Missing cell phones

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I am not condemning her because of her hair color, but it is so-o-o 1998. I'm not saying that she's crazy, evil or dysfunctional. My point is choosing hair that color is made with the knowledge that one will get attention.That is why you did it for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to draw attention to the issue through your hair.
My comment about her possibly being a whack job was related to whether she possibly could be trying to get attention in this case and making up a story--my throwing that out because it has happened before. I used her hair color as evidence of someone trying to get attention. But, she could be part of a group that's really into 1990's fashion or maybe she is also supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month.:truce:

Most of the hairdressers where I live have pink hair or other funky hair colors and styles, and there are a number of people walking the streets this way too. I am not bothered by the color of her hair, but I sure am concerned about this phone call and I bet she knows exactly who answered that night....or, at the very least, who had her phone. JMO
Before reading it here, I had no idea I could take my new phone to AT&T to get programmed with all of my old information. If I get a new phone because I lost the old one, can they still do it?

When they did my husband's (and tried and failed to do it to mine) they connected his phone to a computer terminal and extracted all the info then attached the new phone and transferred it over, I think they do need to have the phone there but I could be wrong.
When they did my husband's (and tried and failed to do it to mine) they connected his phone to a computer terminal and extracted all the info then attached the new phone and transferred it over, I think they do need to have the phone there but I could be wrong.
Yes most can, but won't do it if you owe them a late bill.
Most of the hairdressers where I live have pink hair or other funky hair colors and styles, and there are a number of people walking the streets this way too. I am not bothered by the color of her hair, but I sure am concerned about this phone call and I bet she knows exactly who answered that night....or, at the very least, who had her phone. JMO

I myself am presently in the Helena Bonham Carter school of hairstyles. (I hope I don't get responses telling me that she's an actress, not a hairdresser.) Hairdressers do their hair in funky styles and colors to draw attention to their skill, style, etc.--proving my point again. I am not bothered by her hair color. More Skittles to her if that is down with her insane clown posse!!! I was using the hair color as evidence of her seeking attention if she had fabricated a story to the press in order to get attention.
If MW actually does not know who placed the call or who had her phone, then she better be able to prove that it was lost or stolen...
Do we know if the call was deleted from MW's phone?
Only if you had synched it onto your computer. The cell service provider does not keep those records for you.

If you take an 'old phone' to your provider (who you still have service with) you can transfer all of your data to a new phone. Or any other phone, even if used or 'old.'
I just transferred a bunch of data to three 'old' phones from my 'latest' model.

The only thing that prevented transfer of specific data was the specific phones' capabilities. That was with Verizon.

I now have shared data on four phones- ranging in age of data from 3 months, to 5 years.
I wonder if we'll see MW on a few morning shows next week. If it doesn't jeopardize the investigation, I sure hope so. I'd like to see her asked directly by a real interviewer:

1. Do you know anybody connected to the family or the neighbors of Lisa Irwin?
2. Did the call you received come to a cell phone or land line?
3. What do you mean by "you don't know who answered it" - explain? Who else could have answered it?
4. What was the time of the call, according to what you were told? Where were you at that time?
5. Does the ex-boyfriend with whom you went through the neighborhood know anyone connected to the family or friends of Debbi Bradley or Jeremy Irwin?
6. Do you know who took Lisa Irwin out of the house?

I really wonder if MW was given a LDT since she was questioned 4 times.

Gonna bounce off your post as I was backtracking trying to find actual words MW spoke...if she said she doesn't KNOW who answered it, that means she doesn't KNOW...(Right??) she won't be able to testify in court (if and when it comes to that) and change her story...it would either be impeached or never allowed in and I do think she is in (cooperative) touch with LE... IF that is the case...she does NOT know who answered the call...Since she spoke to the media, I am making the leap that she was asked to.. or else she went wayyyy rougue (I wish there was a smiley to represent rambling, random thoughts because I would have one on every single post of my own)
Excellent point, In da Middle. A customer in good standing can get a whole lot accomplished. Not in good standing? Not so much.

LOL - I almost feel obliged to say that my husband and I have a 'family plan' therefore the reason for them not being able to transfer my data when they did his was not due to late bill payments since both our phones are on the same account...

Seriously, I do get the point here though - in view of the Irwin/Bradley phones being on restricted service due to non-payment it's perfectly logical that they might not have been extended the same courtesies in-store as more regular paying customers might get.
I think the fact that it was 50 seconds is important. That's a really LONG time - it wasn't just oops, wrong number. Whoever dialed whoever had plenty of time to have a whole conversation, either angry/accusing, or if an accomplice a helpful one.
The Examiner is stating that Lisa's mother's phone was the one that called pink hair.

I read the article. It seems to be a spin off of the video I think we have all seen now. I viewed it again to confirm that MW does not say the call was placed from DB's phone in that video. I think the reporter is making an assumption that all of the phones are DB's phones as they had been in her house.
The Examiner is stating that Lisa's mother's phone was the one that called pink hair.

I think this is a case of bad wording by the reporter. It doesn't say that MW knows or was told that it was specifically Debbi's phone. The author seems to have wrongly surmised this from the one brief interview of MW that was aired. It hasn't been revealed anywhere which of the 3 allegedly stolen phones made the call. JMO.

P.s. Yesterday, examiner.com released an article stating that Debbi's husband SB was arrested in 2008 for a drive by shooting. The article was by an author previously approved by WS (and who, imo, has done some really good work on other missing person's cases). Some WS members contacted the author because it appeared that she got the wrong SB from another town in Missouri and it isn't Debbi's husband who was involved in the shooting; the author took down the article. I'm leary of examiner.com, regardless of the author, at this point. ALL JMO.
I think this is a case of bad wording by the reporter. It doesn't say that MW knows or was told that it was specifically Debbi's phone. The author seems to have wrongly surmised this from the one brief interview of MW that was aired. It hasn't been revealed anywhere which of the 3 allegedly stolen phones made the call. JMO.

P.s. Yesterday, examiner.com released an article stating that Debbi's husband SB was arrested in 2008 for a drive by shooting. The article was by an author previously approved by WS (and who, imo, has done some really good work on other missing person's cases). Some WS members contacted the author because it appeared that she got the wrong SB from another town in Missouri and it isn't Debbi's husband who was involved in the shooting; the author took down the article. I'm leary of examiner.com, regardless of the author, at this point. ALL JMO.
I am leary of ALL media at this point! They have done very little but get in the way as far as I am concerned in this case.
Ok- read it. Thought it was new info, but just bad reporting. Climbing back up..
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