Misty 2/9/2010 jail video tapes - the anniversary of Haleigh's disappearance

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Lisa was arrested i guess she bonded out, and hour and 42 seconds later....good grief!
Anyone read this one yet?

http://www.news4jax.com/video/22596605/index.html ( video)

article link: snip~ In a separate conversation, Misty's father and brother, Hank Croslin Jr., expressed skepticism about whether she has been telling investigators everything she knows about Haleigh's disappearance.

Hank Sr.: "I don't know if she knows anything or not."
Hank Jr.: "She's gotta tell the truth man and don't be making up stories."
Hank Sr.: "Don't talk to anybody but her lawyer, tell the truth and get it over with."

In a separate recorded conversation, Misty Cummings talked with her mother about a bounty hunter offering to get her out of jail if she can shed any light on Haleigh's disappearance.

Lisa Croslin: He's going to relocate us to California. Will you tell him something immediately? Like tomorrow?


Does Lisa realize that neither of them can leave the state as long as they are on probation/bail/parole/etc?
Does Lisa realize that neither of them can leave the state as long as they are on probation/bail/parole/etc?

Oh I think Lisa C realizes that but I seriously doubt that she thinks her daughter is capable of realizing that. This family has seemed almost nomadic and Misty might be contemplating the "California trip", just as she bounced around from Michigan to Colorado, Florida and Tennessee and maybe other parts unknown.....Talk....then get out of dodge....AGAIN.

Not this time Misty....
I'm reading deception on MCs face throughout her proclamations about Haleigh coming home. The only signal of truth is when she proclaims that J&L were never real friends. This level of deception from someone who was 17 when this happened can not bode well for Haleigh. It's very bad—whatever is being hidden.

HC sends signals that he can not help MC by complaining of his knee (he has his own problems). Immediately she grows weary of speaking to him by going into a slump. Both check the time right after this ailment talk--conversation getting tedious. Complaints and comparing ailments--say "I give up on this conversation." HC repairs with emphatic and sincere caring statements. He is making effort to "do right". :twocents:
Wow, her dad really, really thinks she knows what happened to Haleigh, and he knows his daughter. And her response really sounds like she does know.

If she really DIDN'T know, then her response to her father asking her if HaLeigh really could come home would have been "I don't know" instead of "sure."
Sounds like the Croslin's are doing well, new car new phone LP's trying to get them a house.....:waitasec:
Now Misty has a direct line to LP, Misty says she won't call him unless he bonds her out and doesn't revoke her....and she will go and stay with her mom and dad......"he's really nice and he can tell from Misty's eyes that she didn't do nothing.

Misty now has 100 bucks on her account, but no pic of Junior. Momma forgot to send it in.
Misty wants everything written up, in a contract, please tell LP to get me out.....but he can't revoke my bond.

Start the process.....because we have to go in front of the judge.....Momma says I will....I will talk to him tonight.....we will get a contract written up. LP wants to get Tommy out too.
OOhh...If Robert Fields is not with it.....can LP get me a new lawyer?
LP' wants to relocate everyone to Cali. EVERYONE, all of us...grrr
Okay so LP put $100 bucks on her commissary account .....2nd tape

If Robert Fields don't go along with this then LP will get you a new lawyer....

New Ford Taurus 3000 bucks....
Chelsea cut her hair...
SHE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED!! I don't care what everyone says she knows something. ugh....... Poor HaLeigh. Misty don't make the deal I can't believe all that I'm hearing ugh....... Pulling my hair out piece by piece
Next NG should be VERY interesting, especially if LP is on. Someone's making BIG promises.

On second thought, Levi needs this one. :)
Momma Croslin and Misty laughing about being on the front page of the paper.

Her bond is up over a million dollars and they think it's funny. OH.....Robert's not doing anything for her. She wants a new lawyer. Please tell LP to get me out.....

LP says he can tell by the look in her eyes that she didn't do anything. Momma Croslin says LP thinks she only might have overheard something. Misty says....I can only talk to him if he gets me out....

Now they are discussing all the money on her commissary account. She wants everyone to put money on her account.
Momma C says oh you been in there too long its been 21 days.......arggg

HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings has been gone 374 days!

2nd tape ended. Nothing with Daddy yet.
Oh if LP has paytell minutes maybe we will here her talking to him. Wonder if she has called him?
Oh if LP has paytell minutes maybe we will here her talking to him. Wonder if she has called him?

Misty said don't give me his number cause I will only talk to him if he gets me out.....so prolly no recordings

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