Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #9

DNA Solves
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Until and unless remains are discovered, this is likely to remain unsolved. The silence over the past years bespeaks of one perpetrator and/or a dead one by now, not multiple people who share the same secret.
Until and unless remains are discovered, this is likely to remain unsolved. The silence over the past years bespeaks of one perpetrator and/or a dead one by now, not multiple people who share the same secret.

Secrets can bond people together. People can also decide they want a future that isn't in a jail cell so they drop it. People might hear rumors and decide it isn't worth destroying lives over.
They all three walked to the vehicle that removed them by threat of a weapon - most likely gun. Thinking that two high school grads who had been partying until the wee hours of the morning and a single mother who was not suspecting an attack would have the presence of mind to physically fight back is the stuff of movies and television. Fear of physical hurt of yourself or a loved one or two young girls in your care is a powerful incentive to do what you're told to do and pray that things work out even if, logically, there is little chance that they will. One thing about sleuthing, IMOO, is that you must stop imagining what you yourself would do because this isn't about you or how you think, it's about what evidence there is and what that indicates.
No one could’ve been sure Suzie and Stacy were so drunk they’d comply or Sherrill wouldn’t meet him with a gun. Suzie and Stacy might’ve been tipsy and docile or on drugs and combative. Someone could’ve had a boyfriend over. It’s hard to believe one person take such chances.
How we would’ve handled the situation may not matter but people are unpredictable. One person would had to have planned and watched to pull this off without leaving a shred of evidence-but it wasn’t a normal night. I’ve been in life threatening situations and made excuses for what was happening rather than what I thought I would-and what people I told said they would’ve done-because I didn’t want to believe it.
Since no one realized what had happened at the time and no one knows exactly what happened even now how would you know exactly what was evidence and what wasn't?
No one could’ve been sure Suzie and Stacy were so drunk they’d comply or Sherrill wouldn’t meet him with a gun. Suzie and Stacy might’ve been tipsy and docile or on drugs and combative. Someone could’ve had a boyfriend over. It’s hard to believe one person take such chances.
How we would’ve handled the situation may not matter but people are unpredictable. One person would had to have planned and watched to pull this off without leaving a shred of evidence-but it wasn’t a normal night. I’ve been in life threatening situations and made excuses for what was happening rather than what I thought I would-and what people I told said they would’ve done-because I didn’t want to believe it.
Exactly! I've been in some crazy situations with people I would have never thought were capable of being one way, and then they turned out to be exactly the opposite. What I mean by that is, you just never know. I've been around several people through out my life that, when they were sober were the nicest people you could ever be around, but god help you if you let them get a couple drinks in them, they turn into the devil. I remember the first couple times I witnessed people and the Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde thing that alcohol does to some people. It floored me. Would have never thought it was possible for someone to change so drastically with just a little alcohol in them. But alcohol has that kind of affect on some people. I have often wondered if this case was caused by something like that. Someone got hammered, went on blackout drive, committed this heinous crime, and somehow managed to just get lucky enough to not leave enough evidence behind to get charged. I have always been of the notion that the police have an idea who was probably involved, what happened, or who committed the crime, but just can't pin it on their suspect. JMO.
There is no proof that the girls were tipsy or drunk considering they drove home that morning.

Also 3 different personalities means that you can’t say how each individual would react.

Sherrill obviously wasn’t a idiot and most people would automatically fight back when their child and own life is at risk. If a man kidnaps 3 women common sense means you ain’t making it out alive especially if they knew who did this to them.

It makes sense that this was a blitz attack and they wasn’t even aware of what was happening hence no signs of a struggle. I also believe there was at least 2/3 people involved due to the fact Sherills and Suzie’s rooms were not near each other.
There is no proof that the girls were tipsy or drunk considering they drove home that morning.

Also 3 different personalities means that you can’t say how each individual would react.

Sherrill obviously wasn’t a idiot and most people would automatically fight back when their child and own life is at risk. If a man kidnaps 3 women common sense means you ain’t making it out alive especially if they knew who did this to them.

It makes sense that this was a blitz attack and they wasn’t even aware of what was happening hence no signs of a struggle. I also believe there was at least 2/3 people involved due to the fact Sherills and Suzie’s rooms were not near each other.
Well, IMO you'd have to start by knowing whether they even made it home that night. It's pure speculation that they even made it there that night. Even the police didn't think the crime scene looked right. As one of them stated, "It was like they were just raptured". As if they had just disappeared.
As you've said, we don't know how any of them would have reacted. So we can't speculate how Sherrill being a mother, would have reacted. What if they had a gun to her head, or to her daughters head. Think she would have fought back then. I think the chances would have been slim if that were the case. But one never knows how a person will react, when they or a loved one is facing a perceived certain death. Fight, Fight, or, Freeze. Those are the three reactions people have to a perceived threat. One person could have easily taken all three women. It's not like it would be the first time in history that one person gained control of more than one other person with a perceived threat.
Bottom line here is, no one even knows if they made it home that night. Just because their cars were there and their purses and personal affects were there, doesn't mean that someone returned the things to the house. Stranger crimes have happened. JMO.
Well, IMO you'd have to start by knowing whether they even made it home that night. It's pure speculation that they even made it there that night. Even the police didn't think the crime scene looked right. As one of them stated, "It was like they were just raptured". As if they had just disappeared.
As you've said, we don't know how any of them would have reacted. So we can't speculate how Sherrill being a mother, would have reacted. What if they had a gun to her head, or to her daughters head. Think she would have fought back then. I think the chances would have been slim if that were the case. But one never knows how a person will react, when they or a loved one is facing a perceived certain death. Fight, Fight, or, Freeze. Those are the three reactions people have to a perceived threat. One person could have easily taken all three women. It's not like it would be the first time in history that one person gained control of more than one other person with a perceived threat.
Bottom line here is, no one even knows if they made it home that night. Just because their cars were there and their purses and personal affects were there, doesn't mean that someone returned the things to the house. Stranger crimes have happened. JMO.

