Michelle Young, Pregnant Mom, Murdered NC Part 10

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scandi said:
Me too Ialy, I'm going :crazy: But I think it is better to wait and have it progress at its own pace. This Sheriff is a good one I think, so we gotta keep the faith, right?

Confidence in the police is important. Even in the much publicized Peterson case, the police had a lot of evidence that the media and public knew nothing about. I'm sure they have their eye on the right guy and are methodically building a solid case against him. It's the curiousity that makes us all crazy.
happy2bn10ec said:
This waiting isn't only bothering me - it is making me NUTS!!! I want it done right, too, but after so long it worries me that they really don't have anything.

Are y'all watching LKL? Defense attorneys make me absolutely sick. They are worried about Devlin's health problems while he is incarcerated. Boofreakinghoo...

I only caught the part about him being scared and that was good enough for me!:dance:

Welcome happy! :)
otto said:
Confidence in the police is important. Even in the much publicized Peterson case, the police had a lot of evidence that the media and public knew nothing about. I'm sure they have their eye on the right guy and are methodically building a solid case against him. It's the curiousity that makes us all crazy.

You're right. LE wants this case solved more than anyone of us!
happy2bn10ec said:
This waiting isn't only bothering me - it is making me NUTS!!! I want it done right, too, but after so long it worries me that they really don't have anything.

Are y'all watching LKL? Defense attorneys make me absolutely sick. They are worried about Devlin's health problems while he is incarcerated. Boofreakinghoo...
The LE don't have "smoking gun" evidence against JY or anyone else right now, or there would've been an arrest. But I'm confident they're building their case and there will be justice for Michelle. ;)

I saw the LKL show and I agree: too bad about him. I feel sorry for the boys, especially Shawn.
I get hope thinking of Scott Peterson's arrest -- it was months before he was arrested, and the police suspected him strongly within days, knew much that was not released for a long time, etc. Granted, there was the issue of not having yet found dear Laci and Connor, but time was taken, and it paid off. JY seems to be much better at staying quiet, but there certainly is much le knows, continuing to hope their case becomes rock solid, and that that little girl is somehow protected through all of this
ialy said:
I get hope thinking of Scott Peterson's arrest -- it was months before he was arrested, and the police suspected him strongly within days, knew much that was not released for a long time, etc. Granted, there was the issue of not having yet found dear Laci and Connor, but time was taken, and it paid off. JY seems to be much better at staying quiet, but there certainly is much le knows, continuing to hope their case becomes rock solid, and that that little girl is somehow protected through all of this
I'm thinking about him also, and what really prompted his arrest was when the bodies washed ashore. In this case, Michelle was found in her bedroom, no sign of forced entry, no apparent interrupted burglary, etc. ~ so who else would want her dead?
I hope JY lays in bed every night just sweating and wondering if it's his last night of freedom. It really must be stressful for him everyday just wondering. :banghead: I hope he reads all this too! I can't even imagine being in his place nor would I ever put myself there. Even if they don't love their spouse, why would anyone want to ruin their own life in this way? If I live to be 100 I will never understand anyone being capable to commit a crime like this .:waitasec:
I wonder what JY tells Cassity when she is crying for her mother. How can he tell her with a straight face that mommy is in heaven?
packerdog said:
I wonder what JY tells Cassity when she is crying for her mother. How can he tell her with a straight face that mommy is in heaven?
That is a very sad thought. :(
packerdog said:
I wonder what JY tells Cassity when she is crying for her mother. How can he tell her with a straight face that mommy is in heaven?
But, she is in heaven! :innocent:
He probably won't have the same result. Hopefully Michelle's spirit can guide LE in the right direction...
packerdog said:
I wonder what JY tells Cassity when she is crying for her mother. How can he tell her with a straight face that mommy is in heaven?

oooh.... the thought of this stings .... and I'll BET Cassie's asked the Q more than once last few months...

You so HIT the right chords, PD ... WHAT does he tell her? Isn't it heartbreaking?

