MI - Samantha Woll, a Detroit synagogue president, fatally stabbed *Arrest*

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The second link:

The jury began this day as a “new jury,” and the jurors have been instructed by the court to start their deliberations all over again from the start.

That means anything juror No. 3 brought to the room -- her comments, her vote, her view of the evidence -- must be tossed out by the jurors, and they will start all over again with the new juror.

There's an afternoon update in the first link, they're still deadlocked and returning Thursday:

The Wayne County jury deciding the fate of a man accused of killing Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll ended its fourth day of deliberations on Tuesday still deadlocked, and will come back for one more day before the judge will accept the hung jury and declare a mistrial.

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Margaret Van Houten said the jury sent her a note saying they were in the same place as previously — deadlocked — but that they “have had some movement throughout the day.” The jury's note was the first time the group has indicated forward progress toward a verdict.
When Van Houten asked if another day of deliberations could lead to more movement toward a verdict, some jurors nodded, but others shook their heads.

The jury will return Thursday for their last day of deliberations. One juror has a child care issue Wednesday and cannot be there, so Van Houten said they will skip Wednesday and resume deliberations Thursday, where hopefully jurors can make more progress or come to a unanimous decision on the verdict.

“If not, then we’ll accept the deadlock,” Van Houten said. “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I know it’s going above and beyond and we appreciate your service.”
Detroit — Jurors have begun deliberating in their fifth and likely final day in the murder trial against a man accused of killing Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll, after telling a Wayne County judge three days in a row that they were deadlocked.

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Margaret Van Houten has told the jury to continue deliberating to try to reach a verdict. On Tuesday, she asked jurors to return Thursday for another day of deliberations to see if they could make any movement toward a verdict. When she asked jurors if they felt like another day would help, some nodded but others shook their heads.

“If not, then we’ll accept the deadlock,” Van Houten said. “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I know it’s going above and beyond, and we appreciate your service.”...
Jurors have been deadlocked in the trial, which included stunning testimony from an ex-boyfriend of Woll’s. Jeffrey Herbstman initially told police he “may have murdered my girlfriend” – but later testified he had nothing to do with Woll’s death.

Michigan circuit court Judge Margaret Van Houten said the court would accept the deadlock if no verdict was reached Thursday, CNN affiliate WXYZ reported.
DETROIT – Thursday is likely the last day of the Samantha Woll murder trial, whether the jury can come to an agreement or not.

Shawn Ley here from courtroom 504 at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice in Downtown Detroit.

The jury in the murder trial of Michael Jackson-Bolanos, accused of stabbing Woll to death, began its fifth day of deliberations at 9 a.m. Thursday.

Today is likely the last day of this trial. The jury has signaled to Judge Margaret Van Houten that they remain deadlocked on whether Jackson-Bolanos is guilty of felony murder, first-degree murder, home invasion, and lying to police.

They’re deadlocked even after an alternate juror joined deliberations Tuesday, taking the place of Juror No. 3, who had a pre-planned vacation...
DETROIT – The judge may declare a mistrial if jurors are unable to reach a verdict in the Samantha Woll murder case.

Deliberations resumed Thursday morning in the murder trial for the man accused of killing Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll. Jackson-Bolanos was charged in December with felony murder, home invasion, lying to the police, and later first-degree murder.

On Tuesday, the judge said the jurors would go in on Thursday for more deliberations and if they could not reach a verdict that then the court would accept the deadlock...

What is a deadlocked jury?​

A deadlocked jury, also known as a hung jury, is a jury that is unable to reach a verdict. When a verdict cannot be reached this will result in a mistrial.

Double jeopardy does not apply to cases where a mistrial is declared due to a hung jury. This means it will be up to the prosecutor’s office to decide if they take the case to trial again or drop it...

What is a deadlocked jury?​

A deadlocked jury, also known as a hung jury, is a jury that is unable to reach a verdict. When a verdict cannot be reached this will result in a mistrial.

Double jeopardy does not apply to cases where a mistrial is declared due to a hung jury. This means it will be up to the prosecutor’s office to decide if they take the case to trial again or drop it.

Oh well...

This has been the first trial I followed on WS
with me having doubts concerning the guilt of the defendant :oops:

And it seems
the same can be said about some Jurors.


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