Misty C. #3

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Maybe it is me, but I just find it odd that everyone keeps saying how much Haleigh just loved MC. She was only in their lives for what??, the past 6 months??? Who was in their lives before MC?? Surely there was another teen!! What I am getting at is that I do not think that Haleigh was all that into MC in only a 6 mo. time period....too many women with Daddy in the childs life....MO I would like to know more about life before MC....

Totally agree. I think it is Misty that put the thought of her and R getting married into Haleigh's head - doing her hair, saying "wouldn't you like me to be your new mommy...we have so much fun!" Maybe Haleigh mentioned it after that to someone...just out of excitement of having a "mommy" who was more like a playmate.
I didn't see this interview of Misty posted yet. Sorry if it already has been.

This is so obviously damage control I can't believe a word of it.

She says that it was a misunderstanding. Ronald didn't yell at her but at the 911 dispatcher because they weren't coming fast enough?!?!? Are we really supposed to believe that he shouted his "how the *** could you let my daughter get stole, b****?" at the dispatcher? How does that make sense? The dispatcher wasn't there, supposed to take care of his kids and keep them safe, but Misty was.

And she loved Haleigh more than anything in the world, the kids loved her more as their own mom...I dunno, I believe Misty might have been fun to have around but the trouble with love is that saying it a million times doesn't make it so. The more they put Crystal down, the less this comes to mean since if if Crystal is a bad mom who the children don't want to be with it means very little to love Misty better.

She explains how they managed to fit two movies into the evening, so that's one inconsistency gone. *relieved* But now she calls her mom when Haleigh goes missing. I don't recall that from before? She makes a point of being very scared.

TN is definitely on a protection mission. "Instead of pointing fingers and trying to make somebody out to be a bad guy, they need to be out there looking for my granddaughter." The problem with this is that since Haleigh isn't on GPS, looking for her is needle in the haystack if they don't figure out who the bad guy is first, and where the bad guy might have put her. I say, let's ferret out the bad guy, whoever it is, and make him/her/them confess. Because, obviously there's one if Haleigh was abducted. Why doesn't TN want to figure out who did this to Haleigh?

I really want to believe that none of these people hurt Haleigh but they're making it so hard for me.
I didn't see this interview of Misty posted yet. Sorry if it already has been.

Misty is always consistent with one part of her story. Every time Misty's tells her story it always starts out with "I put Haleigh to bed at 8:00". She must think that is very important. Or, she has a script, but can't seem to stick with it except for the "I put Haleigh to bed at 8:00".

However, the blanket story keeps changing. In her first interview she stated that Haleigh had peed on her blanket and she had to wash it so she covered her with a sheet. Then in this video she states she "washed Haleigh's blanket....then, "I laid the blanket on top of her because she was asleep". I takes a long time to wash and dry blankets. There's time gap there. I usually have to run a blanket through the dryer a couple of times to get it completely dry. I don't know, maybe it was a thin blanket. Nevertheless, we're talking about an 45 minutes to an hour to accomplish this. I'm thinking the blanket story seems important to Misty, but don't know why.

I keep thinking; if Haleigh wet the bed the night before, why wait until bedtime to wash the blanket. When Haleigh got up on the morning of the 9th, she should have been soaked from the skin out. What about the sheets? Did she also wash the sheets. I would think the sheets and (possibly) the mattress would have been wet as well. Wouldn't the blanket be less wet than the other bed clothes? I'm just not getting the importance she places on the blanket story.

Additionally, in this new video Misty again refers to Haleigh in the past tense. "that was like my little baby". "she called me stepmom". "she called me mom". Which is it? What 5-year old calls someone stepmom?

Lie: "He wasn't yelling at me", Really? What was "how could you let someone stole my daughter, bi!ch!" Sounded like yelling to me.

This video has been edited, so we're not getting the complete interview.

BTW, thanks Kidz for the link.

All of above JMO.
So now Jr was in the living room to watch his movie (Madagascar) while Haleigh was alone in the bedroom to watch her movie (Air Bud) on Misty's bed. (That's in the video link up-thread.
Totally agree. I think it is Misty that put the thought of her and R getting married into Haleigh's head - doing her hair, saying "wouldn't you like me to be your new mommy...we have so much fun!" Maybe Haleigh mentioned it after that to someone...just out of excitement of having a "mommy" who was more like a playmate.

