Misty C. #3

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I keep hearing this change in story. Please can someone help me with these different stories. Has she changed her statements in regards to being home or not. Has she changed her story to state she was not alone and with others in the home? Has she changed her story on what room the children were asleep in? Has she changed her story on waking to find Haleigh gone? The chain of events before 8pm & and after 3:27 am are not in question it is the time frame of the 8 hrs in between.

She's changed her story in regard to:

*Haleigh being in the big bed (she was on the tot mattress).
*Haleigh being 4" away instead of 4'.....I'll let that one slide because it just seems a mis-speak.
*Haleigh and Jr going to bed at 8 (they were actually in separate rooms watching movies and Jr went to bed after his movie was over, according to her statement, which puts him at 9:30 at the earliest for bedtime).
*Bathroom or drink of water. Story changed, then changed back.
*What Haleigh was wearing
*Haleigh's blanket was initially described as smelling like pee, but in interviews since, that has not been discussed.
*Never mentioning GGMA as having visited (which is only an inconsistency since GGMA herself states she was there).
*The blanket from the window was added from the initial story
*Cleaning with bleach changed to doing laundry, though technically I guess that could be considered the same, but it has stuck to laundry ever since.
*When she called Ron: The sequence of events has changed. Misty first said she woke up at 3. She does not make a call to Ron until 3:27. Ron sees her on the front porch as he pulls up to the house, but another time the story was that Misty was looking all over for Haleigh when Ron pulled up. I have never heard a full accounting of the 27 minutes between waking up and calling Ron.

Those are the ones I can come up with that stick in my mind.
She's changed her story in regard to:

*Haleigh being in the big bed (she was on the tot mattress).
*Haleigh being 4" away instead of 4'.....I'll let that one slide because it just seems a mis-speak.
*Haleigh and Jr going to bed at 8 (they were actually in separate rooms watching movies and Jr went to bed after his movie was over, according to her statement, which puts him at 9:30 at the earliest for bedtime).
*Bathroom or drink of water. Story changed, then changed back.
*What Haleigh was wearing
*Haleigh's blanket was initially described as smelling like pee, but in interviews since, that has not been discussed.
*Never mentioning GGMA as having visited (which is only an inconsistency since GGMA herself states she was there).
*The blanket from the window was added from the initial story
*Cleaning with bleach changed to doing laundry, though technically I guess that could be considered the same, but it has stuck to laundry ever since.
*When she called Ron: The sequence of events has changed. Misty first said she woke up at 3. She does not make a call to Ron until 3:27. Ron sees her on the front porch as he pulls up to the house, but another time the story was that Misty was looking all over for Haleigh when Ron pulled up. I have never heard a full accounting of the 27 minutes between waking up and calling Ron.

Those are the ones I can come up with that stick in my mind.

Misty needs to be charged with Obstruction of Justice, imo

We will lie, go to parties, get high, get tatooed... go mudding... get married... go to NYC, the county fair, whatever it takes to find our daughter...
what sticks in my mind is the first interviews she did on tv. I am not good at finding and posting past links. She would not look at the camera, Ron would try to correct or tell her what to say. When I see the one where she is leaning on Ron (Smoking) eyes closed and talking she reminds me so much of Susan Smith and the video of her leaning on her ex, with eyes closed. I wish someone could post both of them., I do not think Ron hurt Haleigh but I do believe they are hiding something. It may just be the fact that they had to clean up some drugs before LE arrived.

