MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #17

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First time poster, long time lurker here.

Got some time for this? I've followed the case for years and when I recently read ELOCs book and realized he had come to exactly the same conclusions I had formed about the abductor MANY years ago, it finally prompted me to get into the conversation. These are the same conclusions which a few months earlier I was surprised to see Joy also determined. Specifically, the attributes of the criminal that IMO must be true: namely, he heard or saw the boys on the way to the Tom Thumb, or, less likely, heard/saw the boys at the Tom Thumb and knew/guessed where to make an abduction. Among other implications, this of course means the unknown subject is local. He knows S 91st Street very well. This is not a planned abduction, it's a "lucky" accident the boys are seen by someone with an interest in snatching a boy.

The named POI has been thoroughly clobbered here, there's nothing more I can say about him that hasn't already been repeated 100 times, both good and bad. What I can say is spending years and years looking at the same very small set of suspects hasn't produced a solution. What about maybe spending some brain power in overlooked or discounted areas?

I asked a coworker *in the cube next to mine, yes we're that close* to read ELOC's book and whatever he wanted to online about this case. He just retired from the NYPD after 25 years, the last 8 as a detective. He doesn't remember looking into Jacob before. Today at lunch I asked him, outside of everyone whose already been looked at repeatedly, who do you want to look at in this case? His answer:

...."Kevin would be my number one place to start, even before the named POI or before any known child molesters." ....

Ever since Kevin's story has become widely known I've just had a very hard time believing it. Out of every strange/unfortunate detail in this case, it is Kevin's movement this night that to me is less plausible than winning the lottery.

Please do correct whatever details I'm missing or got wrong, but to me it's just one "lucky" bit of timing after another for Kevin:

1. Kevin says his girlfriend's mom keeps a police scanner on all the time. Already, this sounds odd to me. Not a typical family.
2. Conveniently, just as the night's dinner and card game is coming to an end with a plethora of witnesses to Kevin's whereabouts, the police scanner is active all of the sudden. From this point forward the number of witnesses to his whereabouts become less, and they will keep decreasing, but for now we've still got the brother-in-law and his wife also apparently in the mood to chase the cops on a Sunday night.
3. Kevin apparently can't remember exactly what the police scanner says, but he thinks its something about bikes and the Tom Thumb.
4. Kevin hears and sees the police go by his girlfriend's mom's place, naturally. He says he knows 2 of 3 police on duty in the field this night. There is one new guy he doesn't know. Why does Kevin know all the police?

5. Kevin heads not to the Tom Thumb, but to the Del Win Ballroom. WHY WOULD HE DO THIS? or, why would he SAY he did this? It was the Tom Thumb mentioned on the scanner, not the ballroom. I know they're close by, but he's deliberately going to the ballroom and/or deliberately saying he first went to the ballroom that night. Why go there?
6. At this point, the brother-in-law and wife decide their interest in crime scenes is over, so they go home. Apparently there is nothing of interest so far, meaning no cops. Kevin and his girlfriend from here are the only sources to tell us what he does tonight.
7. In the first of several really really amazing driving decisions this night, Kevin now decides he wants to go down S 91st Street. For no reason whatsoever, except, we are told, that he wants to look for cops. We don't have a lot of people who we can confirm drove South on 91st street this evening, but Kevin admits to being one of them. Also, he's very much insisting he never went to the Tom Thumb at first, although Tom Thumb was mentioned in the scanner traffic which inspired him to go out tonight.
8. Driving down 91[SUP]st[/SUP] Street is too boring it seems, there are no cop cars. Hmmm. What to do? How about we accidentally barge through the crime scene? Even though Kevin is the source of information about the ‘party spots’ and will talk about party goers for years parking on DR’s driveway to drink beer in the woods, on this night, he says, he was looking for a place to turn around and did not realize DR’s driveway was a driveway and thought it was a crossroad.

