MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #11

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I don’t think we know definitively that there weren’t other tire tracks. We know of the one cast they made (Kevin’s) and that after identifying that cast as an impression of Kevin’s car in 2004 they began looking at theories that did not involve a vehicle. What we don’t know, however, is why they chose only to make a cast of that car. Surely there would have been other tire tracks if nothing else from those of DR’s vehicle, depending on weather conditions. Perhaps Kevin’s were the most recent so that was the only cast they took thinking the most recent in/out would have been the abductor and the rest are lost to history. DR also talks about how LE were trampling over tire evidence while on horseback in his farmyard.

While the area is isolated, it is not far from a known partying place and there was a potential risk of someone happening along. If he was known in the area at all he could risk someone identifying him thus the desire to make certain he did what he could to remain unnoticed.

Maybe not a branch was used, but weeds I am sure were abundant, so if he attempted to hide the car at all there would have been some material available.

Of the known offender priest/monks, none fit the sketch. Why would the members of the abbey need to seek out children when plenty come to them? I do not rule out the possibility of rogue priest who has also not yet been identified as an offender, but I don’t think the order needs to go hunting outside the campus when they’ve weaved a perfectly good web.

If the Paynesville cases, Jared’s, and Jacob’s are indeed all the same person then where I lived would not have been in the perps area, so I would not have likely ever have seen anything pertinent. I will say where I lived was equally an isolated area where you knew everyone going in or out and occasionally a strange car would park itself by a wind row down the road to which my mother often attributed to people dealing drugs but other than my mom’s paranoia about drug dealers no one thought about a kid getting stolen. I only mention this because I think that may have often been the mindset at the time. We were allowed to ride our bikes everywhere at all times of day until Jacob disappeared and then we went into lock down.

I have never met DR but I know people that went to the school where he teaches and some that have interactions with him now. From what I hear there is something odd about the guy but none of the people I know believe he is the perp—its interesting that it seems the people that knew him back then are less suspicious of him that those that met him post becoming a POI. I guess it goes to show how our feelings and opinions are shaped based on media reports.

Welcome, Amanda! On the portion I have bolded above... Have you ever been to the old party spot in the woods, or do you know exactly where it was? I figure it was back where Klinefelter Park is now. But we have had some questions on the exact location of what was called "the old brush road." Can you describe or show on a map where that brush road actually was? I live West of St. Joe, although I am fairly familiar with the town. I have always thought the "brush road" would have been on one side or other of the woods the boys ran into (straight across from DR's driveway) south of Schreifel's home. I've attached a link to a map below, can you help us determine where that brush road was? Thanks!
Welcome, Amanda! On the portion I have bolded above... Have you ever been to the old party spot in the woods, or do you know exactly where it was? I figure it was back where Klinefelter Park is now. But we have had some questions on the exact location of what was called "the old brush road." Can you describe or show on a map where that brush road actually was? I live West of St. Joe, although I am fairly familiar with the town. I have always thought the "brush road" would have been on one side or other of the woods the boys ran into (straight across from DR's driveway) south of Schreifel's home. I've attached a link to a map below, can you help us determine where that brush road was? Thanks!

What is the importance of the brush road? I would assume it is the vehicle trail running near the side of the woods there.
I don’t think we know definitively that there weren’t other tire tracks. We know of the one cast they made (Kevin’s) and that after identifying that cast as an impression of Kevin’s car in 2004 they began looking at theories that did not involve a vehicle. What we don’t know, however, is why they chose only to make a cast of that car. Surely there would have been other tire tracks if nothing else from those of DR’s vehicle, depending on weather conditions. Perhaps Kevin’s were the most recent so that was the only cast they took thinking the most recent in/out would have been the abductor and the rest are lost to history. DR also talks about how LE were trampling over tire evidence while on horseback in his farmyard.

While the area is isolated, it is not far from a known partying place and there was a potential risk of someone happening along. If he was known in the area at all he could risk someone identifying him thus the desire to make certain he did what he could to remain unnoticed.

Maybe not a branch was used, but weeds I am sure were abundant, so if he attempted to hide the car at all there would have been some material available.

Of the known offender priest/monks, none fit the sketch. Why would the members of the abbey need to seek out children when plenty come to them? I do not rule out the possibility of rogue priest who has also not yet been identified as an offender, but I don’t think the order needs to go hunting outside the campus when they’ve weaved a perfectly good web.

If the Paynesville cases, Jared’s, and Jacob’s are indeed all the same person then where I lived would not have been in the perps area, so I would not have likely ever have seen anything pertinent. I will say where I lived was equally an isolated area where you knew everyone going in or out and occasionally a strange car would park itself by a wind row down the road to which my mother often attributed to people dealing drugs but other than my mom’s paranoia about drug dealers no one thought about a kid getting stolen. I only mention this because I think that may have often been the mindset at the time. We were allowed to ride our bikes everywhere at all times of day until Jacob disappeared and then we went into lock down.

I have never met DR but I know people that went to the school where he teaches and some that have interactions with him now. From what I hear there is something odd about the guy but none of the people I know believe he is the perp—its interesting that it seems the people that knew him back then are less suspicious of him that those that met him post becoming a POI. I guess it goes to show how our feelings and opinions are shaped based on media reports.

They only had to account for vehicles within a 30 minute time frame, 9 15 pm (time of abduction) to 9 45 pm (police secure scene).
Could the brush road be a road that led to a home that no longer exists. Consequently, it is all grown over?

