GUILTY MI - Rebekah Gay, 24, Broomfield Township, 31 Oct 2012

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I am so stunned.
A pastor? How in the heck can a guy with his record be allowed to lead a church? I am a Christian and I was fingerprinted to VOLUNTEER at my church. (I am not complaining, I think it should be this way). How can they not check his background? Or did they and he gave them the "I'm a changed man routine" and they believed him?? NO ONE, even if they had changed, should be allowed into such a position of trust with his background!!

Engaged to her mother? OMG! Engaged to marry her and kill her daughter? with her 3 yr old in the house? SICK SICK SICK!

So here's the rundown on this (so far...)
Tried to kill a woman in 1981
Killed a woman in 1995
Served two prison terms and was RELEASED
Somehow, became a pastor
Dated and engaged to victim's mother
Watched the victim's son sometimes

I think a copy of these articles should be sent to EVERY public defender, attorney and judge who was involved in any of his past cases!!! WE HAVE TO STOP being bleeding hearts and letting the truly sick, demented, murdering out of jail!

Last thought - My prayers and love go out to Rebekah's family, friends and loved ones.
May you somehow find a way to move through this knowing Rebekah's love did not end when her life did. PLEASE take care of her little boy and support his dad - they are going to need it. And finally, Rebekah, Rest In Peace ^i^. I'm so sad that your beautiful life ended in such an ugly way.
I am so stunned.
A pastor? How in the heck can a guy with his record be allowed to lead a church? I am a Christian and I was fingerprinted to VOLUNTEER at my church. (I am not complaining, I think it should be this way). How can they not check his background? Or did they and he gave them the "I'm a changed man routine" and they believed him?? NO ONE, even if they had changed, should be allowed into such a position of trust with his background!!

Engaged to her mother? OMG! Engaged to marry her and kill her daughter? with her 3 yr old in the house? SICK SICK SICK!

So here's the rundown on this (so far...)
Tried to kill a woman in 1981
Killed a woman in 1995
Served two prison terms and was RELEASED
Somehow, became a pastor
Dated and engaged to victim's mother
Watched the victim's son sometimes

I think a copy of these articles should be sent to EVERY public defender, attorney and judge who was involved in any of his past cases!!! WE HAVE TO STOP being bleeding hearts and letting the truly sick, demented, murdering out of jail!

Last thought - My prayers and love go out to Rebekah's family, friends and loved ones.
May you somehow find a way to move through this knowing Rebekah's love did not end when her life did. PLEASE take care of her little boy and support his dad - they are going to need it. And finally, Rebekah, Rest In Peace ^i^. I'm so sad that your beautiful life ended in such an ugly way.

That second FB page of his says he "graduated from Andrews University, in Berrien, MI, in 2000" (above under his profile page it only says 'attended') ~ wonder if they give out prison graduation certificates because he was in prison in 2000. He called himself a Pastor but he wasn't an ordained Pastor. Wonder if his church people knew that...or don't they need to be 'ordained' in other states?? :waitasec:
I am so stunned.
A pastor? How in the heck can a guy with his record be allowed to lead a church? I am a Christian and I was fingerprinted to VOLUNTEER at my church. (I am not complaining, I think it should be this way). How can they not check his background? Or did they and he gave them the "I'm a changed man routine" and they believed him?? NO ONE, even if they had changed, should be allowed into such a position of trust with his background!!

Engaged to her mother? OMG! Engaged to marry her and kill her daughter? with her 3 yr old in the house? SICK SICK SICK!

So here's the rundown on this (so far...)
Tried to kill a woman in 1981
Killed a woman in 1995
Served two prison terms and was RELEASED
Somehow, became a pastor
Dated and engaged to victim's mother
Watched the victim's son sometimes

I think a copy of these articles should be sent to EVERY public defender, attorney and judge who was involved in any of his past cases!!! WE HAVE TO STOP being bleeding hearts and letting the truly sick, demented, murdering out of jail!