9. Since Kevin is thinking DR’s driveway is a road, he plans to use it to turn around. Oddly he will also admit to coming to the area since before he could drive both to party and ride in the bike trails. But I guess he misremembers the details of whether this is a road or driveway? Also, what does it matter? Road or driveway, if his plan is to turn around, why doesn’t he turn around?
10. Now Kevin has established himself definitely not at the TomThumb (yet), but definitely driving his car down 91[SUP]st[/SUP] Street, and turning into DR’s driveway. Hmmmm…
11. At this point, as we all know, Kevin admits to being one of perhaps 3 different cars that drive up DR’s driveway this dark late night but who apparently have no connection with DR and simply turn around and go back to 91[SUP]st[/SUP] Street. DR definitely reports seeing a car come up his driveway and turn around, with a girl or child in the passenger seat. For years this is assumed to be the abductor. Upon Kevin's revelations, this report of a car from DR is NOW assumed to be for Kevin's admitted tour through DR's property. This drastically reverses the focus of the case and puts it squarely on DR.
12. Now turned around, still before any police are in sight on the scene, Kevin arrives at the intersection of DR’s driveway and 91[SUP]st[/SUP] street, headlights illuminating the boys’ bikes. Kevin by his own admission is the first person to see the bikes.

13. At this point, I have to interrupt my play-by-play monologue and ask: Do you have any particular reaction to seeing 3 boys bikes on a side of the road?
14. ….the reason I ask is because Kevin has a pretty big reaction. He stops, stares, and can’t decide whether to load up the bikes in his car or not.(!) Now we have Kevin admitting his car was stopped in DR’s driveway, facing towards the road. Kevin claims in 2003 to have heard “something about bikes” (and Tom Thumb) on the scanner, so arguably 3 bikes on the side of the road is interesting, I guess, maybe, which explains perfectly why one would be in DR's driveway stopped in a car before the cops arrive.
15. Kevin suddenly has the urge to go to the Tom Thumb. I can’t get over how present Kevin is at every relevant location tonight, with a weird explanation for it 14 years later.
16. At the Tom Thumb, Kevin says there isn’t a female working as the boys claim, but a male. The female worker is known. Where's the male employee?

17. Displaying a cop-centric mindset again, Kevin says there is an unmarked cop car at the Tom Thumb.
18. Kevin sees and talks to a weird man here who says he’s a “medical cop”. This is truly weird.
19. Kevin then proceeds to the dentist office and confronts a uniformed cop in a marked police car, who he says dismisses his admission that he saw the bikes at the crime scene. There is no record of this from the police. In fact, there is a confusion in some accounts of Kevin's story about whether he first talks to cops at the crime scene or at the dentist's office. The Wetterlings later say they meet a cop at the dental office who escorts them home.
20. Later that night, Kevin’s brother asks him where he was earlier and says the FBI is taking plaster impressions of car tracks on DR’s driveway. Kevin's brother is with the fire department and they are helping with the investigation already.

21. Kevin is never heard from again. Until, he says he was at a party with a retired US marshall sharing his Jacob-related stories. The US marshal (???) says the police have been looking for Kevin since day 1.


There’s a lot here that sends up red flags, don't you agree?

The biggest for me is why on earth Kevin decides to drive down 91[SUP]st[/SUP] street this night, why he picks DR’s driveway to turn around in and why he doesn’t go straight to the Tom Thumb first since that’s what he says he heard on the scanner. So say what you will about DR, but Kevin admits to being in ALL the essential places this night. He specifically says his car is stopped on DR's driveway, facing out.

There’s also something not right here about Kevin claiming unfamiliarity with DR’s driveway and claiming he thought it was a cross street, according to the early reports of his story. By 2013 Kevin is admitting knowledge of the party spots and asking Joy if DR ever saw empty cars parked on his driveway because it is a known party-spot parking-lot. So did Kevin know very well about the neighborhood where he was that night in 1989 or not? (see Joy’s blog entry on Kevin’s story)

Kevin’s narrative almost seems desperate to ensure he has an explanation for any witness or other evidence placing him at suspicious locations this night.

