MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #5

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What would is the reasoning for needing to hide them and keep them "safe and sound"? Sorry if I missed this issue.

Thanks. My guess is it's a veiled reference to her RSO status. Which he knew before they had children. Most times courts don't want to get involved in abuse claims during a divorce and can even punish a protective parent for bringing such claims even if such claims are made in good faith. However, most moms are not RSO's and I have to believe that if he had anything that in the slightest way was concerning the judge would have had to intervene and try to get to the bottom of it. Not to mention the fact that he posted the I love you TS on his FB the day before Thanksgiving. If you think someone is abusing your kids are you going to write that? Are YOU going to ask for forgiveness from the abuser? No way.
If he killed these boys, as I think he did, and is now trying to pin it on his ex by saying he is "saving" them from her...he is not insane, but evil.

And if he is "hiding" them-what, is this permanent? He's just never going to tell anybody and that is supposed to be okay? Give me a break. This guy is really pi**ing me off and so is his family.
Because of my own experiences, I've spent a lot of time studying up on abusers and DV. We know of nothing that tells us that JS was ever violent in his marriage. Several things that have come out however, seem to suggest a manipulative/controlling person, and if he did harm those boys, that is the ultimate act of DV.

There are many things that concern me in this case, many of which have been discussed here by me and others. One thing that makes me think, which hasn't been discussed is why he chose the story about handing the kids off to JT, when he could have just as easily said that he let them walk to the park, or the store, or a friend's house and was totally shocked and terribly worried when they didn't return home. I think he liked the idea of this suicidal dad who was pushed to the edge because of everything that his mean soon to be ex had put him through. Abusers like playing the victims and making the victims out to be the abusers. And if those boys are dead by his hand, he is an abuser and TS is a victim too along with those boys. I think he chose the JT story for two reasons. One, I think he thought it more believeable that he handed his kids off to a strange woman than a strange man, and 2) I think on some level, he was just again projecting blame onto TS, making it the woman's fault that they are gone, he just gave the woman a different name.
So if the boy’s are safe…

What was the whole suicide thing for? If they were safe why would he want or need to die?
I still don’t think that LE would come out and say they don’t expect a positive out come, or don’t have false hope. Those aren’t common things for LE to say publicly.
What was the whole wrapped in sheets with Teddy Bears story?
Why were the boy’s coats at home? What was the deal about the nooses?

Why would he have Posted the message on FB “I love my wife very much. May God and Tanya forgive me”.
He knew she was a RSO when he married her and had kids. They had been married 8 years. Now that TS filed for divorce, he comes out with this story? If this story about molesting the boy’s were true, wouldn’t HE of filed for divorce? And sooner than Sept 2010? Or as long as TS didn’t divorce him, was he going to continue to let the boy’s be molested?
I don’t think I’m buying that one.

JS is a scorned husband. He is obviously isn’t playing with a full deck. And I think he is using his parents and family, to sway opinion. If the allegations against TS were true, he could of taken the 9 year old to authorities and had the boy tell the story IF there was a story to tell. They may not of listened to JS as was said (which I doubt) but, they’d of listened to the boy!! And JS’s parents are saying way to much about TS with no proof or merit. If somebody doesn’t produce those boy’s, his parents could be in hot water too!
So what are JS’s plans, stay in Jail for three years, then get the boy’s. And live happily ever after?
Like this will just go away?? What the heck is he thinking? If someone else has those boy’s they need to come forward!

2 + 2 still isn’t equaling 4
The boys' parents are currently involved in a nasty divorce and custody issues. The mother is a registered sex offender. There are undoubtedly a lot of details about the parents' divorce to which we're not privy. I won't rush to judgment because we don't know enough about the circumstances of this family. jmo

Pfffttttt, This story is B.S! Yeah, he's protecting them *cough*.....that's why he tried to kill himself after he handed them off to someone that doesn't exist.

I think he killed those boys in retaliation for their mother for divorcing him.
How do his parents justify away the "suicide" attempt? Why would he do that, if he had done nothing wrong and the children were safely hidden away?

To his parents, you are not doing him or the children any favors if you just believe him blindly...he has to tell someone where these children are, no matter what condition they are in. It is not okay for him just to say they are "safe" and end it at that. The children are people too and have a right to be found.
Maybe he convinced them that the suicide thing was a diversion to give whomever more time to get the kids farther away? Grasping, but trying to give all possibilities?
I honestly don't think TS sexually abused her kids. The reports I've heard all say that the kids were happy, healthy, and social. Kids that age that are sexually abused are usually withdrawn, have a lot of problems at school, etc. I wonder how often these boys went to the doctor because if she was doing anything to them, surely the doctor would have seen some signs.

