Millard Properties: Locations and Ownership

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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BBM - Semaphored? And Accounting on FB?

lol, yes, he made a big deal of telling the Star reporter that he was at the hangar for financial records for the accountant. LE caught him at the hangar going through the financial records on a Friday before noon. (Then in the afternoon the rear-ended his car in Mississauga and arrested him.)

So we are to believe that, because he had a meeting with an accountant on a FRIDAY AFTERNOON? Sure, just let me check my calendar, I'm free all week but since the weather's nice now why don't we meet on Friday afternoon? lol.

Or is it because he was looking for anything related to the purchase and receipt of an incinerator by a Millardair employee?

Yes DM was a busy guy alright but only when it benefited him or served his purpose. We have no idea what DM's definition of flipping houses meant. Some people gut house, and then there are those who do a bit of painting and decorating, change out a dripping faucet, change a counter top, replace carpeting...done. Then there are those who purchase a place cheap, hire a contractor to do the work for them, to turn around and sell them for a profit. Maybe DM was doing the latter and was purchasing items on line for the contractor to install for him because he was nickel and diming, not liking the prices of the contractor. DM claimed he was just breaking even and that would make sense if someone hired a contractor.

He's got some friends that are in the trades, so perhaps he makes a deal with them for them to work on the places he buys.

DM's or anyone for that matter, their definition of getting up early could differ greatly. Someone who sleeps in until noon, getting up at 10 or 11am could be early. Someone who normally gets up at 6am, but got up at 4 or 5am could be early to them. And don't forget, not everything would be scheduled around DM's desires, wants and needs. If the accountant said he only had morning appointments, well I guess DM wouldn't have much of an opinion then to get up early. For all we know, the issue surrounding seeing the accountant could have been due to annual taxes. Seeing as the deadline for annual taxes ends at the the end of April, was he late getting the information to the accountant, well over a month late. Maybe DM was too busy getting up late every day he missed the deadline for filing the taxes. Oh course that all depends on Millardair's fiscal year end, but what about his personal taxes...

I got so behind, but now I am going to get all caught up, on a Friday, if my accountant is not out golfing in the first nice weather of the year.

IMHO I think yes, DM was a busy guy doing what interested him. When it came to Millardair; not so much, not so busy while WM was alive other then being a busy impediment. Once WM was removed from the picture DM was busy trying to tie up ends to get his hands on any money from his father's estate. While WM was still alive the only interest DM had in the business was tracking where his inheritance was going and maintaining his hobby hanger.

UBM - DM figured he could solve it with a gun. Too bad WM hadn't settled it with kicking DM's behind to the curb when he realized DM had no interest in the business. Not only did he not have any interest, but he had no financial investment in it either. So IMHO who the heck did DM think he was telling his father how to run his business or what to do with his money. DM could have gone out and started his own business with his own money had he been so inclined to do so. That tells me it all boiled down to greed and money on DM's part. I still question where DM got all his money from to make the purchases he made, i.e., farmland, condos and all his toys. If I had to guess, dear old dad who received thanks by being shot in the head. That or the proceeds of crime. It will be very interesting when all the finer details come out through the trial. But then again maybe once DM gets disclosure from his lawyer, he might just opt to plead guilty sparing him the embarrassment. Do psychopaths, sociopaths have pride or get embarrassed, or do they thrive on the attention a trial would bring? MOO.

Both WM and DM inherited from CM, and I am sure DM thought it's just as much my money as it is yours, WM.
Even if large-scale aircraft weren’t finding their way into the Millard hangar, some materials were.

Read more: company that made regular deliveries to the hangar tells CTV News the deliveries suddenly stopped the day after Bosma’s disappearance.
There was no further contact between the company and Millard Air until last week, when the employee the company always dealt with showed up and said it would be business as usual beginning this week.
The company says it was skeptical about that claim, and locked the cash-only account in Dellen Millard’s name over the weekend.

Read more:

Cash-only account?
Even if large-scale aircraft weren’t finding their way into the Millard hangar, some materials were.

Read more: company that made regular deliveries to the hangar tells CTV News the deliveries suddenly stopped the day after Bosma’s disappearance.
There was no further contact between the company and Millard Air until last week, when the employee the company always dealt with showed up and said it would be business as usual beginning this week.
The company says it was skeptical about that claim, and locked the cash-only account in Dellen Millard’s name over the weekend.

