MN MN - Bryce Borca, 23, college student, seen at 2AM, search focused near Minnesota River, Eagan, 30 Oct 2022

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JMO but I'm guessing there is more to the story than the family is putting out there. Maybe, for Bryce's sake. If he was having mental health issues it's not really the worlds business to know that. It is our business to know he's missing. So, I am surprised there isn't more out there from the parents as far as him missing but maybe they are avoiding the media to prevent from accidentally saying too much? IDK. It is strange that they are so quiet about it. OR..maybe they are just grieving so hard they literally can't deal with anyone outside of family.
I guess there is more to the story too, and the public doesn’t need to know details. I’m sure it’s a private matter for the family and they are grieving. But an update on the search doesn’t seem too much. Even from Eagan police or a spokesperson for the family. That they are still looking for him or suspect he is in the water. Anything. It was all over every news station and social media the first 2 days. Half the community is heartbroken and wondering.
re: silence from LE, family

I've been thinking about this as well. There are some obvious similarities between this case and Kiely Rodney's: both involve young adults heading home after a night out partying with friends -- friends who let them go their separate way despite their intoxication, rather than sticking together to ensure that they made it home safely.

Considering how absolutely horrid the public was to Kiely's family and friends, I could definitely see LE encouraging BB's family and friends to keep a low profile to avoid having this turn into a media circus -- especially if they have solid reason to believe that BB fell into one of the ponds and are just waiting for his body to resurface.
re: silence from LE, family

I've been thinking about this as well. There are some obvious similarities between this case and Kiely Rodney's: both involve young adults heading home after a night out partying with friends -- friends who let them go their separate way despite their intoxication, rather than sticking together to ensure that they made it home safely.

Considering how absolutely horrid the public was to Kiely's family and friends, I could definitely see LE encouraging BB's family and friends to keep a low profile to avoid having this turn into a media circus -- especially if they have solid reason to believe that BB fell into one of the ponds and are just waiting for his body to resurface.
I think we all would have wished 10 different things to occur that night, but we also know after a night of partying, people don’t make good decisions.
I have heard 2 different stories of when the friends called the police…one very early morning after they talked with him on the phone, went to look and couldn’t find him and the second the next morning at 10:50 am. Also rumors of him being drugged on the party bus or bars. Would the parents have any lawsuits in the works (against friends, party bus, even LE if they were notified at 3am about him missing and didn’t get anyone out to look for him) that would be causing the silence from everyone? Just my thoughts…and don’t know if that happens often.
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Hi Lassy, Interesting, I think you could be on to something re the transport that didnt drop Bryce off near his home. Presumably this service was contracted by uni for the party bus and they should have taken him to designated address. But you have someone who says "let me off here", what do you do? Friends obviously more complicated, nobody has a legal obligation, still..

Really want to appreciate hugely your personal efforts to find Bryce, when you said you wanted to see for your self what the scene looked like at 3 in the morning and you went there and reported! That was incredible and so heartfelt. You have kept this case alive.
Hi Lassy, Interesting, I think you could be on to something re the transport that didnt drop Bryce off near his home. Presumably this service was contracted by uni for the party bus and they should have taken him to designated address. But you have someone who says "let me off here", what do you do? Friends obviously more complicated, nobody has a legal obligation, still..

Really want to appreciate hugely your personal efforts to find Bryce, when you said you wanted to see for your self what the scene looked like at 3 in the morning and you went there and reported! That was incredible and so heartfelt. You have kept this case alive.
First, I have not been on a party bus (getting too old for that…lol), so don’t know all the rules or obligations of dropping off or if the ride-share/Lyft they took has any obligation either. I didn’t think of the party bus being a lawsuit re: transport…thought of it more if drugs were on it. Although guessing some kind of waivers may be signed by riders. I had to sign one at a mini-golf place last weekend…jeez. As for the Lyft, I don’t know enough about that either, but who knows.
A lawsuit being the only logical reason I have come up with for the complete silence after day 2 or 3 and not even an update. Although maybe I’m too logical.

And secondly and honestly, this case got to me. My son is a year younger than Bryce and went to the same high school. Could have just as easily been my son. So only doing what I can to help out, make sense of this, and care, as I would hope someone would do if this were my child.
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I live about 30 minutes from Eagan, but I have not personally been to the area were Bryce disappeared. MOO - I grew up in an area with a couple with a couple deep quarries that have had multiple drownings over the years. To me, they sound very similar to the gravel pits/100+ foot deep ponds that are in the area where Bryce disappeared. One of these in particular happen to be a popular swimming spot in the 60’s-2000’s and growing up I learned about a few kids swimming/ drunk teens falling and drowning. Granted this was 22+ years ago when we didn’t have nearly as many resources, but I don’t believe any of the bodies were ever recovered. Not speaking for anyone who has lost someone, but perhaps in these instances there had been some some semblance of comfort knowing what happened, and that those who were lost had been reclaimed by Mother Earth. (Of course there is no right or wrong way to process grief, this is just the belief I was raised with and have found relief in!)

