Misty C. #4

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I am just wondering why she would offer to take these tests if she is involved. Maybe reverse psychology, that is the only thing i can think of. I know she said she wanted to clear her name, but did she really think she could out smart 3-4 different deceptive telling tests?

Then to offer information stating that she doesn't think RC is involved. When no one even asked about RC.
I am still very very concerned for JR. Where is he? I think that RC should allow JR to go stay with Mom (CS) ( i know, it is wishful thinking) until this is all figured out. If RC is starting to throw MC under the bus, (by making a statement that the bed was made when he got home, and it is confirmed by LE) I am sure that JR is absorbing some of the anger in that home, and that poor child has probably seen, heard, and been around enough at his age than i have seen my entire life (only 30 years, but it is a shame for JR to have to go through this)

We are getting closer HaLeigh, WE WILL FIND YOU!!!!!!

I bolded a sentence in Lil Momma's post, respectfully.

Lil' Momma which one of the video's did MC offer information about RC's non-involvement without prompt? I have tried to watch them all.

I only saw the one where she mentioned RC (voice analysis IIRC) and it had been edited (which annoyed me because I really wanted to hear the entire thing). Anyway, I listened to it a couple of times and although it is edited sloppily at that point, it appears to me that the interviewer asks her about RC. Part of the interviewers question about RC is cut off, so you only hear the last one or two words.

I hope I didn't miss a video. I've been trying to stay on top but so much was released yesterday. TIA for your direction to the video I missed.
Here is one, but there are other links where its state that the names are being withheld pending investigation.

Also I was not the one claiming Misty had been Molested. Misty claimed Misty was being molested and its in many articles.

Yes, she did say this, however we also have the tests which PROVE that she was lying all during the time that she said these things. Since there were NO reports from the investigators that they registered any truthful statements from Misty during this questioning--I think we can assume that this is just another part of her lies. Taking any of her statements as documentation of fact is a very slippery slope in this case.

Anyone with experience in hypnosis who can explain how they would know she didn't submit?

There are ways that an experienced hypnotist can tell if the person is under.
I had an amateur try to hypnotize me once, and it didn't work. He tried several times in that one session and said I was resisting. However, he did say he had not had enough experience, and possibly an experienced person could have succeeded. But again... they do have certain things they do that will determine whether a person is under or not.
That's a good possibility busy. All I know at this point, after seeing the two videos of her during the interviews is that I'm blown away. I think all of us here have a deep and abiding interest not only in Haleigh, but crime and criminals itself. Sorry if I spoke out of turn about anyone. I haven't digested it all yet, but she's one different animal in my humble opinion. I'd love to see a study on her body language by a professional. I would love to know what other questions they asked her if any during the LDT.

She is outstanding in my humble opinion simply because she has been the prime focus of this investigation for the last 6 months, is 17 years old and has not broken yet. Her basic approach has been it isnt her fault. She will not give in on that point. Unless they finally find Haleigh, she can continue to state this over and over and there is nothing anyone can do to compel the truth from her. They can either wear her down, or they can find the poor little angel.
Yes, she did say this, however we also have the tests which PROVE that she was lying all during the time that she said these things. Since there were NO reports from the investigators that they registered any truthful statements from Misty during this questioning--I think we can assume that this is just another part of her lies. Taking any of her statements as documentation of fact is a very slippery slope in this case.


Exactly. I don't doubt that Misty has been molested, unfortunately it's very common. It's just that she lies about everything, and is always pointing fingers at others in an attempt to deflect blame from herself.

Being molested and having cruddy parents does not excuse her from doing the right thing.
RC is not being father of the year by staying on Misty's good side. It is over said:
Snipped for space.............

I am on the same page. While RC is at it, mozey on down and take the same test from the same polygrapher to back up his commitment to "doing anything to find his daughter".
Do you think Misty is a pathological liar and at this point believes her lies? I don't know how people do that but they say people that lie continously eventually believe their own lies.

