"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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Wasn't this "letter" actually the speech he was supposed to give at some function that subsequently uninvited C&G? I can't remember where or what (some missing children's foundation, I think) the function was, but I do remember about them being uninvited. IMO, the sponsors did not care for the way the A's were handling themselves in the media and decided it was best for them not to be included.

I think it was this conference Itsy
'George and Cindy were scheduled to be keynote speakers at the Melanie Ilene Rieger's memorial conference next month in Connecticut. However, Eyewitness News discovered Thursday that the Anthonys were taken off the agenda. There was no information given as to why they will not be attending.'

Kudos to the conference organizers!
Thanks for finding that for me, KaRN :)

Snipped from link provided by KaRN:

George says wants to be a victim's advocate, helping the families of missing or murdered loved ones in Caylee's memory.
However, some advocates are offended by his actions because someone is already under arrest for Caylee's murder. Many of those victim advocates said they don't want his help.
They say the Anthonys have damaged the progress made for victims' rights and for missing person's cases.

Claire fielding's daughter Debra was kidnapped, raped and murdered in April of 2000 in downtown Orlando. She and others believe what brought Caylee here is very different and that George and Cindy Anthony knew that from the beginning.
"I want to talk to more people about that kind of stuff. You can't give up. Even though the days get very hard for you, there are people to talk to besides your own family," said George Anthony.
George Anthony showed up in Putnam County saying he was there to help Haleigh Cummings' family, even though he had told a judge he was too depressed to face a court hearing at that time.
"To me, this whole thing with the Anthonys, it's like a big circus and George and Cindy are the ringmasters," said Fielding.
Fielding is working with the Bereaved Survivors of Homicide in Orange County, a well-established group that quietly helps victims' families.
She says she is disgusted with the Anthonys' network TV appearances and their overtures about helping others.
"If Casey didn't do it somebody did. Why are you not out there instead of going on national television to publicizing whatever it is you want to publicize?" said Fielding.
Another thing that I noticed & have gone "HMMMM" about to myself is the scene from the 48 Hours show where Cindy showed Caylee's mirror in her closet and said she hadn't cleaned it because Caylee's hanprints were on it and she'd clean it when Caylee came back home.

No way, no how... As fastedious as Cindy is about cleaning, IMO there's just no way she would have NOT cleaned that mirror thinking Caylee would be home again. I think she was preserving Caylee's last handprints, as she knew there would be no more to clean up after anymore.
I think it was this conference Itsy
'George and Cindy were scheduled to be keynote speakers at the Melanie Ilene Rieger's memorial conference next month in Connecticut. However, Eyewitness News discovered Thursday that the Anthonys were taken off the agenda. There was no information given as to why they will not be attending.'

Kudos to the conference organizers!

I believe they were also booted from an event hosted by Marc Klaas....seems like it was to be held on a cruise ship or something, but maybe I am mixing it up with the one you guys have noted...
I don't think GA was being purposefully obtuse when he showed up in Putnam, or went to those KidFinders events-CA and LA basically told him that he was to cover those bases and stay away from talking about the investigation/fielding media questions about the murder(er). CA did not trust GA not to throw KC under the bus, as she told DC.
OT-this is kinda off topic, but maybe not since there are probably plenty of "mis-truths" in it...

The World According---you are so good at finding the videos, I have been looking and looking for the video of Cindy being interviewed in her florida room (screened room) by the reporter who was the one that CA told would never get another exclusive again. It was a long and convoluted interview of Cindy and I would love to watch it again...any chance you could find it? Thanks in advance. :blowkiss:

ok- I I know this is not a florida room but this is the one video I have not been able to find that always seemed Cindy led and I assumed it was with Holly. With the fenced background and outdoors, not being widly spread I guess I kinda remembered it as it may have been done on a porch so when I read this post this is the first video that popped into my head. The quality isn't that great, looks like someone just taped it off their TV but I could not find another anywhwere. I hope this is what you were looking for.. if not sorry for butting in!! :)





ETA- and it cuts off- it isn't the full interview. I wish I could find the whole thing. Julia will find it for us!!

2nd ETA- Boy if she don't seem manic!
That interview with George about living under a microscope is heartbreaking, and I feel badly for George. But on the other hand he doesn't seem to be taking any responsibility for ending all the media and public attention simply by encouraging his family to start telling the truth and by keeping a lower profile. Or by not taking any money or gifts for pics or video of Caylee.

