Misty C. #4

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I know failing a poly isnt, but if they have evidence that she did not go to bed that night like she said wouldnt that be considered impeding an investigation? Just seems like they could of arrested her for something and applied some pressure.

iirc, they did try pressure, and she walked out b/c they were being rude.
I guess we know now why Haleigh was sleeping in the big bed with Misty and Jr, to sleeping on her mattress 3' away, and why Misty changed her story to the two of them cuddled on her bed to Jr in living room watching a different movie....

Any opinions on the blanket story she gave now that we have more info? tia.

To be honest, Yosande, I never gave too much thought too the details of her statements, such as the blanket thing, because she just wasn't credible to me and I wasn't sure what to believe.

I was torn between the possibility of her having been asleep as stated, and just chalking it up to her poor communication skills, possibly recently coming out of a drug induced stupor, her emotional state, any combination of those things, OR her hiding something, such as sneaking out of the house that night.

Now I'm wondering if her guilt doesn't go much further than that. It seems as if she was just making crud up as she went along, thinking it made sense, maybe cause she was just coming off that drug induced stupor.

Sorry, but that's all I got for your as far as blanket theory :crazy:
Many Moons ago, I thought maybe, just maybe, none of them were home. I ran that by some of you. I thought the blanket in the van, indicated Misty may have put the kids, sleeping, in the van, so she could go get something (maybe a drug run). Lots of moms leave the kids in the van just to run in some place. What if she did that, left them in a van and someone took Haleigh and drove home, only to find that Haleigh was not in the van. Maybe that was the bouncing couch for JR, IDK. But If this run was for Ron, they all have to keep quiet or there are charges all around. You can't tell LE where you were, because you bring LE to the drug dealers door. It is one theory among many I have had and others.

LE made it very clear that their one purpose was finding Haleigh, and that was their only goal. They didn't want anyone to be afraid of talking b/c of other criminal activity. moo
But Dee, it's not like this info that Ron ran out and share with the media. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is info he shared with TM and co., who then wrote that article/blog about it. If he were to have married Misty to keep her close to find out where her daughter is, I wouldn't expect him to announce that on NG, kwim?

And, if if if, he felt he had to stoop to that level, of marrying Misty to try and get justice, do you really think he'd be feeling very calm, patient, or even rational? I know I would not be in that situation, it must be very difficult to keep a lid on your true emotions, if if if it were true. Kwim?

His past history shows he is a loose cannon on lesser things than "your missing child" (which of course would be the biggest stressor imaginable). The last incident is case in point with the in-law problems (forgetting even the possibility he was involved with the rat). You can believe what you want but IMO it doesn't add up marring Misty to patiently wait for WHAT? It doesn't gel with his personality & history IMO.
His past history shows he is a loose cannon on lesser things than "your missing child" (which of course would be the biggest stressor imaginable). The last incident is case in point with the in-law problems (forgetting even the possibility he was involved with the rat). You can believe what you want but IMO it doesn't add up marry Misty in anyway, shape or form...I can't sugar coat it. It doesn't gel with his personality IMO.

I'm sorry but I don't see at all how his past history shows him as a "loose cannon". Every action we have observed of him has been while has a had a "missing child", so I can easily see emotions running high and boiling over at times (not that we've even been witness to many such events).

As far as the in-laws, if Misty is into this up to her neck, which I think most of us agree on, and her family is aware, than at this point, none of their actions, statements, or anything is the least bit credible, IMO. At this point, they would all be just looking to save their owns necks, as far as I can see.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree, huh?
The director of Texas EquuSearch, Tim Miller, said Misty Cummings called him earlier this month asking for their help and asking them to continue their search for the girl.

Miller said Misty Cummings asked them to help her clear her name.


