MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #7

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Does anybody have a link to the 20/20 show that featured Jacob's disappearance? Or was it WE or IO Disappeared series? Not sure, but I know there was a full episode dedicated to Jacob and I was only able to catch 5 minutes.
Put yourself in DRs house at the time of the abduction. What would you have done? Would you just go back to your house, do a quick search of the outbuildings and go to sleep? Is it logical to go under the police tape and enter the crime scene? Is it normal to just go about business as usual? I am genuinely curious. What would every one of you on this forum have done in this same situation?

I would have insisted the police check my outbuildings, the woods and all around the home. It is a big property, there could be clues. I would definitely have gone over to the family's home, if not that night then the next day. If there were ever a day to call out, that would be one of them. I would have continued to be there for the Wetterlings, handing out flyers and doing whatever I could. Yes, I know we are all different in this respect. But to offer absolutely NOTHING in response to a neighbor's child being abducted in your driveway? What would you guys do? Honestly?

Hi all long time lurker, first time poster in this thread.

Just wanted to point something out here -- good for thought if you will. This was more than just a crime of opportunity, in my view. The perp had done some prep work, no matter how little. The perp had a mask, changed his voice and wielded a gun to command the scene. It's unlikely that someone was just cruising around town with a kidnap kit in that area given it's remoteness. If someone was out there doing that, then odds are they were in the area for some other reason and happened upon the kids. What reason? Lived in the vicinity (dr or someone else in the area). Visiting someone in the area (anyone expecting visitors that evening? Someone bail at the last minute or leave early or just no show?). Someone had a kidnap kit ready and time to get it out and ready before the kids came back.

I propose that DR had the time to do that. Had the boys previously travelled to Tom Thumb alone? Could he have seen them at a different date and time and created a kit based on knowing it would eventually happen again? Could he have stored that kit in his car so as to have time to get it ready for their return trip? Or by the front door knowing his parents were away in Europe? Absolutely he could have! And worse, no one would ever know it except him!

It's a planned crime. The scene is organized - he had the kids by surprise and terrified. He wielded a gun, changed his voice and wore a mask. He was I. A remote area. He knew the area and that no one was gonna drive by that night to catch him. He knew it would take the kids a good while to run back to jacob's house allowing him time to get away with jacob. He organized a kit, and had a plan. He commanded the scene (told them to get off the bikes and lie in the ditch). This was not random. And the only one who could have planned it (in my view) was DR or someone super close to him!! I believe he saw or heard the boys coming and had it planned that eventually he would do this one time when the conditions were right. And if it's not him, then I believe he knows more than he ever shared about this - remember the degree of planning involved and you can only conclude that this defies a random act.
I'll add to this one last possibility given that Aaron has said he thought he heard a rustle in the grass as they passed by the first time. If DR really was home alone that night and if he really didn't do this - have we considered the possibility that DR was someone's initial target? Seriously! He was home alone and lived in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps someone was originally planning on attacking DR that night and then when the boys went by, well the plan changed bc they decided a boy would be better than a grown man. Maybe we oughta look at DR friends and relations or people who may have somehow zeroed in on him as a target bc this, this was no random act. Someone planned an attack on that driveway that night and had time to get the kidnap kit ready. So in my view either DR did it or he was the original intended target. So? Who wants to review who could have targeted him and why?
I'll add to this one last possibility given that Aaron has said he thought he heard a rustle in the grass as they passed by the first time. If DR really was home alone that night and if he really didn't do this - have we considered the possibility that DR was someone's initial target? Seriously! He was home alone and lived in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps someone was originally planning on attacking DR that night and then when the boys went by, well the plan changed bc they decided a boy would be better than a grown man. Maybe we oughta look at DR friends and relations or people who may have somehow zeroed in on him as a target bc this, this was no random act. Someone planned an attack on that driveway that night and had time to get the kidnap kit ready. So in my view either DR did it or he was the original intended target. So? Who wants to review who could have targeted him and why?

Interesting, but then why no unknown tire tracks? That is where I always end up. And remember the police never named DR a person of interest until Kevin came forward to claim those unidentified tracks which means the rest were accounted for or DR's. And Jacob's last known footprint was up DR's driveway and looked as if he was digging in...draw your own conclusion. Only one conclusion on the tire tracks.
I just watched this 10th Anniversary video from the Jacob Wetterling Foundation while I was on you tube, and they show a "re-enactment" of the abduction at the beginning which is interesting.

I'm not sure if the re-enactment was intended to be accurate or not, but I noticed two things that differ from my long-held understanding of what happened. First, the perp steps out from across DR's driveway, not from DR's driveway. Second, the other two boys turn and head back toward the Tom Thumb. I have always thought they ran to the west. Hmmm - maybe it's not an accurate re-enactment, or maybe I've assumed things I shouldn't have.

Also, check out the most recent couple of comments under the Youtube video.
Hi all long time lurker, first time poster in this thread.

I propose that DR had the time to do that. Had the boys previously travelled to Tom Thumb alone?

Yes, the boys had biked to the Tom Thumb many times in the past. However, that night was the first time they had ever made the trip in the dark.
Hi all long time lurker, first time poster in this thread.

I propose that DR had the time to do that. Had the boys previously travelled to Tom Thumb alone? QUOTE]
Yes, the boys had biked to the Tom Thumb many times in the past. However, that night was the first time they had ever made the trip in the dark.