They really do make it so difficult to feel bad for them, don't they?
One Lost Girl ~
Thanks for posting the above video interview of Cindy = yes, that was with Holly B of FOX35 Orlando.

I believe it was taped a couple of days before the grand jury hearing, and Casey's arrest, hence the stopping of Cindy's car and her wild eyed exclamation to Holly, "There will be NO MORE exclusives for you Holly".

I remember first watching this, and, really feeling sorry for Cindy ~ My mind going to maybe she really didn't know what happened, etc.

But, what has stuck with me like a knife to my heart, is near the end, Holly asks Cindy what she misses about Caylee the most.

Cindy tells how Caylee used to take her tiny little hands, and place them on Cindy's cheeks and squeeze them, and tell her, "It'll be awright CeCe".

My God in Heaven ~ WHY would any 2yr old have to reassure a Grandmother that ANYTHING would be "awight"??????
That broke my heart all over again, once again, in this mess.

Thanks Again for posting this. I'll watch it later tonight again ~ maybe......
ok- I I know this is not a florida room but this is the one video I have not been able to find that always seemed Cindy led and I assumed it was with Holly. With the fenced background and outdoors, not being widly spread I guess I kinda remembered it as it may have been done on a porch so when I read this post this is the first video that popped into my head. The quality isn't that great, looks like someone just taped it off their TV but I could not find another anywhwere. I hope this is what you were looking for.. if not sorry for butting in!! :)





ETA- and it cuts off- it isn't the full interview. I wish I could find the whole thing. Julia will find it for us!!

2nd ETA- Boy if she don't seem manic!

To you it's a porch. To Cindy it's a ~lanai.~ :rolleyes:
You know..I'm just wondering exactly how long after ICA walked out the door with Caylee did Cindy and George, but Cindy in particular start worrying about something being wrong with Caylee. Since I don't believe a word Cindy Anthony says..and we KNOW that by July 3rd she/they knew something was really wrong...I don't care what she says..I don't believe that she knew Caylee was deceased @ that time of course and no doubt never dreamed ICA would murder her..but she knew that ICA's stories were not adding up and that something was BAD WRONG..and she had one of her famous gut feelings days before July 3rd imo...she'll never admit to it now, but I'm thinking within 2 days she was already wondering what ICA was up to..
They really do make it so difficult to feel bad for them, don't they?

They sure do...GA told OCSO a lot of things about KC and Cindy when he met with them-BEHIND CA AND LA'S BACK-He made sure that detectives did not tell Lee that he had been there talking to them, he said a lot of thnigs about how he tried to convince CA to open her eyes, and she would not have it.
But, in the end, he also made it difficult to support him, because he let CA wear him down over time, and eventually started parroting her line of garbage. He should have gone back to Fort Myers to be with his parents, but then, I am not a proponent of marriages falling apart, either, so it's hard to say...
ok- I I know this is not a florida room but this is the one video I have not been able to find that always seemed Cindy led and I assumed it was with Holly. With the fenced background and outdoors, not being widly spread I guess I kinda remembered it as it may have been done on a porch so when I read this post this is the first video that popped into my head. The quality isn't that great, looks like someone just taped it off their TV but I could not find another anywhwere. I hope this is what you were looking for.. if not sorry for butting in!! :)





ETA- and it cuts off- it isn't the full interview. I wish I could find the whole thing. Julia will find it for us!!

2nd ETA- Boy if she don't seem manic!


Bless your ever lovin' heart, OLG! :blowkiss:

Thankyou so much! I knew it took place outside...just wasn't sure exactly where...thought it was on CA's back screened in porch, but this is definitely the one I have been looking for. This is the one where CA just drones on and on and on.

I will watch it tomorrow, when I have more time.

Again, many thanks! :)
They sure do...GA told OCSO a lot of things about KC and Cindy when he met with them-BEHIND CA AND LA'S BACK-He made sure that detectives did not tell Lee that he had been there talking to them, he said a lot of thnigs about how he tried to convince CA to open her eyes, and she would not have it.
But, in the end, he also made it difficult to support him, because he let CA wear him down over time, and eventually started parroting her line of garbage. He should have gone back to Fort Myers to be with his parents, but then, I am not a proponent of marriages falling apart, either, so it's hard to say...

