MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #1

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I guess that is not so much an alias as a maiden name?

I'm not saying that LE haven't located Joanne Taylors ... in the area that he said his JT lived ... I'm just saying that they haven't located the JT that Skelton said he gave the kids to because IMO she doesn't exist.

He may have provided a phone number or an email address to LE but those aren't going to pan out either. Again, IMO.

I think that because LE hasn't said "We've called the phone number that Mr. Skelton provided to us, but we have not been able to contact JT."

They've said they haven't been able to show that JT exists.

Crocus, the thing that strikes me about the photo of the boys is that the smiles on their faces never reach their eyes. JMO

If you go to:


Tanya has 3 names on her registry. Also she's on parole for some 20 years. That's a heck of a long time (not that I'm complaining) but I heard some of her friends are poo-pooing her crime as nonsense and that it was consensual.

Tanya Lynn Skelton
Tanya Lynn Zuvers
Tanya Lynn Derby

Small bits of info I had not seen previously which gives further info about the suicide attempt:

* John Skelton was a long-haul truck driver who hasn't been working in while.
* earlier this year, John Skelton picked his two older sons up from school and took them to Florida, but later returned to Michigan. Custody was awarded to Tanya Skelton, though John Skelton "had been seeing the boys with no issues," Herrera said.


* Pending Divorce
* Out of work
* House in Foreclosure
* Custody granted to mother.

ALOT of stress in that family.
Small bits of info I had not seen previously which gives further info about the suicide attempt:

* John Skelton was a long-haul truck driver who hasn't been working in while.
* earlier this year, John Skelton picked his two older sons up from school and took them to Florida, but later returned to Michigan. Custody was awarded to Tanya Skelton, though John Skelton "had been seeing the boys with no issues," Herrera said.


* Pending Divorce
* Out of work
* House in Foreclosure
* Custody granted to mother.

ALOT of stress in that family.

You're right, and the holidays are notorious for suicides. The economy is in a rut, and having 3 boys with Christmas around the corner, may have too much for him to handle. But, IMHO, I believe he did something with the boys -- I just don't know what. I honestly have to say (IMO) that I think the internet lady doesn't exist :(


this is jmo but i dont think this is going to have a good ending ... this story is like susan smith and casey anthony rolled into one. in every pic i have seen of js he doesnt look like he is o.k. -- something looks really "off" about him. he has really strange eyes. in regard to jt that he supposedly gave the boys to - im thinking that he may have really met someone with that name at some point in the past and just pulled that name out out of his hat on the spur of the moment and now he is stuck with that story... i dont really believe that he wanted to kill himself because if he really wanted to he would have completed the job. just like susan smith, imo...
so, either he was wanting to hurt the mother OR he snapped and hurt one of the boys and then went totally irrational in trying to cover up what he had done - maybe both. i dont think this was planned out very well or he would have had a better story than the "Zanny" alibi....
just when i thought that i couldnt take much more after matt hoffman stuffed that family in the tree - now this. what is going on with people? grrr...
"Kathye Herrera, a family friend and designated spokeswoman, said, "It's been really difficult the past two days" for Tanya.

Herrera said Tanya had no idea the children may have been in danger during this Thanksgiving visit.

She said Tanya told her she remembers John Skelton telling her the story of meeting a family on the side of the road some time ago, but had no indication he continued to communicate with them."

My heart is w/ the school mates this morning. And always w/ these 3 perfect little boys that did nothing but play and yell and laugh like all little boys.

It blows my mind that this couple were chosen to give life to these beautiful children. And now this. They are so young, you know there has to have been tension brewing for awhile and those poor boys probably felt it. Let me also say how disgusted I am at the mothers moral compass. A 13 yr old boy! I'm glad her status finally came to MSM.

How bout if I just take those boys after they are located.
Someone asked for a map last night.
Here's a simple one I made:

The address I used for Tanya's house is the one listed here:

I'm not sure if this is her current address.
Any thoughts?

Thank you! Since her last address verification was 10/11/2010 - I think it's pretty accurate.


Thank you! Since her last address verification was 10/11/2010 - I think it's pretty accurate.



That's what I thought. It just seems so darn close - 300 yards if you take the shortcut through the park. Easy walking distance. JMO
Seems like if the on line relationship had any validity, there would be a ton of computer forensics going on?
Unless he is one of the wackos that could and would take out and destroy a hard drive.

I agree that it is another Zanny the Nanny story. Any legit person that would have been left with 3 young children, would of contacted authorities by now.

Would be my guess this “mystery person” doesn’t exist at all. Hope this turns out better than what your first instincts tell you, and they are able to find the boy’s soon.
underwear...sounds like man,older boy not female????
It is so bitter cold here in PA. Last night winds and below freezing.
I am thinking Michigan is even worse. Hyperthermia...............
What did this man do with these dear boys?????

yes I can verify its been very cold here for many nights as well. The low was 17 the other morning. Windchill was 8 degrees. If by chance these boys were left in this park or anywhere like that alive, they couldnt survive too long in the elements =(
Seems like if the on line relationship had any validity, there would be a ton of computer forensics going on?
Unless he is one of the wackos that could and would take out and destroy a hard drive.