I hope and pray that this little girl can be found.
She's changed her story in regard to:

*Haleigh being in the big bed (she was on the tot mattress).
We all know misty was not in the home days before Monday. She was not aware by her own admission that Haleigh had peed the bed. She removes bed linings to wash. Did she wash Haleigh's things first and make up the tots mattress and transfer Haleigh from the big bed to the child's mattress and then wash master bedding and make up bed and transferred Jr. from couch to master bed? I believe she has stated the facts but not in chronological order for us*
Haleigh being 4" away instead of 4'.....I'll let that one slide because it just seems a misspeak.
*Haleigh and Jr going to bed at 8 (they were actually in separate rooms watching movies and Jr went to bed after his movie was over, according to her statement, which puts him at 9:30 at the earliest for bedtime).
*Bathroom or drink of water. Story changed, then changed back.
I would believe maybe both. Why does anyone wake in the middle off the night? To pee and or get a drink maybe?
*What Haleigh was wearing
Why would she lie about what she put on Haleigh to go to bed or forget in such a short amount of time? I found it odd that it was located on the floor in the laundry at the back door. MC was doing laundry would she not remember if Haleigh's shirt was removed before going to bed and that she placed it in the dirty clothes. And she stuck to that story while investigators had the home as a crime scene for a week. She then discovers it in the laundry after she is asked by LE to retrieve Haleigh's school clothes.Why would she mention it if it would make her a lire. IMOO it was a vital clue in understanding the possible motives of the abductor.*Haleigh's blanket was initially described as smelling like pee, but in interviews since, that has not been discussed.
That does not prove changing stories.
*Never mentioning GGMA as having visited (which is only an inconsistency since GGMA herself states she was there).
It would in fact helped her alibi of last person to see Haleigh and for LE to determine time line of Misty being alone with the children. It would of helped her how by not mentioning this?
*The blanket from the window was added from the initial story
This seems to me a helpful inclusion in the understanding to the chain of events that took place that night and why. It also reinforces MC where abouts and activities days before. She was gone for a few days with family and friends doing who know what.She left her blanket in the van. She removes blanket from window to wash and replace left in van blanket.*Cleaning with bleach changed to doing laundry, though technically I guess that could be considered the same, but it has stuck to laundry ever since.
You got me here I have no knowledge of "bleach Cleaning". Help me . I hate being unprepared for these things. LOL
*When she called Ron: The sequence of events has changed. Misty first said she woke up at 3. She does not make a call to Ron until 3:27. Ron sees her on the front porch as he pulls up to the house, but another time the story was that Misty was looking all over for Haleigh when Ron pulled up. I have never heard a full accounting of the 27 minutes between waking up and calling Ron.
I would think that would be the hardest time to pinpoint ones actions and be in the mind set to put it all in order and time stamp it. Really it is hard to go through this nightmare. I can definitely relate to feelings of that first moments of not knowing what has happened to your child and there is nothing you can do. To wake and find the child missing from her bed and the home in a area such as this, I would be MC, accused but only at 39 and a loving mother that is out of her mind with fear and should not be allowed on TV. Because I would of been a lot more hysterical and still would be Those are the ones I can come up with that stick in my mind.
Thank you for a little more food for thought.
I am only trying to see these things in the most possible ways. It is all just an opinion.
Why would she lie about what she put on Haleigh to go to bed or forget in such a short amount of time? I found it odd that it was located on the floor in the laundry at the back door. MC was doing laundry would she not remember if Haleigh's shirt was removed before going to bed and that she placed it in the dirty clothes. And she stuck to that story while investigators had the home as a crime scene for a week. She then discovers it in the laundry after she is asked by LE to retrieve Haleigh's school clothes.Why would she mention it if it would make her a lire. IMOO it was a vital clue in understanding the possible motives of the abductor

Why do you reckon he/she removed the shirt then? Right there in the middle of an abduction? Wouldn't that wake the child up? I figured that the explanation might be that Haleigh changed clothes herself without telling Misty but do you think that the abductor might have spent more time there that night and removed the shirt earlier, before carrying her out?
This maybe a mute point but I remember in the begining her saying she covered Haleigh with a sheet and then the blanket after she had washed them?...I havent heard anything about the sheet scince out of her mouth ...LOL
Maybe she was partying in the "van" - that is why her blanket was there - to sit on or cover up with. Somebody drove it over and they sat in the van doing whatever and she left the backdoor open - doing laundry, going back and forth.
Maybe she was being neglectful? Haleigh got into something and when Misty returned after partying in the van or while checking on the kids or returning the blanket(s) after washing, she found Haleigh dead? She screams - the back door is still open. The bed was wet or there may have been vomit or blood on it. She is afraid of what Ron will do. She has whoever drove the van help her. She puts a "little sheet" over Haleigh and she is removed from the house. Jr is sleeping in the living room and whoever comes in to help Misty with the body is seen through Jr's sleepy eyes. Misty leaves the back door open to justify the abduction theory.
Misty needs to be charged with Obstruction of Justice, imo

We will lie, go to parties, get high, get tatooed... go mudding... get married... go to NYC, the county fair, whatever it takes to find our daughter...