Kevin alone offers an explanation for being in exactly the same places the abductor was or could have been seen at that night. No one else does. If anyone saw his car that night in all the wrong places, he’s got an explanation for it.

Finally, the police scanner in Kevin’s story is essential to explaining his actions tonight. What does Jared notice about his abductor’s car? A police scanner.

I know Patty and police cleared Kevin. This is the first person who admits being on the crime scene that night, apparently while most of the cops are at the Wetterlings. I’m asking for you guys to see what clears him based on what we know; am I the only one who sees Kevin’s story incredible?

Excellent post. Thanks.

Here's some "Devil's Advocate" questions:
1. What would be Kevin's motive? Have there been accusations of being gay/bisexual? Remember what has been previously stated about the actions of the abductor before taking J.
2. Where would Kevin have taken J? Did he live alone?
First time poster, long time lurker here.

Got some time for this? I've followed the case for years and when I recently read ELOCs book and realized he had come to exactly the same conclusions I had formed about the abductor MANY years ago, it finally prompted me to get into the conversation. These are the same conclusions which a few months earlier I was surprised to see Joy also determined. Specifically, the attributes of the criminal that IMO must be true: namely, he heard or saw the boys on the way to the Tom Thumb, or, less likely, heard/saw the boys at the Tom Thumb and knew/guessed where to make an abduction. Among other implications, this of course means the unknown subject is local. He knows S 91st Street very well. This is not a planned abduction, it's a "lucky" accident the boys are seen by someone with an interest in snatching a boy.

The named POI has been thoroughly clobbered here, there's nothing more I can say about him that hasn't already been repeated 100 times, both good and bad. What I can say is spending years and years looking at the same very small set of suspects hasn't produced a solution. What about maybe spending some brain power in overlooked or discounted areas?

I asked a coworker *in the cube next to mine, yes we're that close* to read ELOC's book and whatever he wanted to online about this case. He just retired from the NYPD after 25 years, the last 8 as a detective. He doesn't remember looking into Jacob before. Today at lunch I asked him, outside of everyone whose already been looked at repeatedly, who do you want to look at in this case? His answer:

...."Kevin would be my number one place to start, even before the named POI or before any known child molesters." ....

Ever since Kevin's story has become widely known I've just had a very hard time believing it. Out of every strange/unfortunate detail in this case, it is Kevin's movement this night that to me is less plausible than winning the lottery.


Welcome to Webseluths 777. Great first post! I would like to pose an alternate scenario - consider the possibility that Kevin's story was a ruse to get DR to change his story about the car he saw that night. You make several good points about the incredibility of Kevin's information. Remember also there was a relatively new sheriff in town (new strategy?), and that LE was not able to locate the source of brand new tires.....just a thought.
The whole Kevin thing is odd. What about the girlfriend and her family? Have they been interviewed and confirmed Kevin's reported story?

ELOC's theory that Kevin and his tale are a red herring may be on to something.
This is as far as it goes with Kevin, and we have gone over this already a thousand times. No more answers are there for us. Only LE and their POI can bring more information to the table.
Could Kevin be a younger relative or family friend of the MB brothers or LK and maybe told the story as a cover for them? I like 777's post. I've always figured if the only evidence you have for naming a POI (not a suspect) is being there, that leaves Kevin, DR, and the guy who dropped off the neighbor (the boyscout leader guy ).

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DR made a claim that someone (not him) could have taken Jacob and buried him in his gravel pit. LE later digs up the gravel pit and sends clothing and items of interest in for testing. The testing of these items isn't completed and LE hasn't said a word publicly. Now heres the problem, DR released a statement to the media that all that is in that pit is animal bones and clothing. So how does he siddenly know someone didn't bury Jacob there?
Hi 7^3. I was thinking about how to respond to you (and will do in another post) when I went back and discovered something I had not thought about before. I will address that first:

The source for this is "Jennifer's Story"

Things to note:

*The movie the boys wanted to see, Major League was rented. Instead, they somehow settled on Naked Gun. At the time, Major League would have been a "New Release" while Naked Gun would have been a regular rental/comedy. The difference? Depending on how the Tom Thumb had their videos displayed, there could have been some back-and-forth exchange between the boys and a clerk (Jennifer and/or her colleague) which may have been overheard by someone lurking in the store who may have gone unseen with the commotion of 3 boys entering the store and trying to find one video while settling on another (if you've ever observed 3 young boys on a mission together in a store, you'll know the exact kind of commotion I am talking about)

*Jacob signed the slip for the video rental. To me, this is suddenly huge for a few reasons which I believe open up some possibilities. 1. If you remember renting a video in the late 1980s/early 1990s, it was old school. You'd sign your name and address, usually to a carbon-copied (3 in total - commonly white, pink, and yellow) receipt. 2. Even if Jacob didn't sign his address to the receipt and/or the perp did not see it, it would be relatively easily to assume if Jacob was the one renting the video, they'd likely be returning to HIS house. Further, to rent the video the clerk may have had to look up the account. Imagine 2 boys picking out candy, Jacob at the front with the video, and someone lurking in the aisle. The clerk asks for Jacob's name and address, Jacob says it, the perp takes off down the road to get into position and can do so because he's familiar with or has scoped out the area. He has his nylons within reach and gun (real or fake) at the ready

*The boys had 2 bikes and 1 scooter. Scooters never go as fast as bikes - especially in 1989 Therefore, imo, this allows significant time for the perp to get into place
Excellent post. Thanks.

Here's some "Devil's Advocate" questions:
1. What would be Kevin's motive? Have there been accusations of being gay/bisexual? Remember what has been previously stated about the actions of the abductor before taking J.
2. Where would Kevin have taken J? Did he live alone?

1. First, I think preoccupation with motive is perhaps one reason this case isn't solved. Many here have chosen their favorite suspect based in part on motive and are now simply defending their reasoning; they often criticize other ideas and try to discourage/run off any alternatives. You can read through and see those who always try to steer the conversation back to their POV. So thanks for engaging me.

But without knowing much about Kevin I don't speculate as to motive. I say forget for a moment what you think you know about criminals and motive, concentrate on crime scene and the implicit movements/timing required of the unknown subject. Personally, I look at this more from the frame of reference that the abductor is like a hunter who comes across a very helpless deer while he's actually not hunting at the moment. Some hunters hunt because they like the tactics involved, some hunt because they like the capture/kill, others hunt for trophies, others hunt to satisfy a basic physiological need.

2. I don't know where Jacob went or if Kevin lives alone, but Kevin says he was afraid of becoming a suspect. Does this seem reasonable? With a girlfriend as a witness to everything he does all night, he says?

Was the FBI at DR's making plasters before sunrise and what is the significance of Kevin making sure everyone knows he is one of the first civilians to learn of the FBI and the importance of tire tracks?

Thanks again, Trino.


Welcome. For brevity's sake, I won't quote your first post, but agree wholeheartedly. I have been VERY vocal about my suspicion of Kevin on this board and believe I was the first to postulate the Kevin-as-ruse theory.

I'll be the first to admit it is not well supported.

Kevin first appeared on Fox with Trish Van Pilsum in 2004. The video for his interview mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The transcript, however, can be found here Man Questioned in Wetterling Case
(KMSP Fox 9, Feb. 23, 2004).

I am presuming the same Kevin is who Joy interviewed alongside DR but am very curious if she says the person she interviewed is the same as the one who appeared on camera in 2004.

Regardless, IMO Kevin doesn't make any sense to me, real or ruse
1. First, I think preoccupation with motive is perhaps one reason this case isn't solved. Many here have chosen their favorite suspect based in part on motive and are now simply defending their reasoning; they often criticize other ideas and try to discourage/run off any alternatives. You can read through and see those who always try to steer the conversation back to their POV. So thanks for engaging me.

Welcome, 777.

