Misty Road Rage Incident

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A tad OT - I got an $87.50 ticket in West Columbia SC several months ago for blowing my horn at a rubbernecker - officer cited ROAD RAGE (I would love to have shown HIM what i think road rage really is!). Trust me - this is true. Still have the ticket. And these dolls were just questioned and released... gotta love it. Now, don't gang up on me since I am a FOF... but someone please tell me what a 43 year old woman gets out of seemingly being BEST BUDS with a 17 year old girl??

My suspicion is that she has wormed her way into the players lives in this case with "seemingly" good intentions all he while has an alterior motive. Makes sense to me that she may be trying to find out what REALLY happened to Haleigh. She earns the trust and finds a way to find one on one time with the last person to see Haleigh? That's the only thing that makes any sense to me.

On the road rage issue, yes, there have been tickets issued for a lot less than that. I think they want to pick her up on something that will keep her in jail for a while so me thinks she had better watch her step.
Is someone were to drive up beside your car and yell threats and continue to ride beside you yelling and threatening you, I feel sure that you would be a bit concerned.
After listening to the 911 call, I sure would be concerned too! MOO
Wish we could get a hold of that police report.
This type of behavior is probably what Misty had done with the likes of NayNay and Amber,what a good mother role model.After listening to the victim from the road rage,I believe her.After seeing the myspace of this Donna,looks like she loves to be in the spotlight and in the middle of things.I have no doubt that everything this victim said is true.Now this Donna is going to NY with Misty who is going to be on the CBS Morning show.I suppose Donna will post the pics on her myspace.She's not from GA,she's got NC licenses plates,photos from NC in her photos and possibly a home in Orlando.She needs to grow up,stop running around with a teen and hanging out windows,too bad there wasn't any witnesses so they could be arrested. Donna should be at home with her husband,instead of running around the country to get her name in the news.Misty should be in the Sheriff's office telling who she's covering for.Misty did say in the airport video that they did flick the victim off.
From the moment I heard the first report of Haleigh's disappearance, I thought MC (and, IMO, RC too) had something to do with it.

So I am by no means a MC supporter.

But on this particular issue, I'm not going to judge her too harshly.

I believe that incident actually did occur; no 15 minutes of fame, set-up, etc.

I think MC is a young girl whose crime is closing in on her. Add that to her being young and immature, the pressure is causing her to do some really crazy things.

I just see it as I did stupid things when I was that age and I wasn't no where near being under the pressure this girl is.

I just hope this is another crack in the wall she's built, bringing LE one step closer to the truth about Haleigh.
From the moment I heard the first report of Haleigh's disappearance, I thought MC (and, IMO, RC too) had something to do with it.

So I am by no means a MC supporter.

But on this particular issue, I'm not going to judge her too harshly.

I believe that incident actually did occur; no 15 minutes of fame, set-up, etc.

I think MC is a young girl whose crime is closing in on her. Add that to her being young and immature, the pressure is causing her to do some really crazy things.

I just see it as I did stupid things when I was that age and I wasn't no where near being under the pressure this girl is.

I just hope this is another crack in the wall she's built, bringing LE one step closer to the truth about Haleigh.
The interesting thing here though, imo, is that MC wasn't the one driving the car. But I do agree with what you've said about being under pressure ~ and with RC wanting those divorce papers signed. MOO
Just for the record, the highway they were on for that long stretch is called I-4 (Interstate 4) in Orlando. It is one of the most congested, dangerous roads you can travel and goes straight through the heart of Orlando. Most times, there are fender benders here and there and the traffic moves at a slow pace. You don't travel on that road at 60 to 70 miles per hour. The speed limit is 55 as it is, but with traffic and minor accidents here and there, you're lucky to be moving at 40 to 45. So it's possible to be near or in front or in back of the same car for 10 miles or more until you reach your exit. Just thought that might help to understand the kind of driving conditions both cars were under. I do believe this woman was genuinely concerned and had just cause to call the police especially if there were verbal threats. They could have been clearly heard going at the slower speed, which in all likelihood was the case. As for the association of this driver being associated with TES, I'm fairly sure that TM's organization will not put with that for one more second.............probably safe to say as a TES representative, she's gone. Some people get involved in organization's like TM's with a genuine intention of making a difference but tend to get so emotionally involved, they defeat the purpose. I believe that's what has happened here and I am confident that it will be dealt with post haste.