In the jail letters, Casey wrties about her family problems, and that CA and GA may split up after CA heard GA's interview with LE (FBI I think).
In the jail letters, Casey wrties about her family problems, and that CA and GA may split up after CA heard GA's interview with LE (FBI I think).

haha I bet.. and no doubt George figured Cindy would feel this way which IMO is why he'd say "this is just between us guys, OK?" or "don't tell my wife I said this, ok, guys?" or the time he about vomited when Lee almost caught him at the police station when he did not have permission to be there. (I know everyone has differing views on why he almost got sick but that's my opinion on why). Poor George has to sneak around to tell the truth or his wife may leave him. How sad is that.:sick:
haha I bet.. and no doubt George figured Cindy would feel this way which IMO is why he'd say "this is just between us guys, OK?" or "don't tell my wife I said this, ok, guys?" or the time he about vomited when Lee almost caught him at the police station when he did not have permission to be there. (I know everyone has differing views on why he almost got sick but that's my opinion on why). Poor George has to sneak around to tell the truth or his wife may leave him. How sad is that.:sick:

Jim Hoover told LE, George said, he thought he and Cindy would end up divorced over this......because they both felt they'd thrown Casey under the bus.

George's early statements imo are going to be devastating for Casey. That's mainly because he clearly stated his belief that the smell from the trunk was decomposition. He describes putting his nose down on the basket ball sized stain and separated the smell of trash from the stench that permeated the car. He also amitted to a freshly disturbed area in his back yard, which I'm sure the State will assert was an aborted attempt at burying Caylee. I suspect George will prove a very nervous and frustrated witness. It seemed George not only felt Caylee was dead from the beginning, but he knew in his heart, who was responsible. He was concerned about how Casey would cope in general population. He was talking about post trial and prison as opposed to the County jail. He talks about wanting to be able to speak to her and tell her that her life as she knows it, is effectively over. George even hints at charges disappearing. Ofcourse, he may have thought it was some sort of accident, due to Casey's negligence. I doubt it occurred to him it would be a DP case.

Jim Hoover told LE, George said, he thought he and Cindy would end up divorced over this......because they both felt they'd thrown Casey under the bus.

George's early statements imo are going to be devastating for Casey. That's mainly because he clearly stated his belief that the smell from the trunk was decomposition. He describes putting his nose down on the basket ball sized stain and separated the smell of trash from the stench that permeated the car. He also amitted to a freshly disturbed area in his back yard, which I'm sure the State will assert was an aborted attempt at burying Caylee. I suspect George will prove a very nervous and frustrated witness. It seemed George not only felt Caylee was dead from the beginning, but he knew in his heart, who was responsible. He was concerned about how Casey would cope in general population. He was talking about post trial and prison as opposed to the County jail. He talks about wanting to be able to speak to her and tell her that her life as she knows it, is effectively over. George even hints at charges disappearing. Ofcourse, he may have thought it was some sort of accident, due to Casey's negligence. I doubt it occurred to him it would be a DP case.


Yes, this particular interview and the interview with OCSO on July 24th are particularly bad for KC.
This also makes me think about GA's friend Jim from Ohio...Jim may be able to fill in some of the blanks that GA will surely try to finagle on the stand. While Jim cannot attest to hearsay, he can give an opinion as a police officer as to what the demeanor was in that house, what KC was like, how GA behaved, etc. The state, if they use a lot of finesse, may even be able to get Jim to say that he is certain that GA had enough experience to know what decomp and the elements of murder smell/look like.
IF GA so much as fibs about any part of the timeline of events while Jim was in town, that will also give the jury an idea of what they are dealing with in GA.
THANK YOU for posting that long lost interview with Cindy. I sat through the whole thing saying to myself "jesus". All that nonsense about November elections and being proud of her county commissioners and WHAT????? Absolute fruitcake lunacy.

I am FASCINATED by Cindy Anthony. Truly fascinated.
ok- I I know this is not a florida room but this is the one video I have not been able to find that always seemed Cindy led and I assumed it was with Holly. With the fenced background and outdoors, not being widly spread I guess I kinda remembered it as it may have been done on a porch so when I read this post this is the first video that popped into my head. The quality isn't that great, looks like someone just taped it off their TV but I could not find another anywhwere. I hope this is what you were looking for.. if not sorry for butting in!! :)





ETA- and it cuts off- it isn't the full interview. I wish I could find the whole thing. Julia will find it for us!!

