Found Deceased MI - Patrick 'Kegan' Cochrane, MSU student, Lansing, 9 April 2016

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Wondering if someone drove him? He mentions in chapter 10 that a friend will be delivering a letter to the anonymous donor of his college tuition. So he's possibly trusting someone to keep his plan quiet. But could he trust someone enough to not say where he is? He also mentions he will drive to an undisclosed location listening to his favorite if he did drive where is his car?

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Good questions! Has anyone seen anything in MSM about him having a vehicle and if that vehicle is missing or has been found?
This reminds me of a friend I lost almost 10 years ago. Graduated from a great school in the Midwest, got a job, and the weekend before he was to start, he killed himself. He didn't want to go to work, didn't want the stress, etc.

Kegan clearly struggled in ways that most of us simply accept or find some kind of adaptation that allows us to live with what we have trouble accepting. The treatise/manifesto is pretty brazenly self-absorbed and he is probably correct to say that maintaining functional adult relationships would be difficult given his attitudes, especially if he comes off in person the way he comes off in his writings.

There has to be a co-morbid mental health diagnosis beyond depression - seems also reminiscent of obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar, or something similar - jmo.

I just wanted to say how very sorry I am for your loss, and to also thank you for your post. After reading Kegan's FB post and "treatise/manifesto," as well as watching his YouTube videos, I was having a very hard time putting my thoughts into words, but you've done it for me. I am not a clinician, but I, too, am of the opinion that there is a comorbid psychiatric disorder involved here, and in addition to the ones you mentioned, I believe it could be some sort of personality disorder.

I have been living with depression for a good part of the last 30 years, with multiple hospitalizations due to suicidal ideation, and other than his self-loathing, I am having a very hard time relating to Kegan. Of course, everyone is different, and I can only speak for myself, but I have spent countless hours in group therapy, as well as just talking to others diagnosed with depression in in-patient settings, and at least in my experience, it is extremely uncommon for people to be so critical of family and friends the way Kegan is in his letters.

He appears to really struggle with relinquishing control, and I'm afraid perhaps in the past, that might have prevented him from receiving the help he so clearly and desperately needs. I somehow have a feeling that he is still around, and really hope that he gets some quality care.
I'm not clear on what our TOS for YouTube is, so mods please delete if this is not ok, but there have been several videos posted as recently as a few hours ago on Kegan's YouTube account. It's not clear if he posted them (or set them to be posted, not sure if thats possible ) or requested someone else to .
The narcissism and grandiosity displayed just on what I skimmed on his FB leave me glad he didn't choose to take anyone with him. Sorry if this seems callous, but he's surely invited this conversation by making his "death" so public. (Why would you put a longform suicide note publicly on the internet and then go to great lengths to make sure no one finds your body?)
I am sorry for your suffering. I really do understand where you are.

I agree with you that this is cruel and heartless as well as extremely self centered. Especially being facebooked pdfs and you tube as the medium it will never go away. It feels like manipulation rather than "easing the family's loss". If it's real... it is control from beyond the grave.

I am at a loss to understand this.

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Exactly my thought when I read the letters...

I did find some hope in the fact that in one of the letters to one of his friends he indicated that even if he changes his mind about taking his life he will not be back, but rather go start a new life elsewhere. That part made me go hmmm...seems he did give himself an "out" of sorts.
I am struggling to contain judgment (of him, not you!), i admit it.

As much as it pains me to say it, his "book" read like Elliott Rodgers' manifesto in some ways. Clearly, Kegan is (or was) very intelligent, self obsessed, and ill.

I'd also like to know more about the last FB entry where it is stated that it was written by a friend at Kegan's request. Who is this friend and why did he or she play along? Or perhaps that part was fictional, I don't know.

That was EXACTLY my thought while reading it---that it sounded much like Elliot Rodgers' manifesto.
If any members of Kegan's family or his friends ever find this thread I just want to let you know how sorry I am for your loss. It is tragic that Kegan made this permanent choice. Based on his writings, he clearly did not see that he was very ill, and it doesn't seem that he would have been willing to accept help. He didn't want to be talked out of ending his pain. I wish he could have realized his full, brilliant potential. I wish you weren't left with this terrible loss.

We can all be grateful that he "only" ended his own life. He could have taken the lives of others or forced a policeman to kill him as some do. He deprived you of having him in your life, but he didn't take someone else's son, grandson, nephew, cousin, brother or friend with him. That would have left your hearts even more broken.