I've been thinking about this. I think Misty has had to lie and twist things to her own advantage her whole life to survive, so she doesn't even have a normal perception of truth. Whatever she thinks is best for her or whatever she wants to be the "truth" may really be the truth in her mind. If she can't even differentiate, then I wonder if any of these tests, LDT's, voice analysis, or hypnosis, have any value at all. For a person like Misty, they may not be worth anything at all, as far as tools for truth detection.
I've been thinking about this. I think Misty has had to lie and twist things to her own advantage her whole life to survive, so she doesn't even have a normal perception of truth. Whatever she thinks is best for her or whatever she wants to be the "truth" may really be the truth in her mind. If she can't even differentiate, then I wonder if any of these tests, LDT's, voice analysis, or hypnosis, have any value at all. For a person like Misty, they may not be worth anything at all, as far as tools for truth detection.

Someone who believed her lies would probably be more likely to pass a polygraph though, don't you think? If she really thought she was right and telling the truth, wouldn't she pass?
I bolded a sentence in Lil Momma's post, respectfully.

Lil' Momma which one of the video's did MC offer information about RC's non-involvement without prompt? I have tried to watch them all.

Snip for more space.

Hi Kat! i will go look for it, i am not sure if i read it in a news release or if it was on the video, but when i find it i will come back and post it. :)

ETA: here is the link. Maybe i gave misinfo... i watched a video, but with the kids (in my house) playing i may not have heard the question asked, or it was cut off, something....sorry, i will go back and edit that post of mine..:)

During the questioning, Misty Cummings said she believes the little girl is still alive. She also said she didn't believe her husband had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance.

Snipped for space.............

I am on the same page. While RC is at it, mozey on down and take the same test from the same polygrapher to back up his commitment to "doing anything to find his daughter".[/QUOTE]


No way of that happening, not with his mindset...IMHO, he isn't emotionally mature enough..And IMHO he has proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that he IS the one reponsible for Haleigh's disappearance since he has once again changed the story about the bed..C'mon after six months he now says she never went to sleep that night.. The bed was made...
In the first place, in reference to myself, I never thought she slept any that night considering everything that must have been going on ion order to plan and stage an alleged abduction...

Hope Misty knows now that she can't count on him to stand by her..

And if by chance you are reading this Misty, I realize you came from a school of hard knocks.. Growing up wasn't a bed of roses and a lot of manure was dropped on your head as a child...
All I can say IS... Manure is a fertilizer, take what has been dumped on you and GROW from it...
You are being given the opportunity to set yourself FREE..Break the chain.. Unfortunately that will ONLY come IF and WHEN you decide to tell the truth...JMO
You are being given the opportunity to set yourself FREE..Break the chain.. Unfortunately that will ONLY come IF and WHEN you decided to tell the truth...[/B]JMO

ETA: Ummm that was odd, the part i bolded wasn't bolded and the part i didn't bold is bolded..strange

WOW!!!! Emeralgem! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Someone who believed her lies would probably be more likely to pass a polygraph though, don't you think? If she really thought she was right and telling the truth, wouldn't she pass?
I don't know. I don't think it's that straightforward. But, I don't think the results would be as expected for a normal person who can differentiate between truth and non-truth. The results could just be very unpredictable.
Do you ever watch 'Cops'? I'm always amazed at the lies that just roll off some peoples' tongues and how smooth they are. I would be turning all shades of red and stammering like a 3 year old if I tried to tell a lie.
Does anyone know exactly where he (Jr.) was when the LE arrived the night of the disappearance?

No, Jr's whereabouts are up to interpretation. Annette Sykes stated she was the one who took him to the Sheriff's Office to meet with the LE examiner. He is not heard on the 911 tapes. No one else mentions him at all. There is a blacked out name on the witness sheet that LE has. Some have presumed it was Jr's name. The only thing we are clear on is that it is not clear where Jr was.

Why did GGM drop clothes off that night if Ron and Misty were supposedly at GGM`s that morning retrieving Haleigh`s clothes? Am I missing something?

