Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 2

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SNAP close - we're an hour out: willing to stake the 2:00 am beacon as a benchmark? LOL!
Masissy said:
Close, just remember the ICON :silenced: Poke gave us for rambling, I think it would be appropriate for holding our tongue as well.....

lol @Masissy...i just used it on my last post :silenced:
Boyz_Mum said:
I heard the 911 tape for the first time last night on Greta and I have to say I thought Meredith sounded near hysterical- I didn't detect any calmness in her voice but perhaps a quieted voice not to upset Cassidy? (anyway, that didn't have to do with your post but I had to add my 2 cents...)

I was listening closely to what was played and I am not sure that I heard what you are referring to but as Meredith was trying to talk, the operator did seem to cut her off a lot but I think it was to get the details. She sounded like she was going to just bust into emotion and the operator was trying to avoid that? Do you know what I mean?
I noticed her voice warbling at times and it broke my heart. I think she was staying strong for Cassidy too. :(

That operator was definitely strictly business. I'm removing that as a career choice for me. I'd be all about "where's her husband? what do you mean he's out of town? he told you to do what?! what's that darling little girl saying in the background?":eek:
PolkSaladAnnie said:
And, taximom, every time my first husband got a new job - I didn't know about it :D Guess I should have picked up clues when he never wanted to sing "You're my first; You're my last - my everything" on karaoke after work.
Aww, PSA. Been there, done that. (PSA)
PrayersForMaura said:
And don't forget Janet and Raven Abaroa... there's a forum here for Janet. Same thing. Pregnant and murdered and husband indicted for stealing from his work. Lots of debt. No one ever arrested in that case :(

PFM... That is such a sad case, too: I was reading over some of the posts recently; maybe we should ask Tricia if there's any value in opening a forum category entitled something like:

Murder Cases: Pregnant Moms

There would be a heap of threads; attention may be drawn to this heinous phenomenom. Either I'm just waking up to crime - or these brutal murders are increasing by the month??

Then - perhaps patterns or tell tale signs could be more identified in terms of murder-murderer profile, etc? I'm sure both of these cases would have criminal profilers dotting the i and crossing the last t ?

I almost feel guilty for not even entering a post on that forum. Oh gosh... :(
So I guess Jason doesn't have an office? Maybe he works out of his home? If so, he would have a home office, do you think Michelle would spend alot of time looking at the faxes he recieves in his home office?

Also, shopping on the internet you can click on anything you're interested in buying, enlarge it to see details, and print it out. Why would he need something faxed? I would think any company would suggest email vs. faxing for order details.

Where did we hear that this was a present for the 3rd anniversary? Was it from the same "friend" from that other internet site? If so, I think we can safely assume this person doesn't know what the hell they're talking about, since their anniversary is long over.

I wonder if Meredith noticed the garage door slightly opened when she arrived at the house. If so, thinking her sister was at work, do you think she would have entered the house w/o calling her sister (or BIL) to ask why is your garage door partly opened?

To me, if I was suppose to go to someone's house to get something and their garage door was opened, I would not go hurrying in, in case there was a robbery in progress, jmo.

So many questions, I'm sure there will be more.
close_enough said:
morning Jilly:)

yes, Meredith said Michelle was stiff....that was one of her comments when she was trying turn Michelle's body over for the 911 dispatcher....

Morning Close! :D :) Thanks for setting me straight! :blowkiss:
Taximom said:
I noticed her voice warbling at times and it broke my heart. I think she was staying strong for Cassidy too. :(

That operator was definitely strictly business. I'm removing that as a career choice for me. I'd be all about "where's her husband? what do you mean he's out of town? he told you to do what?! what's that darling little girl saying in the background?":eek:

You're the real-deal, Taximom!

Ditto - I'd get too upset listening to these things and would be a total hindrance, not a help! Hearts and thoughts and appreciation to all those good men and women behind those emergency calls. They've saved a few lives, I'm sure - and oft remain "voices in the dark".

RALEIGH - Michelle Fisher Young always had a plan.

