Michelle Young, Pregnant Mom, Murdered NC Part 10

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That's good news your trees are holding up. They must have nice deep roots.

I don't know what a Wifi station is or why it would be needed? Is that because his lap-top is wireless?
scandi said:
That's good news your trees are holding up. They must have nice deep roots.

I don't know what a Wifi station is or why it would be needed? Is that because his lap-top is wireless?
I have a Dell Lattitude lap top - mine is wireless. Around here there are several small specialty shops such as coffee houses and bagel shops that have wireless transmitters. Buy a bagel or Danish, a nice coffee (not Starbucks - yuckie :D ) and internet away. Here it is called wifi - maybe some other name somewhere else.
raisincharlie said:
I have a Dell Lattitude lap top - mine is wireless. Around here there are several small specialty shops such as coffee houses and bagel shops that have wireless transmitters. Buy a bagel or Danish, a nice coffee (not Starbucks - yuckie :D ) and internet away. Here it is called wifi - maybe some other name somewhere else.

You been bickering with posters on other boards? I'm keeping an eye on you. HEE HEE HEE.

I was so looking forward to reading the people magazine but quite a disappointment for me. Not quite sure what I was expecting but I didn't get it. I suppose I was waiting for them to lay out LE's entire batch of facts and go ahead and solve the case for us but no luck.

As for JY being technically saavy, don't have a clue. I would think that it would be a disadvantage in his job but it could be that his company has a technical support department to run through networking issues and so forth. It has been my experience that software salesmen simply know the software and not much else. Come out and demonstrate the functions of the software and don't get into the other issues. If you like the software, technical issues can be addressed with the appropriate parties. Actually the last one that came calling on us brought a networking guy to answer questions about compatibility with our current system and so on and so on.

I don't know who sent the printout/fax and I'm not sure the source of the document would be that important. If it was not sent by JY then I would suspect that it was requested to be sent by him. UNLESS it could be determined that the document was directly from the home computer in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning. This would pretty much give it away.

I have had a complete change of heart over the last week. After reviewing the facts that we know along with some of the other information that I have gathered along the way, I think this was premeditated all the way. This completely goes against my last theory but I think I mentioned quite some time ago that I would reserve the right to change my mind. I wanted to believe that things were not so happy in the house, tensions were high and he just snapped but I think I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

I had always thought that she was attacked in bed (wishful thinking I suppose, hoping that she didn't know what happened) like someone snuck up on her while sleeping but I have been led to beleive other wise recently. In the lastest release, the reason for photo evidence and otherwise was clearly stated that there was dna, footprints, and other trace evidence to be used for COMPARISON. IMO, the perp wanted to sneak up on MY while sleeping but she woke up, either dog barking or just a light sleeper. I would tend to agree with some other posters here that the time of death is later rather than earlier. Some time in the middle of the night but definately time to do whatever necessary and get out of there well before dawn. Not sure of when that would have been on the morning of Nov. 3rd but wouldn't want to risk being seen.

Just my opinion but I beleive that there will be an arrest as soon as all of the forensics is returned and reviewed. I suspect they have long been done with trying to exclude JY. More along the lines of excluding the possibility that someone didn't help him.
pack_fan said:
Just my opinion but I beleive that there will be an arrest as soon as all of the forensics is returned and reviewed. I suspect they have long been done with trying to exclude JY. More along the lines of excluding the possibility that someone didn't help him.
It's really good to see you Pack Fan, I came out of lurk-dome to say thanks for that post! I am crossing my fingers you are right!
scandi said:
Hi Guys, The only thing I found today that was new was this from a poster at CTV. It is from the Comment section of WRAL, so I won't put it on the links thread:


eta: If you click on 'all messages' at the bottom of the page there are a few more posts inc, one more by this poster.
This is very interesting. I wonder why Cassidy hasn't been taken OUT of his home! I hope to goodness he doesn't harm her!
Pack fan,

Who me - bickering - naw simply holding my ground :D I must admit I did say something I wish I had not said but...it was a momentary condition of weakness and being fed up. :silenced:

I have to admit that I am strongly leaning to the premeditation theory but am trying to fight it off as I have seen nothing concrete on which to base that opinion. I think the non testimonial order pushed me over. Not much there but I was concerned about the comments about a possible struggle. I think if JY returned to the home in the middle of the night - he meant to do something. Talking things out could have waited and would have been wise if things were in an uproar - to return is looking for an excuse IMO.