Last thought - My prayers and love go out to Rebekah's family, friends and loved ones.
May you somehow find a way to move through this knowing Rebekah's love did not end when her life did. PLEASE take care of her little boy and support his dad - they are going to need it. And finally, Rebekah, Rest In Peace ^i^. I'm so sad that your beautiful life ended in such an ugly way.

Thanks was NOT enough....there is no way he should be out and someone should be held accountable!

I'm trying to switch from crying to mad here, but it's hard.

This just proved way beyond what any of us (i think) thought ...that not only is the greatest threat to our children mommy or daddys new girlfriend or boyfriend....but it hold true whether the child is 4...14...or 24

ETA: if anyone wants to compile a list -- ill be on the sending bandwagon
That second FB page of his says he "graduated from Andrews University, in Berrien, MI, in 2000" (above under his profile page it only says 'attended') ~ wonder if they give out prison graduation certificates because he was in prison in 2000. He called himself a Pastor but he wasn't an ordained Pastor. Wonder if his church people knew that...or don't they need to be 'ordained' in other states?? :waitasec:

Often you just have to be a licensed minister/pastor and don't necessarily need to be ordained.
That second FB page of his says he "graduated from Andrews University, in Berrien, MI, in 2000" (above under his profile page it only says 'attended') ~ wonder if they give out prison graduation certificates because he was in prison in 2000. He called himself a Pastor but he wasn't an ordained Pastor. Wonder if his church people knew that...or don't they need to be 'ordained' in other states?? :waitasec:

Interested to know if anything happened to anyone in India while he was there.

The church FB page of his said he attended full Gospel Bible college
Class of 2004 · Chennai, Tamil Nadu (and that he started there in 2002)
I just got a chance to catch up, and I'm at a loss for words.

As I said in the beginning of this thread, Bekah looks so much like my younger sister and now I can't even look at her picture without bawling. And I'm a Becka, too. What a beautiful girl, with her whole life in front of her, a wonderful mom and she gets snuffed out by this nasty, snaggle-toothed freak who should have NEVER been walking our streets to begin with. Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot. I am not even going to say anything more because if I wrote what I'm thinking I would be banned.

Rest in Peace Bekah :cry:
I think all of the crap he told LE as some sort of “excuse” were all just lies, imbedded in his sick and twisted fantasies for a long, long time. I agree with one poster that his “call to God” was just one of those lies, most likely learned in prison. *advertiser censored* was to blame at all? Hardly. Sorry, Johnboy, didn’t work for Teddy Bundy, either. He was “attracted” to her? Like insinuating SHE had any sort of “blame” for this? Absolutely not! He picked a TARGET, then lived it out. I also agree with another poster that he hates women, and it’s been a deep-seated hatred a long time. He has echoes of Joseph Edward Duncan III. All twisted, perverted lies, and normal thinking people simply cannot wrap their brains around such hideous crap! This is the ultimate horror psychopaths can stoop to.
Okay, give the freak of nature a trial, but cut him NO slack. Make it stick like Super Glue, then TAKE THAT SUICIDE VEST OFF! If he wants to do us all a favor, so be it.
I am literally sick to my stomach reading this thread!!! May the fire of a thousand hells be waiting for him!!! I can't even imagine the horror she felt, and her family is feeling now. There isn't ample enough punishment for this maggot who never should have been walking the streets free to begin with!!! I am soooo tired of hearing about the "rights" of the accused and convicted...they deserve no rights at all...exactly what they gave their victims!! And I love that he was a "pastor"!!!! I can't even comment on that without profanity leading my every word!!!! RIP beautiful girl and may you and all the other angels watch over your precious little boy!!
That second FB page of his says he "graduated from Andrews University, in Berrien, MI, in 2000" (above under his profile page it only says 'attended') ~ wonder if they give out prison graduation certificates because he was in prison in 2000. He called himself a Pastor but he wasn't an ordained Pastor. Wonder if his church people knew that...or don't they need to be 'ordained' in other states?? :waitasec:

summer Inmans father in law was a so called minister also!
I'm really struggling with the fact that he only served 14 years on the 2 crimes combined. 2 years for stabbing a teen 14 times:what: I dont get it :banghead:
I'm really struggling with the fact that he only served 14 years on the 2 crimes combined. 2 years for stabbing a teen 14 times:what: I dont get it :banghead:

Yes im having trouble understanding that also!
We have tooooo many deceased women and children and way tooo many
sex crazed, disturbed men roaming our communities!