In high school in Sayville, N.Y., she planned to be a college cheerleader and prepped for a career as a tax attorney. When she ran sorority rush as a senior at N.C. State University, her planning notes filled a 4-inch-thick binder. When she arranged gatherings for friends, Young dictated the menu.

"She was one of those rare people who had everything together at such a young age," said Christy Trent, a college friend who helped lead the Greek system with Young at NCSU in 1998. "She would step up to the plate, and no one questioned her."

Most times, things turned out just as this 29-year-old mother intended. But all her plans came to an end this month. Young, four months pregnant with her second child, was beaten to death two weeks ago today. (more at link)

I only posted part of the article because one time I posted an entire news article and got edited by WS. LOL So go read the link!
Uh oh, I think that article posted before. I'll delete it if I can find it.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
PFM... That is such a sad case, too: I was reading over some of the posts recently; maybe we should ask Tricia if there's any value in opening a forum category entitled something like:

Murder Cases: Pregnant Moms

There would be a heap of threads; attention may be drawn to this heinous phenomenom. Either I'm just waking up to crime - or these brutal murders are increasing by the month??

Then - perhaps patterns or tell tale signs could be more identified in terms of murder-murderer profile, etc? I'm sure both of these cases would have criminal profilers dotting the i and crossing the last t ?

I almost feel guilty for not even entering a post on that forum. Oh gosh... :(
yep, that one (Janet Abaroa) is not even getting the attention this one is, but it was a very brutal crime too. And the husband (raven) is SO guilty on that one, too. I mean, Raven is obviously SO guilty just as Scott Peterson was :(
PrayersForMaura said:
And don't forget Janet and Raven Abaroa... there's a forum here for Janet. Same thing. Pregnant and murdered and husband indicted for stealing from his work. Lots of debt.No one ever arrested in that case :(

:( I hope that doesn't happen again here.
Taximom said:

RALEIGH - Michelle Fisher Young always had a plan.

In high school in Sayville, N.Y., she planned to be a college cheerleader and prepped for a career as a tax attorney. When she ran sorority rush as a senior at N.C. State University, her planning notes filled a 4-inch-thick binder. When she arranged gatherings for friends, Young dictated the menu.

"She was one of those rare people who had everything together at such a young age," said Christy Trent, a college friend who helped lead the Greek system with Young at NCSU in 1998. "She would step up to the plate, and no one questioned her."

Most times, things turned out just as this 29-year-old mother intended. But all her plans came to an end this month. Young, four months pregnant with her second child, was beaten to death two weeks ago today. (more at link)

I only posted part of the article because one time I posted an entire news article and got edited by WS. LOL So go read the link!

thanks Taxi!....excellent article...i read the entire thing....

Jason Young has said he slipped out that evening to get a head start for an early morning sales meeting in Virginia, according to Fussell, who said he talked to Jason Young at his wife's funeral.

Michelle Young stayed behind with Cassidy; a girlfriend came over to watch TV with her, the friend told Fussell. Cassidy popped in a DVD of "Cinderella" -- a Halloween gift -- and watched until she fell fast asleep.

Jason's "meeting" WAS in VA then....or at least that's what he's saying...

this article just wreaks of Laci Peterson...it's unreal....her & Michelle sound soooo much alike, it's almost creepy......
Taximom said:

In high school in Sayville, N.Y., she planned to be a college cheerleader and prepped for a career as a tax attorney. When she ran sorority rush as a senior at N.C. State University, her planning notes filled a 4-inch-thick binder. When she arranged gatherings for friends, Young dictated the menu.

"She was one of those rare people who had everything together at such a young age," said Christy Trent, a college friend who helped lead the Greek system with Young at NCSU in 1998. "She would step up to the plate, and no one questioned her."

the article has 'Laci' written all in it:(
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Taximom, I stick to my earlier thoughts, I'm convinced that tape was spliced MORAE than just editing out the telephone number Meredith gave LE.

Ooops, just realised :slap: phone lines couldn't have been cut if Meredith was on a cordless.