Read more:

Cash-only account?


I've seen businesses where the wholesaler will only supply them on a cash and carry, no 90 day net for them due to payment problems.

When I ran a business many years back, rich folk were the worst at getting owed money from...especially doctors and lawyers.
Even if large-scale aircraft weren’t finding their way into the Millard hangar, some materials were.

Read more: company that made regular deliveries to the hangar tells CTV News the deliveries suddenly stopped the day after Bosma’s disappearance.
There was no further contact between the company and Millard Air until last week, when the employee the company always dealt with showed up and said it would be business as usual beginning this week.
The company says it was skeptical about that claim, and locked the cash-only account in Dellen Millard’s name over the weekend.

Read more:

Cash-only account?

Yes, I am curious about what was being delivered there regularly and who was going to continue "business as usual" after DM's arrest. I can only guess car parts? For the "chop shop"?

BBM - Semaphored? And Accounting on FB?

Yes DM was a busy guy alright but only when it benefited him or served his purpose. We have no idea what DM's definition of flipping houses meant. Some people gut house, and then there are those who do a bit of painting and decorating, change out a dripping faucet, change a counter top, replace carpeting...done. Then there are those who purchase a place cheap, hire a contractor to do the work for them, to turn around and sell them for a profit. Maybe DM was doing the latter and was purchasing items on line for the contractor to install for him because he was nickel and diming, not liking the prices of the contractor. DM claimed he was just breaking even and that would make sense if someone hired a contractor.

DM's or anyone for that matter, their definition of getting up early could differ greatly. Someone who sleeps in until noon, getting up at 10 or 11am could be early. Someone who normally gets up at 6am, but got up at 4 or 5am could be early to them. And don't forget, not everything would be scheduled around DM's desires, wants and needs. If the accountant said he only had morning appointments, well I guess DM wouldn't have much of an opinion then to get up early. For all we know, the issue surrounding seeing the accountant could have been due to annual taxes. Seeing as the deadline for annual taxes ends at the the end of April, was he late getting the information to the accountant, well over a month late. Maybe DM was too busy getting up late every day he missed the deadline for filing the taxes. Oh course that all depends on Millardair's fiscal year end, but what about his personal taxes...

IMHO I think yes, DM was a busy guy doing what interested him. When it came to Millardair; not so much, not so busy while WM was alive other then being a busy impediment. Once WM was removed from the picture DM was busy trying to tie up ends to get his hands on any money from his father's estate. While WM was still alive the only interest DM had in the business was tracking where his inheritance was going and maintaining his hobby hanger.

UBM - DM figured he could solve it with a gun. Too bad WM hadn't settled it with kicking DM's behind to the curb when he realized DM had no interest in the business. Not only did he not have any interest, but he had no financial investment in it either. So IMHO who the heck did DM think he was telling his father how to run his business or what to do with his money. DM could have gone out and started his own business with his own money had he been so inclined to do so. That tells me it all boiled down to greed and money on DM's part. I still question where DM got all his money from to make the purchases he made, i.e., farmland, condos and all his toys. If I had to guess, dear old dad who received thanks by being shot in the head. That or the proceeds of crime. It will be very interesting when all the finer details come out through the trial. But then again maybe once DM gets disclosure from his lawyer, he might just opt to plead guilty sparing him the embarrassment. Do psychopaths, sociopaths have pride or get embarrassed, or do they thrive on the attention a trial would bring? MOO.

Is it just me or do DM's possessions (cars, boats, seadoos and homes) all seem a bit run down and shabby? Photos that I have seen of his fathers home and the boat that he owned (not the sail boat that he rented) were all old, rundown and beat up. Even his condo was poorly decorated. Not something that you would see a rich kid from Rosedale owning or an upwardly mobile person with a bit of class. I get the sense that both money, class and taste were lacking...not to mention an ounce of empathy.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk
Is it just me or do DM's possessions (cars, boats, seadoos and homes) all seem a bit run down and shabby? Photos that I have seen of his fathers home and the boat that he owned (not the sail boat that he rented) were all old, rundown and beat up. Even his condo was poorly decorated. Not something that you would see a rich kid from Rosedale owning or an upwardly mobile person with a bit of class. I get the sense that both money, class and taste were lacking...not to mention an ounce of empathy.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk

Well DM was not a kid from Rosedale nor was he an upwardly mobile person. He was living off the remains of an inheritance from his father and grandfather with no obvious intentions of actually working for a living to expand on that wealth.

