Misty C. #3

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another thing that is not right.....they were on the porch eating at 7-8, watched a movie that is prob at least an hour long if not more....to bed by 8 for school.....asleep in 30 min....none of this makes any sense.....
Misty also mentioned cleaning in the 911 call:

911: "OK, when did you last see her?"
Misty Croslin: "Um,we like just, you know--it was about 10 o'clock--she was sleeping--I was cleaning.

Sounds to me like she had to take the time to think about her story. No, the dispatcher doesn't know.
Well...Occam's Razor and all/ Misty was there. Misty will not clear up time line. Misty is focused on washing bed stuff. What ever happened to Haleigh, happened in the bed, or because of the bed. My guess is in the bed. Then out the "bricked" back door. Only thing I am having trouble with at this point is did she have help? Was it her Brother that we have not seen hide nor hair of?

I find it convient Misty's cousin was over earlier and then Misty says he has a habit of "bricking" doors. Misty and her family throw out the tidbit that her cousin had the habit of "bricking" doors.
The blanket spew was suspicious off the bat; it's been mentioned that the grandmother or ggma had dropped off washed clothes for the kids, why didn't Misty just wash their clothes too?

As for Ron and his family being defensive of Misty, maybe they figure keep thy enemies closer (although getting married is too close) and she'll talk. If they start doubting her she'll stop talking and they'll never know what happened that night.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt, all they have is Misty's word which keeps changing. Hopefully on NG last night, they start putting their own heat on Misty and get her to come clean.
Maybe Ron is blinded by love and his family figures innocent until proven guilty or arrested as far as Misty is concerned.
On NG last night, she seemed to be stressing to Ron and his mother that it's important that Misty come clean so she can at least stop "roadblocking" (lack of better term) the investigation so police can focus on the task at hand.

Here's last night's Nancy Grace transcript in case anyone wants to read it or had missed it:
another thing that is not right.....they were on the porch eating at 7-8, watched a movie that is prob at least an hour long if not more....to bed by 8 for school.....asleep in 30 min....none of this makes any sense.....

Most screened in porches, "Floridian rooms" as they are sometimes called do have lights. It's odd they were out there eating though, as it can be cold that time of year so i hope they had coats on..
Sounds to me like she had to take the time to think about her story. No, the dispatcher doesn't know.

I agree, she stumbled over her words. In later interviews, details change, inconsistancies; Misty's familys' willingness to throw her cousin under the bus to take the heat off Misty.
Misty freely given details about her cousin's door bricking habit when he was at the house earlier that day.
It seems Misty just wants to deflect attention from herself at any means.
Perhaps the wedding was also an attempt at that by her... In her mind maybe she was thinking some "positive attention" was better than negative, not knowing that everyone wouldn't be happy about the wedding.
She walks out of an investigation since she can't take the heat a "new investigator" to the case (Please God let it have been a profiler) put on her.
She's put a roadblock in the investigation, and until police can get that frame of time sorted out, it's going to be hard to move past that.
Here's another piece to the cleaning/washing puzzle. Haleigh's shirt was in the laundry pile:

She then saw the Hannah Montana shirt in a laundry pile by the back door. "When I put her blanket on she had that shirt on," Croslin told the Times-Union on Wednesday.

She said she has no idea how the shirt wound up there.

ok, let's say eating on the porch with a light at 7:30.....hour and a half movie would put it at 9....getting ready for bed would prob put it at 9:30 ( most kids I know drag it out about getting in bed on time) sleep in 30 min...would make it 10.......that's a far cry from 8 in my book. and what's with the "every morning she walks out of the house looking like a queen"??? she's 5!!!!
Could it possibly be that Misty put the blankets in the dryer and left the mobile home, took the blankets out of the dryer when she got back and realized Haleigh was missing when she went to put the blanket on her? That would make blankets stick out in my mind for sure.
Using Occam's Razor again: Ronald and family accepting/defending Misty's funky stories = possible involvement of Ronald.

The timeline is the key now, IMO.

ITA! Every time Misty tells her story she adds a little bit more, which only raises more questions in my mind. I'm thinking about the part where the two children watched their movies.

I'd like to ask those of you who have little ones--on average, do 3 and 5 year olds watch their favorite movies all the way through? Do they fast forward to their favorite parts? Do they watch a part of the movie, stop watching for a while and then go back and watch some more. Is it hard to pull them away from their movie? (I can't answer this because my children were born way before videos were even imagined....all they had was network TV with 15 and 30 minute cartoons, and I don't have any grand kids.)

I ask because it involves the timeline and may be totally unimportant. Each of the movies mentioned is at least 1-1/2 hours long. Misty put Jr to bed at 8:00 (or Haleigh--depending on which version you wish to believe). That means they probably started watching their moves around 6:30 (if they watched the entire movie). However, GGma says the children were on the front porch eating dinner at 7:00. Maybe they started watching their movies earlier and stopped long enough to eat. Eating in front of the TV seems to be the norm nowadays. So, wouldn't they eat their dinner while watching the movie?

Maybe I'm way off track here and my question is meaningless. I just can't seem to get a handle on Misty's timeline. I don't think she can either. My brain is just about fried from thinking too much. JMO
next we will hear that they had a TV on that front porch......oh, with a dvd player for the movies....
ok, let's say eating on the porch with a light at 7:30.....hour and a half movie would put it at 9....getting ready for bed would prob put it at 9:30 ( most kids I know drag it out about getting in bed on time) sleep in 30 min...would make it 10.......that's a far cry from 8 in my book. and what's with the "every morning she walks out of the house looking like a queen"??? she's 5!!!!

