MI MI - Tamara Greene, 27, Detroit, 30 April 2003

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It's nice to have friends in high places isn't it?

The grant and Beatty's $237,000 mortgage to buy a home in Detroit's Rosedale Park neighborhood have come under scrutiny because of an internal memo from a bank loan officer that said Fifth Third should make the loan, despite Beatty's poor credit rating, because she was "a personal referral from the mayor" and the bank was working on a deal with the city for collection of taxes.
Quid Pro Quo

I'm sure that was just another drop in the bucket of financial shenanigans. I wonder if Christine was tied to any non-profits, or if she had her own to draw from as well.
Very interesting reading, however, note on the top of the first page that it is identified as 1 of 5 and only two pages were actually released! :eek:


ETA: I found a link that has all FIVE pages ... WOW!


Good job and good find! 27 witnesses and what they will testify to is more telling than anything previously released.
Good job and good find! 27 witnesses and what they will testify to is more telling than anything previously released.

Yeah, I want to dig a bit into some of the players. The name that perks my interest is attorney William Mitchell, who called Skytel to prevent the release of the messages in spite of numerous court orders.

That's gotta leave a mark. :slap: I expect charges will be brought against him as well.

"In the course of our investigation, I learned from the Michigan State Police that they possessed a telephone record linking Ms. Greene to high-ranking city employees not long before her murder," Bowman said in the affidavit.

"I also learned that Tamara Greene danced for and was employed by an associate of Mayor Kilpatrick."

Norman Yatooma, the lawyer representing Greene's son Jonathon Bond, said Bowman does not wish to identify that associate, though he may have to as the lawsuit proceeds. Bowman could not be reached.
Suzi, can you give some input as to how locals are responding to everything that's coming out? Local media seems to portray an even split as to the public's support of Kilpatrick. Looks to me online that everyone's grillin' him like a tuna. Outside of his lawyers, is anyone really believing his $hit?
Suzi, can you give some input as to how locals are responding to everything that's coming out? Local media seems to portray an even split as to the public's support of Kilpatrick. Looks to me online that everyone's grillin' him like a tuna. Outside of his lawyers, is anyone really believing his $hit?

I don't live there, so others can probably give a more accurate report. So....IMO of course, Kwame has his supporters. Alot of them. They flat out don't care that he's done anything illegal. That's why he was re elected. His supporters don't see that he's stealing from them. And most would benefit from the programs that are being pilaged by the likes of Beatty.
The Free Press might have some concerns regarding the legality of having and releasing the texts, but clearly Kym Worthy doesn't. Besides, I still think that they were public property as it was public funds that paid for the devices.


(b) Contents of wire or electronic communications in a remote computing service.--(1) A governmental entity may require a provider of remote computing service to disclose the contents of any wire or electronic communication to which this paragraph is made applicable by paragraph (2) of this subsection--

(A) without required notice to the subscriber or customer, if the governmental entity obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by a court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation or equivalent State warrant; or

(B) with prior notice from the governmental entity to the subscriber or customer if the governmental entity--

(i) uses an administrative subpoena authorized by a Federal or State statute or a Federal or State grand jury or trial subpoena; or

(ii) obtains a court order for such disclosure under subsection (d) of this section;
I don't live there, so others can probably give a more accurate report. So....IMO of course, Kwame has his supporters. Alot of them. They flat out don't care that he's done anything illegal. That's why he was re elected. His supporters don't see that he's stealing from them. And most would benefit from the programs that are being pilaged by the likes of Beatty.

I think that's one of the most shocking things to me ... how in God's name did they re-elect him after his scandal plagued first term ? ! ? ! ? !
I think that a number of the witnesses on the prosecution's list are gonna say that they can't testify due to privilege. Specifically, William Mitchell has been cited as Kilpatrick's "personal" attorney. However, if he was paid with public dollars I would think that his client is in fact the city and not Kilpatrick. It's going to be really important to find out exactly who got paid what and by whom. Regardless, I think that he could be on the hook criminally for going to Skytel and telling them to ignore a judge's orders to release the text messages.
I wonder who's going to face charges, and I'm certainly hoping they cut a deal and talk!
I don't know how many folks are really reading this thread ... but I'm completely obsessed with this investigation. I know I'm going somewhat backwards, but in light of recent revelations, previous released materials are making more sense. This is in regards to William Mitchell a criminal defense attorney hired AFTER the city lost the Whistleblower Trial.


