MN MN - LeeAnna Warner, 5, Chisholm, 14 June 2003

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Wow that is freaky....I juat was wondering the same thing and I just bumped her thread and then came here and saw your post.

I live in Minnesota and I have not heard any news at all. So sad.
Karyn said:
I am always looking for something on LeAnna, she is the sweetest little thing. Does anyone have any updates on her, I am unable to locate anything.

You posted this in the wrong forum. This forum is for missing that have been located. There is a forum for discussion of those still missing.

Just letting you know because when I saw beaners name in this lacated forum my heart skipped a beat thinking she had been found.
Sorry, I realized this after I had posted it. She is a lovely little girl, her parents must be so strong to go through this, my 8 year old never came home from school the other and I had to ring the police, Beaner appeared in my head and I hoguht now I know how they felt.
apparently she was at the local swimming pool, they just let her in without paying and swimming in her Knickers and singlet, luckly we live in a safe neighbourhood, but it could have (thank god she is okay) lead to the same ending as all these other precious kids. If only she was found ....
MistyGirl, Do you get any local news on this story? I never hear anything about this anymore. It's really sad the way it seemed to be just left to go unsolved.
Mickeymouse523 said:
I could be way off but I thought I remembered hearing that there was a man who have been accused of rape or sexual abuse previously who committed suicide not long after Leeanna disappeard. I could be wrong but I thought that what I heard...Correct me if I'm wrong.
You heard it right, it never panned out in Leeanna's disapperance.

Has anyone heard any "new" news lately?

PaulaKay said:
Nothing new or it seems nothing at all has been reported on this in the last few months.
:banghead: I have not heard anything either and I am in MN...nothing :banghead: It is like this poor little girl is just forgotten about. I can't even begin to understand what her parents are going through. Being a parent mysell the not knowing I would drive me CRAZY. Praying for Beaner!!!!!

PS...nice to see another fellow poster from MN!!! Welcome PaulaKay!
Personally, I think LE needs to fully search the area that loser committed suicide in. I remeber reading only a small, surface search was conducted. If he did hurt her, he should have left a letter confessing to end the mystery. But these predators lack all forms of reason.
Two years after the disappearance of 5-year-old Leanna "Beaner" Warner, officials don't have any promising leads left to search for the girl.

Abducted June 14, 2003, Warner was last seen walking alone about a block from her home on this Iron Range town. Since then, police have tracked down thousands of leads and come up with next to nothing.

Chisholm Police Chief Scott Erickson said an occasional lead still comes in, but there's nothing concrete.

"We're just hoping to get that little piece of the puzzle that will break this case wide open," Erickson said. "All I can say is that we're not giving up."

Warner's parents, Chris and Lois Warner, said they were hopeful that Tuesday's anniversary will put the spotlight back on the case. They think any publicity could help them find their daughter.
*sigh*...I was not very familiar with "Beaners" case until I came to WS...but now everytime I think of it I just want to cry...what a precious child, and no clues whatsoever :(
phylliyum said:
If anyone has visited her website (, her family posted a video of LeeAnna, taken the day before she was abducted. It is heart breaking to watch, to see the little girl so full of life and smiling one day and the next...disappeared....

What happened to you little girl? Someone saw SOMETHING that day...and they are afraid to come forward...someone always knows something when a child disappears, because let's face dont just vanish into thin air. Someone always knows something, and I really feel that there is someone out there who saw LeeAnna be abducted...

I pray daily for Beaner's family to get answers...whether the ending be good or bad...because not knowing has to be a worse torture....
my little girl is 5.
i just cried and cried watching that video.
I'm gathering a ton of posters that I need to print
out, for when all the major festivals happen here.

I just read through the thread- not all of it but the beginning..
is it everyones opinions that the family was acting strange?
or do I need to read more on the case?
sharon25 said:

I just read through the thread- not all of it but the beginning..
is it everyones opinions that the family was acting strange?
or do I need to read more on the case?
I haven't read all the threads about this case, but I remember when little Beaner disappeared and always will, being it was on my birthday. I always wondered a little about the parents and felt she should have been watched more carefullly being she was only 5, even if her parents felt it was a safe area. I guess it wasn't too safe being she's missing. I watched her video and it is very sad to see her, especially being this video was only the day before her abduction. Maybe I missed it, but was this video shown when she first went missing and did the family take alot of videos of her?
kahskye said:
I haven't read all the threads about this case, but I remember when little Beaner disappeared and always will, being it was on my birthday. I always wondered a little about the parents and felt she should have been watched more carefullly being she was only 5, even if her parents felt it was a safe area. I guess it wasn't too safe being she's missing. I watched her video and it is very sad to see her, especially being this video was only the day before her abduction. Maybe I missed it, but was this video shown when she first went missing and did the family take alot of videos of her?

I totally agree! As a matter of fact, the area was not safe at all. I registered sex offender lived on her street. She passed his house on her way to her friends'. He committed suicide shortly after she went missing. He was not throughly investiged IMO. LE did check his truck for her DNA but came up empty. However, this should not rule him out as a suspect. There are plenty of reasons as to why no DNA was found.
Now that we know Joseph Duncon, the man who abducted the Goene children has been caught, I wonder if he could have had anything to do with the Beaner childs

He was in MN - but was he there when she was abducted?

We have heard he did molest Shasta, so it seems his preference is not always little boys.
Duncan blogged about Beaner and tried to creat an alibi - that he can't back up because he lost receipts.

Read this link - scroll down to Beaner's picture. Very interesting and highly suspicious.

I hope LE looks at Duncan for Beaner's case too.
I'm glad to see that they are at least looking into this matter. It's just unsetteling that this Duncan guy, I believe, started his blog just at the time Beaner went missing and to show that he had an alibi.

Like I said on a post in another thread, the one thing I learned studying the Peterson case, 'a perp often times gives an answer before he's even asked a question.'

Up to this point, Duncan was known as only molesting boys. Why would he need an alibi for a 'missing little girl?' :furious:


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