I think it’s definitely possible that Bryce could have fallen into one of these ponds. I wonder if it’s possible that LE was able to find enough of a trail to believe that’s where he may be? As truly heart wrenching as it is - I wonder if this may be a case where they know exactly where he is, but don’t have the resources to recover him…

I can’t begin to imagine the grief his family feels. I pray that if this is the case, that the family knows where he is, and LE is respecting the family’s request for privacy.
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Yes, that's sure is an odd thing. Especially calling off the ground searches after only 2 days.
I mean, why would they do that?
All MOO, but I think they found something in those 1st couple of days. Maybe from the FaceTime call. Maybe from his friends. Maybe a camera on a business. Maybe his phone or belongings by the pond. Something that LE and the family knows. Is a lawsuit a reason to not have the public involved? I also heard the Rosemount police were involved in the search efforts early on and were also dismissed. Would there be a reason for that? Would that compromise a case? IDK, just thinking too much…as usual.
All MOO, but I think they found something in those 1st couple of days. Maybe from the FaceTime call. Maybe from his friends. Maybe a camera on a business. Maybe his phone or belongings by the pond. Something that LE and the family knows. Is a lawsuit a reason to not have the public involved? I also heard the Rosemount police were involved in the search efforts early on and were also dismissed. Would there be a reason for that? Would that compromise a case? IDK, just thinking too much…as usual.
Great post. You ask some good questions.

I live about 30 minutes from Eagan, but I have not personally been to the area were Bryce disappeared. MOO - I grew up in an area with a couple with a couple deep quarries that have had multiple drownings over the years. To me, they sound very similar to the gravel pits/100+ foot deep ponds that are in the area where Bryce disappeared. One of these in particular happen to be a popular swimming spot in the 60’s-2000’s and growing up I learned about a few kids swimming/ drunk teens falling and drowning. Granted this was 22+ years ago when we didn’t have nearly as many resources, but I don’t believe any of the bodies were ever recovered. Not speaking for anyone who has lost someone, but perhaps in these instances there had been some some semblance of comfort knowing what happened, and that those who were lost had been reclaimed by Mother Earth. (Of course there is no right or wrong way to process grief, this is just the belief I was raised with and have found relief in!)

I think it’s definitely possible that Bryce could have fallen into one of these ponds. I wonder if it’s possible that LE was able to find enough of a trail to believe that’s where he may be? As truly heart wrenching as it is - I wonder if this may be a case where they know exactly where he is, but don’t have the resources to recover him…

I can’t begin to imagine the grief his family feels. I pray that if this is the case, that the family knows where he is, and LE is respecting the family’s request for privacy.
Agree with all you've said except the resources. How much is a life worth? No matter what, resources would be available somewhere, somehow.
Drove by the Essendant building yesterday (Sat) around 4:30 pm No SAR and no cars in the parking lot where searchers usually are parked. Unable to find any updates anywhere online for weeks.
Is it now too cold for any more searches? So the parents, family, friends, and all of us just wait until spring and hope he floats up? Or are they not even looking anymore? Or think he was removed from the area?

So do we all just forget about it?

So sad. I wish someone would give some kind of update.
Some information today. One of the businesses, and likely others, by Essendant, received a written notice from the Eagan police department last week. Asking them to check their properties for any evidence related to Bryce.
So does that mean LE has no idea where he is after 5 weeks of searching ponds and the area behind the businesses?
Some information today. One of the businesses, and likely others, by Essendant, received a written notice from the Eagan police department last week. Asking them to check their properties for any evidence related to Bryce.
So does that mean LE has no idea where he is after 5 weeks of searching ponds and the area behind the businesses?
That is so baffling!! You would think a communication like this would have already gone out way earlier. That makes me feel like LE has no idea about him and no clue what they're doing.
We've been following since he went missing and it's heartbreaking with each day that passes. We live a few blocks away and there's just so many questions left unanswered with this whole scenario.

That area isn't the safest. I know of folks that fish back there but never go alone even in daytime.

Hoping and praying with you all that they find Bryce.
That is so baffling!! You would think a communication like this would have already gone out way earlier. That makes me feel like LE has no idea about him and no clue what they're doing.
We've been following since he went missing and it's heartbreaking with each day that passes. We live a few blocks away and there's just so many questions left unanswered with this whole scenario.

That area isn't the safest. I know of folks that fish back there but never go alone even in daytime.

Hoping and praying with you all that they find Bryce.
The communication was similar to what first came out from Eagan police and on the news, about what he was wearing and to check your properties. But now a month later went to at least one business over there. So why did it not go out to the entire community again and on the news? Why just the businesses? I have a hard time figuring out anything that is done on this case.
So you mention it not being a safe area. Where? By the ponds? Greenway Trailhead? Gun Club Lake? Any particular reason it isn’t safe? Homeless? Troublemakers?

I have to wonder if Bryce ran into some trouble that night. LE said they didn’t suspect foul play, but how do they know? Or is that why they are keeping so quiet as to not alarm the public?

Seems every day and week I have a different theory and then end up going back to a previous one. Sigh
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Some information today. One of the businesses, and likely others, by Essendant, received a written notice from the Eagan police department last week. Asking them to check their properties for any evidence related to Bryce.
So does that mean LE has no idea where he is after 5 weeks of searching ponds and the area behind the businesses?
It sure sounds that way. YIKES !!

Also-- A huge Thank you to you and other locals here with boots on the ground and helping us, that can't be there, get insight of the area and local news.

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