MISTRIAL - Sidney Moorer on trial for the kidnapping of Heather Elvis #4

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On the contrary, I believe the information about Longbeards and the timings help paint a clearer picture of what was going on.
Firstly, from that point on in the timeline (2.40am until 3.40am), there are so many possibilities that could happen and I understand why the State presented their take on that hour. I'd like to have heard what she was intending to finish with in Closing, bur for now we have to go with what was said...

My opinion now is
Heather was travelling to Longbeards at 2.40am. (Did they arrange to meet at Longbeards an hour after the 4 minute payphone call?)
She spam called the payphone on her journey and when she got there.
She got sick of waiting on Sidney at around 3am (20 minutes late?), so decided to head back home.
On that long straight of road outside Longbeards she passed the F150 on its way to Longbeards. (one or both of them would have flashed their lights to acknowledge)
She turned off the long straight road and did a U-turn at the housing estate at Plantation and headed back to Longbeards parking lot.
Sidney's phone is switched on.
She would have arrived and parked close to where the F150 was already parked.
She would have seen Sidney and got out of her car with her keys and phone.

I believe at this point she was jumped and taken to another place by others (remember that $5k?).
Sidney got into Heather's car with her phone and left the lot. He stopped just outside Longbeards to adjust the seating/mirrors in the car and then drove to PTL via Heather's apartment. I believe the original plan was to drop the car off at her appt, but that changed for some reason.
Sidney was using Heather's phone and when he got to PTL he was beyond frantic calling his own cell as code to say he was at the picking up/dropping off place - PTL.
Heather's phone was tossed into the lake as far as he could throw it. The water would very quickly make the phone go dead.

This theory makes a LOT of sense. Maybe once he got to Heather's apartment he realized leaving the car there was not a good idea....it's a nice complex so he might have assumed there were cameras.
Lstiff, thank you for posting the screen grabs! Based on the condition of the house (mold, mess, etc) by the February search, it looks like things really deteriorated in that house over two months when these pictures were taken.

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I thought the stick shift photo was only sent to Heather's roommate, it wasn't shared on any SM iirc. Remembering back to the original discussions it wasn't until TE made it public that we saw that photo JMO as my memory may be failing me
IIRC HE sent her father the "stick shift photo" while on the date with SS. There was a discussion way way back in one of the threads about it. Hope that helps :D

ETA: Sorry just seen you were remembering back to the original discussions! You may also remember the discussion re the "cap" on the dashboard lol. Members posting pics of "zooming in" on the cap to get a better look at it, or was it a "bag?
The state nailed it down so beautifully pointing to SM only committing this part of the crime. I don't see how there could be anything other than a guilty verdict .
I'm still upset we didn't get to see web browser history from phones or computers. I agree, if TM goes to trial (hopefully so) we should have tons of beautiful evidence from her online activity. IMO

Fingers crossed the jury comes in with a guilty verdict today, SM (or TM) posted on Social Media in the wee hours of the morning (do these people ever sleep at night?) and he/she sounds very nervous. My advice for today: Don't commit crimes and you wouldn't be in this position, worried about a verdict deciding your fate. IMO

I don't care that they post, but I get so irked by people who comment in support. Did they not watch the trial???
I've been following this since the beginning but admit I slacked for a bit while going back to college. I just recently have been trying to catch up. The last 2 days have been reading here and trying to study for finals. My question is where are the videos for him buying a pregnancy test and calling from payphone. I've looked back and I can't seem to find them. Today I need to study but I know I will be here more than the books. Hope the family can get some justice soon....

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You can see the video of SM buying the pregnancy test in this article's video. The prosecution showed a much longer video showing him arriving in his truck and leaving in his truck, but the shorter version in the news gives you an idea.


I'm still looking for the payphone video you want to see.
I think they came back from vacation and learned HE may be pregnant. They started their planning. They saw she was on a date and chose that time to pull off their plan hoping it would get pinned on her date. The never thought about her calling someone in the middle of the night and telling them SM called her. jmo.
IIRC HE sent her father the "stick shift photo" while on the date with SS. There was a discussion way way back in one of the threads about it. Hope that helps :D

ETA: Sorry just seen you were remembering back to the original discussions! You may also remember the discussion re the "cap" on the dashboard lol. Members posting pics of "zooming in" on the cap to get a better look at it, or was it a "bag?

