Misty C. #3

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I was also in an abusive relationship and that is how I ended up in Florida. Put my kids in the car with the clothes on our back and a tent. We lived in the tent for a month until I found work and a place to live.

I certainly did not send my children off with my ex for a month to possibly leave the country. To me that is the biggest telltale sign of things being said that are not true.

If Crystal truly knew and believed Ron was abusive why when she had the children with her would she send them off with Ron to leave not only the state but the country, when they were only a toddler and an infant.
I have been there, and it just does not fly with me at all.

Been there myself and completely understand.
However, I would like to add that in Florida. When I lived there, my husband was given visitation rights after he nearly killed me. I tried to keep the kids from him but when you have a gun to your throat you are in a state of fear and shock that you can imagine if you have been there. I tried to run from my husband and that is when he took me to court after he beat the daylights out of me for the hundredth time and I "did" have hospital records, photos and proof of the abuse and the only thing the judge did was give him a warning. Then I took him to court when he started hitting the kids while on his visitation time, the judge sent him to a parenting class . To top it off he was in the Navy and they did "Nothing"! So, it's not as easy as most think. Sometimes even if you are laid up in a hospital bed DFS will over look the situation and move on to a child that really does not need help. When you are in a violent abusive relationship you are afraid to get out, some don't make it out alive.
I don't wish this on anyone and certainly hope that it was not like this for Crystal. But you never know what really happens behind closed doors. The fact that a 14yr old child was dating and using drugs shows that the child had no guidance from the family to start with. Not an excuse, but a fact. Most of these girls don't make it out of their environment.
People may see something amiss but it doesn't mean that they will always accept that they've seen it or report it. There have been people who go to a lot of trouble to be able to stay in denial or conceal abuse in their family. They may protect the abusers for fear of their own safety, fear of losing custody or getting someone near and dear in trouble with the police, for shame and guilt and other emotional reactions or because abuse has become the norm in their family. We see these cases in the news all too often, where a child might have been saved if someone had just reported what they'd seen, or if the children protection services had acted upon their information. Children are sometimes left in abusive environments far too long with disastrous consequences.

I don't mean to accuse anybody here, and I think that in her pictures Haleigh looks like a happy child (although abuse is seldom documented in photos, the good moments are). But even in clear-cut proven abuse cases family members will often deny or downplay the abuse, so I must take it with a pinch of salt. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

The family has been the object of interest for the DCF in the past, so someone has been worried that something is amiss at some point. There was an investigation last year. It didn't lead to the children being taken away from home, and it might have been somebody acting out of spite, but also real concern. The details are not available.


We do not know for sure whether these children were abused physically in their own home or not. You are correct that photos and video do NOT capture abuse, only the *good* moments. I put the *good* moments in asterisks because an abuser can threaten a child to pose happily or present a facade in public. I know, mine did. We do know that Haleigh has in the past been exposed by her Father and or live in companion babysitter w/e to RSOs and drug users if not actual drug use in the home. This is abuse. Also, Ron's propensity for underage teens as intimate partners is abuse by example....KWIM?
Misty's account is that Haleigh was abducted while they slept. This would fall in line with 'something has been done with Haleigh'--she's been abucted. This is all Misty would be expected to know about what has happened to Haleigh at this point.

Her word change in mid-sentence, from "with" to "to." could indicate that Misty knows something has been done to Haleigh. This word denotes harm. Just a thought.

What I would really like to know about Misty is why she was not the one to tell LE that something important to or for Haleigh was missing. Why did it take TN going in that house and looking about to make that determination, especially since Misty wants to claim being supermom. Why did she not tell LE, or notice it when she found the pink shirt she had reported Haleigh as wearing. Anyone have a good explanation for this one?

LE "Misty is the key to this investigation"
i have a question . don't people usually have more than one blanket, so why would there be a need to wash them? i know i am not the authority on what people have or don't have i am just saying that i have more than on blanket for for each bed i have . accidents happen and i don't want to be washing blankets in the middle of the night.
IMO washing blankets in the night just sticks out to me like mc was trying to make people believe she was home.

