Misty C. #3

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Blankets - what size are they? Is Haleigh's a little "blankie" or a full sized one? Assuming Misty's is a full sized one.
Exactly. I initially liked TN, but I no longer can say that. She is definitely shoving the "Misty is wonderful" story down our throats. Why is she so adamant about defending Misty? In defending Misty, she is also defending her son IMO. Why does she feel that she has to defend her son, after all he has an airtight alibi "I was at work". Hmm.

ITA. I couldn't get past any of them protecting or believing Misty. Why would they? They haven't known her that long. She was the last one with Haleigh. Haleigh went missing on her watch. Wouldn't they care more about what happened to Haleigh than protecting Misty? It wasn't making sense.

Then it occured to me that they most likely are not protecting Misty at all and instead are protecting Ron. And sadly, that makes alot of sense to me. ETA: Especially since TN is showing more and more of her protective side.
Snookie I am with you, something is weird about the blankets. The one she was washing with Haleighs was from the window since she left her blanket in the Van they took? One reason I can see having your blanket in the van is if you went out there and sat in the van and it was cold outside. I want to know how the first blanket came to be in the van to begin with.

YES....when will a reporter FINALLY ask her why her blanket was in the van in the first place? Or did I miss her answer to this somewhere?
ITA. I couldn't get past any of them protecting or believing Misty. Why would they? They haven't known her that long. She was the last one with Haleigh. Haleigh went missing on her watch. Wouldn't they care more about what happened to Haleigh than protecting Misty? It wasn't making sense.

Then it occured to me that they most likely are not protecting Misty at all and instead are protecting Ron. And sadly, that makes alot of sense to me. ETA: Especially since TN is showing more and more of her protective side.
I agree!!
She is defending Misty (I think) because she wants everyone to know that Misty is a good "mother" and can be a good "mother" to little Ron jr. All for the upcoming custody battle, and there will be one very soon I assume. She will also defend her son till the cows come home - no matter what.

If Misty is the problem with Ron being able to keep JR, the obvious choice would have been to remove Misty from their lives. But instead he marries her?
Why does she keep bringing them up? How are they relevant? She could've told the whole story about putting the kids to bed without discussing all those blankets..... I just don't get it. :confused:

It's the typical TMI offered up. An answer to a question that hasn't been asked yet. Usually a POI will do this to explain something they know LE is going to discover later on. In this case it could be a blanket is missing. Or to explain a blanket(s) that was washed because it had evidence of a crime on them. Obvious smell of bleach in the home from cleaning up a crime scene, etc.
Is there anyone who is thinking that TN and RC are playing the "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" game? They are so adamantly defending Misty and making life changing decisions in the midst of Haleigh missing ,that they are giving off the perception of covering for her. IMO anyways, maybe both TN and RC think that MC will trust them enough or relax enough that she will mess up and say what they need to hear.
I am amazed that MC can hold the line, change her stories, be confronted with her many inconsistancies, AND LE STILL NOT ABLE TO "CRACK" HER! :banghead:
The thing is, they won't be able to "crack" her if there's nothing to crack. This could be a lot simpler than we're making it. She's very young and had some serious responsibility, she was pretty tired, a horrible & strange event occurred in the middle of the night, and she's fuzzy on some details. Many of which are minor. Some may have a very simple explanation, e.g., Haleigh was cold in her sleeveless shirt so got up after she was in bed. Changed into a warmer shirt, stuck the other in the laundry, & went back to bed. MC didn't notice because she was preooccupied w Jr or in Haleigh's bedroom tidying up or on the front porch for a smoke. Another example, sometimes Haleigh fell asleep with Misty and sometimes not, so she initially forgot which was the case this particular night.
I wonder of there are more significant inconsistencies that LE is not talking about, because these seem like small potatoes to me.
It's the typical TMI offered up. An answer to a question that hasn't been asked yet. Usually a POI will do this to explain something they know LE is going to discover later on. In this case it could be a blanket is missing. Or to explain a blanket(s) that was washed because it had evidence of a crime on them. Obvious smell of bleach in the home from cleaning up a crime scene, etc.

Right On SuziQ. I have seen this in the McCann case where something is thrown out of the blue explaining something that hasn't even been brought up yet.

I call it the same as the presumptive close in assuming the sale. it is a bold tactic to have an explanation already in place so when it does come up, and they invariably know it will, it is explained in some way that takes them off the hook.

I have noticed in the last year or so where players in a criminal investigation are getting very proactive using this tactic. And no one ever discusses it. Thanks again SuziQ xox
The thing is, they won't be able to "crack" her if there's nothing to crack. This could be a lot simpler than we're making it. She's very young and had some serious responsibility, she was pretty tired, a horrible & strange event occurred in the middle of the night, and she's fuzzy on some details. Many of which are minor. Some may have a very simple explanation, e.g., Haleigh was cold in her sleeveless shirt so got up after she was in bed. Changed into a warmer shirt, stuck the other in the laundry, & went back to bed. MC didn't notice because she was preooccupied w Jr or in Haleigh's bedroom tidying up or on the front porch for a smoke. Another example, sometimes Haleigh fell asleep with Misty and sometimes not, so she initially forgot which was the case this particular night.
I wonder of there are more significant inconsistencies that LE is not talking about, because these seem like small potatoes to me.