Oh yes, I remember the bag/cap debate well :laughing:
I think they came back from vacation and learned HE may be pregnant. They started their planning. They saw she was on a date and chose that time to pull off their plan hoping it would get pinned on her date. The never thought about her calling someone in the middle of the night and telling them SM called her. jmo.

I may have missed it but how do we know that the Ms knew Heather was on a date?
I think they came back from vacation and learned HE may be pregnant. They started their planning. They saw she was on a date and chose that time to pull off their plan hoping it would get pinned on her date. The never thought about her calling someone in the middle of the night and telling them SM called her. jmo.

Thank goodness Bri answered her phone that night!
Can someone refresh my memory about what KT said about the pregnancy test in his closing arguments?
Even if TM did the kidnapping, Sidney lured Heather out. He also helped cover up whatever happened. The cameras were replaced, the truck sync was wiped. His whole attitude & demeanor - what innocent man could stay with a woman who did that? Guilty no matter how it went down. Most suspicious - why did he hide his truck & sneak out of the bushes to the payphone? If I had to use that particular phone at that location in the middle of the night, I would have parked as close as possible!
Although I've been following this case for a while, this is my first post on this site. Firstly, thanks so much keeping myself and everyone up to date.

I have a question that's been bugging me for some time now. Not sure if it's been discussed before, but I read on a timeline that was posted that after HE went missing someone pulled $5000 out of a bank account. Tammy if I recall?

I was thinking maybe after the abduction she was handed off to someone who ultimately took her life. And maybe this person was hired by the Moorers who then paid that person with this money.

Thoughts? Or has this withdrawal already been explained?

Thanks again, you all are so great at remembering things! 

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Greetings @BlueLotus!

Yes, there was a *bank withdrawal on the 18th. The M's also had cash ($10k) at the compound which they claimed were the kid's savings.

I've always believe the M's had some side-help, and that is why they profess their innocence so greatly. Although they were both directly involved in the events that went down, they [may not] have done the actual deed to Heather IMO.

*The M's and D deny any cash was withdrawn from their bank btw.
I've been following this since the beginning but admit I slacked for a bit while going back to college. I just recently have been trying to catch up. The last 2 days have been reading here and trying to study for finals. My question is where are the videos for him buying a pregnancy test and calling from payphone. I've looked back and I can't seem to find them. Today I need to study but I know I will be here more than the books. Hope the family can get some justice soon....

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Followup to my previous post. The video with this article shows more of the video from Walmart. I have not been able to find video of SM using the payphone, it might only be available within the video of Day 2 testimony.

Sidney lured Heather out. He also helped cover up whatever happened. The cameras were replaced, the truck sync was wiped. His whole attitude & demeanor - what innocent man could stay with a woman who did that? Guilty no matter how it went down. Most suspicious - why did he hide his truck & sneak out of the bushes to the payphone? If I had to use that particular phone at that location in the middle of the night, I would have parked as close as possible!

Well when you put it like that.... :drumroll:

There is *so much* circumstantial evidence in this case. Every action done by the defendant screams culpability. His wife is culpable too, but her turn is coming. What was set in motion in the early morning hours is undeniable. There is no other reasonable explanation for the fact that Sidney was driving Sidney's truck that very night/morning. That truck that only Sidney drove was positively ID'd on a security camera. Sidney took pains to remove the tracking data from his truck (why do that if you have nothing to hide?) That alone gets me to guilt B.A.R.D.
How long after the conviction do you think TM changes her story to "I really didn't want to believe my dear husband had anything to do with it, but the jury has spoken, and I sadly agree with them. I knew nothing about this, I'm completely innocent!"
I felt this went by so quickly. Didn't really click till last night. Now I am super nervous and anxious. Please have a guilty verdict today!
You all might be interested in the case of Chester Gillette, from 1908! The basis for the book American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser
He was convicted of murdering his pregnant girlfriend based solely on circumstantial evidence. Lots of similarities to this case.


MURDER — CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE — WEIGHT AND EFFECT THEREOF. The evidence upon the trial of a defendant, charged with the crime of murdering a woman whom he had seduced and who had become pregnant by him, examined and held, that such evidence, although circumstantial, all taken together and considered as a connected whole, constitutes such convincing proof of the guilt of the defendant that the court is not able to escape from its force by any justifiable process of reasoning, and that not only is the verdict of the jury convicting the defendant of the crime of murder in the first degree not opposed to the weight of evidence and to the proper inferences to be drawn therefrom, but such verdict is abundantly justified by the evidence.
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