Blessings to all, stay well, stay safe and keep healthy .... Polk :)
Oh, I think he can do it with a straight face. If he did it he has probably managed to convince himself that he was justified in what he did. He's been telling himself "I'm not a bad person, I just snapped, I would never do anything like this again". I don't see how he could live with himself otherwise.

And I kind of like this waiting game, you know it has to drive whoever did this nutz. The wondering when the knock on the door will come...Mr. XXXX we have a warrant for your arrest. And with LE taking their time we hope that means all the i's are dotted and all the t's crossed leaving very little wiggle room for the perp.
curious1 said:
Oh, I think he can do it with a straight face. If he did it he has probably managed to convince himself that he was justified in what he did. He's been telling himself "I'm not a bad person, I just snapped, I would never do anything like this again". I don't see how he could live with himself otherwise.
You're right. Anyone who could be capable of brutally murdering his wife (and unborn child) and attend her funeral, refuse to speak with the police, and not be out there begging to find the perp would be capable to talking to Cassidy with a straight face. :mad:
scandi said:
Hi Guys, The only thing I found today that was new was this from a poster at CTV. It is from the Comment section of WRAL, so I won't put it on the links thread:


eta: If you click on 'all messages' at the bottom of the page there are a few more posts inc, one more by this poster.
How are you doing Scandi ?

Its been a bit quiet since the People mag but I have a feeling we are going to hear more soon. 10 weeks now on the autopsy , should be something before long, I would think. I would like to see a warrant on the hotel and some confirmation warrants for video that may pertain to the hotel and gas stations if there was anything caught on video. Maybe soon, I really want to know where the hotel is located, that could provide some really good conversation. If JTF shows up again - we'll know something is coming...
I was reading over at CTV today, between all the fax/printer stuff & everthing else it seems we are dissecting every word of LE on the basis that it is perfectly correct.

We've seen that on one warrant or whatever they stated the Get I Market when it turns out to be Get It. There's also the Hampton 'Hotel' which could be Inn. There may be some discrepancies in this Fax as opposed to Printout.

We really need some more information......soon.
jilly said:
I was reading over at CTV today, between all the fax/printer stuff & everthing else it seems we are dissecting every word of LE on the basis that it is perfectly correct.

We've seen that on one warrant or whatever they stated the Get I Market when it turns out to be Get It. There's also the Hampton 'Hotel' which could be Inn. There may be some discrepancies in this Fax as opposed to Printout.

We really need some more information......soon.
We do need more information Jilly ! I admit it, I was in on the fax deal. I'm anal retentive and could not help myself. :eek: Iwill take LE's words everytime over what the media puts out, and for good reason. I see a computer taken from the home and I see a printer but I do not see a fax machine in any of the warrants or even a reference to a fax. It does not in truth matter what it was - all that matters is who it came from, how it was printed, when it arrived, as well as what it was to see if everyone's story matches up. JMO.
raisincharlie said:
We do need more information Jilly ! I admit it, I was in on the fax deal. I'm anal retentive and could not help myself. :eek: Iwill take LE's words everytime over what the media puts out, and for good reason. I see a computer taken from the home and I see a printer but I do not see a fax machine in any of the warrants or even a reference to a fax. It does not in truth matter what it was - all that matters is who it came from, how it was printed, when it arrived, as well as what it was to see if everyone's story matches up. JMO.

Exactly! Like you I sure hope it relates to JY and not MM.
Oh Charlie, I'm miserable! For some reason I couldn't go to sleep last night. About 5am I turned on the local news and they said it was snowing :eek: I jumped out of bed and threw open the sliding glass door to my patio, and sure enough there was a good solid dusting of snow on everything and it was really coming down. I threw on my clothes and headed out the door to run to the store and stopped short - no way was I going to risk driving down a hill with 2 corners!

I had no ciggies, the snow was now an inch deep, then 2" LOL when I spotted a young man walking past my apt - I hired him on the spot to walk down the hill and get me some. What a morning. The snow is beautiful, and as I'm on a hill I look out over the valley towards the west. Really a beautiful scene. So I did some reading on the case today!