Or is it a road that led to some fields and is not used so it is grown over?

I had a road like that by my house, It had not been used for years but you could walk on it. It was too rutted to drive on
Could the brush road be a road that led to a home that no longer exists. Consequently, it is all grown over?

Or is it a road that led to some fields and is not used so it is grown iover?

I had a road like that by my house, It had nit been used for years but you could walk on it, but it was too rutted to drive on

The brush road led back to the party spot in the woods, not to a house. The party spot was in the woods near a swampy area. It's just a possibility of where a car could have been parked and it would be nice to know the exact location, so we could tell if a car parked there would not have been visible to Trevor and Aaron as they ran back into those woods. That's all.
The brush road led back to the party spot in the woods, not to a house. The party spot was in the woods near a swampy area. It's just a possibility of where a car could have been parked and it would be nice to know the exact location, so we could tell if a car parked there would not have been visible to Trevor and Aaron as they ran back into those woods. That's all.

I think there would be clear evidence of a vehicle recently used on the brush road, due to it being a soft dirt trail. I think at the party spot as well if there was a recent bonfire or littering from a party that LE would have surely got to the bottom of it. I think everything that could have happened on this chance outing by the boys points all back towards the farm.

Rassier "I only know what I witnessed"

At the end of this video the news reporter notes that DR would not tell them what he witnessed.

I think this should be a focal point in our current analysis of this abduction. Why can't he tell the media what he witnessed? I'm thinking he won't go there in media interviews because it will lead to the fact of him not reporting what he witnessed that night until the next morning when two investigators sought him out. Any other ideas as to why telling the media what he witnessed would contaminate the case 21 years later?

Investigators seized several items during this summer's search of the rural 158-acre St. Joseph farm.

Just as soon as law enforcement officials starting digging up the farm belonging to Daniel Rassier's parents, Bob and Rita Rassier, we began uncovering new facts about the investigation.
Sad about Sharon Marshall

As far as a road, roads are very very hard to maintain. That is why driveways are paved or covered in limestone ,here where I live, or gravel.

The issues Sas brought up are very real about roads that are not maintained.

All property is owned. So what is this road and what was the purpose of it? Did it go to a house that no longer exists? Was it used as an access to what? Roads serve a purpose as not only are they difficult to maintain, they are didficult to create.
Simplest explanation with the fact pattern is DR. Home alone, saw the kids leave, wore a mask because they knew him, killed jw, put him in a trunk and meticulously burned body. No car needed.

Did the police ever do forensic analysis of Smokey? Hair? Paws?
Simplest explanation with the fact pattern is DR. Home alone, saw the kids leave, wore a mask because they knew him, killed jw, put him in a trunk and meticulously burned body. No car needed.

Did the police ever do forensic analysis of Smokey? Hair? Paws?

Put him in a trunk? Uh, what size trunk? (Do we even know the size of the trunk that is now in LE's possession? My father left me a "trunk," and it's about 18 inches x 20 inches.)
Put him in a trunk? Uh, what size trunk? (Do we even know the size of the trunk that is now in LE's possession? My father left me a "trunk," and it's about 18 inches x 20 inches.)

I think its the cedar chest that had remnants of blood. It was in the house at one time to store blankets in it.
I don't think a box of small dimensions is called a trunk.
I don't think a box of small dimensions is called a trunk.

When my mother and father were married - we don't need to "go there" for the date - they gave each other a trunk. The guys trunk was small.
When my mother and father were married - we don't need to "go there" for the date - they gave each other a trunk. The guys trunk was small.

Yes, there was big boxes in the trunk when he drove around the crime scene tape the next morning.
When two investigators showed up and searched his trunk the next morning, were the big boxes that we know of now still in it?
Welcome, Amanda! On the portion I have bolded above... Have you ever been to the old party spot in the woods, or do you know exactly where it was? I figure it was back where Klinefelter Park is now. But we have had some questions on the exact location of what was called "the old brush road." Can you describe or show on a map where that brush road actually was? I live West of St. Joe, although I am fairly familiar with the town. I have always thought the "brush road" would have been on one side or other of the woods the boys ran into (straight across from DR's driveway) south of Schreifel's home. I've attached a link to a map below, can you help us determine where that brush road was? Thanks!

well...shergal....thanks again for an appropriate link! Par for the course(no pun intended). Looking at your link(no pun intended again) I just noticed something I've never noticed before(I've seen this pic before but had not studied it)....there appears to be a road (a 'brush road'?) neatly tucked along the treeline(just south of the treeline). However, I'm wondering if this was a possiblility of the perps car being stashed here....then why is Jacob's last footprint 120' east of the pavement? The only thing I can think of is that a vehicle or vehicles stashed on the 'brush road' to the west refers to the 'tapes'....and that Jacob made a run for it to the east but the perp caught him and drug him back to the west. But why would the perp tell the other 2 boys to run to the woods to the west if the cars were stashed there? The cars may have been placed far enough away to the west to be unnoticed and the perp knew they would head south to the Wetterlings so he wasn't worried the boys seeing the (cars)? And why would the perp appear on foot out of the east? I'm simply brainstorming...trying to understand the situation.....if someone else abducted JW other than DR and the vehicles were parked on the west side of 91st....then what car did DR see? Something doesn't jive in the whole scenario....not sure what it is.
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