MN MN - Bryce Borca, 23, college student, seen at 2AM, search focused near Minnesota River, Eagan, 30 Oct 2022

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the friends gave an affidavit to the police, it is quoted in several articles linked in this thread. do you give an affidavit if you aren’t involved in a crime? i’m guessing yes since the friends had info necessary for police to obtain the search warrant.

why did they get a search warrant vs. doing a well check? search warrant implies that they knew for certain he wasn’t there. something was definitely found those first days that hasn’t been released
According to Kare11 and Pioneer Press, they got the search warrant to get his old phones and computer to see if they synced with his phone to get his last location. But I thought I also read somewhere that he was no longer in possession of his phone…can anyone on here verify that?
Wonder if parents or close friends had access to his apt and looked for him there first after they could not get ahold of him?
Now you got me thinking about the friends. Sounds like they took off on foot to look for him after the call dropped. They had his exact shared location. If they went to look for him, did they yell for him? Who wouldn’t do that when trying to find someone…in the dark? Did Bryce not hear them? If they went right away to look, Bryce couldn’t have gotten too far, could he? How long did they search for him before giving up and going home? And would you give up? And not call the cops until the next morning? Were they that drunk if they went to look? Also couldn’t one track the friends’ phones to show where they were looking and how long?
Now you got me thinking about the friends. Sounds like they took off on foot to look for him after the call dropped. They had his exact shared location. If they went to look for him, did they yell for him? Who wouldn’t do that when trying to find someone…in the dark? Did Bryce not hear them? If they went right away to look, Bryce couldn’t have gotten too far, could he? How long did they search for him before giving up and going home? And would you give up? And not call the cops until the next morning? Were they that drunk if they went to look? Also couldn’t one track the friends’ phones to show where they were looking and how long?
Now you got me thinking about the friends. Sounds like they took off on foot to look for him after the call dropped. They had his exact shared location. If they went to look for him, did they yell for him? Who wouldn’t do that when trying to find someone…in the dark? Did Bryce not hear them? If they went right away to look, Bryce couldn’t have gotten too far, could he? How long did they search for him before giving up and going home? And would you give up? And not call the cops until the next morning? Were they that drunk if they went to look? Also couldn’t one track the friends’ phones to show where they were looking and how long?
All very good questions .. I read that the friends went on foot to look for him and he allegedly was at a wooded area and said he didn’t know where he is.. We don’t know whether friends went as far as Bryce’s shared location or not . If it is absolutely believed that there’s no foul play involved, why isn’t any info shared about the friends route , CCTV of him , or how was Bryce at the party,any arguments there , party cam if there was any , any girlfriend nothing Everybody is so hush hush and that is weird. It’s only my opinion that generally there’s always the possibility of foul play until a body is found and an autopsy is performed plus a thorough investigation is completed, people who were with the victim last everyone must be cleared etc .I ‘ve read many missing cases that turn to be murder after the bodies are found in the ponds months later but it probably is too late then .An eyebrow raising circumstances exist imo .. Soo sad. All that only my opinion of course .
All very good questions .. I read that the friends went on foot to look for him and he allegedly was at a wooded area and said he didn’t know where he is.. We don’t know whether friends went as far as Bryce’s shared location or not . If it is absolutely believed that there’s no foul play involved, why isn’t any info shared about the friends route , CCTV of him , or how was Bryce at the party,any arguments there , party cam if there was any , any girlfriend nothing Everybody is so hush hush and that is weird. It’s only my opinion that generally there’s always the possibility of foul play until a body is found and an autopsy is performed plus a thorough investigation is completed, people who were with the victim last everyone must be cleared etc .I ‘ve read many missing cases that turn to be murder after the bodies are found in the ponds months later but it probably is too late then .An eyebrow raising circumstances exist imo .. Soo sad. All that only my opinion of course .
IMO, if something accidental is suspected, there might be more information. And the more I read of what little information is out there, I find lots of conflicting things, so don’t know what to think. But seems without finding him and no new leads that we know of, we are all just stuck waiting with no updates.
Everything has gone quiet.
I was hoping to see some news.
The holidays are here and family and friends of BB don't have him or any answers.
Quiet because there are no updates. I am guessing family/police have answers, but won’t share.
I have been following Grace’s TikTok site. Lots of interesting posts on her 4 videos. Some posts I’ve read…that are since deleted. I’ve asked some questions. Some answered. Important ones not answered.
Guessing someone is patrolling those posts and shutting things down. Same as I noted on the Eagan Police FB site.
Also, found this on google (sadly while looking for an obituary or death record…which I didn’t find) that a foundation was set up in his name on Dec 1st with the MN Secretary of State. Called Bryce’s Blessings. It is out on
Bryce's blessings, the bryce borca foundation in Minneapolis, MN
Why? Do you set up a foundation if you haven’t found him yet? Be interesting to get more info on that.
Tough holiday season for Bryce’s family and friends for sure. It is heartbreaking.
Quiet because there are no updates. I am guessing family/police have answers, but won’t share.
I have been following Grace’s TikTok site. Lots of interesting posts on her 4 videos. Some posts I’ve read…that are since deleted. I’ve asked some questions. Some answered. Important ones not answered.
Guessing someone is patrolling those posts and shutting things down. Same as I noted on the Eagan Police FB site.
Also, found this on google (sadly while looking for an obituary or death record…which I didn’t find) that a foundation was set up in his name on Dec 1st with the MN Secretary of State. Called Bryce’s Blessings. It is out on
Bryce's blessings, the bryce borca foundation in Minneapolis, MN
Why? Do you set up a foundation if you haven’t found him yet? Be interesting to get more info on that.
Tough holiday season for Bryce’s family and friends for sure. It is heartbreaking.
A foundation? What? Isn't a foundation that honors a person a memorial fund for charities? It sure seems a foundation should wait.