I've gotten the impression that both WM and DM were not the "elite" rich types who liked to surround themselves with expensive and fancy trappings, at least not in their homes or in the way that they presented themselves to the world. They have both been described as "unassuming", "frugal" and "bargain hunters" by various people including DM himself. I have a feeling that as long as something was comfortable and functional it was fine and didn't need to be replaced. The family home didn't look like it had been updated for a very long time. It was probably WM, who owned it, who didn't think it necessary. I have a feeling DM probably outfitted the home with some "toys" to entertain his friends after his father's death. And I'm sure money was no object in that regard. It was selective spending, only for things that interested him or attracted people to him IMO. Like rental yachts, European vacations, expensive electronics, downtown condos and drugs.

I also think DM in particular liked to "fix" things. I think he liked to collect old things and fix them up rather than purchase something new. You can see that in the pictures of the vehicles that he had all over those hangars. It was a hobby to him. And he had a group of friends with a similar interest it seems. Eventually it seems to have become a small business venture for him. A "chop shop" if you will. I take him as being someone who loves a bargain and getting something for nothing would be an even bigger rush for him. A lot of wealthy people are like that. I suspect he got a few of those vehicles for nothing over the years. And I've yet to see any vehicle that he purchased brand new other than perhaps that red Ram truck which was already a number of years old, I don't know what year it was. Hence the mission to find a truck because he needed one to get him to Baja. Why pay for something when you can just take it? That's a savings of $25,000. Quite a deal for a bargain hunter.

Sometimes I wonder if he didn't try to haggle and low ball TB for that truck first. Tell him he was crazy asking that kind of money and that the truck was only worth $15,000 and he'd pay him cash. Maybe he had the cash on him. I hear he drives a hard bargain and that the people who sold him the farm felt cheated by that deal. And maybe TB told him he was nuts and to get the h$ll out of his truck. Which is when the decision to just take it at all costs, including killing the owner was made.

But then I remember that he took his hit man on those test drives and not his mechanic and it makes me think that stealing the truck and killing the owner was the intent all along.

I'm looking for a red-roofed hangar at the Breslau airport area and I can't find one. Where is Jetliner Court? I'm trying to pinpoint the Millardair hangar in google maps if someone can help, TIA.
Thanks lanman! I see that the millardair hangar was not that close to the others.

Great article hopingforjustice , thanks.

Wayne Millard died on Nov. 29, 2012. Chris Wood announced it by email on Dec. 4, 2012: "Wayne Millard passed away on Thursday last week, and his son Dellan (sic) has decided to shut down the business. All employees were laid off as of today. Jeff (Schelling, regional government lawyer) will be discussing the next steps with the bank and Millard's legal council.

Its interesting to note that WM died Nov 29 and DM was quick to give notice by Dec 4th that the business (MRO) was shut down and everybody was laid off .... maybe I am reading too much into it , but it has the aroma of being planned before Nov 29th

In normal circumstances I would expect at least week of grieving to lose a father , and then a week or two of careful consulting and decision making regarding the future of the Hangar.

But then again , not much is normal in this whole affair


  • dm trailer may 2013.JPG
    dm trailer may 2013.JPG
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  • dm trailer may 2013 a.jpg
    dm trailer may 2013 a.jpg
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I had been looking at these a couple of days ago and noticed the Google map date of May 2013 and DM's trailer is at the hangar .... so this may have been taken just before the murder.

Good find Arnie. Interesting that it appears to be parked in a very open area with nothing in close proximity to it.
Its interesting to note that WM died Nov 29 and DM was quick to give notice by Dec 4th that the business (MRO) was shut down and everybody was laid off

Hmm, Thursday to Tuesday max .. Sheesh, could have been sooner if that darned old weekend hadn't held up business dealings. Dude functions pretty well under stress and grief :rolleyes:
Not that it probably means anything in the scheme of things, but there appears to be a back entrance to the hangar that comes in off Jetliner Rd. Probably a good spot for parts deliveries etc without having to wend through the airport itself.


