Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #3

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OH, I agree Suzi. She was having to put up with constant harassment from the perp and his friends. Their is already an outcry building about this case. Last night some of the reporters were questioning the handling of this case. It sounds like they're blaming the military for not 'protecting' the victim and then putting off giving the sheriff needed information that could have made the local LE's job easier and quicker.

I did see though, that the sheriff is stating that he believes that by the time he found out on 12/19 that she was missing, she was already dead. He believes she was killed the very next day after she talked to her mom.


That appears to be the case. TOD will be interesting as it will prove everything that happened afterward as staging. I don't know how much they will be able to pin down a date after this length of time. Brown also stated Military didn't notify him of the order of protection till last Friday. The Marine's state that he had the information last Monday. I never thought I would be saying this. But I think Brown is telling the truth.

I'm still puzzled by the estimated TOD of 12-14-12-19 and the bonfire sighting after Christmas. Where was Maria in between?
On those long distance runs, the bus has several stops before they reach their final destination. This may have been a 'meal stop.' The person who identified him to LE was most likely on the bus with him from NC. They probably were getting off in LA. So now, anyone who would know if he's on the bus or not, is most likely on the same bus


How scary! Can you imagine KNOWING that he is on the same bus as you? I would be petrified! :eek:

But Little Deer would probably just stamp her feet and skewer him with her antlers! LOL.
That appears to be the case. TOD will be interesting as it will prove everything that happened afterward as staging. I don't know how much they will be able to pin down a date after this length of time. Brown also stated Military didn't notify him of the order of protection till last Friday. The Marine's state that he had the information last Monday. I never thought I would be saying this. But I think Brown is telling the truth.

I'm still puzzled by the estimated TOD of 12-14-12-19 and the bonfire sighting after Christmas. Where was Maria in between?

The sheriff believed she was killed on 12/15/08, the day after she talked to her mom.

They should check Amtrack service, too. He could have gotten off the bus and gone over to Amtrack to continue on.
I am sure if he is on the bus now, that the driver has been alerted. He has probably been told not to act any differently, but possibly to alter his route a little, or pretend at some time that the bus has a problem with the engine, and bring in another bus???

Still a possibility of a hostage situation, but maybe at one of the stops a FBI or SWAT team member has boarded pretending to be average joe....

All sorts of possibilites are going through my mind right now.

I'm assuming he has ditched his truck since he is on a bus now. Why LE hasn't come out and said it has been found is something I am wondering about now.

paddy: Good thought on insurance. Something to leave his wife and child? Sure, he can kill someone and his unborn child, but think of leaving money to his wife and child??? don't think so personally. He will kill himself. If not, ss will make me do more news coverages. LOL

Military life insurance has suicide clause, won't pay, also just found out from military (Marine) wife, that if military personnel is fugitive, if killed won't pay either. Also, found out that when Maria came up missing she is listed as UA by Marine corp., but technically isn't consider missing until 30 days has passed. Wished I'd have phoned her earlier!
I keep getting error messages on the greyhound site.

Yes, littledeer, I would hop that LE agencies along the route are properly notified in case he tries to get off at an unscheduled stop, but look how they've bungled this so far.

Also, I'm sure it would make a stop in Dallas or FtWorth first but those stations would be very very crowded...plenty of chance for others to be hurt and probably already passed thru there anyway.

If they were trying to get him when it came thru Abilene, I would know already 'cause my H is the SWAT lieutenant in charge of stuff like that, and he is still at church.

I'm betting if he's on the bus he'll be caught farther west since it's been so long since he was spotted in Louisiana.

I keep getting error messages on the greyhound site.

Yes, littledeer, I would hop that LE agencies along the route are properly notified in case he tries to get off at an unscheduled stop, but look how they've bungled this so far.

Also, I'm sure it would make a stop in Dallas or FtWorth first but those stations would be very very crowded...plenty of chance for others to be hurt and probably already passed thru there anyway.

If they were trying to get him when it came thru Abilene, I would know already 'cause my H is the SWAT lieutenant in charge of stuff like that, and he is still at church.

I'm betting if he's on the bus he'll be caught farther west since it's been so long since he was spotted in Louisiana.

Good afternoon! I'm hoping this server doesn't start giving me error messages again! About the bus, I'd think he's got to be somewhere in Texas now and maybe even got off the bus depending on which route it was taking and how close to the Mexican border he was. I haven't heard anything about LE finding his truck, so I wonder where he left it?
how much of a time difference is Texas from NC?

The arrival times are for what time zone is basically what I"m asking :waitasec:
The sheriff believed she was killed on 12/15/08, the day after she talked to her mom.


That might be because they found recieots for cleaning material and paint to try and cover up the mess in the house.I am beginning to think his wife could have been out of town during those days visiting her folks for the holidays. And after Maria was murdered he buried her in the pit and then waited to burn the piece of fence on top of the pit.

The note would not surprise me he wrote on Friday Morning righet before he took off. And he usaully got up around four to report for duty.So his getting up would not alert his wife.
Do we know where he got ON the bus? Was it in NC? If so, how hard could it be to find the truck? It shouldn't be too hard to find, IMO.
No, life insurance can/will still pay off in the event of a suicide...At least Aetna does if the policy is older than two years. Both of my parents death certificates read suicide...and they paid out both times.....Not saying it would for sure, just that LI policies do pay out for suicides.

Just got off the phone with Marine corp. (former marine & wife) who worked in administration. NO, life insurance with not be paid because of suicide, and will not be paid if military person is fugitive and killed while being apprehended. On the other hand Maria's family will recieve her benefits. Wished I"d have called this person sooner!
man, go away for a few to talk to hubby so he don't feel neglected. and I have to read for 5 minutes to catch up! :)

Beavis: Yep, antlers are all sharpened and ready!! :)

paddy: so if he has any shred of caring for his wife and child (which I doubt, but could be totally wrong), he would think not to commit suicide so they will have his insurance? How would they pay out if he is incarcerated?? He would still have to die, right? I don't see him spending the rest of his life in jail just so his wife and child will have some money.

TGI: You keep us informed on what your hubby hears!! LOL. I still think there is some type of LE on the bus he is on now. Too quiet as far as info. coming out right now.

someone asked about time from NC to Texas..............could he already be there then?
Do we know where he got ON the bus? Was it in NC? If so, how hard could it be to find the truck? It shouldn't be too hard to find, IMO.
I haven't read anything about it except what's on msnbc this afternoon. I'm curious too where the truck is. He must have figured LE would find him easier with it than on a bus but if someone has spotted him he must not be trying to disguise his appearance either.
Bus schedule from Shreveport LA to El Paso TX:

Select Departure Schedule for Sunday, January 13, 2008 SelectDepartsArrivesDurationTransfersCarrierSchedule-
-12:30am03:30pm16h, 0m1 GLI1267
- 02:30am08:00pm18h, 30m1 GLI1567
- 06:25am01:10am19h, 45m1 GLI1551
12:25pm05:50am18h, 25m1 GLI1547
04:45pm07:55am16h, 10m1 KBC0513
06:30pm11:45am18h, 15m1 GLI1523

Thanks SS!
I get a blank when I click on the links...I see the times but not the locations of those stops.
I've been asking about that damn truck for hours now. Why hasn't LE said they have found it???

something fishy there!!
Wow! Yall have been busy... I go to sleep, frustrated at my computer, oversleep, and there are so many posts!!!

I'm sorry I haven't gotten the transcript of the presser up... hence why I'm frustrated at my computer... the speakers died. (I'm going to try to use kidlets in a little while though)

Gotta go catch up now--I might be reading for a long time!
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