I think JS is just making things up to justify his actions.
I am deeply saddened this case has taken the turn it has, though I am not surprised. I do not think TS harmed her kids. I just don't. I think JS is angry about the divorce and is delivering a crushing blow to this woman. He is in control right now, and loving it. If she wanted a divorce and he did not, he's making sure she doesn't get what she needs most, and that is to see her boys. I wonder if she'll ever see them again. I am beginning to doubt it. I don't think he killed them. I think he gave them away, used his trucking contacts to take them far away. I don't think he'll ever tell. And his family is fine with it, which disgusts me so very much. How deplorable.

Those poor babies. I'm sure they want nothing more than to see their family again. :(
I have a little bit of hope. The oldest, maybe he'll want to get home so badly he'll pick up the phone and call 911. I'm praying he does this. That is all it would take - one phone call to 911.
I do not believe for one minute that JS is telling the truth that the little boys are safe and warm. He is using TS past as an excuse.

If she was abusing them, why didnt he specifically put that in the divorce papers, why not call child services, what about all the love messages back and forth on facebook, why did the grandparents just now find that out from him?

the answers to the above is because she wasnt abusing these boys.. no way.
The crime she committed was a sexual act with a 13 or 14 year old boy.. yes it is wrong. Just as Mary Kay letoureau and debbie lafave. The profile of sexual condut with a teen is different than "molestation" of a child. I am not defending what she did but most these cases with older woman and teen boy are caught becasue the boy goes around bragging about it.

I just think that they system of sexual offenders should have two levels... one for the 20 year old guys that have a 14 or 15 year old girlfriend, and women who have conduct with teens.. are they really a threat to young.. i mean "children" that they would molest, kill, rape?? Yes I would like to be aware of them on a list also.. but the predators had contact with a child under 12 and offenses as sexual battery etc.. those are the ones I want to see with a MUCH higher level of supervision.

I do not believe JS for one minute. He is playing the victem. Those boys are not safe and sound. They are deceased. He is playing a big game and a defense of no bodies no crime!
Shame on the parents.. just like Cindy Anthony, defend the grown child no matter what. What is it do they defend them because in their mind it reflects back on them as the parent who raised them? Is the love so great for the adult child that the grandkids dont matter. Most grandparents I know acutally love the grandkids in a special way that words can not describe.

The parents ought to be ashamed of themself. The police have said not a good outcome.. there is NO WAY they would state that unless they had reasonable cause and stong reasonable cause at that to put that out theere unless beleived.

That is most likley also why TS hasnt come out.. due to JS would love to see her beg for kids and 2nd TS knows that they are no longer alive.

I am furious with the parents. The parents need to take off the blinders and guilt him into telling the truth in fact they need to talk to him accusing him of it.. no asking him if they are ok.. that is like asking a child "did you hit your brother or sister" the answer is always.. .no not me.

I cant even read anymore on this story for a few days. JS is a coward and was too scared to kill himself but yet took the life of his precious little boys..

mad.. yes i am
What is it with all these children disapperaring and most of them with no arrest for the people we all know is involved. Kyron Harmon, no arrest; Baby Gabrielle, mom arrested but not telling where he is; Haleigh Cummings, no arrest;these three prescious boys, dad arrested but not telling where they are; Zahra Baker, no murder arrest and we know stepmom was involved because she told where the body parts were. Seems like there is a new child missing everyday and all evidence usually points to a parent or step-parent. I feel like there needs to be some kind of new law that punishes parents who simply say oh I am sorry I dont know where my kids are at. Maybe if we had tougher laws so many kids would not be missing if the parents were held accountable more.
There is a RUMOR that he filed paperwork with the local police regarding possible sexual abuse of his children prior to the kids disappearing. Is there anyway to see if this paper trail really exists?

The other big RUMOR is that he put the boys in one of those "safe" networks where they hide the kids from the other parent.

I personally don't agree with either of these, but I'm starting to see these rumors pop up in the comments to articles here in Metro Detroit (both newspaper and TV) and thought I would toss them out there. Again these are only RUMORS.
What is it with all these children disapperaring and most of them with no arrest for the people we all know is involved. Kyron Harmon, no arrest; Baby Gabrielle, mom arrested but not telling where he is; Haleigh Cummings, no arrest;these three prescious boys, dad arrested but not telling where they are; Zahra Baker, no murder arrest and we know stepmom was involved because she told where the body parts were. Seems like there is a new child missing everyday and all evidence usually points to a parent or step-parent. I feel like there needs to be some kind of new law that punishes parents who simply say oh I am sorry I dont know where my kids are at. Maybe if we had tougher laws so many kids would not be missing if the parents were held accountable more.

