Misty C. #3

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Putting this here because it talks a bit out the inconsistencies of Misty

SATSUMA, Fla. -- With tears in her eyes, Annette Sykes told us her grandson is a good father, who has nothing but love for his children.

“It’s very, very aggravating especially because I know they’re lies,” said Sykes.

“It enrages me, it really does…I’ve been around his children all their life…they’re happy, they’re loved, I mean anybody that sees them, you can’t fool everybody.”

I would have to agree with her statement of you can't fool everyone. Not possible in a close family with children going to school, the doctor, etc. Someone would have seen SOMETHING amiss long, long ago.
I find it convient Misty's cousin was over earlier and then Misty says he has a habit of "bricking" doors. Misty and her family throw out the tidbit that her cousin had the habit of "bricking" doors.
The blanket spew was suspicious off the bat; it's been mentioned that the grandmother or ggma had dropped off washed clothes for the kids, why didn't Misty just wash their clothes too?

As for Ron and his family being defensive of Misty, maybe they figure keep thy enemies closer (although getting married is too close) and she'll talk. If they start doubting her she'll stop talking and they'll never know what happened that night.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt, all they have is Misty's word which keeps changing. Hopefully on NG last night, they start putting their own heat on Misty and get her to come clean.
Maybe Ron is blinded by love and his family figures innocent until proven guilty or arrested as far as Misty is concerned.
On NG last night, she seemed to be stressing to Ron and his mother that it's important that Misty come clean so she can at least stop "roadblocking" (lack of better term) the investigation so police can focus on the task at hand.

Here's last night's Nancy Grace transcript in case anyone wants to read it or had missed it:

I thought I heard several weeks ago (and it was on a weekend) that Tennessee or FBI authorities had talked to the cousin and basically he was cleared or at least had an alibi. This was the same time that they said they had talked to one of the area sex offenders and did not believe he was involved.

This would have been on HLN or CNN which was my only source of news about this case.
I would have to agree with her statement of you can't fool everyone. Not possible in a close family with children going to school, the doctor, etc. Someone would have seen SOMETHING amiss long, long ago.

People may see something amiss but it doesn't mean that they will always accept that they've seen it or report it. There have been people who go to a lot of trouble to be able to stay in denial or conceal abuse in their family. They may protect the abusers for fear of their own safety, fear of losing custody or getting someone near and dear in trouble with the police, for shame and guilt and other emotional reactions or because abuse has become the norm in their family. We see these cases in the news all too often, where a child might have been saved if someone had just reported what they'd seen, or if the children protection services had acted upon their information. Children are sometimes left in abusive environments far too long with disastrous consequences.

I don't mean to accuse anybody here, and I think that in her pictures Haleigh looks like a happy child (although abuse is seldom documented in photos, the good moments are). But even in clear-cut proven abuse cases family members will often deny or downplay the abuse, so I must take it with a pinch of salt. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

The family has been the object of interest for the DCF in the past, so someone has been worried that something is amiss at some point. There was an investigation last year. It didn't lead to the children being taken away from home, and it might have been somebody acting out of spite, but also real concern. The details are not available.

People may see something amiss but it doesn't mean that they will always accept that they've seen it or report it. There have been people who go to a lot of trouble to be able to stay in denial or conceal abuse in their family. They may protect the abusers for fear of their own safety, fear of losing custody or getting someone near and dear in trouble with the police, for shame and guilt and other emotional reactions or because abuse has become the norm in their family. We see these cases in the news all too often, where a child might have been saved if someone had just reported what they'd seen, or if the children protection services had acted upon their information. Children are sometimes left in abusive environments far too long with disastrous consequences.

I don't mean to accuse anybody here, and I think that in her pictures Haleigh looks like a happy child (although abuse is seldom documented in photos, the good moments are). But even in clear-cut proven abuse cases family members will often deny or downplay the abuse, so I must take it with a pinch of salt. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

The family has been the object of interest for the DCF in the past, so someone has been worried that something is amiss at some point. There was an investigation last year. It didn't lead to the children being taken away from home, and it might have been somebody acting out of spite, but also real concern. The details are not available.


We also need to consider the source. Ms. Sykes has a long and hairy record of participating in trying to make her son in law look bad in the courts. It's posted in the thread about her.

Regardless of who or how old these people are, they have shown that they will attack accusers to protect their own from anyone who might take anything away from one of their own. That includes protecting the 17 year old who can't seem to keep her story straight.
Putting this here because it talks a bit out the inconsistencies of Misty

SATSUMA, Fla. -- With tears in her eyes, Annette Sykes told us her grandson is a good father, who has nothing but love for his children.