I agree that it is another Zanny the Nanny story. Any legit person that would have been left with 3 young children, would of contacted authorities by now.

Would be my guess this “mystery person” doesn’t exist at all. Hope this turns out better than what your first instincts tell you, and they are able to find the boy’s soon.

I wholeheartedly agree. If the internet person exists, there would be plenty on the hard drive. Even if he destroyed the hard drive, LE can go to facebook, or his e-mail provider. There's no way to hide this stuff nowadays.


That's what I thought. It just seems so darn close - 300 yards if you take the shortcut through the park. Easy walking distance. JMO

But who would miss 3 boys walking around? Wouldn't they ask for help? I'm afraid something more sinister happened.



Someone asked for a map last night.
Here's a simple one I made:

The address I used for Tanya's house is the one listed here:

I'm not sure if this is her current address.
Any thoughts?

Then why didn't he take the boys home safely himself? He couldn't put the suicide off for 15 minutes? Because taking the boys home wasn't the issue and was not possible. JMO of course.
Fox Detroit reporting reporting what we already know. Searchers and LE will be starting another search at 8am and a presser at 11am.
Someone asked for a map last night.
Here's a simple one I made:

The address I used for Tanya's house is the one listed here:

I'm not sure if this is her current address.
Any thoughts?

I read they were also going to search Lake Hudson State Recreation Area. That is north on 156 just off the road to the west. Probably 7 or 8 miles north.
Same information just a different day.

To sum it up my theory is that the father played the "i am going to get the kids from you at all cost" The picking up and taking them to Florida did not work for him. She challanged him on it and got emergency order to bring them back. He was going to get the kid and take them from her in any way possible to get revenge on her. He could not accept the fact that he was not going to get custody.

I dont believe for one moment that his suicide was a real attempt.

Does Joann Taylor exist ( I do not believe so) perhaps a woman friend was known to him but not Joann Taylor. I believe Joanne Taylor was a fake myspace or facebook account that he set up and perhaps talking to the soon to be x wife to befriend her and get little bits of information on her feeling on him and things of that nature. That senario does not take alot I know women and/or Men who created a fake account befriended their spouse to set them up to see if they would take the bait of a potential affair. I think he did the same with a fake account but in order to pry into her life and how she felt about him.

I am assuming that Nancy Grace will be all over this tonight.

I am hoping that her sources will answer some important questions such as:

To what extent has he been questioned? When will he be realeased from Hospital? Have they verified that Joann Taylor does not exist? Why are they not releasing description of Joann Taylor? Were there injuries that indicate a "real" suicide attempt? Did the mom check in with the kids during visit to dads home?( which in visitation he has the right to call and check in )
Have they searched the home to determine if a rope was left behind? Where did he drop them off at? Has the computer been analized? ( that is a given it was probally the first thing they took? How did he get in touch with Joann Taylor? Cell Phone pings? Why the message that he loved his wife and forgive him? When will he be able to be questioned fully? Is he talking at all in more detail or just the same basic information. Has attorney been retained? Did he not know anyone else besides a internet buddy that could return the kids? What about a taxi to get them home safe? If in exteme danger why not release all information Joann Taylor that they have.. only a silver van.. come on they know more than that.. my theory is no info much on Joann Taylor they want the focus not really on her due to they know she doesnt exist. To state they are not sure she exist means that they have good reason to believe she does not exist. Were their purchased on thanksgiving dinner goods? Purchased of any thing used to cover or the crime? Any medication he was on that he could of overdosed them on ? What was his disipline methods previous used on the boys. How did the children feel about visiting father being that he previous took them? Why did she let them go. perhps he was playing nice in recent weeks to get them for a few days and was a plan all along?

I could go on and on with information I would like to find out. the entire story is like Zanny the nanny, Susan Smith (perhaps),

I have attorney friends and they have told me that a custody issue is the worst thing to handle.. skeletons come out of the closet and kids are used as control issues.

I do however hope that Nancy Grace will not make this about the mother being a sex offender. Yes is is relevant to some degree but with the kids missing and him being the last person it doesnt have that much relevance to this. I am hoping that she does not dwell on that issue. We need real information on questions that are not answered.

I do not know if it will be covered on NG but this is a big deal and needs coverage.

I fear the boys are all ready gone. Once again a parent of all people to harm a child, their own child. This is sickening.

One lie leads to another to cover the truth. Divorce issues are seldom used especually by controlling persons to pay back the x spouce for taking what the other feels is theirs.. control and all cost. If he cant have he and the kids.. Then she cant have the kids at all.

This is not going to turn out good. I hope that LE can interogate him soon and confront him with questions that need answers before he gets an attorney. I am sure there are few swarming him just waiting to take a major case. I believe he is going to lawyer up and give very little information.

Sad, sad story. The outcome does not look good.:(
I read they were also going to search Lake Hudson State Recreation Area. That is north on 156 just off the road to the west. Probably 7 or 8 miles north.

Thanks. I added it to the map.
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