I agree.
I haven't heard anything about bleach either. If there was a smell of bleach in the house, then I would think that was a HUGE clue. But I don't recall anyone saying anything about it at the time.
~snipped for space~
She's changed her story in regard to:

*Cleaning with bleach changed to doing laundry, though technically I guess that could be considered the same, but it has stuck to laundry ever since.
*When she called Ron: The sequence of events has changed. Misty first said she woke up at 3. She does not make a call to Ron until 3:27. Ron sees her on the front porch as he pulls up to the house, but another time the story was that Misty was looking all over for Haleigh when Ron pulled up. I have never heard a full accounting of the 27 minutes between waking up and calling Ron.

Those are the ones I can come up with that stick in my mind.

This appears to be stated as a fact.
At some point there was discussion about the 911 call and some said they heard her stating that she was bleach cleaning. The transcripts say just cleaning IIRC. I can't tell myself, my audio isn't good.
I haven't heard anything about bleach either. If there was a smell of bleach in the house, then I would think that was a HUGE clue. But I don't recall anyone saying anything about it at the time.

If there were unwanted smells, it might explain why the door was propped open: to air the room out. But I suppose there are many legitimate reasons to bleach clean, *if* she was doing so.
I do not for a minute believe that what Misty says or doesn't say to LE is holding up their investigation no more then KC's lies held up the investigation on Caylee. It just means that LE goes about the investigation a little differently but they certainly would never let anything like an inconsistency in what bathroom Misty said she used or didnt use...hold up the investigation. JMO
I do not for a minute believe that what Misty says or doesn't say to LE is holding up their investigation no more then KC's lies held up the investigation on Caylee. It just means that LE goes about the investigation a little differently but they certainly would never let anything like an inconsistency in what bathroom Misty said she used or didnt use...hold up the investigation. JMO

I will say this, if it's not true....then IMO, LE really has nothing. :waitasec:
I will say this, if it's not true....then IMO, LE really has nothing. :waitasec:

John Walsh said a couple of weeks ago in an interview that LE has hit a brick wall. I was very disheartened reading that and then I got a burst of hope that LE was making some headway. I am starting to wonder if they have indeed hit a brick wall. I pray everyday Haleigh will be found.
I hope LE has things that we are unaware of. Any word on the door that was removed?

Odd.. the timing of the door removal, though it must have some purpose.

In an exclusive interview with artharris.com (aka The Bald Truth), the Croslin family tried to put to rest troubling questions about Misty’s varying accounts about the night she was supposedly home alone with Haleigh and her little brother, Junior.

“I don’t know if it was Misty’s mistake in the story or if it was turned around by the media,” says sister-in-law Lindsy Croslin, 22, who sat next to Misty’s mother, Lisa, and spoke to me exclusively at their home in Satsuma two days after The Today Show interview that sparked debate about Misty’s credibility.
I do not for a minute believe that what Misty says or doesn't say to LE is holding up their investigation no more then KC's lies held up the investigation on Caylee. It just means that LE goes about the investigation a little differently but they certainly would never let anything like an inconsistency in what bathroom Misty said she used or didnt use...hold up the investigation. JMO
I wish I had your faith in LE right now, but the truth is...I don't. We could see what OCSO was doing and how quickly it was going in the "other" case. This case, even if we cannot see it, has gone nowhere or there would be some signs. So do I think they are waiting on Misty? Yes, because they have nothing else to go on and the leads coming in are not taking them anywhere, imo.
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