Most people do have more than one blanket. To give Misty the benefit of the doubt. It could be several reasons. Maybe since they just moved there they didn't have a lot of the items that most of us take for granted, like that extra blanket. Or it could be that all the laundry was dirty and she just did not have the spare blanket at the time. Or, she could of left the blanket in the van/car where at one time maybe Haleigh may of been in?
However, I do not buy her blanket story. JMO
What I would really like to know about Misty is why she was not the one to tell LE that something important to or for Haleigh was missing. Why did it take TN going in that house and looking about to make that determination, especially since Misty wants to claim being supermom. Why did she not tell LE, or notice it when she found the pink shirt she had reported Haleigh as wearing. Anyone have a good explanation for this one?

LE "Misty is the key to this investigation"

Maybe she was so overwhelmed with all that was going on that she just didn't notice and TN thought to ask if certain items were in the home after the fact. Maybe a favorite doll, teddy bear, medication, something that Haleigh would never leave home without was missing. I think Misty is not responsible enough for herself, let alone someone else's children. I also notice that Misty's mother has not really stood by her side as expected. All I can think of.
As LE says, "Misty is the key to this investigation"
What I would really like to know about Misty is why she was not the one to tell LE that something important to or for Haleigh was missing. Why did it take TN going in that house and looking about to make that determination, especially since Misty wants to claim being supermom. Why did she not tell LE, or notice it when she found the pink shirt she had reported Haleigh as wearing. Anyone have a good explanation for this one?

LE "Misty is the key to this investigation"

Yes, raisincharlie--I've wondered a lot about the missing item and why it wasn't noticed earlier. Usually that's one of the first things LE asks about. Still a mystery.:confused:

According to news reports, Misty found the pink shirt in the laundry pile after being asked by LE to come inside the trailer and identify the clothing Haleigh had worn to school before she went missing.
I'm more interested in learning if Misty had a key to the new locks that Ron had installed. Surely she would need a key to lock the doors when she took Haleigh to school on the days that Ron slept in.
And who might have had access to her keys when she was away from the home and possibly copied one of the keys without her knowledge?
Were her keys missing for a period of time and then suddenly found?
How about Ron's keys? Did someone have access to them as well?

If the doors were truly locked and there was no forced entry into the home and the windows were not tampered with, whoever came into the home did so with a key.


This is a very important question, drumstick. I have yet to see any answer, though. I wish Nancy had asked Ron.

I also wonder how Misty got a driver's license, at her age, and not being in school. Where did she take driver's ed?

Are our public records gurus able to find out if a person has a DL?
Maybe this has already been brought up and I missed it. This is something that has irked me from the first time I saw it and I wondered if it bothers anybody else. At about 1:40 in the video, she says "I didn't do anything with to that little girl". Why does she correct herself from "with" to "to"? I know it can mean nothing, but it irritates me. Thoughts anyone? http://www.news4jax.com/video/18700882/index.html
Wow. Good catch, ArkansasMom!
i have a question . don't people usually have more than one blanket, so why would there be a need to wash them? i know i am not the authority on what people have or don't have i am just saying that i have more than on blanket for for each bed i have . accidents happen and i don't want to be washing blankets in the middle of the night.
IMO washing blankets in the night just sticks out to me like mc was trying to make people believe she was home.
It's weird to me too. If Ron had custody of those kids for nearly 4 years it seems they'd have some more blankets. Especially with 2 grandmas around. Well provided for children would have adequate bedding. imo.

If all the blankets were dirty at the time, she could've just covered that baby with a beach towel.

Personally I think Misty's story is poo poo.......
Yes, raisincharlie--I've wondered a lot about the missing item and why it wasn't noticed earlier. Usually that's one of the first things LE asks about. Still a mystery.:confused:

According to news reports, Misty found the pink shirt in the laundry pile after being asked by LE to come inside the trailer and identify the clothing Haleigh had worn to school before she went missing.