I read through all ConcernedCitizens posts at CTV, as I thought maybe he had mentioned the luggage. Nopey Nope. For the life of me I can't remember where I read that except at CTV mid Nov.

CC did have one early post where he timed out the trip to VA. It was to Blacksburg he thought but his timing wasn't perfect. He must know JY, and definately had an agenda, to the point he suggested Michelle was the one who was unfaithful. So I don't really believe him anyway no matter what he says. He hasn't posted since the 1st week in Decd!

I can't understand the whoopala about the fax or document sent to the house, and think the timing of it being sent is the important thing 'in the hours before she was found', and I read your post and thought it was very good. On thinking about that, it is the words used that give a clue as to when the document printed out. To me, in the hours before would be 2 or 3 hours. Several hours could be 6-8, many hours up to 12.

I think this is what happened: He had a time in mind for a last min fix of getting Cassidy out of there and the discoverery of the body. Meredith went to work that day at 11 or 11:30 as I remember. So when that time came and he had to do something, he opened up his laptop, pulled up the flyer on the purse, and since his laptop was tied into the home computer {if it was LOL, why not be able to print off his lap top that way>}, and clicked on print.

In his house, the printer reved up like mine does {the Officejet All-in=one}. and out came a copy of the flyer on the purse. He then called Meredith and left her a message. It is so simple, and I can not understand why it is discussed over and over again. But then I have that new HP machine that is absolutely the best and know that as long as the computer is on the printer will even work when you are offline.

If anyone can remember about the link to the luggage that would be :cool: Maybe it isn't important, but could help show motive that she had kicked him out, or first steps were being taken. It made reality grim for him and he couldn't accept that.

Oh, the new 'insider', I see right thru her unfortunately. She reminds me of a bouncing bubbly realtor I once worked with, and is a nice contrast to just the facts who I think is quite deceitfrul. This is the case of the agenda. I too need more facts is what I've been trying to say! LOLOLOL

Hope your farm is faring well with all the ice Charlie.
scandi said:

I think this is what happened: He had a time in mind for a last min fix of getting Cassidy out of there and the discoverery of the body. Meredith went to work that day at 11 or 11:30 as I remember. So when that time came and he had to do something, he opened up his laptop, pulled up the flyer on the purse, and since his laptop was tied into the home computer {if it was LOL, why not be able to print off his lap top that way>}, and clicked on print.

In his house, the printer reved up like mine does {the Officejet All-in=one}. and out came a copy of the flyer on the purse. He then called Meredith and left her a message. It is so simple, and I can not understand why it is discussed over and over again. But then I have that new HP machine that is absolutely the best and know that as long as the computer is on the printer will even work when you are offline.

If anyone can remember about the link to the luggage that would be :cool: Maybe it isn't important, but could help show motive that she had kicked him out, or first steps were being taken. It made reality grim for him and he couldn't accept that.

Oh, the new 'insider', I see right thru her unfortunately. She reminds me of a bouncing bubbly realtor I once worked with, and is a nice contrast to just the facts who I think is quite deceitfrul. This is the case of the agenda. I too need more facts is what I've been trying to say! LOLOLOL

Hope your farm is faring well with all the ice Charlie.

I really enjoy sitting out on the deck watching the snow with a good cup of coffee - I like to capture flakes and look at them - amazing. Yes, a nice easy snowfall is great - unfortunately don't get much here but when we do I am all over it ! Your view sounds very nice-enjoy!

As for the print out - I agree he could have sent it himself - stop by a wifi location and send it on its way. No matter what, JY knew it was at the house, that says something. As for the luggage - Scandi I can't think of who said that or when - wish I could help you - I know it is making you crazy. Sorry luv!

I bucked at the new insider - JY was not technologically savvy comment. don't buy that for a minute, in one sentence says she worked with him a while ago and is now claiming to know things - the past and present have melded. Nope no turnips for me. I'm so jaded...

Things are fine here Scandi - the ice is awesome on the trees that are still standing anyway...:p

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