I still hope it is not JY for Cassidy's sake but very honestly, that hope is dwindling. I think you may well be correct about lab results coming back and being reviewed - things being put in perspective. If the autopsy is released soon I think that will verify your thought that forensics are coming in. I do not mind the delay, even though I want more information, as long as the criminal is cornered, captured, and brought to trial facing a strong solid case followed by a conviction.
Couple of other random thoughts since there hasn't been anything released since the NTO.

I think the murder weapon was brought from outside the home which would have been a definite sign of pre-meditation but just my opinion of course.

Since the NTO stated that the perp may have been injured, I think Michelle was grabbing at whatever to defend herself. Possible lamp as mentioned or broken picture frame.

MF mentioned in the 911 call that she moved a pillow. Possible that it fell off the bed in a struggle but also possible that she was covered up afterwards. Don't think MF would have moved a pillow on the bed if MY was discovered on the floor. I think I recall hearing somewhere, you guys may be able to help me on this, that sometimes when people kill those close to them, they cover the victim so they don't have to see them afterwards. Can't think of any other reason that she would have moved the pillow. BUT, since Cassidy was in the house, no telling how or what went on. Might be a moot point.

Also been wondering what LE confiscated the memory stick that belonged to LS. Wondering if they were looking for photos of inside the house to determine if things were in the right places.

Anyway, just a few random thoughts to get the wheels turning, helps me to think out loud.
Mama-cita said:
This is very interesting. I wonder why Cassidy hasn't been taken OUT of his home! I hope to goodness he doesn't harm her!
I just read about a case where two older children were living with their father and everyone KNOWS that he killed their mother (about a year ago). Somehow LE isn't able to piece it all together yet... (I wish I could remember the names.) After reading about that, I figured this is "normal" in this type of investigation. Scary, but normal.
pack_fan said:

Also been wondering what LE confiscated the memory stick that belonged to LS. Wondering if they were looking for photos of inside the house to determine if things were in the right places.

Anyway, just a few random thoughts to get the wheels turning, helps me to think out loud.
Holy smoke - I never thought about that ! LE could also tell if some things might be missing. I'm thinking you are a genius ! :cool:
Mama-cita said:
This is very interesting. I wonder why Cassidy hasn't been taken OUT of his home! I hope to goodness he doesn't harm her!
Good to see you too, thanks for the hello.

I don't know if they can take her out of the home unless he is charged but someone else probably knows more than I do.
How Funny, I thought the same thing Mama-cita when I saw his post, and it is also good to see you MC. I think if they haven't arrested him by say Feb 4th or 5th, I'm gonna wonder what in the world isn't sitting right with investigators.

In rereading all those older posts today I read many that involved the sighting of a car there in the wee hours of the morning, given by a neighbor. Wouldn't that have been great if it had panned out? Wonder why the neighbor said he saw a car there if there wasn't one. They said that is why LE took so many photos of all the cars parked at the funeral. Would be interesting to see if a definition of it was ever put out there.
I was thinking that Cassidy might have gotten a pillow for her mommy. Reason being, if the killer put a pillow over MY, Cassidy surely would have moved it to get closer to her mommy.

I guess it depends on where the pillow was. Maybe MY was clutching it as protection against the violence and it stayed near her hands on the ground.

Not happy thoughts, that's for sure.

Gee, I hope Cassidy didn't have to step in broken glass or anything like that. :sick:
And so all know, I too have an agenda that you should all be aware of. Justice for Michelle, Cassidy, and her unborn child.....
Thanks for that PackFan. One thing going in favor of justice ruling in the case I think is the Prosecutor. We are very fortunate I think about that.

Who is LS? I think Harrison said in Greta's interview that there was no burglary. It was kind of a definative statement, and he probably should have qualified it. But you are right, as they would have to use photos to compare things.
Taximom said:
I was thinking that Cassidy might have gotten a pillow for her mommy. Reason being, if the killer put a pillow over MY, Cassidy surely would have moved it to get closer to her mommy.

I guess it depends on where the pillow was. Maybe MY was clutching it as protection against the violence and it stayed near her hands on the ground.

Not happy thoughts, that's for sure.

Gee, I hope Cassidy didn't have to step in broken glass or anything like that. :sick:
Very possible that Cassidy did get it for her.

I think you all know I'm not here to spread rumors so take this for what it's worth. Some friends of mine who were interviewed by LE told me that Michelle did not die without a fight. LE said she fought like hell and I hope she kicked him where it hurts, REPEATEDLY. Point being, she wasn't cowering at the perp in a defensive position. This is one of the reasons that I think that this case will be solved when forensics is returned. There is no way that she put up the fight she did without scratching, or getting some sort of dna evidence.