“It’s very, very aggravating especially because I know they’re lies,” said Sykes.

“It enrages me, it really does…I’ve been around his children all their life…they’re happy, they’re loved, I mean anybody that sees them, you can’t fool everybody.”


I agree with her 100%! There apppears to be a great effort to cast Ron and Misty in a horrible light. This was BEFORE anyone thought Misty wasn't being truthful. It started almost from the time Crystal went on GR. As many posters say I smell hink...IMO
Was reviewing Grandma S record and it appears to me she was trying to protect her grandchildren from a violent marriage. Way too many protection orders to even count between her daughter and husband. But without all the details who knows.
Was reviewing Grandma S record and it appears to me she was trying to protect her grandchildren from a violent marriage. Way too many protection orders to even count between her daughter and husband. But without all the details who knows.

Very good point busylady. I don't have enough information about these Gma's to determine whether or not they are sincere, loving, or if they are shady type of ladies. I just don't know. I can't come to the conclusion that there is a distinct polarity between the actual parents involved. No one is completely evil and no one is completely innocent in relation to their lives (not about Haleighs disappearance). But I am going to be honest about this...

I hesitate to type it, but I have to share this, I am very close to no longer following this case. I feel inhibited in expressing any opinon or thought about any case player as of late. I haven't decided if I'm going to move on yet or not. It is a choice that I will make when I feel it's time and there will be no drama when it's done. It's unfortunate and thankfully this website is very large and I am so honored to be a part of this website that I will focus my time and my energy in helping other cases move forward to resolution hopefully. This is not any type of announcement other than to say, I'm disappointed and disheartened and discouraged.
From the article in Busylady's post above:

Sykes also said Haleigh’s new step mother has only been inconsistent with deputies about minor details revolving around what happened the night Haleigh disappeared.

“I’m so sick of hearing that I can’t stand it…the girl is 17-years-old…how many hours they questioned her? 30 hours? You’re going to tell me that a 17-year-old girl can fool the FBI, the FDLE, the Sheriff’s Department, the Police Department and every other person in the world and she can outsmart all of them? I don’t think so.”

So that is the whole point right? MC can not fool the FBI, the FDLE, the Sheriff's Dept., etc. That is why these agencies are TELLING everyone that there is something wrong with MC's story. No she can't outsmart them all - they know something is UP.

I wish G'gma would read what she said because it shows the crux of the problem. The Cummings family is supporting MC while LE is telling them that something is wrong, MC has not outsmarted them.


OT - Kat I hope you don't go.
We also need to consider the source. Ms. Sykes has a long and hairy record of participating in trying to make her son in law look bad in the courts. It's posted in the thread about her.

Regardless of who or how old these people are, they have shown that they will attack accusers to protect their own from anyone who might take anything away from one of their own. That includes protecting the 17 year old who can't seem to keep her story straight.
Yes...like making up lies and stories about your grandchildren's father to further the agenda for her own child?

I haven't heard anyone lying to protect Ronald or Misty that I am aware of here. Yet...from the beginning of this...we have heard many "mistruths and halftruths" coming from Griffis. Even from the beginning of the Geraldo show to the end of it where Geraldo's staff finally had to state they found out what she said about the school event and taking Haleigh to the hospital weren't true!
From the article in Busylady's post above:

Sykes also said Haleigh’s new step mother has only been inconsistent with deputies about minor details revolving around what happened the night Haleigh disappeared.

“I’m so sick of hearing that I can’t stand it…the girl is 17-years-old…how many hours they questioned her? 30 hours? You’re going to tell me that a 17-year-old girl can fool the FBI, the FDLE, the Sheriff’s Department, the Police Department and every other person in the world and she can outsmart all of them? I don’t think so.”

So that is the whole point right? MC can not fool the FBI, the FDLE, the Sheriff's Dept., etc. That is why these agencies are TELLING everyone that there is something wrong with MC's story. No she can't outsmart them all - they know something is UP.

I wish G'gma would read what she said because it shows the crux of the problem. The Cummings family is supporting MC while LE is telling them that something is wrong, MC has not outsmarted them.

OT - Kat I hope you don't go.

Last night, when the defense attorney on NG said LE was nitpicking, Mark Klaas said he trusted LE was justified in their concerns, because the case is being handled by the best minds in the country - not just a local LE bunch.

If Mark Klaas trusts that they have serious reasons, and with the close-lipped way they are doing things, I can only trust that he's right and we're just seeing the tip of the ice burg from here. :sheesh:
And I'm paying that RC listened to what both Marc Klaas and Mike the investigator guy said and took it to heart. RC needs to start listening up!