According to AS herself, that is what she did. It was the purpose of her visit. It was also 9 days after Haleigh's disappearance when we learned she was there. IF R/M showed up with children in tow to gather Haleigh's favorite outfit for school, 1) AS knows what Haleigh was wearing to school that day; and 2) it does not prevent her arriving later on with more laundry done. What then confuses me is how is it AS had so much laundry at her house in the first place. Had the children been staying at her house for an extended period of time recently? Further, is Ronald so totally incapable of doing laundry that it piles up while Misty is gone over her weekend away?

Anyone with experience in hypnosis who can explain how they would know she didn't submit?

I always thought that a person under hypnosis is unable to lie and that is why it is such a good investigative tool? Misty seems to be basically telling the same story as in the LDT and the voice stress test.

I don't know much about it, but when asked by the examiner to describe that NIGHT, she starts off early in the morning. I know that the Hillside Strangler (Kenneth Bianchi) managed to trip up his own case by faking being hypnotized (as well as having multiple personalities). It was fascinating in that, since he faked being hypnotized, the test results and video could be used in the court against him.

Do you think Misty is a pathological liar and at this point believes her lies? I don't know how people do that but they say people that lie continously eventually believe their own lies.

Busy, I believe Misty has used lies to cope with her life for a very long time. I truly would not want her life-story as my own. However, her lying in these videos is of the "save my own butt" kind, and not the kind that will just take her to the next phase. I wouldn't put it as a pathology as much as I would put it as just a tool in her tool box she's always used to keep her "safe" from whatever perceived harm she may find herself in. She doesn't have to believe the lies. She uses charm and wiles to do that for her. "I'm only 17, how much do you think a 17 year old can take?" Clearly a manipulative tool on her part to have the pressure ease up.

Is that pressure fake? No, it is real. But to meet that pressure with the truth instead of a coping mechanism is the typical response one would expect from a "17 year old." One would expect the 17 year old to cave under the pressure and begin to tell the truth of what she knows, and yet, we have her rolling over and playing the victim. It becomes about HER, not Haleigh. Misty is trying to save herself (From a very real threat of being thrown into jail) and therefore her toolbox is out, not for the truth, but to save herself.

She does make me weep. For the potential she lost so many years ago and for the life her choices have shown her was all she would ever get. But she knows what happened to Haleigh, and enough is enough.
Busy, I believe Misty has used lies to cope with her life for a very long time. I truly would not want her life-story as my own. However, her lying in these videos is of the "save my own butt" kind, and not the kind that will just take her to the next phase. I wouldn't put it as a pathology as much as I would put it as just a tool in her tool box she's always used to keep her "safe" from whatever perceived harm she may find herself in. She doesn't have to believe the lies. She uses charm and wiles to do that for her. "I'm only 17, how much do you think a 17 year old can take?" Clearly a manipulative tool on her part to have the pressure ease up.

Is that pressure fake? No, it is real. But to meet that pressure with the truth instead of a coping mechanism is the typical response one would expect from a "17 year old." One would expect the 17 year old to cave under the pressure and begin to tell the truth of what she knows, and yet, we have her rolling over and playing the victim. It becomes about HER, not Haleigh. Misty is trying to save herself (From a very real threat of being thrown into jail) and therefore her toolbox is out, not for the truth, but to save herself.

She does make me weep. For the potential she lost so many years ago and for the life her choices have shown her was all she would ever get. But she knows what happened to Haleigh, and enough is enough.

Snipped respectfully by me.

Thanks Debs. I agree with your opinon above on MC. I think there is a very good chance that she developed these coping mechanisims during her formative years. Meaning, this behavior is now the core of who she is, and I agree it's so unfortunate when a child's character and personality are skewed at such a young age that they develop those kind of coping mechanisims. IMHO, this is who she is now and you're right all that potential is gone.

