MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #9

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I would like to see more "on the ground" photos to show you guys how the boys had just come over the peak of a hill when they reached the driveway. Further proof of knowing the area, knowing their return from the dead end they came from,

And whatever you will..

You could just go take some pics out there since you live here and share them. I'd go in daylight, but that's just me. :)
I would like to see more "on the ground" photos to show you guys how the boys had just come over the peak of a hill when they reached the driveway. Further proof of knowing the area, knowing their return from the dead end they came from,

And whatever you will..

See the link below - I posted some pic's a couple weeks back. One of the pic's is from the crest of the hill.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MN MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #8
See the link below - I posted some pic's a couple weeks back. One of the pic's is from the crest of the hill.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MN MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #8

Thank you, yeah that third pic does good enough to make my point. There was no vantage point for a stranger in the dark. He had to know they were coming back over that hill, therefore he saw them on the way to the store. Given my stance and where im at in the case i personally dont want to visit the site again, once was enough. I dont need any accidental run in with DR.
Everyday the Wetterlings pass the site. My heart cries for them.

And how do the Rassiers stand it as well.
Everyday the Wetterlings pass the site. My heart cries for them.

And how do the Rassiers stand it as well.

What I saw and felt was almost like a war of the worlds type deal over there. Two neighobors in close proximity who haven't interacted much together in 24 years. And given the circumstances here, quite odd I must say. DR is an introverted person, so it has been stated.
What I saw and felt was almost like a war of the worlds type deal over there. Two neighobors in close proximity who haven't interacted much together in 24 years. And given the circumstances here, quite odd I must say. DR is an introverted person, so it has been stated.

You are right. Very odd.
What I saw and felt was almost like a war of the worlds type deal over there. Two neighobors in close proximity who haven't interacted much together in 24 years. And given the circumstances here, quite odd I must say. DR is an introverted person, so it has been stated.

I guess I don't find it odd. We live on a cul-de-sac of 7 houses and only briefly talk to our neighbors on either side of our home if we're mowing or shoveling snow. And, we're the ones that are most active. Mostly, it's brief waves. It's like that for everyone on this street. We all get along, but I have never seen anyone on this street sit and talk to each other. In fact, after living here 30 yrs, I don't know that I would recognize one woman who just never goes outside. Kinda sad, but this is reality. None of us really has any idea what goes on inside each other's homes.
1. Is this a picture up the fence line from DR's driveway?
2. When was this picture taken?

Yes, this view is looking up DRs driveway. The picture is most likely from July 2010, or after. The search of the Rassier farm was June 30 - July 1. The No Trespassing signs went up afterwards. The fence is gone now, and the signs are no longer there.
DR's in a tough spot. On one hand he's the person in closest proximity to the abduction, and possibly saw the perp and Jacob as they turned around in his driveway. And on the other, he has told every aspect of his story, and still Patty presses him for more info. I'm not blaming Patty, as I would do the same thing too.

If you look at it from DR's perspective, he has the victim's mother who wants more info, which he can't deliver on, hanging over his shoulders on a daily basis. He's shy and introverted, which makes confrontation difficult.

No ones at fault with both approaches, and both are in very difficult positions.

You are right. Very odd.
So in 2009 before DR was named POI, Patty sent him a letter that he did not respond to and then she 'ran into him' at the gym. They then proceeded to have a conversation regarding that night where DR was asked if this was a prank gone wrong which he denied. He also told Patty that he thought that Jacob could be buried in his gravel pit since that would be a good place to hide a body. Where is DR's gravel pit? I haven't seen anything like that in the pictures. Does someone have a map of DR farm and can you point it out?

I really hope that the person who took Jacob will document what happened and where Jacob is before he dies. Seriously, the Wetterlings deserve peace.
Even better would be for him to come forward and be honest about what happened now and maybe get some help for his compulsion. It's true that it is VERY rare for a person to be abducted from a group. I wonder if there were other incidents like that near where DR did his 5k runs? They were nationwide. Also, just because a person hasn't been caught molesting doesn't mean that they haven't done it before. Or that maybe this was the first time.

It is VERY telling that Patty went to DR after all those years. I am sure Trevor and Aaron know by now who took them. I would like to see one of them run into DR at the gym and ask him directly 'where is Jacob?' They are grown men, they should ask him.

I always thought that DR's statement that Jacob could be buried in his gravel pit was curious at best. I sure would like to know the entire conversation. Is it possible that Patty asked DR where he thought Jacob could have been hidden or buried on the Rassier's Farm? Does anyone know the exact content of the conversation?
Are you serious about this statement? Think about what you're saying here.

I have never seen a reference to either boy saying they knew who took Jacob. Surely, if this were so, someone would be in jail.
I can't stress this enough - Never assume you know what's going through someone else's mind until you've walked in their shoes.
DR's in a tough spot. On one hand he's the person in closest proximity to the abduction, and possibly saw the perp and Jacob as they turned around in his driveway. And on the other, he has told every aspect of his story, and still Patty presses him for more info. I'm not blaming Patty, as I would do the same thing too.

If you look at it from DR's perspective, he has the victim's mother who wants more info, which he can't deliver on, hanging over his shoulders on a daily basis. He's shy and introverted, which makes confrontation difficult.

No ones at fault with both approaches, and both are in very difficult positions.

A shy introverted teacher of adolescents and college age students as well as of after school programs and private lessons?
DR's in a tough spot. On one hand he's the person in closest proximity to the abduction, and possibly saw the perp and Jacob as they turned around in his driveway. And on the other, he has told every aspect of his story, and still Patty presses him for more info. I'm not blaming Patty, as I would do the same thing too.

If you look at it from DR's perspective, he has the victim's mother who wants more info, which he can't deliver on, hanging over his shoulders on a daily basis. He's shy and introverted, which makes confrontation difficult.

No ones at fault with both approaches, and both are in very difficult positions.

In the beginning, he was not a suspect. So what is the excuse?
I have never seen a reference to either boy saying they knew who took Jacob. Surely, if this were so, someone would be in jail.

He would be n jail because??

They have to have more than that.

Look at Josh Powell and Casey Anthony, for instance
Yes, this view is looking up DRs driveway. The picture is most likely from July 2010, or after. The search of the Rassier farm was June 30 - July 1. The No Trespassing signs went up afterwards. The fence is gone now, and the signs are no longer there.

Keep an eye out to see if the signs suddenly return and please report back if they do. Thanks!
I have never seen a reference to either boy saying they knew who took Jacob. Surely, if this were so, someone would be in jail.

Not true. How could they pick him out of a lineup at this point or even then with that disguise? They need real evidence or a confession. I believe it was either Trevor or Aaron or both that compelled Patty to write a letter to DR and then to go find him when he did not respond in order to ask him directly if he did it.

Who would do that without a compelling reason? I did not hear that Patty Wetterling knocked on any other neighbor doors and asked this question.

DR is clever beyond words. I have been interested in crime and criminals since I did a report on Charles Manson way back in the 80s. DR is a mastermind. That being said, I believe that he was molested as a little boy and that is where is compulsion comes from. I feel bad about that, his childhood was ripped away if this is the case. I believe that's why he stays on the farm with his parents and comes across as shy & somewhat meek. There is that side and then the other side which me may have only glimpsed with the off statements and behavior. It is only my opinion, but it is certainly based on the facts we know if this case. I wish DR would seek help and also give closure to the Wetterlings. It really is the right thing to do.

All in my opinion of course.
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