2nd ETA- Boy if she don't seem manic!

Thank You
This is the one I have been searching for also..it was the day before the Grand Jury indictment
The interview was held at a Park...they are sitting under a Gazebo/pavilion structure..and I heard an airplane in the background

Cindy said in Part 4 that they(The Anthony family) have not been blind by what's going on, they haven't been since day 1 and they have been prepared for the worst since day 1. That they know what's out there and what she's(Casey) is up against.
One Lost Girl ~
But, what has stuck with me like a knife to my heart, is near the end, Holly asks Cindy what she misses about Caylee the most.

Cindy tells how Caylee used to take her tiny little hands, and place them on Cindy's cheeks and squeeze them, and tell her, "It'll be awright CeCe".

My God in Heaven ~ WHY would any 2yr old have to reassure a Grandmother that ANYTHING would be "awight"??????
That broke my heart all over again, once again, in this mess.
This just made me think of something that happened between me and my niece when she was only three years old and I was seventeen.

I was driving down the road and the car in front of me hit a cat and the cat flew up into the air and landed on my car. I was devastated. I was so distraught that I had to pull over because I was crying (I had and still have a cat). Well, my little niece comforted me until I was able to drive. Saying "It wasn't your fault Aunt Heather. It'll be okay Aunt Heather. It was the other cars fault. etc..." She came up in front of the car to sit with me. Give me hugs and kisses. Talking me into being able to stop crying enough to drive us home.

I still remind my niece (now 16 ) about that day. She's still the same caring (when she isn't having one of her own teenage meltdowns) kid as she was when she was three. Love her! Love her! Love her!

Anyways... I do think that Caylee witnessed a lot in her short life. I think Cindy had no problem playing off of the innocent emotions of a two-year-old Caylee. Getting some kind of sick satisfaction of playing the victim for Caylee so that Caylee would comfort her. I don't really know how to explain it... but I just think that Cindy would have no problem saying negative things about Casey to Caylee... like "Mommy hurt Na Na's feelings, etc...) Only for Caylee to shower her with kisses cause Na Na was sad... etc... Children are just always so willing to give you their love. It's a shame when it is abused and forced. Because the memories when it does happen naturally are truely magical and things you take with you the rest of your life.
You know..I'm just wondering exactly how long after ICA walked out the door with Caylee did Cindy and George, but Cindy in particular start worrying about something being wrong with Caylee. Since I don't believe a word Cindy Anthony says..and we KNOW that by July 3rd she/they knew something was really wrong...I don't care what she says..I don't believe that she knew Caylee was deceased @ that time of course and no doubt never dreamed ICA would murder her..but she knew that ICA's stories were not adding up and that something was BAD WRONG..and she had one of her famous gut feelings days before July 3rd imo...she'll never admit to it now, but I'm thinking within 2 days she was already wondering what ICA was up to..

I sure agree with you here - if for two and a half years your daughter has dumped her child on you for every possible reason you can think of, and you love that child - surely if this behavior suddenly stopped, and your darling child just suddenly wasn't there - I can see she would be concerned after a couple of days. Particularly if there was indeed a huge fight, and if ICA stealing money from CA's account had accelerated. Since CA knew ICA was irresponsible when it came to Caylee, I'm sure she was convinced ICA was "up to no good"- but I believe she never could have anticipated just how bad it was going to be.

To me, CA's MOTY statements have always been "get out of my face and MYOB - I want to find my grand daughter - this is my daughter and my grandchild - not for a moment did she think the MOTY statement was true, to me she was frantic and wasn't ready to believe the worst.

I think if my grand daughter was missing, and my daughter was avoiding me, I know my first thought would not be "she has killed her", even if my daughter was a strung out junkie living the worst kind of life. I'd be thinking abandoned, left with someone not necessarily trustworthy, and that my daughter was just being cruel and taunting me because I wouldn't give her what she wanted - money! But that she'd killed her? Not my first, second or third thought. I'd be thinking - no, please don't let that be true, there must be some other reason - please God, don't let this be true. There is a reason and I just have to find it and then find my grandchild.
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