Courtney said tonight on NG they were doing 80 MPH while Misty was hanging out of the car to her waist and she also said the driver was also came out of the window with both hands and she also said they were circling her. I just don't see how that can be on a congested interstate during lunch time traffic
Courtney said tonight on NG they were doing 80 MPH while Misty was hanging out of the car to her waist and she also said the driver was also came out of the window with both hands and she also said they were circling her. I just don't see how that can be on a congested interstate during lunch time traffic
There are a few things I find hard to believe ~ such as this incident going on for about 30 minutes, going 65-80mph ~ well, they'd be long out of the Orlando area at that rate. :waitasec: Maybe CB is just mistaken about the time and/or how fast they were going? MOO
Where Misty talks while at Orlando airport, something is on her neck... definitely not a birthmark, given other videos don't show her neck with such a marking. A... hickey?


Ya Huh. I noticed this too but it could also be where she burned herself with a curling iron or straightener as I and my girls have done this too, but it was sure noticeable!
Where do we put pics on here now?I haven't done that in a long time.Have a couple of Donna.Can I post them mods?
I'm just curious......is it okay to have road rage but not okay to call the police when one feels threatened by road rage? Would we be this upset if i wasn't poor lil Misty involved in this incident?

She's good; she's very very good......if that's the case.
There are a few things I find hard to believe ~ such as this incident going on for about 30 minutes, going 65-80mph ~ well, they'd be long out of the Orlando area at that rate. :waitasec: Maybe CB is just mistaken about the time and/or how fast they were going? MOO

I just heard it for the second time on NG and I could have sworn she said 55 to 80. That makes more sense when speaking of this road. Depending where on I-4 they were, there are sections that are 55 mph speed limit. If they were on the road for 30 minutes, that's a long ways but at those speeds described, they would have gone further than 10 miles in a 30 minute timeframe.
Where do we put pics on here now?I haven't done that in a long time.Have a couple of Donna.Can I post them mods?

Winterose: Can you put the pic's in the Stickies under Photos and Maps?
There are a few things I find hard to believe ~ such as this incident going on for about 30 minutes, going 65-80mph ~ well, they'd be long out of the Orlando area at that rate. :waitasec: Maybe CB is just mistaken about the time and/or how fast they were going? MOO

Well,I'm sure she was more concerned about two crazies screaming out the window and flipping her off,she did say they would go around her and she would put on brakes and such.So,she wasn't going that fast the whole time.Misty admitted on that airport video that they did indeed flip her off.So,I'm sure it wasn't just a drive by flipping off. :)
Where Misty talks while at Orlando airport, something is on her neck... definitely not a birthmark, given other videos don't show her neck with such a marking. A... hickey?


Sure looks like a scratch, IMO.

See how long it is. And thin. Doesn't look like any hickey I've ever seen.

Sure looks like a scratch, IMO.

See how long it is. And thin. Doesn't look like any hickey I've ever seen.


She looks rather pretty in this photo. And, that looks like a curling iron burn to me. I've seen plenty of those. JMO
Agree. The caller sounds in genuine distress. When a driver becomes that unhinged over some perceived traffic 'wrong,' you never know how volatile the situation might become. From descriptions I've heard I don't think Misty's incapable of, shall we say, (). Even Misty herself acknowledges becoming angry enough to "flip off" another driver (?!) Have we any reason to discredit now a random motorist in the pathway of this (otherwise perfectly charming) girl :rolleyes: No, Misty isn't telling it right and there's a bit more to the story (it doesn't take all that time to "flip somebody off...") JMO


ITA, kiki.

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