My only concearn is that the defense attorney is going to argue that his dna is going to be all over the house since he lived there. Hoping for dna under the fingernails, hair and blood on a broken picture frame, somewhere rather incriminating is the point I'm trying to make.
pack_fan said:
Very possible that Cassidy did get it for her.

I think you all know I'm not here to spread rumors so take this for what it's worth. Some friends of mine who were interviewed by LE told me that Michelle did not die without a fight. LE said she fought like hell and I hope she kicked him where it hurts, REPEATEDLY. Point being, she wasn't cowering at the perp in a defensive position. This is one of the reasons that I think that this case will be solved when forensics is returned. There is no way that she put up the fight she did without scratching, or getting some sort of dna evidence.

My only concearn is that the defense attorney is going to argue that his dna is going to be all over the house since he lived there. Hoping for dna under the fingernails, hair and blood on a broken picture frame, somewhere rather incriminating is the point I'm trying to make.
I think she put up a heck of a fight too, thank goodness. She might have been in defensive mode toward the end of the struggle though. He could have kicked her or attacked her when she was down.

Ack, just the thought. I'll have to read something "happy" before heading to bed.
curious1 said:
Oh, I think he can do it with a straight face. If he did it he has probably managed to convince himself that he was justified in what he did. He's been telling himself "I'm not a bad person, I just snapped, I would never do anything like this again". I don't see how he could live with himself otherwise.
And I kind of like this waiting game, you know it has to drive whoever did this nutz. The wondering when the knock on the door will come...Mr. XXXX we have a warrant for your arrest. And with LE taking their time we hope that means all the i's are dotted and all the t's crossed leaving very little wiggle room for the perp.

me either...
scandi said:
Thanks for that PackFan. One thing going in favor of justice ruling in the case I think is the Prosecutor. We are very fortunate I think about that.

Who is LS? I think Harrison said in Greta's interview that there was no burglary. It was kind of a definative statement, and he probably should have qualified it. But you are right, as they would have to use photos to compare things.
Elizabeth Shroff, sorry. She goes by Lisa.

I wasn't suggesting a burglary, only trying to figure out why the photos were taken. Really the only things I could come up with were for compromising pictures or comparison purposes. When I was thinking about some thing missing, I was thinking more along the lines of a murder weapon possibly.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
oooh.... the thought of this stings .... and I'll BET Cassie's asked the Q more than once last few months...

You so HIT the right chords, PD ... WHAT does he tell her? Isn't it heartbreaking?

Blessings to all, stay well, stay safe and keep healthy .... Polk :)

i'll bet she has too, Polk.....i picture him not telling her anything....letting his parents, brother/sister??? handle all that...he's too 'distraught' over it all..... :rolleyes:

but that's just me...
pack_fan said:
Very possible that Cassidy did get it for her.

I think you all know I'm not here to spread rumors so take this for what it's worth. Some friends of mine who were interviewed by LE told me that Michelle did not die without a fight. LE said she fought like hell and I hope she kicked him where it hurts, REPEATEDLY. Point being, she wasn't cowering at the perp in a defensive position. This is one of the reasons that I think that this case will be solved when forensics is returned. There is no way that she put up the fight she did without scratching, or getting some sort of dna evidence.

My only concearn is that the defense attorney is going to argue that his dna is going to be all over the house since he lived there. Hoping for dna under the fingernails, hair and blood on a broken picture frame, somewhere rather incriminating is the point I'm trying to make.
Pack fan,

I think perhaps the DNA issue may in fact be the reason LE is going very slowly and why they are hunting for every single piece of circumstancial evidence that can be found to back up the DNA. I think the returns of warrant we have seen so far points out that LE is leaving nothing unturned, nothing to chance.

I have thought long and hard about the warrant on the SUV. If the two drops noted turn out to be blood, it is significant. It is huge if it is MY's, but if JYs it is still of importance. The reason I say that is - one can easily explain blood inside the vehicle that belongs to JY, MY, or even Cassidy but how does one address blood on the outside of the vehicle ? True the date and time of that deposit cannot be made from the sample collected however it can be narrowed by going back and reviewing the weather for things such as rainfall and dewpoint temperatures. If that vehicle was routinely parked out of doors - lots of things can be determined. I hate saying this but I do hope that external droplet is blood, and not Cassidy's.

As to your agenda - I think it is safe to say it is shared by those who post here. For rumors - you have never gone down that path and have always acted admirably with respect to that issue. I admire that - you are in a most difficult position, one for which I would not wish to find myself in or would I wish on anyone. What you have posted has always been done so with integrity and conviction. For what you have shared - I hope there is indeed evidence in or on unlikely places to help pinpoint the killer. There will be an answer IMO.
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