MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #17

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I don't think the local community wants the case investigated if things point to DR. They want all resources placed immediately where there is limited information.

This defines a "no win" situation for le.
I don't think the local community wants the case investigated if things point to DR. They want all resources placed immediately where there is limited information.

This defines a "no win" situation for le.

I respectfully disagree. I'm local and there are some people who suspect DR was involved, and some who think it's not possible he did it. Personally, I can see him knowing who did it and covering for them, but not doing the actual abduction himself. I do agree he is odd and his own worst enemy though.

If you talk to people in St. Joe, a lot of them refer to him as "that neighbor guy" as if they don't even know his name. I think any "locals" who have protested him being involved (at least on here) are more those who knew him as a teacher at Cold Spring.

You accusing the entire "local community" is much too sweeping of a generalization, IMO.
As a whole, I think the energy is to abandon DR as a suspect and demand that le pour vast resources into pre-Kevin avenues of inquiry. Joy likes to pretend that she has found a brand new line of inquiry. Truth is that DAH has been a suspect from day 1.
Human. You can thank Caoutchouc for doing your research for you.

Like Joy had noted (and I give full credit to Joy), FOUR people knew that they were at the crime scene around the exact time Jacob was abducted. FOUR! And not a single one stepped forward to state as much. Even when LE was asking for information on the last unidentified set of tracks. They should have received time in jail for withholding that vital information.

From Joy's interview with Kevin:

"Kevin realizes he’s the one who made the tracks and is sure they’ll trace them back to his girlfriend’s car since the tires were brand new and had just been installed at a St. Cloud tire dealer one week earlier. After much debate, they decide just to wait it out and do nothing. After all, they’d driven into the driveway after the crime had already happened, they didn’t have any more information to contribute, and they were worried about becoming suspects themselves.

They went on with their lives and assumed the police would eventually call them to make a statement. That call never came."
Human. You can thank Caoutchouc for doing your research for you.

Like Joy had noted (and I give full credit to Joy), FOUR people knew that they were at the crime scene around the exact time Jacob was abducted. FOUR! And not a single one stepped forward to state as much. Even when LE was asking for information on the last unidentified set of tracks. They should have received time in jail for withholding that vital information.

Four? How many people were playing cards?

I think there were newspaper accounts about this when it was revealed.

Abyway, my question was where is the proof Kevin purchased tires in St. Cloud for his girkfriend's car?
Gosh - now that I reread his story, I forgot that it says he also told "the brother/volunteer firefighter+wife" that they'd driven down DR's driveway that night.

At least 4 people said NOTHING while the surrounding community frantically searched and there were rewards for any information.


Remember two things though...

1. Kevin went out of his way to talk to a cop that night. The cop was disinterested

2. LE did not ever ask for help in finding a car seen in the driveway that night. Despite having a witness who saw a car (DR), no car was publicly sought. That really seems odd to me, especially given that LE asked for help with so many other cars.
Remember two things though...

1. Kevin went out of his way to talk to a cop that night. The cop was disinterested

2. LE did not ever ask for help in finding a car seen in the driveway that night. Despite having a witness who saw a car (DR), no car was publicly sought. That really seems odd to me, especially given that LE asked for help with so many other cars.


Right, but it is my understanding: (all from

1. Kevin didn't really go out of his way to talk to a cop that night. It was by chance he/gf saw a St. Joseph's car sitting at Cotton's dentist office by the Tom Thumb. At that point they were more curious/nosy, but did mention they saw bikes on the road by the Rassier farm (which, again, the bikes were in a ditch across the road from the Rassier farm. Imo that proximity is key. Driving by the bikes and driving down DR's driveway are two very different things)
Most importantly, imo, is the fact that at that point, Kevin and gf had no idea there was an abduction. I think if they'd known in that instance, their sense of urgency and forthrightness of information would have been greater (again presuming all this happened. I still suspect Kevin could be some kind of LE ruse and/or Kevin isn't being totally truthful about the sequence of events - perhaps to dissuade guilt for not coming forth sooner) (side-note: I do not mean to discredit Joy -I think she's done an amazing job that no one else has- but she freely admits she's an amateur blogger, not an investigative journalist. I fear she could be fooled by a "source")

2. According to Kevin's story, his brother told him the next day that the FBI was making plaster cases of tracks found in the driveway. That should have been more than enough information for one of those 4 people who knew Kevin/gf drove down that driveway. A white van was publicly sought and any information relating to the scene that night...

Of course I think LE should pursue a line of inquiry that includes DR's involvement. It was his property where Jacob's last footprint was found. What I have gleaned from various interviews w/DR is that he readily accepts this fact, whether he is directly involved or not.
That having been said, in-depth investigations have been conducted of him/his property. They found nothing to charge him with or even bring him in for further questioning.

Right, but it is my understanding: (all from

1. Kevin didn't really go out of his way to talk to a cop that night. It was by chance he/gf saw a St. Joseph's car sitting at Cotton's dentist office by the Tom Thumb. At that point they were more curious/nosy, but did mention they saw bikes on the road by the Rassier farm (which, again, the bikes were in a ditch across the road from the Rassier farm. Imo that proximity is key. Driving by the bikes and driving down DR's driveway are two very different things)
Most importantly, imo, is the fact that at that point, Kevin and gf had no idea there was an abduction. I think if they'd known in that instance, their sense of urgency and forthrightness of information would have been greater (again presuming all this happened. I still suspect Kevin could be some kind of LE ruse and/or Kevin isn't being totally truthful about the sequence of events - perhaps to dissuade guilt for not coming forth sooner) (side-note: I do not mean to discredit Joy -I think she's done an amazing job that no one else has- but she freely admits she's an amateur blogger, not an investigative journalist. I fear she could be fooled by a "source")

2. According to Kevin's story, his brother told him the next day that the FBI was making plaster cases of tracks found in the driveway. That should have been more than enough information for one of those 4 people who knew Kevin/gf drove down that driveway. A white van was publicly sought and any information relating to the scene that night...