BRAVO!!! No kidding....SOMETHING has to change. I think if it is obvious the parent knows where the child is, and is refusing to tell....whether they actually killed the child or not..they should be held accountable to the full extent of the law..maybe not dp, but LWOP for certain. EJ, JS, and others who have admittedly "given" a child over to "someone"...should all be perscuted just as if it was a murder, because quite frankly they have stolen the LIVES of these children, the lives these children had with people who loved them. INEXCUSABLE.
There is a RUMOR that he filed paperwork with the local police regarding possible sexual abuse of his children prior to the kids disappearing. Is there anyway to see if this paper trail really exists?

The other big RUMOR is that he put the boys in one of those "safe" networks where they hide the kids from the other parent.

I personally don't agree with either of these, but I'm starting to see these rumors pop up in the comments to articles here in Metro Detroit (both newspaper and TV) and thought I would toss them out there. Again these are only RUMORS.

The day Tanya Skelton filed for divorce (which was Sept 13th) her husband picked up their two oldest sons from school and texted her from Ohio that he was taking them to Florida, according to her motion for custody. Tanya Skelton called Weeks, who contacted John Skelton and convinced him to return the boys. But later that day, John Skelton picked them up at home and drove to Florida with them, the motion said.
John Skelton later returned the boys and had been seeing them "with no issues," said Kathye Herrera, who identified herself as a spokeswoman for Tanya Skelton.
But court records show the custody fight continued to be nasty. John Skelton filed a motion for custody on Sept. 27, saying his wife was a registered sex offender.
The motion for custody is the only thing I have heard of JS filing. If there was a previous complaint or report of sexual abuse of the children, I have not seen that, not verifiably anyway. The police have said nothing about previous reports being filed.

JS’s parents said there were claims of sexual abuse by TS of the children, in living color right on TV & video!!!
And that is pretty serious defamation of character.
I think if I were TS, I’d have my attorney suing their socks off, right about now.

Here&#8217;s the video of his parents, <modsnip>
There are many things that concern me in this case, many of which have been discussed here by me and others. One thing that makes me think, which hasn't been discussed is why he chose the story about handing the kids off to JT, when he could have just as easily said that he let them walk to the park, or the store, or a friend's house and was totally shocked and terribly worried when they didn't return home. I think he liked the idea of this suicidal dad who was pushed to the edge because of everything that his mean soon to be ex had put him through. Abusers like playing the victims and making the victims out to be the abusers. And if those boys are dead by his hand, he is an abuser and TS is a victim too along with those boys. I think he chose the JT story for two reasons. One, I think he thought it more believeable that he handed his kids off to a strange woman than a strange man, and 2) I think on some level, he was just again projecting blame onto TS, making it the woman's fault that they are gone, he just gave the woman a different name.

IIRC, he also initially said he gave the kids to JT for her to return them to the mother, who lives a couple blocks away, so he could kill himself in peace.

So his story, at least one of them, seems to be he was pushed to the edge because his wife was molesting his sons, so he decides to give his sons to a woman he knows from the internet to return those sons to the wife who was molesting them so he could go kill himself and thereby leave the sons permanently in the care of the molester. I suppose that's why the whole underground shelter/trucker network/hidden away by strangers story cropped up. The first made no sense (boy, howdy!), so this way he gets to preserve the image of himself as a victim and a righteous dad.

I wish I had the hope that others do, that the boys are alive somewhere, even if frightened and traumatized. I so hope I'm wrong.
I posted a few days back about a FB page I found through JS's sister LF. This person on LF's friends list was under the initials NS, same last name as JS. NS posted at the beginning of November that she was going on a "rural" sabbatical for about a year, and she was not telling anyone where she was going......that she would just be in touch with a few people later. NS also had short hair that was dyed black, much like the woman the doughnut lady reported. I called this into the tip line about a week ago, just in case.

I really don't know what to believe when it comes to this case. I might just be looking for anything that would mean these boys are alive because the alternative is just hard to deal with.

I am also having a hard time dismissing TS's RSO status. People like that just don't change, we have all seen that trend too many times. JMO
There is a RUMOR that he filed paperwork with the local police regarding possible sexual abuse of his children prior to the kids disappearing.
We've had a ton of links to stories, news reports, videos and the like - never anything like that. Doesn't mean there isn't one, of course. This could also be a rumor started from a comment on a news story web page - I believe there have been a couple of those kicked up in the past 2 weeks (2 WEEKS! Those boys have been gone for half a month already...).

I would hope that if this were true, LE would have taken a completely different direction in this case - i.e. looking for the kids in the underground network, following travel leads, etc. They would have reported as what it was - spouse sending children away. Whereas it seems they've always maintained the children were in danger, didn't expect positive outcome, called it a recovery effort, etc. I think local law enforcement knows more than they are letting on, but I don't believe for one second he filed any such papers. Maybe he's trying now, will ask that his parents do so, but not before.
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