Please cherish your good memories. Kegan wanted you to support each other. I hope you can get through this together. My heart goes out to you all. :heartbeat:
I'm not clear on what our TOS for YouTube is, so mods please delete if this is not ok, but there have been several videos posted as recently as a few hours ago on Kegan's YouTube account. It's not clear if he posted them (or set them to be posted, not sure if thats possible ) or requested someone else to .
That is odd.

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I'm not clear on what our TOS for YouTube is, so mods please delete if this is not ok, but there have been several videos posted as recently as a few hours ago on Kegan's YouTube account. It's not clear if he posted them (or set them to be posted, not sure if thats possible ) or requested someone else to .

You can defiantly schedule videos ahead of time to post at a certain day/time on YouTube.
You can defiantly schedule videos ahead of time to post at a certain day/time on YouTube.
:) Thanks for this info! Was confused by this.

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If he did have a "friend" post on his FB, perhaps that person could change the setting so that it is not public. Is there really any reason that everyone in the world should be able to read those letters he wrote.... so painful for his family.
He wanted the book and the letters he wrote to be public. He states in his book that he hopes people will use his manifesto to help with treatment of mental illness as well as other philosophers to give their input on it and how his attitudes compare.
I do agree however, the letters he wrote should not be available to anyone, not even the people he wrote them to. They were so awful.
Good questions! Has anyone seen anything in MSM about him having a vehicle and if that vehicle is missing or has been found?

This is all I've see so far.

Page 285, First paragraph
Afterwards, I’ll leave the city and travel to my final destination listening to my favorite music along the way.

Also, I noticed same page...he says he will go to the post office to mail the letters. In the letters to his roommate, he says he'll leave money for him to mail the letters. (Paraphrasing)

RE: FB....out of all his friends, only one person commented on his last post, but there have been several shares. I find that unusual.

Actually, I find the whole thing strange. Jmo
He wanted the book and the letters he wrote to be public. He states in his book that he hopes people will use his manifesto to help with treatment of mental illness as well as other philosophers to give their input on it and how his attitudes compare.
I do agree however, the letters he wrote should not be available to anyone, not even the people he wrote them to. They were so awful.

Just read them all (well, skim read them, he can talk the kind legs off a donkey...) and I agree. His poor Grandma in particular - she may not be the nicest ever but even still...

When this story broke I was heartbroken for Kegan. Still am. But having read much of his thoughts and ramblings I have come to conclusion there's a degree of narcissism in there and a generous dollop of control freak-ery; I am sure he was exhausting to know. I hope Kegan's book gets published for those who are interesting in learning more about his mind set.

I had a friend who I'm reminded of very much in this sad story and I think I can envisage how his friends are feeling now. It's hard not to feel strongly affected by this case as it's unusual and extreme to say the least - all those words to read and digest. I hope all concerned can move on and rebuild the damage done. They must find some comfort thatKegan did it his way and is forever at peace.
Kegan is beyond smart. If only he had a passion for something...say, curing cancer. I have no doubt that he could do it.
I agree and I didn't articulate it well, but the public nature of the letters/videos/manifesto...well it just felt like a public airing of the failings of others. I'll take his youth into consideration and him probably not being at an age where most would say "mom did the best she could at the time."

I'm really hoping that he continued thinking after that and realizes that even if he wants to go "off-grid" THAT IS FINE, just let your mom know you're alive and what you want to do. If there is a friend who delivered letters and/or agreed to post videos, that person is not a friend. A friend would get him some help.
Reading what he wrote reminded me of my son because of his depression, Asperger's, and narcissism. I know that's why his book and the letters he wrote have had such an effect on me. Because of my son's issues with not being able to show emotion as well as his beliefs that he is ALWAYS right, these are letters and a book he could have easily written. He's extremely intelligent but doesn't want to, or can't, grasp that he isn't always correct. He also has never had more than a couple of friends. He is a loner, he can't make friends, those close to him struggle to deal with his issues. He has been talking about wanting to die for several years because he feels like he has no one in his life. He's had only one short relationship with a girl and that ended within a 2 months. I understand to a point but it's very stressful on everyone and terrible to have to live through and knowing how much I wish I could make it better, but I can't. He has refused his entire life to get mental health treatment whether it be meds or therapy. They just don't work is his response.

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