Why do you think the abductor asked for the boys' ages? Doesn't this indicate that there is a motive? I'm curious to know your thoughts.
The ages thing is interesting. The person of interest was a teacher that was teaching the same aged kids at the time. How old are you? what grade are you in? just goes with being involved with school. Is it disciplinary or sexually motivated? MF was also in the neighborhood that night and he preys upon boys that age, but he's been cleared twice. DR has never been cleared.
Kevin is a mystery for sure.

There are some weird things in the story as outlined by 777.

First of all, let me say as a person who lived in rural MN for years, people having a scanner is not weird at all. It seems like it was entertainment for a lot of people I knew.

As far as knowing LE, in a small town, everyone knows LE. Nothing surprising there.

How does anyone know what was said on the LE scanner? Is there a report of that?

Why did Joy, DR, LE and the wetterlings say Kevin is clear?
Why has/is Kevin's GF at the time getting a free pass? She would have/has been just as guilty to hiding/covering up the story as he is?! And the brother of the GF was on the FD! He KNEW Kevin and his sister were at the crime scene that night an said nothing.....EVER!!!! So, Four people (assuming GF's brothers wife) knew EXACTLY what Kevin and the girl did that night and covered it up for decades. Only Kevin comes forward.

Also, the boys noted that multiple cars passed them on the way to the store. We don't know if they drove towards them or came from behind them. Could this have been Kevin, the GF, the GF's brother and his wife?
Welcome to Webseluths 777. Great first post! I would like to pose an alternate scenario - consider the possibility that Kevin's story was a ruse to get DR to change his story about the car he saw that night. You make several good points about the incredibility of Kevin's information. Remember also there was a relatively new sheriff in town (new strategy?), and that LE was not able to locate the source of brand new tires.....just a thought.

Many thanks for reading my post. Your wrote a good book, btw. I shared it with a couple others.

The ruse idea is....interesting. If I get your drift than the police needed a viable basis to swear out affidavits for the search warrants they wanted on DR, so they in turn needed to erase their previous abductor-in-a-car theory. Furthermore, they wanted to shake the proverbial tree on DR to see what falls out, which is at least in part why anyone is ever named a public POI. Slightly bothersome to me is that, at least publicly, the police don't seem to entertain multiple possibilities at once, such as looking into both the car theory and the on-foot theory at any one time. Putting together a ruse seems dangerous, for one thing if any court-filed procedural documents invoke the ruse than it is probably perjury and may even effect the admissibility of evidence obtained. I'd like to think about the ruse possibility further, thanks for the idea.

The whole Kevin thing is odd. What about the girlfriend and her family? Have they been interviewed and confirmed Kevin's reported story?

ELOC's theory that Kevin and his tale are a red herring may be on to something.

I haven't heard conclusively anything further about Kevin's family and what they told police, except the vague assurance that Kevin's story checks out. Whenever the police or anyone else try to tell me "don't look here, it's a waste of time," then that pretty much moves it to my number one priority. The motivation for telling people not to look in a certain direction us often something other than a total devotion to solving the crime, there's usually ulterior motives along the lines of protecting someone or discouraging dissent from a preferred explanation.

Hi 7^3. I was thinking about how to respond to you (and will do in another post) when I went back and discovered something I had not thought about before. I will address that first:

*The movie the boys wanted to see, Major League was rented... there could have been some back-and-forth exchange between the boys and a clerk (Jennifer and/or her colleague) which may have been overheard by someone lurking in the store... *Jacob signed the slip for the video rental.... To me, this is suddenly huge for a few reasons which I believe open up some possibilities. 1. If you remember renting a video in the late 1980s/early 1990s, it was old school. You'd sign your name and address... ...*The boys had 2 bikes and 1 scooter. Scooters never go as fast as bikes - especially in 1989 Therefore, imo, this allows significant time for the perp to get into place...

Yes, getting the Wetterling address in the store is possible. It means the abductor instantly knows where this is and very quickly has an idea where to hide. So, besides the requirement in this scenario of being very local, do you see any other ramifications?