Yes LE definitely asks such questions, and also about medical needs and things of that nature. This is why I do not buy the overwhelmed Misty approach. LE would have been asking her about such things. I just cannot resolve this issue. No more than I can resolve the pink shirt being found in the home. Quess she was overwhelmed when she put those kids to bed as well.

LE: "Misty is the key to this investigation"
It's weird to me too. If Ron had custody of those kids for nearly 4 years it seems they'd have some more blankets. Especially with 2 grandmas around. Well provided for children would have adequate bedding. imo.

If all the blankets were dirty at the time, she could've just covered that baby with a beach towel.

Personally I think Misty's story is poo poo.......

that's my observation to. it just seems kind of odd to me, like she is saying if i was washing her blanket then .... but if she was so quick to wash them when one became dirty there would be a clean on some place right.. moo I dont like where this is headed. i just have a real bad feeling. I try to be hopeful but its just not sounding good.
How exactly do we know that Misty is buying this van from Lindsy? Link please.
Does anyone know what Misty looked like when LE arrived on that night?
Hair dry and combed? wet?
Look like she just got out of bed?
Fully dressed?
in PJ's?
Dopey? (drugs)
Why did she have such a HARD WEEKEND?
WHY was she so tired?
Maybe this has already been brought up and I missed it. This is something that has irked me from the first time I saw it and I wondered if it bothers anybody else. At about 1:40 in the video, she says "I didn't do anything with to that little girl". Why does she correct herself from "with" to "to"? I know it can mean nothing, but it irritates me. Thoughts anyone? http://www.news4jax.com/video/18700882/index.html

JMO. I didn't do anything to this little girl. Misty didn't do anything to harm Haleigh. I would say this is a true statement. I didn't do anything with this little girl. The truth get a little cloudy here. Did Misty perhaps aide in the disposal of Haleigh's body.
What I would really like to know about Misty is why she was not the one to tell LE that something important to or for Haleigh was missing. Why did it take TN going in that house and looking about to make that determination, especially since Misty wants to claim being supermom. Why did she not tell LE, or notice it when she found the pink shirt she had reported Haleigh as wearing. Anyone have a good explanation for this one?

LE "Misty is the key to this investigation"

You're so right, raisin. The pink shirt showing up is strange. I wonder how Misty reacted when she discovered the shirt? And if LE took note of her reaction?
What a missing child was wearing when last seen is a very important part of the case. If that shirt showed up in the dirty laundry, it means Haleigh was NOT wearing it when she left that home.
To me, that means Misty was not at the home all evening. Maybe I'm reaching, but not know what the child was last wearing is a clear signal Misty gone.
You're so right, raisin. The pink shirt showing up is strange. I wonder how Misty reacted when she discovered the shirt? And if LE took note of her reaction?
What a missing child was wearing when last seen is a very important part of the case. If that shirt showed up in the dirty laundry, it means Haleigh was NOT wearing it when she left that home.
To me, that means Misty was not at the home all evening. Maybe I'm reaching, but not know what the child was last wearing is a clear signal Misty gone.

Has LE ever stated that Misty found the shirt? I always wondered if LE found it and brought it to her attention and the story she and family is telling is in her favor. Kinda like she's not a suspect, passed the poly, etc, etc.
You're so right, raisin. The pink shirt showing up is strange. I wonder how Misty reacted when she discovered the shirt? And if LE took note of her reaction?
What a missing child was wearing when last seen is a very important part of the case. If that shirt showed up in the dirty laundry, it means Haleigh was NOT wearing it when she left that home.
To me, that means Misty was not at the home all evening. Maybe I'm reaching, but not know what the child was last wearing is a clear signal Misty gone.

Didn't some one some say Haleigh's shirt was found at the bottom of the laundry pile?Is this correct?That's strange.Why would it be on the bottom of the pile?Did some one try to hide it?Was the laundry pile on the floor?Did they fall on the floor?
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