Minnesota, Section 576.14 It takes 4 years missing before a person is declared dead, BUT there are exceptions. If a person is exposed to a specific peril of death that can be sufficient to determine that he or she died prior to the four-year mark the next of kin can ask to have the person declared deceased. A judge has to agree.

IMO this is WAY too early to have him declared dead. Missing around 45 days??? Legally, I don't think it can be proven he's deceased.
A foundation? What? Isn't a foundation that honors a person a memorial fund for charities? It sure seems a foundation should wait.

Minnesota, Section 576.14 It takes 4 years missing before a person is declared dead, BUT there are exceptions. If a person is exposed to a specific peril of death that can be sufficient to determine that he or she died prior to the four-year mark the next of kin can ask to have the person declared deceased. A judge has to agree.

IMO this is WAY too early to have him declared dead. Missing around 45 days??? Legally, I don't think it can be proven he's deceased.
Those were my thoughts. I assume his family is setting it up, but why when we have not heard one peep out of them or police in weeks, and are apparently still looking for him? Or if you know for sure someone is deceased, even without a body, can you set up a foundation? I also did not know if you had to be dead to set one up. I don’t get it. At all. Case gets stranger by the day.
Those were my thoughts. I assume his family is setting it up, but why when we have not heard one peep out of them or police in weeks, and are apparently still looking for him? Or if you know for sure someone is deceased, even without a body, can you set up a foundation? I also did not know if you had to be dead to set one up. I don’t get it. At all. Case gets stranger by the day.
I guess the person does not need to be deceased for a foundation to be established, although that's usually the case.
Those were my thoughts. I assume his family is setting it up, but why when we have not heard one peep out of them or police in weeks, and are apparently still looking for him? Or if you know for sure someone is deceased, even without a body, can you set up a foundation? I also did not know if you had to be dead to set one up. I don’t get it. At all. Case gets stranger by the day.
So, the foundation’s registered agent is a law firm, a very large one. This makes my brain go in so many different directions. So many questions.
Apparently there have been unpublicized searches with divers. Still, why is everything and everyone so quiet about the case? The more publicity, the more clues. Why aren't his friends giving interviews?
Because any friend that speaks publicly would soon be a suspect on message boards such as this one? Seen that happen all too frequently. Random people around a missing person blamed with zero basis for the suspicions.
I have observed that when people post anything about being involved in the searches, or anything that paints Bryce or his family in a slightly negative way, they get deleted. Yet people can post blaming the friends, calling them names, and even saying they killed him, and those posts remain. Kind of annoys me about the constant attacks on the friends. Sounds like he has walked home from their house dozens of times before. And they were likely all drunk. But I can see why the friends are laying low. Or maybe they were instructed to.
The only posts I’ve seen from a possible friend has been targeting police to find him.
I still think there is something they know and don’t want out. Goes back to a gut feeling I had from when the police chief said they have a bit of information they are keeping quiet out of respect for the family. And then turned away lots of the 200-250 volunteers they got for the public search. Something they knew right away. I have a couple of thoughts. I will be interested to see what his foundation is set up to do/help.
All MOO of course.
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I still think there is something they know and don’t want out. Goes back to a gut feeling I had from when the police chief said they have a bit of information they are keeping quiet out of respect for the family. And then turned away lots of the 200-250 volunteers they got for the public search. Something they knew right away. I have a couple of thoughts. I will be interested to see what his foundation is set up to do/help.
All MOO of course.
I wonder if anyone had reason to believe he may have been suicidal or intent on self-harm? Correct me if I'm misremembering, but wasn't he headed in the opposite direction from his home? Is it possible, from what we know about this case, that he could have Facetimed his friends to say goodbye and then turned off his phone before they could find him?