Seems to me each day we are getting more and more! And its very sad!
Im not so sure it has a solution!
Yes im having trouble understanding that also!
We have tooooo many deceased women and children and way tooo many
sex crazed, disturbed men roaming our communities!

Seems to me each day we are getting more and more! And its very sad!
Im not so sure it has a solution!

For sure. So many cases folks seek for warning signs prior to the crime. If this stabbing wasn't a huge,huge warning sign I dont know what could be more evident. Then we have the second crime :waitasec: And sadly now the 3rd :rose: And these are the ones we know of :moo:
For sure. So many cases folks seek for warning signs prior to the crime. If this stabbing wasn't a huge,huge warning sign I dont know what could be more evident. Then we have the second crime :waitasec: And sadly now the 3rd :rose: And these are the ones we know of :moo:

Exactly! Didnt anyone know this guy did this sheet? These are not small crimes! We have a violent attack and Murder and now another murder!

I think these Judges need to be held responsible also!
Keep Martha stewart in Jail and OMG put an ankel bracelet on her OHHH nad Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hiton but let the scumm of the earth wander freely!

I do not understand!
What would cause a man to stab a teen 14 times?
What would cause a man to hit a young woman over the head with a rubber Mallet?


He HATES women!
We are busy filling our prisons to overcapacity with many people who would be better served in a rehab facility. So violent offenders - even ones with a track record like this guy - get deals/parole/early release to keep making room for the non-violent. Something has to change.

Just MO.
I couldn'nt sleep last night, his image kept floating through my mind. Its like Holt and Couey had a kid and created this monster. All of their faces just keep rolling through my mind. Rebekah, Mickey, Brittney, Holly, Kelli..

Why in this country do people serve more time for marijuana than stabbing a 17 yr old girl? Than killing a young woman? If I feel this way, I cannot fathom what her family must be going through. He should have been locked away in his turtle suit years ago.. he should have never been free to hurt anyone.

I agree with so many posters here that I cant quote them all. He hid his hatred of women behind a mask of God. Used this ruse to weave himself into the lives of his victims. What will this do to her son? What images will he have to live with? How can he ever trick or treat or trust again?

Who is really guilty here? This sick f*ck or the worthless Judge and Prosecutor who allowed this to happen? They took an oath to protect and prosecute.. they did neither. In fact they added fuel to his perverted nature by allowing him to roam among us, they gave him his sheeps clothing, they gave him power, they proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he could kill, maim, and destroy and nothing would happen to him. NOTHING.. In reality, he gained by being imprisoned for his oh soooo short stay there.. he learned a new trade to trick innocent people, a new way to fool people wanting something to believe in.

And so many lives were destroyed, so many children who are forever changed simply because he roamed among us. He is a serial killer. No doubt. How many victims are out there that we dont know about?

I too want NAMES. Who did this? Who let him go? Who was the Judge? HOW DOES HE/SHE SLEEP AT NIGHT?

These Judges who let these monsters roam free should have to invite them to their dinner table with their families as soon as they are released. THey must believe they are now law abiding, productive citizens or they wouldnt release them. So invite them into your home, break bread with them, let them get your child ready for halloween.

Dustin Kent has raped more than one child. He is charged with 7 counts, on multiple victims, yet he walks free. WHY???? What does this tell the victim who had the courage to tell what he had done to her?

How many lives have to be ruined before these Judges have to pay for what they allow to happen?
Yes. People growing an herb will get more time than this guy who stabbed a teenager 14 times.

We are to believe people smoking an herb, or growing and selling it, are more dangerous than someone like this?

The electorate eats it up, too. Judges and prosecutors who are elected have run for YEARS on how they will crack down on drug pushers and users. Does anyone run on cracking down on rapists and women killers and domestic batterers? I haven't heard one lately.

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