Within days of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's surprising settlement of a police whistle-blower lawsuit for $8.4 million last October, one of his attorneys traveled to Mississippi to express concern about any further release of embarrassing text messages, the Free Press has learned.

The attorney, identified by one source as William Mitchell III, met with officials at SkyTel headquarters near Jackson, Miss. Mitchell wanted to know why Kilpatrick's legal team had not been notified before the damaging messages were released under subpoena to Mike Stefani, the lawyer for three former cops who sued Kilpatrick, sources said.


A second source with knowledge of the visit said Mitchell asked why the messages had not been erased.

The attorney's trip to SkyTel sheds new light on when the mayor may have first become concerned that the messages could still pose a threat to him, even after the payout to the cops who sued.

On Friday, Worthy acknowledged that the mayor had called her last Tuesday, before the Free Press revelations, to say he would be neutral in her re-election bid later this year. Worthy said the call was unusual because she has rarely spoken to the mayor since taking office in 2004.

The call raised questions about whether Kilpatrick sought to influence Worthy. They are not political allies. A spokesman for the mayor noted that Kilpatrick called the prosecutor hours before the Free Press first sought to interview him.

But Mitchell's trip indicates the mayor had been thinking of repercussions from the text messages for months.
Legal Bills:


DETROIT -- The mayor's legal defense of the whistle-blower lawsuits that landed his administration in scandal has cost the city at least $845,282 in outside attorneys, according to records obtained by The Detroit News.

The figure doesn't include the expense of attorneys who were Detroit Law Department employees.

"It is just such a large sum of money that never had to have gone this high," Councilwoman Sheila Cockrel said of the tab for outside attorneys hired to defend the city in the lawsuits filed by three former police officers.

The records also show that taxpayer dollars were spent on private attorneys to research and set up the safe deposit box that was eventually used as the depository for the roughly 14,000 text messages that are the vortex of the scandal. Once the ex-cops received the last of their settlement checks, the keys to the box were turned over to William Mitchell, the mayor's personal lawyer.

The city records show that public money was used to facilitate the secret deal. More than 200 pages of records and invoices obtained by The Detroit News through the Freedom of Information Act were heavily redacted.

In a written statement, Denise Tolliver, spokeswoman for Kilpatrick, said "the resources devoted to defending the City in this case were commensurate with the scope of the case."

In reference to the city being billed for setting up the safe deposit box, Tolliver said, "We believe the billing appears to be in error. We are in the process of resolving the matter."
Golfmom, keep it coming. Alot of info has trickled out over the past several years and in hindsight mean more now since current charges confirm alot of it. And really underscores what future charges may come.
Suzi, can you give some input as to how locals are responding to everything that's coming out? Local media seems to portray an even split as to the public's support of Kilpatrick. Looks to me online that everyone's grillin' him like a tuna. Outside of his lawyers, is anyone really believing his $hit?

I live outside of Detroit. I never figured out how Kwame got re-elected. There was a rumor (which I have no idea if it is true) that alot of his votes were absentee ballots by people who were dead. My jaw just about hit the ground when he got re-elected. Outside of the city I do not think anyone likes or respects him. I think he has alot of his family on his payroll and they are his huge supporters. I am not sure but I thought that the police chief is also his relative or a long time friend that he brought to Detroit. He surrounds himself with his crooked friends. The city will be much better off if he would just resign, but he is the most arrogant selfish person and could care less about the city he wants to famous. He has been known to have spent city money to vacation and hang out with rappers.

Of course I am not sure any of this is true (the news did a report of him spending city money to hang out with P-Diddy) but everything else is just word on the street.
Interesting, it does appear that he should not have been re-elected.


Kilpatrick and his opponent Freman Hendrix, both Democrats, initially claimed victory but as the votes were tallied, it became clear that Kilpatrick had come back from his stretch of unpopularity to win a second term in office. Only three months prior to that, most commentators declared his political career over after he was the first Detroit incumbent mayor to come in second in a primary. Pre-election opinion polls predicted a win for Hendrix; however, Kilpatrick won with 53 percent of the vote.[16][17] A conspiracy theory that the election was rigged in Kilpatrick's favor remains unproven.

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