Could she have meant that they finished eating at, say 7:30, took a while to get ready for bed, and then after that she put on the movie and Haleigh watched the movie in her bed until she fell asleep in the middle of it. That's how the timeline might work out.
I just need to go back to the beginning of this case, and look at it all again......
Could she have meant that they finished eating at, say 7:30, took a while to get ready for bed, and then after that she put on the movie and Haleigh watched the movie in her bed until she fell asleep in the middle of it. That's how the timeline might work out.

I think that is how she meant it, not sure I beleive that is how it happened, but I do believe that is how she meant it. I took it that she put Haleigh to bed and the video in for her to watch as she went to sleep too.
I'd like to ask those of you who have little ones--on average, do 3 and 5 year olds watch their favorite movies all the way through? Do they fast forward to their favorite parts? Do they watch a part of the movie, stop watching for a while and then go back and watch some more. Is it hard to pull them away from their movie?

One of my children learned to use the remote control at 6, one was beginning to learn when she was four, but many times they managed to put the whole thing off. So no fast forwarding when they were three years old but when the remote control was mastered they did occasionally fast forward or pick a scene and watch it repeatedly. Before that they'd either watch through the whole thing or run away in the middle to do something more interesting.
maybe she used the videos as a sitter while she went about her business else where...after all, she did DRIVE!!!
Good Morning Indigo, That was extremely interesting info and I think especially pertinent to our case.

It must pop out of the subconscious in a pressure situation like a 911 call. Misty has said so many 'ditzy' type things it makes me wonder if she doesn't say things she thinks will minimize the gravity of the situation without realizing she is doing so. Like the whole blanket thing and cleaning. If you are overtired like she said she was, these are things one could put off till tomoz. So it could be they were done out of necessity after tragedy struck, knowing she would be having company in the way of LE, in a short amount of time. She would never willingly admit that if she couldn't tell the whole truth, for whatever reason.

I don't know, but I think of Player and his reminder she was only 17. She would probably never dream she was giving away hints of truth that she would never let out purposfully. Street smarts can't replace what an education can give. Shakespeare, the Trojan Horse, The Constitution, Sherlock Holmes . . . . . . . . :D
All together, what do we have so far?

  • Blankets were being washed.
  • Haleigh "peed on her blanket" and it "smelled like pee"
  • Misty first told police that Haleigh was sleeping in the bed with her, then changed her story.
  • Misty changed her own bed that night.
  • The top Haleigh wore to bed that night was found in the laundry pile, with no explanation of how it got there.
  • Misty was cleaning.
Good Morning Indigo, That was extremely interesting info and I think especially pertinent to our case.

It must pop out of the subconscious in a pressure situation like a 911 call. Misty has said so many 'ditzy' type things it makes me wonder if she doesn't say things she thinks will minimize the gravity of the situation without realizing she is doing so. Like the whole blanket thing and cleaning. If you are overtired like she said she was, these are things one could put off till tomoz. So it could be they were done out of necessity after tragedy struck, knowing she would be having company in the way of LE, in a short amount of time. She would never willingly admit that if she couldn't tell the whole truth, for whatever reason.

I don't know, but I think of Player and his reminder she was only 17. She would probably never dream she was giving away hints of truth that she would never let out purposfully. Street smarts can't replace what an education can give. Shakespeare, the Trojan Horse, The Constitution, Sherlock Holmes . . . . . . . . :D

Good Morning, dear scandi. I'm sad that we're even having to discuss a 17-year-old in this possible context--"Out, d*** spot!"

However, it's good to know that there are many, many clues we're probably not privy to. I believe this case will be solved soon.
I am amazed that MC can hold the line, change her stories, be confronted with her many inconsistancies, AND LE STILL NOT ABLE TO "CRACK" HER! :banghead:

I think we ALL agree, there is much more to this story than has been uncovered to date. How can this family continue to 'outsmart" LE? LE as well as FBI is experienced, I have to believe they know a heck of a lot more than we know about.

I just gotta a "hinky" feeling that something could have happened to Haleigh BEFORE RC went to work.. He went to work, therefore had a alabi (sp???).

When confronted on NG last night about that and that what MC said, all he could muster up is "Dahhhh, I have no idea" or "I dunno"..:doh:

This baby is somewhere, they(MC, RC, bio-mom, family) or the kidnapper just CANNOT BE THAT SMART!
Misty also mentioned cleaning in the 911 call:

911: "OK, when did you last see her?"
Misty Croslin: "Um,we like just, you know--it was about 10 o'clock--she was sleeping--I was cleaning.

Here's an interesting statistic relating to 911 calls and extraneous information:

"Forty-four percent of the 911 homicide callers included extraneous information in their call. Of those, 96 percent were guilty of the offense, and only 4 percent were innocent. Extraneous information was the strongest indicator of guilt in the study."


Here's what that extraneous information means to investigators:


During the dispatchers' questioning, few of the guilty 911 callers actually lied unless forced to. Most of them deceived by omission, rather than commission. In lieu of offering the complete truth, such as I did it, many provided rambling information, instead of concise points; confusing, rather than clear, details; and extraneous information, instead of relevant facts. These details, although, irrelevant to the dispatchers' questions, frequently related to the criminal act. People who provide more information than necessary may be attempting to convince someone of a deceptive story, rather than simply conveying truthful information. (4) In this regard,investigators must listen carefully to the complete call because the caller may have provided information that reveals vital clues to the homicide.


I couldn't just hit the thanks button on that one Indigo, those are some very informative and valuabe articles you brought to our attention. I'm bookmarking them because they aren't only relevent here with Haleigh but also on some other cases that I am following....:blowkiss: Many Many Thanks, my dear!
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