She needs to just say and take responsibility for her actions whatever they turn out to have been during that night. I just don't see that happening right now. I so hope that she proves me wrong.
I further contend that the statements "I didn't have anything to do with that child" and "Ronald didn't have anything to do with his child" are statements-after-the-fact to precede a plea on their part that whatever happened, they regret and should therefore be judged based on the fact that they indeed DID love Haleigh. Well, I am sure they did. That doesn't mean that what happened in their care is to be forgotten or forgiven. It is to be examined, and if necessary, prosecuted.
Oh, why can't LE bring her in and just question her now, she looks like the type that can be broken down. What are they waiting for?7d36168356[/url]

It doesn't work that way. If they showed up and said, 'we're taking you in for questioning," she could, rightly, say, 'no. ain't going.'

Like it or not, that's the way our constitution works.

Their other alternative is to arrest her. Obviously, they don't feel they currently have the goods to arrest her.

I do think Misty lied, but I am not at all convinced that Ronald has anything to do with her going missing. I suspect brother Croslin may know a lot about it tho, imo.
I further contend that the statements "I didn't have anything to do with that child" and "Ronald didn't have anything to do with his child" are statements-after-the-fact to precede a plea on their part that whatever happened, they regret and should therefore be judged based on the fact that they indeed DID love Haleigh. Well, I am sure they did. That doesn't mean that what happened in their care is to be forgotten or forgiven. It is to be examined, and if necessary, prosecuted.

Debs, what scenario do you see that would compel MC to speak the truth? Or scenarios?

Just off the top of my head, I only see her admitting what she knows or may have done that night ~ if she is in fear for her freedom or losing something that she values above all else, or a threat to her life.

Also, I'm not sure but she might step forward if the same fears were presented to her Husband. But I do believe if she has to choose between herself and her husband, she always choose herself. Survival has been ingrained in her soul.
Debs, what scenario do you see that would compel MC to speak the truth? Or scenarios?

Just off the top of my head, I only see her admitting what she knows or may have done that night ~ if she is in fear for her freedom or losing something that she values above all else, or a threat to her life.

Also, I'm not sure but she might step forward if the same fears were presented to her Husband. But I do believe if she has to choose between herself and her husband, she always choose herself. Survival has been ingrained in her soul.

Since you asked, Kat.....I believe the only scenario will be when she is forced out of the family fold. When all she has worked for (the family she's never had, etc) is taken from her, when they ostracize her from their care and support. When it hits that she cannot find safety anywhere else, she will call upon LE, and that plea will be one of a self-serving kind. It will be one that benefits her, saves her bacon, and makes certain they see her as yet someone else's victim. She may very well be; that doesn't mean she doesn't know what happened to Haleigh and, as I said, enough is enough.

RC, AS, and TN can support Misty all they want. However, the longer they back her and keep her close, the more tightly they are caught in the web. As someone so adroitly stated, if he married her only to get the truth out of her, now that people are seeing how she is deceiving everyone, he should have no more use for her, should in fact want her far away from him, and more importantly, should demand she stay as far away from his son as humanly possible.

And that's all JMO, MOO, etc etc.
Did y'all see this?

P.I.: Missing girl stepmom fails polygraph

PALATKA, Fla., Aug. 28 (UPI) --
A private investigator who administered a lie detector test to the stepmother of a missing girl in northern Florida says she failed it.

Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch said Misty Croslin-Cummings also failed a voice analysis, WFTV in Orlando reported. Miller said Croslin-Cummings approached his firm because she wanted to be cleared of suspicion.

Haleigh Cummings vanished in February while Croslin-Cummings, who had not yet married the little girl's father, was babysitting. Croslin-Cummings claimed Haleigh, then 5, was abducted as she slept in bed.

While Miller, who has turned over his findings to Putnam County authorities, says Croslin-Cummings failed the test "miserably," investigators have described her answers to questions as inconsistent and deceptive.

"You know, we think that Misty needs to tell us some things, fill in some inconsistencies, but that's about as far as we're willing to go with that statement and we'll stop just short of saying, 'Well, therefore we have probable cause to make an arrest.' We don't. If we had probable cause to make an arrest at this point, I think we probably would have," a deputy said.

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