The problem is there is no proof that Sherrill left home that night and she had absolutely no reason to either.

She can be placed at her home up until 11.30pm if my memory is right.

It seems very strange that the girls had gotten ready for bed and taken off make up as well but that was now meant to be staged . Who would stage that, who would even think of leaving cotton wool buds with make up residue in the bin to show they had been home that night?
Sherrill wasn't expecting the girls back that night. This was before cell phone carry and use. Everything indicates she was home. Maybe NOT alone when the girls walked in. Everything indicates the girls got there, in two different cars which remained, and began to undress for bed, removing their make up.
Over thinking and assigning imaginative scenarios that conflict with the physical evidence maybe intriguing but does nothing to solve the disappearances or crime. It merely muddies the already stagnant water. Detectives work off what is left behind. Even hunches NEED physical evidence to legitimize them.
Staging the house would take time, and it would need to serve a purpose - although it's really difficult to know what was moved, touched, investigated before the police even got called. The way it was found should have set alarm bells ringing straight away. The house was empty, purses inside, dog left behind, cars out front.. it's pretty cut and dry from there that something is hugely amiss. I think whoever did this was confident they'd leave no physical evidence behind - whether they did or not, we will never know due to the contamination of the scene.. but staging, I'm not convinced. I think Suzie and Stacy made it back to Delmar safely, and probably not even very intoxicated, either.
It’d been a long day. Suzie might’ve redone her makeup before she went out. I’d be surprised if she didn’t since she obviously took pride in her appearance. Any used washcloths would’ve been dry by the time LE got to Delmar. If someone looked in my bathroom trash they’d find used cotton balls and a dirty washcloth or two in my hamper. Suzie could’ve called to tell Sherrill she’d be home and ask if it was ok if Stacy stayed the night-especially if Stacy wasn’t a regular. We don’t know with so many people in and out that day. I know my parents appreciated a heads up if I brought company home.
It’d been a long day. Suzie might’ve redone her makeup before she went out. I’d be surprised if she didn’t since she obviously took pride in her appearance. Any used washcloths would’ve been dry by the time LE got to Delmar. If someone looked in my bathroom trash they’d find used cotton balls and a dirty washcloth or two in my hamper. Suzie could’ve called to tell Sherrill she’d be home and ask if it was ok if Stacy stayed the night-especially if Stacy wasn’t a regular. We don’t know with so many people in and out that day. I know my parents appreciated a heads up if I brought company home.

As I recall, and I could be wrong, phone records were examined and that is how we know that Sherrill was home at ten p.m. and that she received a phone call around 10-1130. No one said anywhere that Suzie made a call - no cell phones, remember - to let Sherrill know that she had changed her plans and was bringing someone home with her.
As I recall, and I could be wrong, phone records were examined and that is how we know that Sherrill was home at ten p.m. and that she received a phone call around 10-1130. No one said anywhere that Suzie made a call - no cell phones, remember - to let Sherrill know that she had changed her plans and was bringing someone home with her.

Also let’s not forget that their plans kept changing so Stacey staying was a last minute decision so Suzie probably didn’t think to call home as Sherrill would of been asleep by that stage.
As I recall, and I could be wrong, phone records were examined and that is how we know that Sherrill was home at ten p.m. and that she received a phone call around 10-1130. No one said anywhere that Suzie made a call - no cell phones, remember - to let Sherrill know that she had changed her plans and was bringing someone home with her.
If I'm remembering the case correctly, the only phone call was when she talked to her friend from Seattle, WA. that night. I think the friend came forward and told police. I don't recall them ever stating in the news that they had checked her phone records. There has been speculation as to whether or not the phone company kept or had the ability to keep or know what the phone records were for private residences back then. Someone might help clarify this one.
Maybe 2 of the 3 ARE dead by now.....IMO......the only avenue left must be taken asap.

Cold Justice Tip Line

Well, you probably are familiar with BTK. He murdered a family of four, the Oteros, all by himself. He got a thrill out of his crimes. Hid it from his wife of 35 years until he was caught through his own stupidity.

Most of these killers are stupid although they appear to be smart. Who would have thought one perp could kill a whole family with no help? Then he was too stupid to know that the floppy disk would lead right to him. DNA was left in all his crime scenes.

<modsnip - not from allowed source >

You are no doubt familiar with the arrest of the alleged “Golden State Killer.”Although he was actually a cop for a short time there was no DNA that linked to him. The connection was made through private DNA sources which had the DNA of relatives that linked him. Through his lengthy crime spree he murdered 12 victims. And he left DNA in most if not all his crime scenes.
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