Welcome. For brevity's sake, I won't quote your first post, but agree wholeheartedly. I have been VERY vocal about my suspicion of Kevin on this board and believe I was the first to postulate the Kevin-as-ruse theory....

I'll be the first to admit it is not well supported.
Regardless, IMO Kevin doesn't make any sense to me, real or ruse

Thanks for the welcome. I agree Kevin's story is incredible. I've long wondered why people happily go round and round with the same reliable suspects who have all been looked at pretty much from day 1 - considering Kevin's sitting there with the most fantastic story of innocently interjecting himself into a crime scene before the police ever arrive. Oh, and he admits in 2013 he knows this street well and has been coming here since before he could drive. But why don't you think this is well supported? Lack of motive? I think it's the best supported potential suspect out there if you work backwards from the crime scene and stop focusing so much on motive - he admits to being in all the right places at the right time... well right time subtracting 10 minutes or so.
Welcome, 777.

Why do you think the abductor asked for the boys' ages? Doesn't this indicate that there is a motive? I'm curious to know your thoughts.

Great to be so nicely welcomed! My first reaction to the age/selection process is the same as everyone else's. But groupthink has failed so far, so perhaps the precious few clues from the crime scene will yield something if given a fresh explanation. Maybe he's looking for the smartest boy, the biggest boy or the boy closest in all aspects to another boy he's trying to match.

Since I kind of self-appointed myself to role of newcomer/critic, I'll continue this trend and say that there seems to be this implied necessity to make every assumption fit in with the entire body of evidence, including motive. We don't have the entire body of evidence, we only have what's publicly released. So if there's an assumption that is reasonable from any single clue, why not bring it forward? Nevermind that it doesn't fit in with the narrative that we're dealing with a sex crime, or that it doesn't fit in with a connection to Jared/earlier crimes or fit in anywhere. Maybe just take a clue and try to explain it standing by itself...trying to make it fit into a larger story hasn't worked in 25 years.

Could Kevin be a younger relative or family friend of the MB brothers or LK and maybe told the story as a cover for them? I like 777's post. I've always figured if the only evidence you have for naming a POI (not a suspect) is being there, that leaves Kevin, DR, and the guy who dropped off the neighbor (the boyscout leader guy ).
I agree the evidence we have of WHO is KNOWN to be on or around the street that night seems to me a basic foundation of likely solutions. It's a small list and really any total strangers to the neighborhood meeting these boys in time and place could only be the worst case of unimaginable bad luck for the boys.

Even though there could be others we don't know about, I say start with who we know about first. BTW, it seems clear that the police did a tremendously thorough job tracking down 1000s of leads submitted by the public over the years, and as far as I can tell from ELOC's book, the FBI etc. who provided extra manpower early on mostly worked on managing the flow of submitted information. Without criticizing this approach at all, in retrospect I wish they would have brought to bear the mightiest crime scene forensics available and perhaps dedicated a team who did nothing but study the crime scene without any pre-conceived ideas about motive.

Thanks for the welcome.

1. Kevin' s gf's mother was there as welll. We discussed the Kevin situation quite a bit maybe three and four years ago. I do not recall any specifics. Maybe someone else recalls anything of interest.

2. It is not unusual that stories from TV are no longer on the net. From following other stories on here, that seems to be very common. So if something seems critical, maybe saving it to a jump drive would be a good idea?

3. LE considered the car theory until 2003. That is considering it for quite awhile. It was not until 7 years later when the big dig happened. Not exactly jumping to conclusions, I feel.

4. Why would DR, Joy, and the W family clear Kevin? That is a strange mix of people to clear him
Why has/is Kevin's GF at the time getting a free pass? She would have/has been just as guilty to hiding/covering up the story as he is?! And the brother of the GF was on the FD! He KNEW Kevin and his sister were at the crime scene that night an said nothing.....EVER!!!! So, Four people (assuming GF's brothers wife) knew EXACTLY what Kevin and the girl did that night and covered it up for decades. Only Kevin comes forward.