I saw where that is being reported.. Wonder where that came from and WHY Misty was the one calling Tim Miller and asking him to search?
I'm thinking she is being set up, and if she has any smarts at all she will run not walk to LE for protection as soon as possible..JMO
I just wish it all made more sense. Makes no sense to me that these results were released to the public, makes no sense to me that LE has not arrested Misty for something during the last six months, makes no sense to stage this but leave the bed made, not damage the door to make it appear like forced entry etc.
The only thing I can think of is LE's statement that they were missing "one piece of the puzzle" when they recently solicited information from the public on Misty's whereabouts. Their primary goal has always been to locate Haleigh and it's clear that they have plenty of opportunity to make arrests once that primary goal is met.
It sounds to me like LE knew a lot of this but couldn't make the jump as to who else was involved along with Misty without more evidence. The interesting question is, now with this new revelation by TM, will this be enough for LE to make that link or not.
If RC is/was aware that M may have been involved, do the same rules apply.....will his statements be credible?
Something tells me it is always possible he was more concerned with the disappearance of his 5 y/o daughter, in the middle of night, while he was at work, than a possible statuatory rape offense. As we already know, he is not a complete stranger to the court system, IMO, he was not as concerned with that as he was HaLeigh.

It will be interesting to find that out & surely time will tell. I truly, truly hope that that Ron has nothing to do with Haleigh being missing. Unfortunately we will have to wait & see, but after the PR last week & tonight...I feel we will see justice for Haleigh where ever the chips fall.
I'm sorry but I don't see at all how his past history shows him as a "loose cannon". Every action we have observed of him has been while has a had a "missing child", so I can easily see emotions running high and boiling over at times (not that we've even been witness to many such events).

As far as the in-laws, if Misty is into this up to her neck, which I think most of us agree on, and her family is aware, than at this point, none of their actions, statements, or anything is the least bit credible, IMO. At this point, they would all be just looking to save their owns necks, as far as I can see.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree, huh?

YEP...no interest in wasting my time on this thanks. :)
Steph works as a producer for Greta VS/On The Record. Steph has always been above board and has the journalistic integrity we don't see from the people who have been covering this story lately.

Thanks, Gracenote. I would be right there for you up until I saw something that would change my mind and make me take another look at things. ;) Today has made me step back and rethink it because the information is coming from credible sources...finally. Why it took 6 months to do this...I don't know. I blame LE. Why couldn't they get this kind of information when it only took Tim 2 freaking days?! :furious:

BBm Don't blame LE, Putnam County seems to have a lot on their plate. :rolleyes:
Shout out to Misty Cummings.... girlie. you may wanna put those running shoes on and run to the nearest LE station.... that bus is headed your way.
It will be interesting to find that out & surely time will tell. I truly, truly hope that that Ron has nothing to do with Haleigh being missing. Unfortunately we will have to wait & see, but after the PR last week & tonight...I feel we will see justice for Haleigh where ever the chips fall.

I agree, we will see justice for HaLeigh where ever the chips may fall. I don't think we will be waiting too much longer, and some of us are definitely going to be quite surprised to find out the truth. It will be interesting indeed...
That could be very telling! When this broke it certain didn't take him long to come out with "the bed wasn't made comment", when earlier today we looked at the old NG quote that he believed absolutely Misty was at home that night. I think we all are aware by Ron's actions (not opinions) he has NOT demonstrated by his actions in many situations that this is a calm or patient person (I will leave out rational)! SO NOT buying... he chose to marry her to stay close to find out where his daughter is. Going back to don't listen to the words; watch what they do.

Would a man even notice that a bed was made up? Maybe that is something that LE only told him recently. He was so crazy and panicked I doubt he was noticing details. Then pretty soon someone yanked the bedclothes off and dragged them out to the ramp. :rolleyes: And in that case I just realized, having the dog scent on those bedclothes was worthless. Worthless!

That is assuming that he wasn't involved in the whole disappearance and coverup.
This is another assumption that has got way out of hand. The bed clothing wasn't worthless because they "threw" it out there. They had to put it out there. The scent has to be isolated from the other scents in the house.
As far as all the credit in the world being given to TM...TM may have been working under FDLE. Where and how do you think he arranged for the polys?.....MHO.
"IMO" Seems to me that LE does have a room full of physical evidence and they have confirmed that Haleigh was not in the bed the night of Feb 9th. I see an arrest coming soon "IMO" if someone doesn't start talking.

Ronald isn’t buying that story “she never went to bed that night” he said “the bed was made” Police confirmed Ronald’s story. As the investigation closes in on her and investigators focus on those few hours the evening of Feb.9th into early morning Feb.10th that Misty can’t account for.

It’s clear from spending time with them, that the Sheriffs’ Department is passionate about solving the Haleigh Cummings case. They have a room full of evidence, and continue to search areas of interest. http://stephww.wordpress.com/2009/0...ds-the-key-to-haleigh-cummings-dissapearance/
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