Mistrial, Hung Jury - Raven Abaroa Murder in the 1st

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One thing I have learned over the span of my life....JUST WHEN U THINK THERE IS NO MORE...THERE IS ALWAYS MORE. I do agree with not seeing NC running a 3rd trial though. God help the universe should he be released.

So yeah, all those checking in that know what Raven has done to you or your loved one, how about giving a call to (919) 560-4600 ask for Homicide Investigations.

How about those from the Canyon Cycles, the cellular company Raven worked for, Hewlett Packard, the Electrical Company, any company he worked for right before or after the murder, call (919) 560-4600.

How about those that have heard different stories from Raven or Karyn over the years, that you found out during the course of this trial that doesn't jive with what Raven or his mother told you. How about you finally come forward and call (919) 560-4600.

Each piece of the puzzle, alone doesn't show the murderer, a few pieces in you know it's him, each piece of the puzzle goes towards showing the true murderer of Janet Marie and her unborn child. That's Raven.

I know you may be afraid of Raven or even Karyn, but there were people that took the stand, and told the truth that had zero gain and they came forward because it was the right thing to do. Then again, you can tell the difference when someone took the stand with their own agenda for Raven.

Maybe it's time more people started doing the right thing and telling the truth.
UMMMM I am sure it did. State is obligated to make offer.$$$$ is always a factor $$$$ always trumps personal feelings and "justice"..... this is planet earth after all.

Nope, the state is not "obligated" to offer a plea deal. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.
How can put a price even be put on someone's murder? :rolleyes: This guy killed his wife and unborn child for no other reason than to be free. :banghead:

The costs posted are the costs of the jurisdiction to litigate the case. Has nothing to do with the 'value' of the victim.
The costs posted are the costs of the jurisdiction to litigate the case. Has nothing to do with the 'value' of the victim.

If the case is personal to someone, like it is to many of us, the line between talking about the price tag to try a case and the 'value' of the victim, which is Janet Marie and her unborn child, and the toll it has taken on the family, friends and many of us that have spent 8 years waiting for justice does seem to blur and sting. On paper at least monetarily once again, Janet comes in last. Perhaps that's the point some of us were making.
Since all human life is precious and priceless there cannot be any 'price' that can quantify a life (despite what insurances companies attempt to do). It is, or should be, understood that the loss of any person due to malice of another is both indescribable and endless.

That said, those of you who copied and posted the verbiage from a news reporter who disclosed the accumulated costs of the R.A. trial now seem to take issue with anyone else who is also commenting on the costs to litigate cases. Frankly I don't get the problem. If discussing the litigation cost of this case is unseemly or offensive then why post about it in the first place?

To Janet's family what's important is a successful prosecution where R.A. will be in jail hopefully for the rest of his life. No cost is "too much" to ensure that happens. If it takes another go-round to get that justice, then to them it's money well-spent. R.A. could have accepted the plea. He didn't. So game on!
So yeah, all those checking in that know what Raven has done to you or your loved one, how about giving a call to (919) 560-4600 ask for Homicide Investigations.

How about those from the Canyon Cycles, the cellular company Raven worked for, Hewlett Packard, the Electrical Company, any company he worked for right before or after the murder, call (919) 560-4600.

How about those that have heard different stories from Raven or Karyn over the years, that you found out during the course of this trial that doesn't jive with what Raven or his mother told you. How about you finally come forward and call (919) 560-4600.

Each piece of the puzzle, alone doesn't show the murderer, a few pieces in you know it's him, each piece of the puzzle goes towards showing the true murderer of Janet Marie and her unborn child. That's Raven.

I know you may be afraid of Raven or even Karyn, but there were people that took the stand, and told the truth that had zero gain and they came forward because it was the right thing to do. Then again, you can tell the difference when someone took the stand with their own agenda for Raven.

Maybe it's time more people started doing the right thing and telling the truth.
I had to go out of town again this morning right in the middle of TS Andrea. I have never seen it rain so hard, for such a prolonged period of time, in my life. Except during a couple of hurricanes. Hope anybody north of eastern NC who gets it later today/tonight will get the fizzled out version of the storm.
I haven't commented or 'thanked' any of the posts in a couple of days but I have read them all. I'm finally caught up again.
RA didn't do himself any favors by shaving his head. I know there were some on here who said that murderers don't always look the part but he sure has put himself in the 'I look like a ' category now with the new hair-do. It's hard to look at him now, compared to the blondie he was, and even think it's the same person.
The darkness of his soul is shining brightly.
"The darkness of his soul is shining brightly."

yes it is.........
Was it long enough to donate to locks of luv??

Ooooohhhh, JJ -- lovin' dat!!
Good zinger!!!

He really did need a haircut... but I think this was a bit severe. I wonder what kinds of haircuts are allowed in jail. Is a buzzcut his only option?

I think he looks better with the buzz, guera -- as if I care -- but it's an improvement, IMO.
Yep they are. Worked for D.A. office before. Its all about the green back.

I don't know if it works that way in all states...here its hit and miss if its offered or not.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Scheduling. No deal. I am seriously curious as to why he is wearing prison garb and the hair.

