Misty Road Rage Incident

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Adding to my last post...

As far as TES is concerned, someone on another site is trying to tell people that Donna was "high up" "employee" in the Orlando branch of TES, with her picture and name in newsletters.
But our people who have the newsletters say it isn't true.

They're also painting this as though it's proof that Misty is under Tim Miller and Mark NeJames' wings...
But she said today that the Tim Miller polygraph was wrong and in fact that whole weekend was a lie.
Doesn't sound like someone who's cozy with Tim or Nejame.

So, bottom line, it looks to me like someone's using these antics in an attempt to discredit Tim Miller, Mark Nejame, and Steph Watts.
She does not sound tremendously scared....but I do believe that this incident may have been...how do you say....instigated.....Misty looks bad...who benefits?

Imo, Misty, and RC will benefit from this. More interviews, equals more cash flow. moo
This same thing happened to me! There is nothing you can do but keep driving and call 911, you have to remain calm, so you don't crash. I can hear the tremor in her voice and the confusion. This did happen to me with my girls in the carThere is no way she is making any of this up, no 15 minutes of fame. You can't know the feeling until it happens to you.

You are absolutely right. Sometimes you CAN'T pull over immediately if you are several lanes over or if there isn't another exit for a few miles. You just have to remain cool until you can get out of the situation. As I said in an earlier post, this just confirms what I've thought about Misty all along. And what forty-something woman would not only ENABLE, but participate in such stupid antics that could get someone KILLED! Sorry for the caps, but this little ____ needs her rear end kicked and a good dose of reality.
Is someone were to drive up beside your car and yell threats and continue to ride beside you yelling and threatening you, I feel sure that you would be a bit concerned.

Agree. Caller sounds in genuine distress. When a driver becomes that unhinged over some perceived traffic 'wrong,' you never know how volatile the situation might become. From descriptions I've heard I don't think Misty's incapable of behaving in a coarse or threatening manner. Even Misty herself acknowledges becoming angry enough to "flip off" another driver (?!) Have we any reason to discredit now a random motorist in the pathway of this (otherwise perfectly charming) girl :rolleyes: No, Misty isn't telling it right and there's a bit more to the story (it doesn't take all that time to "flip somebody off...") JMO

Am I the only one that missed this in the article?


Misty Cummings is en route to Orlando Int’l Airport for a 2pm flight Thursday to NYC to appear or tape a national TV Show Friday while Ronald Cummings is reportedly taping for another national program today.

I suppose she will dumbly sit while the interviewer asks questions to which she "knows nothing." Another poster made me laugh with this post: "I've seen more thoughtful looks cross a dog's face than Misty's." I think I'd learn to speak a few discernible words of English before I showed up on some national program.

About this road rage stuff, this girl is going to get herself killed or hurt someday by this edgy, threatening behavior. Someday she and/or that infantile 40-something girlfriend are going to cross the wrong person.
Could this case become any more convoluted? (the whole case, not the road rage... the road rage issue has opened up a whole other can of worms, it seems.)
I agree with you on that lontraveler. We finally got the circus of Kim P and cobra to leave town and now we have Tim, TES, Donna(associated with TES) and Steph Watts who is friends with Tim and apparently an association with Donna since he got an exclusive interview with Misty.

See my last post. I don't doubt that's what many would like to see come of this.

These men have had stellar reputations for years. Count me out of any effort to discredit or paint them as a circus.
Agree. The caller sounds in genuine distress. When a driver becomes that unhinged over some perceived traffic 'wrong,' you never know how volatile the situation might become. From descriptions I've heard I don't think Misty's incapable of, shall we say, ( ). Even Misty herself acknowledges becoming angry enough to "flip off" another driver (?!) Have we any reason to discredit now a random motorist in the pathway of this (otherwise perfectly charming) girl :rolleyes: No Misty isn't telling it right and there's a bit more to the story, it doesn't take all that time to "flip somebody off...") JMO


Kiki, call me stubborn, but I am convinced that Misty is not what many think she is. I think she is cunning and conniving. I think that she tries her "little-girl" routine when she is in trouble. I'm no body language expert, but I've been around for quite a number of decades. I feel like I can spot inauthentic behavior. From the beginning, I've said that Misty's public crying jags have an element of acting. And I base that on wrong muscles being scrunched up for desired effect. I have 4 kids, 6 grandkids, and I'm good at spotting feigned behavior.

When emboldened by the presence of another person, she tries to show off with her routine. It's almost like there's no "there" there. She just absorbs the behavior of whoever she is around. Around Nancy Grace, oh what a little innocent victim she is. Around Ron, she is someone else. On the Today show way back, she had a blank stare, just like the uneducated, classless person she is.