Also, the boys noted that multiple cars passed them on the way to the store. We don't know if they drove towards them or came from behind them. Could this have been Kevin, the GF, the GF's brother and his wife?

To answer your last question, I don't see how this is possible. Kevin took off in his car after hearing the report on the scanner about the boys/bikes, whatever. This scanner report would have been when dispatch was answering Merle's 911 call. Which would mean the boys were already home at the Wetterling residence, had told the babysitter what happened, she called her dad, dad called 911. Then Kevin & company heard it on the scanner and took off after seeing cop cars go past the gf's house. So the boys would not have been passed by Kevin and gf on the road, IMO.
Kevin is a mystery for sure.

There are some weird things in the story as outlined by 777.

First of all, let me say as a person who lived in rural MN for years, people having a scanner is not weird at all. It seems like it was entertainment for a lot of people I knew.

As far as knowing LE, in a small town, everyone knows LE. Nothing surprising there.
Hi Human, you have a lot of posts here and seem pretty balanced in your approach so I appreciate that. I lived in a place like DR's as a boy (in Texas) and to me there are some things commonly said in this case that ring true and others that don't where DR's place is concerned. For one thing, our house was about 1/4 mile off the street and people would occasionally pull in to turn around...but they never once drove all the way to the house and turned around under our (similar to DR) streetlight by the house that was kept on all night. That would be inviting a shooting where I am from, that is if the 2-5 rottweilers we always had didn't break down your car windshield... Another thing is that there were regularly strange things around that don't happen in the city. People would drive in the area looking for a place to abandon their unwanted pets. Drunk hunters would shoot at road signs. Kids would drive way off the road onto private property for somewhere to drink, smoke pot or otherwise find a place for privacy, etc.

About Kevin's scanners and knowing the police personally. I agree with you this is more common in rural settings. BUT, and don't take this as criticism, just shrugging it off as "normal" is not for my way of thinking any reason to reduce it in importance. Scanners may be more common in St Joe than MSP, but the majority don't have them. Same with knowing every cop in town, not everyone knows every cop. Finally, being the kind who chases cop cars is very very rare, in fact from the cops I knew at the time if you tried that once they'd probably throw you in jail. All this is like having a gun or being a hunter - very common in rural settings but not universal - and still an important consideration when looking at lonely-road-kidnappings.

One of my points here is that Kevin is someone who has cops on his mind. A lot.

Also, the boys noted that multiple cars passed them on the way to the store. We don't know if they drove towards them or came from behind them. Could this have been Kevin, the GF, the GF's brother and his wife?

Somehow Kevin has probably the most precise explanation for his whereabouts virtually on a minute-by-minute basis of anyone in town that night, 14 years later. It's amazingly detailed for so long ago.

Welcome, 777. Thanks for the interesting posts. I've always wondered if the gf's family had a scanner on in the background all the time because one of the parents was LE. We've heard mention of the mom playing cards with her son, son's wife, and daughter (Kevin's gf) and Kevin that evening. I've never heard of a dad in this story. Whether there just wasn't one, or whether he was LE and at work (or worked there as a dispatcher, etc.) - it's not really known. It seems to me more likely that an LE family would have a scanner going all the time.

Not that this would clear Kevin at all, but it might explain why he was familiar with cops in St. Joe. However, like human says, in small towns everyone knows who the local LE are.

If just LE said Kevin was cleared, I would question it more. But Patty Wetterling saying "he is not a suspect at all" makes me think there is a legitimate reason why he was never a suspect. I think it could be something physical, such as he was too short, or not at all close to the physical description the boys gave.

I agree we should look into all aspects though.
Really 777. We have the same thing. No one would drive down a driveway day or night unless you have a reason. Like you are supposed to be there.

Maybe rural Texas is more exciting, but in rural MN, things are not that exciting. People today still follow where police or ambulance are going in a small town.

St. Joe is very small. There is no reason not to know LE. You would see them at the grocery store. The hardware store. The coffee shop. Maybe at games or community celebrations or at church.
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