I agree Ging, any child would rather have the one who played with you than the one who made you get up and go to school everyday and eat your vegtables. We know Haleigh has missed a lot of school. I am sure Misty did an excellent job for a 17 year old babysitter but it is not the same as a mother.
This is so obviously damage control I can't believe a word of it.

She says that it was a misunderstanding. Ronald didn't yell at her but at the 911 dispatcher because they weren't coming fast enough?!?!? Are we really supposed to believe that he shouted his "how the *** could you let my daughter get stole, b****?" at the dispatcher? How does that make sense? The dispatcher wasn't there, supposed to take care of his kids and keep them safe, but Misty was.

And she loved Haleigh more than anything in the world, the kids loved her more as their own mom...I dunno, I believe Misty might have been fun to have around but the trouble with love is that saying it a million times doesn't make it so. The more they put Crystal down, the less this comes to mean since if if Crystal is a bad mom who the children don't want to be with it means very little to love Misty better.

She explains how they managed to fit two movies into the evening, so that's one inconsistency gone. *relieved* But now she calls her mom when Haleigh goes missing. I don't recall that from before? She makes a point of being very scared.

TN is definitely on a protection mission. "Instead of pointing fingers and trying to make somebody out to be a bad guy, they need to be out there looking for my granddaughter." The problem with this is that since Haleigh isn't on GPS, looking for her is needle in the haystack if they don't figure out who the bad guy is first, and where the bad guy might have put her. I say, let's ferret out the bad guy, whoever it is, and make him/her/them confess. Because, obviously there's one if Haleigh was abducted. Why doesn't TN want to figure out who did this to Haleigh?

I really want to believe that none of these people hurt Haleigh but they're making it so hard for me.

Exactly. I initially liked TN, but I no longer can say that. She is definitely shoving the "Misty is wonderful" story down our throats. Why is she so adamant about defending Misty? In defending Misty, she is also defending her son IMO. Why does she feel that she has to defend her son, after all he has an airtight alibi "I was at work". Hmm.
So now Jr was in the living room to watch his movie (Madagascar) while Haleigh was alone in the bedroom to watch her movie (Air Bud) on Misty's bed. (That's in the video link up-thread.

I caught that too Debs, was poor little Jr on the couch when he saw the man in black? This gets curiouser and curiouser
So what's the deal with the blankets? Does she keep bringing up washing them to let us know she was in the laundry room, so she can say that door was definitely closed at the time?
I caught that too Debs, was poor little Jr on the couch when he saw the man in black? This gets curiouser and curiouser

Misty stated that after he watched the movie she put Jr. into bed in the bedroom where she and Haleigh were.
Exactly. I initially liked TN, but I no longer can say that. She is definitely shoving the "Misty is wonderful" story down our throats. Why is she so adamant about defending Misty? In defending Misty, she is also defending her son IMO. Why does she feel that she has to defend her son, after all he has an airtight alibi "I was at work". Hmm.

She is defending Misty (I think) because she wants everyone to know that Misty is a good "mother" and can be a good "mother" to little Ron jr. All for the upcoming custody battle, and there will be one very soon I assume. She will also defend her son till the cows come home - no matter what.
Misty stated that after he watched the movie she put Jr. into bed in the bedroom where she and Haleigh were.

She also said she made the bed. Isn't making the bed something you do after you get up? Misty has a strange way of explaining things. She looks all recovered from her speechless appearance on the Today Show. Bouncy and bragging. Wonder why she didn't go on the NG Show last night? Maybe Ron is thinking he can't take her anyplace.
Misty: Jr. wanted to watch Madagascar and Haleigh wanted to watch Air Buds, so I couldn't put both of them in one, so I put Haleigh in my bedroom and Jr. in the living room. Then they watched their movies and then Jr. come in the room with uh..with me and Haleigh.

Misty stated that after he watched the movie she put Jr. into bed in the bedroom where she and Haleigh were.

What she said was after the movie Jr came in the room with her, she didn't say anything about putting him in her bed
She also said she made the bed. Isn't making the bed something you do after you get up? Misty has a strange way of explaining things.

I think she meant she made it after having washed all the bed linens. Which brings to mind, why was she needing to wash her own bed linens then? Wasn't her explanation for washing Haleigh's that she had wet the bed? It brings back the idea that Haleigh slept in Misty's bed.