From these stunts she pulls, it's not a huge leap to at least considering that she IS the key to Haleigh's whereabouts. Wonder who she was with that night, whose actions and persona she absorbed?
I wish Fred Astaire could be connected to this mess. We'd still have a song and dance, but at least it would be a good one. (paraphrased from some other great quote)
I don't believe that happened, and I find it interesting that the woman's story has changed significantly from what she said to LE and later to the press.
With all due respect, Flossy, every single thing that has happened in this case that puts a negative light on Ron, Misty, TN, or GGM, you "don't believe that happened"...

With all sincerity, what do you believe has happened in this case?
I haven't seen Mark mentionned in relation to this incident

I have. Not here.

It's just part of a malicious attempt to use this weird woman to trash both him and Tim Miller, IMO.
Maybe Donna's going to take her to NY to help her get interview techniques,she can take better polys. ;)
I'm with agree with everyone who said something to the effect... that they wouldn't follow a car for 10 miles if they thought some loon had pointed a gun at them. That sounds hinky especially if you are "following" the car you can give the license plate number to 911 at any time. I wonder if this is a case of someone who recognized Misty Cummings and figured they could get in on all the media attention... It's sad to think that, that may be the truth but there are weirdos that like to try to associate themselves with any case for attention.

SpiceTea had posted, "All just my opinion of course,but Misty strikes me as far more in control of her emotions/behavoir than most young girls her age." Bolded by me.

I don't know if it has ever been explored with this case (God knows there is a lot of info on websleuths:crazy:) but has any info ever come out on whether Misty has been abused? I'm not talking about allegations of whether Ron has abused her but whether she suffered any form of abuse from her family. I saw TN on NG and she refered to family dysfunction and well we know this by all the media but compartamentalization by Misty can be a symptom of abuse...
I'm with agree with everyone who said something to the effect... that they wouldn't follow a car for 10 miles if they thought some loon had pointed a gun at them. That sounds hinky especially if you are "following" the car you can give the license plate number to 911 at any time. I wonder if this is a case of someone who recognized Misty Cummings and figured they could get in on all the media attention... It's sad to think that, that may be the truth but there are weirdos that like to try to associate themselves with any case for attention.

SpiceTea had posted, "All just my opinion of course,but Misty strikes me as far more in control of her emotions/behavoir than most young girls her age." Bolded by me.

I don't know if it has ever been explored with this case (God knows there is a lot of info on websleuths:crazy:) but has any info ever come out on whether Misty has been abused? I'm not talking about allegations of whether Ron has abused her but whether she suffered any form of abuse from her family. I saw TN on NG and she refered to family dysfunction and well we know this by all the media but compartamentalization by Misty can be a symptom of abuse...

Maybe the girl had no choice but to keep driving, as it was a highway stretch and she did call 911 before she could get to the nearest exit..

Misty's family history doesn't seem to good, it's very possible that she was abused imo
Just for the record, the highway they were on for that long stretch is called I-4 (Interstate 4) in Orlando. It is one of the most congested, dangerous roads you can travel and goes straight through the heart of Orlando. Most times, there are fender benders here and there and the traffic moves at a slow pace. You don't travel on that road at 60 to 70 miles per hour. The speed limit is 55 as it is, but with traffic and minor accidents here and there, you're lucky to be moving at 40 to 45. So it's possible to be near or in front or in back of the same car for 10 miles or more until you reach your exit. Just thought that might help to understand the kind of driving conditions both cars were under. I do believe this woman was genuinely concerned and had just cause to call the police especially if there were verbal threats. They could have been clearly heard going at the slower speed, which in all likelihood was the case. As for the association of this driver being associated with TES, I'm fairly sure that TM's organization will not put with that for one more second.............probably safe to say as a TES representative, she's gone. Some people get involved in organization's like TM's with a genuine intention of making a difference but tend to get so emotionally involved, they defeat the purpose. I believe that's what has happened here and I am confident that it will be dealt with post haste.
I just don't believe this woman would have called 911 had she not been in fear for her life. Who knows maybe she cut Misty and her "friend" off while merging, that's certainly no reason for this behavior though. They should have been arrested...can't believe that she wasn't, this would have been the prime opportunity to "shake things up" in Misty's world.

A tad OT - I got an $87.50 ticket in West Columbia SC several months ago for blowing my horn at a rubbernecker - officer cited ROAD RAGE (I would love to have shown HIM what i think road rage really is!). Trust me - this is true. Still have the ticket. And these dolls were just questioned and released... gotta love it. Now, don't gang up on me since I am a FOF... but someone please tell me what a 43 year old woman gets out of seemingly being BEST BUDS with a 17 year old girl??

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