kids with you. they are not to left unsupervised with the parent. they can be left in the same room but not left alone in the house.

but, I think j voluntarily gave her mom custody so there was probably no rules involved
I wonder if Jennifer still has the cloths that Nevaeh changed out of. I hope they were given to LE. If she had already been molested before she came in to change there might still be evidence on those cloths. If she had already been molested maybe the person who molested her was afraid she would tell. IDK...just thinkin' here.
I'm sorry Scandi I can't recall off the top of my head because I've been up since 5 am. I'm sure someone here like momtective or scarlett or a few others can remember exactly.

As a matter of fact I've got to go to bed now all. My middle daughter graduates 8th grade in the AM.

Prayers for justice for Neveah.

Night Kat :blowkiss: See you on the morrow.
Scandi~ It was also mentioned in the video that GK may possibly have a relative living on the road across from where she was found, but they had not been able to confirm it. Maybe the relative is missing a bag of cement or could be involved in some way? Being that GK is an SO, we have seen other families who have more than one of the sick b@stards.

I am just not sure about GK yet. However, things do seem to lean his way. Then again, maybe he helped someone else dispose of the body.
Thanks! From what I see that area is fairly isolated. Interesting.

not necessarily omeone who can post google earth maps would be better they actually show buildings.. my comp is too slow to tackle that right now sorry:(
It was poured into a shallow grave on top of the body. The grave walls became the form.

Hi Chilly, On TV tonight I heard there was no evidence of blunt force trauma to the body. I wonder how they knew that. Do you think the ME removed the concrete from her body there at the scene? That would be unusual at best. We haven't heard when the autopsy will be, have we?
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