Yes...like making up lies and stories about your grandchildren's father to further the agenda for her own child?

I haven't heard anyone lying to protect Ronald or Misty that I am aware of here. Yet...from the beginning of this...we have heard many "mistruths and halftruths" coming from Griffis. Even from the beginning of the Geraldo show to the end of it where Geraldo's staff finally had to state they found out what she said about the school event and taking Haleigh to the hospital weren't true!

Thank goodness for differing perspectives and our first amendment rights to express them, otherwise life would be pretty boring! I guess we'll have to agree to disagree about whether or not there have been lies from the Cummings/Neves/Sykes camp.
Hugs Kat I completely understand.

Very good point busylady. I don't have enough information about these Gma's to determine whether or not they are sincere, loving, or if they are shady type of ladies. I just don't know. I can't come to the conclusion that there is a distinct polarity between the actual parents involved. No one is completely evil and no one is completely innocent in relation to their lives (not about Haleighs disappearance). But I am going to be honest about this...

I hesitate to type it, but I have to share this, I am very close to no longer following this case. I feel inhibited in expressing any opinon or thought about any case player as of late. I haven't decided if I'm going to move on yet or not. It is a choice that I will make when I feel it's time and there will be no drama when it's done. It's unfortunate and thankfully this website is very large and I am so honored to be a part of this website that I will focus my time and my energy in helping other cases move forward to resolution hopefully. This is not any type of announcement other than to say, I'm disappointed and disheartened and discouraged.
Very good point busylady. I don't have enough information about these Gma's to determine whether or not they are sincere, loving, or if they are shady type of ladies. I just don't know. I can't come to the conclusion that there is a distinct polarity between the actual parents involved. No one is completely evil and no one is completely innocent in relation to their lives (not about Haleighs disappearance). But I am going to be honest about this...

I hesitate to type it, but I have to share this, I am very close to no longer following this case. I feel inhibited in expressing any opinon or thought about any case player as of late. I haven't decided if I'm going to move on yet or not. It is a choice that I will make when I feel it's time and there will be no drama when it's done. It's unfortunate and thankfully this website is very large and I am so honored to be a part of this website that I will focus my time and my energy in helping other cases move forward to resolution hopefully. This is not any type of announcement other than to say, I'm disappointed and disheartened and discouraged.

Kat I would be one of many that would miss you. This case is a very hard case because nothing has been released therefore we have nothing to talk about.
I almost said forget it today and walked away. I don't know if I am really helping Haleigh by being here but I sure would like to think so. I didn't want to get banned but I knew with what I was feeling if I posted I would've been, so I walked away. Besides my house is a mess, I am way behind on my work and my husband would like to see me...:Dall because of this case.
Years ago I was involved in another case (actually I still am) that took a-lot of time away in my life. I swore that I would never ever get involved again but for some reason this case struck a nerve with me...
Why do I stick up for people like Ron, Misty and Crystal? I own my own business and I have hired many people just like them. People that don't have good public skills, that have taken a wrong turn in life and are trying to better themselves, people that are misjudged day after day for the way they dress, the way they talk and the lifestyle they have choosen to live. I always judge them by what's in their heart. If you get pass the other stuff you usually find a good person underneath. Not ONE of these people deserve to have had a little girl by the name of Haleigh taken away from them...Not ONE of them.:grouphug:
Why are they backing Misty so strongly? Maybe because they feel she likely didn't have anything to do with it, AND if they admit she may have had something to do with it, may have done something wrong, it will be used against them, they will lose Jr., too., and the police will stop looking at the stranger scenario...

Maybe they've just doubled-down...
I think we are all frustrated with the lack of information that has been released, however I don't know that I would go to the lengths that most people are going to in saying that Misty is suspicious. Didn't LE just say that there were inconsistencies or have they said more than that?

Going from "inconsistencies" to a POI would be a big stretch in my opinion. I am keeping my mind open to anything at this point until I get more evidence.
The Grandma Sykes thinks Misti's inconsistencies aren't all that important, but they have to be since they're things that were going on in the last few hours before Haleigh disappeared. Very simple things to remember yet Misti keeps telling different accounts about the simple everyday things that were going on with the children.
The Grandma Sykes thinks Misti's inconsistencies aren't all that important, but they have to be since they're things that were going on in the last few hours before Haleigh disappeared. Very simple things to remember yet Misti keeps telling different accounts about the simple everyday things that were going on with the children.

ITA, and besides, it's not Grandma Syke's call as to what is or isn't important. She protests too much.
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