Sorry. <<<takes back one wild-card ...>>> :blushing:
Just want to say that the phone lines can be cut from the outside of the house on the network interface. (Box outside the house- can be opened and phone lines can be unplugged too- no cutting even needed.)

Okay, do we know for sure Meredith called from the Young's home phone or a cell? I just realized what you were saying about the phone lines. Geeze, is my face red! Sorry PSA!
close_enough said:
thanks Taxi!....excellent article...i read the entire thing....

Jason Young has said he slipped out that evening to get a head start for an early morning sales meeting in Virginia, according to Fussell, who said he talked to Jason Young at his wife's funeral.

Michelle Young stayed behind with Cassidy; a girlfriend came over to watch TV with her, the friend told Fussell. Cassidy popped in a DVD of "Cinderella" -- a Halloween gift -- and watched until she fell fast asleep.

Jason's "meeting" WAS in VA then....or at least that's what he's saying...

this article just wreaks of Laci Peterson...it's unreal....her & Michelle sound soooo much alike, it's almost creepy......
Well, if he was in Virginia for a meeting - he had time to come back to Raleigh in the middle of the night, he also went way out of his way to go see the folks as well. Nothing wrong with seeing the folks but an incredible coincidence is my thought. Like going fishing at the bay...:silenced: :silenced: :silenced:

Perhaps this Fussell fellow is the "friend" doing all the posting.
Forgive me if everyone has already seen this:

From the article
Snip~In a 911 tape released Monday, Fisher told an emergency dispatcher that Young's 2-year-old daughter was in the house when she found Young, bloody and cold to the touch, lying face down in her bedroom. Young should have been at work at Progress Energy, where she was a senior financial specialist in the tax department.

The house was in disarray, and the dog was "freaking out," Fisher told the dispatcher.

She said there were tiny, bloody footprints all over the house left by the toddler.

The young girl can be heard on the 911 tape mumbling after her aunt asked her: "Do you know what happened to Mommy? Did she fall?"

A dispatcher tried to have Fisher revive Young but had her stop once Fisher said her sister's body was stiff.

"There's probably nothing else you can do," he said before transferring the call to the sheriff's office.

When his wife's body was found, Jason Young was in Brevard visiting his mother, Patricia Young, and McIntyre after a business trip, Harrison said. Young returned to Raleigh with family members and has only briefly spoken to sheriff's investigators, Harrison said.

The 32-year-old salesman is devastated by the death of his wife, who was expecting a boy, McIntyre said.

Luggage confiscated

When Jason Young arrived back in the Raleigh area, the sheriff's office impounded his sport utility vehicle with all of the luggage belonging to him, his mother, sister and brother-in-law, he said.

McIntyre said he told Jason Young to get a lawyer. He said he was afraid that police would pin the death on his stepson, regardless of evidence.

"I do not want my son to be talking to any type of investigators," he said. "They're not going to be trustworthy when they talk to him."

McIntyre criticized the sheriff's office for not immediately returning the belongings, which included medical prescriptions, purses and cell phones.

The items will be returned once investigators are finished with them, said Phyllis Stephens, spokeswoman for the sheriff's office. ~ snip

I'm not sure what to think of the step dad advice.................
Taximom said:

RALEIGH - Michelle Fisher Young always had a plan.

In high school in Sayville, N.Y., she planned to be a college cheerleader and prepped for a career as a tax attorney. When she ran sorority rush as a senior at N.C. State University, her planning notes filled a 4-inch-thick binder. When she arranged gatherings for friends, Young dictated the menu.

"She was one of those rare people who had everything together at such a young age," said Christy Trent, a college friend who helped lead the Greek system with Young at NCSU in 1998. "She would step up to the plate, and no one questioned her."

Most times, things turned out just as this 29-year-old mother intended. But all her plans came to an end this month. Young, four months pregnant with her second child, was beaten to death two weeks ago today. (more at link)

I only posted part of the article because one time I posted an entire news article and got edited by WS. LOL So go read the link!

I just read it at CTV and noticed at the bottom a friend confirming Jason had a business trip to Virginia. This was told to the friend at Michelle's funeral.
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