Still odd that he wouldn't have been found by now, but it would make some sense of the silence from family members and friends, as well LE turning away volunteer searchers.
I wonder if anyone had reason to believe he may have been suicidal or intent on self-harm? Correct me if I'm misremembering, but wasn't he headed in the opposite direction from his home? Is it possible, from what we know about this case, that he could have Facetimed his friends to say goodbye and then turned off his phone before they could find him?

Still odd that he wouldn't have been found by now, but it would make some sense of the silence from family members and friends, as well LE turning away volunteer searchers.
I have wondered that from the start. Heading in the opposite direction. Not staying put after the FaceTime. The Essendant building and lights are so bright next to the ponds you can’t miss them and get out if you wanted to. With the K9 Sophie map having him directly going to the ponds and then circling them…was he contemplating something? Police said they had no reason to believe he was in a crisis. But so many kids that age with MH issues. And alcohol and/or drugs can exacerbate them.
And LE doesn’t seem to suspect foul play.
We don’t know what was said on that 12 minute call, but people involved do, and it may have the answers.
And some posts I’ve seen that were deleted, make me wonder more.
Again MOO.
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I wonder if anyone had reason to believe he may have been suicidal or intent on self-harm? Correct me if I'm misremembering, but wasn't he headed in the opposite direction from his home? Is it possible, from what we know about this case, that he could have Facetimed his friends to say goodbye and then turned off his phone before they could find him?

Still odd that he wouldn't have been found by now, but it would make some sense of the silence from family members and friends, as well LE turning away volunteer searchers.
AFAIK at some point during the facetime call , his battery was %2 and and shortly after he was out of battery unfortunately .

AFAIK at some point during the facetime call , his battery was %2 and and shortly after he was out of battery unfortunately .

Yeah, that’s the one thing that doesn’t make sense with the theory…although not a lot of things make sense with this case. And I have no doubt news stories can be spun just about any way. And not sure of the reputation of The-Sun. Are they one of over-sensationalized headlines and stories? Just wondering.
But I really do wonder about kids (and adults) MH these days. Mix that with alcohol or drugs, and it’s not a good combination. And no one really wants to talk about MH/suicide. So just bringing it up as a possibility.
Like I said, I’ll be interested to see the focus of the foundation.
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Because any friend that speaks publicly would soon be a suspect on message boards such as this one? Seen that happen all too frequently. Random people around a missing person blamed with zero basis for the suspicions.
I have no reason to suspect his friends nor blame them for allowing him to walk home, and it does not seem appropriate to indicate this message board would name anyone as a suspect. My interest is solely in finding him.
I have no reason to suspect his friends nor blame them for allowing him to walk home, and it does not seem appropriate to indicate this message board would name anyone as a suspect. My interest is solely in finding him.
Nor do I. But I’ve seen many people who have had the misfortune of having a friend murdered or turn up missing have suspicions piled upon them for no reason in other threads in these forums.
And Websleuths is far better than most other sites in keeping these random accusations at bay but they still happen.

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