I think he has decided to "settle-in" for a while, thinking he will be in the Durham County Jailhouse for a bit longer. :jail: Further, it is only required that he be in street clothes for a trial; not for a hearing.
To wit:

Chapter 15: Criminal Procedure.
Article 17 - Trial in Superior Court
§ 15‑176. Prisoner not to be tried in prison uniform.
It shall be unlawful for any sheriff, jailer or other officer to require any person imprisoned in jail to appear in any court for trial dressed in the uniform or dress of a prisoner or convict, or in any uniform or apparel other than ordinary civilian's dress, or with shaven or clipped head. And no person charged with a criminal offense shall be tried in any court while dressed in the uniform or dress of a prisoner or convict, or in any uniform or apparel other than ordinary civilian's dress, or with head shaven or clipped by or under the direction and requirement of any sheriff, jailer or other officer, unless the head was shaven or clipped while such person was serving a term of imprisonment for the commission of a crime.
Any sheriff, jailer or other officer who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. [FONT=Times New (W1)](1915, c. 124; C.S., s. 4646; 1993, c. 539, s. 296; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)[/FONT]
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That's probably why his attorneys fought hard to keep him out of court, because he didn't want to go back with the shaved head. What about shaving? His face during the trial was very clean shaven, so he must have shaved daily for the trial, but his face was not clean shave for the hearing.
That's the scary part. Glad he's to arrogant to take the gift offered. I can't imagine the conversation his attorneys would have had with him.
Are they working as court-appointed, for the wage the state pays? Do they also run a private practice?
We just had this come up with the Arias case, and at least one, if not both attorneys were getting $250/hr FROM THE STATE because they each also had a private practice.

Here's a link to Tyndall's shingle -- he and Mani Dexter are partners in Tyndall's firm. At least that's what I found today... Lawyers change partners about as often as square dancers change partners, but here's what I found...

That's probably why his attorneys fought hard to keep him out of court, because he didn't want to go back with the shaved head. What about shaving? His face during the trial was very clean shaven, so he must have shaved daily for the trial, but his face was not clean shave for the hearing.

Awww, poor thing. He's probably depressed and is not taking care of himself. It still tickles me that he and his mom thought the 11 to 1 vote was 11 not guiltys. Ha, the joke was definitely on them!
Here's a link to Tyndall's shingle -- he and Mani Dexter are partners in Tyndall's firm. At least that's what I found today... Lawyers change partners about as often as square dancers change partners, but here's what I found...


Thanks for the link Born. Amos is a nice looking man, too bad he's a defense attorney.
He's obviously been with Mani a while, she has long hair now.

Tyndall is not an ugly man, and he has a lot of idiosyncrasies and mannerisms that are amusing and not dis-likeable. He mentioned Janet being a Church Mouse. He tried to pin the murder on Scott Hall. He is trying to get Raven off for killing his wife.

It's hard to deal with because I know he's a good attorney, but I know he's defending a man that killed his wife and he is trying to find ways to trash Janet. That, is the one thing that bugs me...Church Mouse.

Janet was strong, she was fiesty, she was a good person a good mother, but when it came to Raven, she loved that piece of crap, and she wanted to make her marriage work. I have a feeling what is in store for the next trial, and he's going to try to trash Janet. It's the only way he can make his case work. Making Raven look like an honest guy that screwed up by stealing, screwed up by cheating, but making him be considered honest by admitting his faults, didn't work. The only way to make it work is to find ways to trash Janet.

He tried to trash Janet by the emails, he HAD TO HAVE KNOWN ABOUT PRIOR TO THE TRIAL. He knew about the friendship between Scott & Janet. He knew they were friends and that he was her first love, and there was nothing there between them but emails, but he tried to find ways to trash Janet. He made comments regarding the videos. Videos of Raven and Janet as a married couple that RAVEN tried showing to girlfriends. It wasn't Janet, it was Raven, so he's going to find ways to show Janet wasn't "a church mouse". She was a church mouse around Raven when other people around.

It is easier to KEEP Raven happy than to make Raven happy.

Karen did her best to trash Janet, Misty did her best to trash Janet. These people care about Raven, they don't give a diddly squat about Janet. They care about the blonde hair, blue eyed Chipmunk Cheeked, brownie loving, handsome handsome Raven. Neither of these two cared about Janet. That's the truth. Tyndall doesn't care about Janet or the fact that she was murdered. They all care about one thing, and that's Raven getting out of jail after murdering his wife.

Tyndall would be likeable in another lifetime, not this lifetime because I know for a fact he's representing the one person that killed Janet.
It will come down to careful and thorough voir dire more than anything. If there's a juror who refuses to convict on "just" circumstantial evidence, because they don't understand what that is and refuse to believe the definition of it, they'll never get through to this type of person. Most murders don't have confessions or eye witnesses and every case that doesn't have one those are, by definition, "circumstantial" cases. Most people don't know that blood, hair, fibers, footprints, fingerprints and all forensic evidence is still "circumstantial" evidence. Some don't believe it even when informed.

And if there isn't a mountain of foolproof DNA and blood that traces back to someone -- not unknown or mixed blood, please -- and without-a-doubt tire tracks or her purse found under the defendant's bed or a restaurant receipt or gas receipt, etc., etc., then it's iffy, iffy, iffy.

And there's also that "reasonable doubt" thing that gets its hooks into some (or just one) of them.
Here's a link to Tyndall's shingle -- he and Mani Dexter are partners in Tyndall's firm. At least that's what I found today... Lawyers change partners about as often as square dancers change partners, but here's what I found...

Thanks for the link, Born. Looks to me like Mani got a little snarky with a different witness earlier, and they had less self control with those scissors I was wishing for.
At first glance when I opened the link, I didn't recognize her, and thought maybe it was Amos's wife.
A bushyponytailcutteroffer (with nod to LL &S) definitely got her good.

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