Right so to me, either DR had somewhat planned this out and made his kit, then just waited for an opportune time to carry out his plan, or maybe DR was the originally intended target and the kids were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Otherwise, who else would have a reason to be there at the ready with a gun, mask and a good command of the scene?
I'm not sure if the re-enactment was intended to be accurate or not, but I noticed two things that differ from my long-held understanding of what happened. First, the perp steps out from across DR's driveway, not from DR's driveway. Second, the other two boys turn and head back toward the Tom Thumb. I have always thought they ran to the west. Hmmm - maybe it's not an accurate re-enactment, or maybe I've assumed things I shouldn't have.

Also, check out the most recent couple of comments under the Youtube video.

I noticed the same two things, ELOC, in the other video above, Aaron (when interviewed right after the abduction) points to the West as the way they ran. So I think we've been picturing it correctly. They've also stated many times the man came out of DR's driveway, not the ditch by the mailbox. I did notice the "abductor" they used looked about DR's height and weight.

As far as that person commenting on there, he says some very insulting things about the Wetterlings, which makes me not believe anything at all he has to say. He's posted some videos of his own about some obscure movie made in California, so it doesn't even seem to be anyone local.
I'm not sure if the re-enactment was intended to be accurate or not, but I noticed two things that differ from my long-held understanding of what happened. First, the perp steps out from across DR's driveway, not from DR's driveway. Second, the other two boys turn and head back toward the Tom Thumb. I have always thought they ran to the west. Hmmm - maybe it's not an accurate re-enactment, or maybe I've assumed things I shouldn't have.

Also, check out the most recent couple of comments under the Youtube video.

If they had run towards Tom Thumb, that just reinforced the NO CAR theory. Regardless of where he stepped out, he ended up in DR's driveway. Interesting comments.
I'm not sure if the re-enactment was intended to be accurate or not, but I noticed two things that differ from my long-held understanding of what happened. First, the perp steps out from across DR's driveway, not from DR's driveway. Second, the other two boys turn and head back toward the Tom Thumb. I have always thought they ran to the west. Hmmm - maybe it's not an accurate re-enactment, or maybe I've assumed things I shouldn't have.

Also, check out the most recent couple of comments under the Youtube video.

I don't think it was accurate at all, because in the video, the perp just has the kid lie in the ditch, and then tells two of them to run away. In real life, we've been told that he asked each boy his age before dismissing them.
If I was able to view very good photographs (that LE refuses to share), I could tell by the type of tire print what type of vehicle it most likely was on and how heavy it was. I might even be able to tell how old a tire it was based on the style tread and width.

From human prints, I could tell height, weight, left or right handed, carrying something or not and a couple of other things.

Time does not diminish what are on those photographs.

The one picture I did see was covered with ATV tire prints and horse prints.

with so much time gone by, what is there to gain by keeping details out of public's eyes? Ok, they want the option to prosecute if someone is captured in this matter - I get that.... but what about having TrackerGD (with EXPERIENCE in LE!!!) review the evidence? Is there no way to petition them to allow at least him to review the file? Fresh eyes never hurt - did they?
Re Mario's post that Sher referenced.

The party line was probably gone by the 60's. So no listening in on the phone.

I'm from Ontario, Canada. We had a cottage on a huge lake a little west of Algonquin Park, and I can attest that during the 1980's we did indeed still have the party line for all the residents and cottagers along the shoreline of the lake and surrounding area. I believe that in 1989 we still had the party line. I don't know whether there was still a party line or not in Jacob's area at the time, but I would think it might be easy to find out by going back to local telephone service providers of the day to ask them?
How could that happen?

No cell phones so,the phone at the house would have to be used. The police , I am sure, easily got the records of every phone call into and out of that,house.

Its possible a car phone was used - in 1989 my sister received one from my dad for Christmas. he was worried about her driving an old beat up car around late at night, and wanted her to be able to call for help should the need arise at any time from the car.
Here is "the rest of the story" from that Current Affair video, an interview with Patty by Anderson Cooper, with John Walsh and a psychologist.

I also found the 20/20 show called "A Mother's Search" that HEY YOU! asked about. It's on huluplus, which i believe you have to sign up for, although there is a box there to click that says "try it for free"

You can also sign up here and they will let you know when this 20/20 episode airs again in reruns.
with so much time gone by, what is there to gain by keeping details out of public's eyes? Ok, they want the option to prosecute if someone is captured in this matter - I get that.... but what about having TrackerGD (with EXPERIENCE in LE!!!) review the evidence? Is there no way to petition them to allow at least him to review the file? Fresh eyes never hurt - did they?

I talked to the Sheriff Department. They declined to share.
Its possible a car phone was used - in 1989 my sister received one from my dad for Christmas. he was worried about her driving an old beat up car around late at night, and wanted her to be able to call for help should the need arise at any time from the car.

That could only work if the person had a car phone as well because I am sure any incoming or outgoing phone calls were checked.

Weren't car phones of limited distance and very expensive as well?
I have to laugh, but not happily.

I followed another case on here-Kyron.

There was a woman named Joshie's mom on there who claimed all kinds of outrageous things, in my opinion.

It turns out that she is a woman who has 8 children and is being charged with abusing her children with MPS. Munchausen by Proxy. The Kyron case also had Socal who made up total BS. Sad.
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