  • Millard Air Hangar - Jetliner Rd entrance.jpg
    Millard Air Hangar - Jetliner Rd entrance.jpg
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Good find Arnie. Interesting that it appears to be parked in a very open area with nothing in close proximity to it.

Not that it probably means anything in the scheme of things, but there appears to be a back entrance to the hangar that comes in off Jetliner Rd. Probably a good spot for parts deliveries etc without having to wend through the airport itself.

The Canadian Skies Magazine article mentions plans to have an FBO locate there as well , and also mentions the road access , so it appears this was just the first phase of a larger plan for that corner of the airport.

I wonder if some of those plans are "stalled" as well ??

At the moment, the new (Millardair) heavy maintenance facility is isolated on the field; but if Wood has his way, there will be an FBO (fixed-base operator) out there soon. The airport issued an RFP (request for proposal) in May, and hopes to break ground this summer. &#8220;There is great visibility for an FBO over there, at the end of the runway, with airside and road access,&#8221; he said. &#8220;The land is serviced; they could start building tomorrow.&#8221;

The article does mention some significant operators flying from there ....

The Region of Waterloo International Airport is home to WestJet, with non-stop daily service to Calgary; Bearskin, which flies to Ottawa and Montreal; Sunwing, which heads south to Punta Cana during the winter travel season; and American Eagle (American), which commenced its new Chicago service in mid-June. (2012)

I just noticed that in the past couple of weeks Bearskin Airlines has trimmed some operations for economic reasons and no longer fly from Kitchener Waterloo

Seems the company that built the hangar for Windsor's no-go MRO is the same company that built the hangar for Kitchener's no-go MRO

Both the Windsor hangar/MRO and the Kitchener hangar/MRO were issued building permits in July, 2011, and both were to be built by Aveiro Constructors Ltd.

ETA: NO the contractor for Windsor was actually another company Amico. Sorry about that.

However, Premier Aviation already held MRO certification and held a job fair to hire staff in Windsor around the end of March, 2012.

Millardair of course got its occupancy permit for its hangar in February 2012, but only got its MRO certification and started hiring in November, 2012.

Interesting that the MRO projects were both issued building permits in July 2011, that they were direct competitors.
Seeing as the Windsor MRO had a 9 month head start on the Kitchener MRO, let's take a look at how that went:

Hundreds vie for Premier Aviation jobs in Windsor
Mar 28, 2012

Premier Aviation to move into Windsor hangar 'soon'
The airplane maintenance company was to be up and running in Windsor by mid-2012
Jun 22, 2012

Premier Aviation to open Windsor hangar mid-September
The airplane maintenance company was to be up and running in Windsor by mid-2012
Aug 3, 2012

Mayor Francis defends Premier Aviation job projections
Sep 23, 2012

And this one isn't dated but it has a comment of November 6, 2012:
More Competition For Premier Aviation

By Robert Tuomi

(WINDSOR, ON) &#8211; Things aren&#8217;t looking all that good for the empty maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) centre at Windsor&#8217;s airport built by the city at a cost of some $30 million, all in, and now being operated by a service provider with no planes to service.

All around the continent deals are being made to repair aircraft, largely in the fallout from the bankruptcy of the once king of MRO a company named Aveos. It was a spin-off once owned by Air Canada and with its failure is causing airlines to scramble to find new providers. It would seem an ideal time for Windsor to enter the MRO market but, from what is being published, all the work has now been assigned. At the same time new MRO facilities are opening in America to serve Air Canada, but, nothing it seems for Windsor which is sitting holding an empty bag.
I just noticed that in the past couple of weeks Bearskin Airlines has trimmed some operations for economic reasons and no longer fly from Kitchener Waterloo[/QUOTE]

I am not surprised...I looked into flying with them to Ottawa 2 summers ago and it was an outrageous price. I was willing to pay a premium for the convenience of flying from "home" but it was just too high for the class of aircraft and expected "ride". Got a much better rate out of Toronto with a much more comfortable aircraft. Just had to deal with the big airport.
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