Of course I think LE should pursue a line of inquiry that includes DR's involvement. It was his property where Jacob's last footprint was found. What I have gleaned from various interviews w/DR is that he readily accepts this fact, whether he is directly involved or not.
That having been said, in-depth investigations have been conducted of him/his property. They found nothing to charge him with or even bring him in for further questioning.

They named him POI after the search. One that was inspired by looking at old cases by the BCA

Right, but it is my understanding: (all from

1. Kevin didn't really go out of his way to talk to a cop that night. It was by chance he/gf saw a St. Joseph's car sitting at Cotton's dentist office by the Tom Thumb. At that point they were more curious/nosy, but did mention they saw bikes on the road by the Rassier farm (which, again, the bikes were in a ditch across the road from the Rassier farm. Imo that proximity is key. Driving by the bikes and driving down DR's driveway are two very different things)
Most importantly, imo, is the fact that at that point, Kevin and gf had no idea there was an abduction. I think if they'd known in that instance, their sense of urgency and forthrightness of information would have been greater (again presuming all this happened. I still suspect Kevin could be some kind of LE ruse and/or Kevin isn't being totally truthful about the sequence of events - perhaps to dissuade guilt for not coming forth sooner) (side-note: I do not mean to discredit Joy -I think she's done an amazing job that no one else has- but she freely admits she's an amateur blogger, not an investigative journalist. I fear she could be fooled by a "source")

2. According to Kevin's story, his brother told him the next day that the FBI was making plaster cases of tracks found in the driveway. That should have been more than enough information for one of those 4 people who knew Kevin/gf drove down that driveway. A white van was publicly sought and any information relating to the scene that night...

Of course I think LE should pursue a line of inquiry that includes DR's involvement. It was his property where Jacob's last footprint was found. What I have gleaned from various interviews w/DR is that he readily accepts this fact, whether he is directly involved or not.
That having been said, in-depth investigations have been conducted of him/his property. They found nothing to charge him with or even bring him in for further questioning.

Just to clarify a couple things. Kevin & Girlfriend saw the bikes as they were exiting DR's driveway...which makes sense since their head lights would've been pointed straight at them. Also it wasn't Kevin's brother that told him about the casts being done it was Kevin's Girlfriends brother.
As they come back out to the road, they notice the kids’ bikes lying in the ditch across the street. There are no police there yet. They sit and discuss what to do about the bikes. Should they put them in the trunk and take them to the police? At this point, they still have no idea that a child has been abducted, so they just assumed the bikes had been stolen. Info from this link
Just to clarify a couple things. Kevin & Girlfriend saw the bikes as they were exiting DR's driveway...which makes sense since their head lights would've been pointed straight at them. Also it wasn't Kevin's brother that told him about the casts being done it was Kevin's Girlfriends brother.
As they come back out to the road, they notice the kids’ bikes lying in the ditch across the street. There are no police there yet. They sit and discuss what to do about the bikes. Should they put them in the trunk and take them to the police? At this point, they still have no idea that a child has been abducted, so they just assumed the bikes had been stolen. Info from this link

Right - yes, sorry, Kevin's GF brother (doesn't change my point, however)

Re: bikes, yes, I realize they saw the bikes whilst driving out of DR's driveway, but my point was that what, if anything they conveyed to the police officer was that they saw bikes, not DROVE DOWN DR'S DRIVEWAY.
Right - yes, sorry, Kevin's GF brother (doesn't change my point, however)

Re: bikes, yes, I realize they saw the bikes whilst driving out of DR's driveway, but my point was that what, if anything they conveyed to the police officer was that they saw bikes, not DROVE DOWN DR'S DRIVEWAY.

I can see how Kevin wouldn't mention driving down DR's driveway that night to the officer simply because he wasn't aware of what took place yet and didn't think it was important. I agree with you that it's strange and too bad that after finding out what happened..and that they were making print casts.. that none of them came forward with the information.
Kevin may not have realized that night was happened but there is NO doubt in my mind that he must have heard the next day that Jacob had been abducted. What was the actual call he heard on the scanner that led him and his gf to DR's driveway?
Typically I raced to the Sports section. However, at a very young age I was interested in mysteries. I remember when Unsolved Mysteries debuted in 1987, it was the fix I had always been looking for.

Interestingly, I'm also a very accomplished automotive historian. One of the key components in this "profession" is tracing a automobile's ownership history. For years I've accessed the newspaper archives in order to help put pieces together in automotive history research. In fact, I've successfully reached the curator of procuring the automobiles for the movie, "Catch Me If You Can". (modsnip)

Do you know Hollinger? He is into racing
Shergal posted this under case facts:

"PJM - Phillip Jerome Meemken: As the head of the Police Explorer program, Phillip Meemken mentored young people interested in law enforcement, but investigators say off the job he was sexually abusing kids. He spent 18 years with the Stearns County Sheriff's Office (since 1982), and had 25 criminal charges including criminal sexual conduct and furnishing alcohol to minors. He was looked at in Jacob's case because of his previous pedophile record, and people had called in tips about him because of his similarity to the suspect sketch with the hat. "

Does anyone know if he's still a POI? He sure looks like that sketch.
I can't believe he got such a light sentence for a 4th degree.

It mentions the Boy Scouts in the SCTimes also. Was he a BS leader?

Why would they continue to pay him, and how could he file a Chapter 7, when he had almost 250K?
It also said he 45 years old in this article. I notice in the case facts it said he worked for the SCSD since 1982. He'd only be around 12 years old at that time. Is this the same PJM listed in case facts?
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