Hi Kamky, I could believe that as I think those things do play into how Misty reacted to what happened. But we have learned her reputation preceeds her and she is not the proverbial All American girl. Not to dunn her for that, but I think she had less than a stellar bringing up!
This last interview of Misty's sounded so "practiced"-- more like a book report than an interview. She has also apparently learned to cut down the events of the evening to only the time line AFTER the GGMA supposedly left. She started out with the 8 oclock bedtime story and went on from there.
Another thing bothers me..

Please correct me if this has been clarified..

It was reported that Misty was out visiting and partying that night..then, she stated or Ron stated that, no she was "absolutely" home that night....

Is there no way that LE could varify this? Was she out in the neighborhood??? Or, was she at home??? If she was out, there must be witnessesed?? Do they ALL stick together????:doh:

Why is it that I do not see any tears when bio-mom, MC and RC are pleading to kidnappers to bring Haleigh home? Chrystal keeps wiping her eyes, for what? They are dry! RC and MC never look at the amera, talk with a weak voice, barely audible..not convincing.. TN, now she does seem sincere and seems devistated..but very protective of her son...

This case and these people are really "frustrating me", but I CAN swallow!:laugh:
I am so sick of the word "ABSOLUTELY", "NEVER," "DUNNO", "ALWAYS" in this case.......sorry but TN,MC,RC say that over and over!
There have been rumors that M was out of the house - but where? Does she have friends? Did I read that she may have been at a party or at someone's else's house? If so, why hasn't anyone come forward? Certainly a child's life is worth something to anyone who could be a witness that M was absent from the home.

I wonder if someone HAS come forward. LE could be keeping that quiet.

reading rest of thread now...sorry if this was already suggested.
Why does she keep bringing them up? How are they relevant? She could've told the whole story about putting the kids to bed without discussing all those blankets..... I just don't get it. :confused:

Good questions. I think Misty is accounting for her time that evening. It seems important that she appears to be busy and doing "motherly" type things for the kids. If that's the case, if she's trying hard impress with this story, what was she really doing that she wants to hide?

Another thing bothers me..
Why is it that I do not see any tears when bio-mom, MC and RC are pleading to kidnappers to bring Hayleigh home? Chrystal keeps wiping her eyes, for what? They are dry! RC and MC never look at the amera, talk with a weak voice, barely audible..not convincing.. TN, now she does seem sincere and seems devistated..but very protective of her son...

Extrmely good observation! My husband and I were discussing this drama queen act. It's almost like the bio mom is acting the part but not feeling the emotional side. Her face does not reflect her words. Same goes with RC and MC. Usually when people won't look into your eyes or the camera in this case, there's reason for doubt.
Could it possibly be that Misty put the blankets in the dryer and left the mobile home, took the blankets out of the dryer when she got back and realized Haleigh was missing when she went to put the blanket on her? That would make blankets stick out in my mind for sure.

Yeah Becky it seems important to Misty that everyone knows she washed the bedding and or the blankets. All of this can be checked by checking for blanket lint in the dryer. I'm sure she did wash the blankets. But, why? Was it really urine she was washing out of the blanket? Hmmm.
Going back to the first interview of Misty (with her mother sitting next to her), the reporter asked "so what happened that night" or something to that effect. Misty immediately went into a long convoluted story about the blankets. Wouldn't it have made more sense for her to say: Ron picked Misty up from the school bus, Ron left for work at _________, the a/c man came over, my sister in law and her kids came over, after which I made dinner for the kids, they played and watched videos, they ate dinner, they had their baths, they changed into their pajamas, I washed the dishes and tidied up around the house, I put them to bed at _______, they talked in bed for a while, etc. and then she could go into the looooooooooong story about the blankets. She is leaving out most of the details of the evening, which I find very odd. It is as if she spent hour upon hour washing blankets. The lack of detail, except for the blankets, is a big red flag.
Going back to the first interview of Misty (with her mother sitting next to her), the reporter asked "so what happened that night" or something to that effect. Misty immediately went into a long convoluted story about the blankets. Wouldn't it have made more sense for her to say: Ron picked Misty up from the school bus, Ron left for work at _________, the a/c man came over, my sister in law and her kids came over, after which I made dinner for the kids, they played and watched videos, they ate dinner, they had their baths, they changed into their pajamas, I washed the dishes and tidied up around the house, I put them to bed at _______, they talked in bed for a while, etc. and then she could go into the looooooooooong story about the blankets. She is leaving out most of the details of the evening, which I find very odd. It is as if she spent hour upon hour washing blankets. The lack of detail, except for the blankets, is a big red flag.

I agree. It would be easy for her to just state what happened that night if she wasn't making it up and changing it as she went along. Too many details. Too many versions. Too many inconsitencies. MOO.
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