ETA: My problem with that whole thing though, is that that's just a queen sized bed, according to Ron, last night. My husband and I were cramped when I brought our newborn into bed with us when we had our queen. :crazy: So I tend to believe Haleigh slept on the tot bed.
She also said she made the bed. Isn't making the bed something you do after you get up? Misty has a strange way of explaining things.

"Making the bed" can also refer to changing the bedding. I've never heard anyone use the term just for adding a blanket.
So what's the deal with the blankets? Does she keep bringing up washing them to let us know she was in the laundry room, so she can say that door was definitely closed at the time?

Snookie I am with you, something is weird about the blankets. The one she was washing with Haleighs was from the window since she left her blanket in the Van they took? One reason I can see having your blanket in the van is if you went out there and sat in the van and it was cold outside. I want to know how the first blanket came to be in the van to begin with.
I think she meant she made it after having washed all the bed linens. Which brings to mind, why was she needing to wash her own bed linens then? Wasn't her explanation for washing Haleigh's that she had wet the bed?

I've thought this is what happened from the very beginning. I really believe this had something to do with bedwetting.
There sure is a lot of focus on the blankets and the bed.....makes me wonder what happened on it that she needed to wash away....KWIM?
Misty is always consistent with one part of her story. Every time Misty's tells her story it always starts out with "I put Haleigh to bed at 8:00". She must think that is very important. Or, she has a script, but can't seem to stick with it except for the "I put Haleigh to bed at 8:00".

Could it be for the benefit of the child protection services? I think someone here wrote that there had been visits in the Cummings household during the last few months. Haleigh had missed some school days. There was something in the court docs about her missing doctor's appointments because Crystal couldn't get up in the mornings, and now Ron was working the nightshift. Possibly the daily rhythm is such of one or more characters in Haleigh's life is such that they would preferably go to bed late and sleep through the morning, and this would cause her to miss school or to be late. This would cause comment from the authorities and would make it important for Misty to stress that the children do go to bed early. Just an idea.

However, the blanket story keeps changing. In her first interview she stated that Haleigh had peed on her blanket and she had to wash it so she covered her with a sheet. Then in this video she states she "washed Haleigh's blanket....then, "I laid the blanket on top of her because she was asleep". I takes a long time to wash and dry blankets. There's time gap there. I usually have to run a blanket through the dryer a couple of times to get it completely dry. I don't know, maybe it was a thin blanket. Nevertheless, we're talking about an 45 minutes to an hour to accomplish this. I'm thinking the blanket story seems important to Misty, but don't know why.

I think she just left the sheet part out this time and fast forwarded over drying to the part when it was dry. But did she mention the blanket in the van, washing her own blanket or the one over the window? :banghead:

I keep thinking; if Haleigh wet the bed the night before, why wait until bedtime to wash the blanket. When Haleigh got up on the morning of the 9th, she should have been soaked from the skin out. What about the sheets? Did she also wash the sheets. I would think the sheets and (possibly) the mattress would have been wet as well. Wouldn't the blanket be less wet than the other bed clothes? I'm just not getting the importance she places on the blanket story.

It might occur in my house. There have been times when one of the children wet the blanket and I couldn't find wet spots in the sheets or the mattress. I think it's because he's got the habit of sleeping with the blanket between his thighs and if there's not very much of pee most of it will be absorbed by the blanket and the small wet spot in the sheets or the mattress might go unnoticed. He usually changes his wet clothes himself without waking anyone and if it's a busy morning nobody might notice and later on we'll be finding sheets and clothing smelling of pee.

I agree that the blanket thing seems very important. In various retellings she may leave out brother's visit, the AC man, the greatgrandmother, eating, the movies, and she doesn't tell if the children brushed their teeth or washed up, but the blankets always merit a mention.

I suppose that the mention about making the bed means that she put the new blanket that she took from over the window and washed in for herself and maybe fresh sheets too, although this doesn't seem possible if JR was already asleep on that bed. Her own blanket is supposed to be in the van that they took. I've no idea why. She's done so many interviews and nobody asks her what I really want to know :D
I think she meant she made it after having washed all the bed linens. Which brings to mind, why was she needing to wash her own bed linens then? Wasn't her explanation for washing Haleigh's that she had wet the bed? It brings back the idea that Haleigh slept in Misty's bed.

ETA: My problem with that whole thing though, is that that's just a queen sized bed, according to Ron, last night. My husband and I were cramped when I brought our newborn into bed with us when we had our queen. :crazy: So I tend to believe Haleigh slept on the tot bed.

Junior could have been in the tot bed.
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