Found Deceased MO - Clauddinnea 'Dee Dee' Blancharde, 48, Springfield, 10 June 2015 - #1 *Arrests*

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Something that just makes this all the more weird...the wealth of information LE provided. Any other cases stand out to anyone where LE was so forthcoming with details so quickly? I mean there are an unusual amount of layers to this murder but I just can't recall gaining so much intel so quickly.

Well they had confessions pretty quickly. And they were focused on explaining that Gipsy wasn't the sick person everyone thought she was. Just MHO

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Watching GRB at court was hard. She looked terrified, and I could see her shaking. I felt and do feel sorrow for what has happened to her, and horrified by her choice to have her mom murdered. I think she spent so much time living in a fantasy, what with the "role-playing" and all, that this plan to kill her mom probably took on kind of a life of it's own between her and NG. I imagine that GRB expected to live free and happily ever after in the house without her mom there, and now she must face the reality and consequences of what she and NG did. Curiously, I have no real curiosity about NG, and no empathy for him. He should have told GRB NO WAY! But he went along with everything, even admitting to thinking about raping DD as he was stabbing her to death.

I hope when all is said and done that there will be some kinda help for GRB, and maybe a chance of being released while she's still relatively young. The whole situation is just so tragic.

I had the thought as well that the plan was to live in the house after Dee Dee was discovered. Maybe that is why they tried to alert others that Dee Dee was dead. IMO
My brother was born mentally and physically handicapped. It wasn't clear right away something was wrong, however it did not take long to figure out something was really wrong with him. Once they did, it wasn't long before he was able to get benefits and see specialist, he at first wasn't suppose to live a year but he did and it took that long to give what he has a name, this was back in 1976 though. I do know ever so often my mom has to send something in that states that he is still disabled, but it's not yearly.

Both of my parents were approved first application for disability. My dad because of COPD and heart disease, however he also had a long medical history of being sick and hospitalized, he died in 2007. My mom applied earlier this year after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year, she didn't apply sooner because she was on medical leave from work, once she knew she would not be able to go back she applied.

Those are just my families experiences, I have heard stories from other people where it takes years to get approved and only after hiring lawyers and sometimes not even then and yeah I've heard stories of people getting approved where there is nothing wrong with them. I just think it really is kinda a flip of a coin, if there is something clearly medically wrong that keeps you from working then you get it, but if it's not so clear cut you don't. I really don't know though.

I am on SS Disability and received it the first time I applied. I did not need a lawyer as my 17 doctors/specialists advocated for me and stated I was disabled. I worked for 33 years as an RN and wish I could go back to work daily. You all are my lifeline to the outside world as friends have fallen off and I am frankly, boring as it is Ground Hogs Day for the most part. I have never needed to re-certify that I am disabled either, so I can imagine with Gypsy's alleged diagnoses, SS would not question it either. IMO
""First-degree murder charges are what the facts fit," Patterson said. "When you file a case, any case like this within 24 hours of an arrest, you do it based on limited information. Every case you have to evaluate once you get the full and complete investigation, but I am not aware of anything that would change the facts."

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Yesterday I posted that regarding this case I wouldn't say anything yet not to offend anyone. I said that because after watching DeeDee with Gipsy interviews already knowing Gipsy was a "normal " girl, I totally understood her. I think she saw no possibility of getting out of the situation she was in without her mom (if we can call her that ) being gone. Now family accounts start emerging about how controlling DB was, how GB tried to get away at least a couple times. This is just a very sad case. I can't even start to imagine how GB life must've been. IMHO she was going to snap sooner or later. And I have absolutely no doubt (hope I'm allowed to say this ) that DB would kill GB rather than letting her blew the lie. Again this is a really really sad case for everyone involved.

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I had the thought as well that the plan was to live in the house after Dee Dee was discovered. Maybe that is why they tried to alert others that Dee Dee was dead. IMO

I wouldn't think she'd want to live in the town where she's known as handicapped if she were really looking to escape her mom and start over and have a normal life.

Although she did supposedly go to a neighbor sans wheelchair to be taken to the hospital that one time (allegedly). They said she walked and talked fine.
But the Sheriff said he felt the entire community had been deceived. So it's interesting that she occasionally let her guard down in town. if that story is true (seems to be a lot of independent sources corroborating it though).
I wouldn't think she'd want to live in the town where she's known as handicapped if she were really looking to escape her mom and start over and have a normal life.

Although she did supposedly go to a neighbor sans wheelchair to be taken to the hospital that one time (allegedly). They said she walked and talked fine.
But the Sheriff said he felt the entire community had been deceived. So it's interesting that she occasionally let her guard down in town. if that story is true (seems to be a lot of independent sources corroborating it though).

Good point. I never thought about how she would still have to pretend to be handicapped. I guess she could act as though she had a recovery...or maybe just hide out inside hoping people would forget after a while.
If the intention wasn't to come back and live in the house....I wonder why the urgency to have mom found. Could be she was having some regrets.

ETA or maybe she would wear her wig as a disguise so she could go out and do normal things and still use her wheelchair to get donations.After all many might donate out of sympathy for her recent loss. Maybe that was her plan.
Hi all, I have been around and followed and been here for many cases. Little did I know that a story would EVER hit close to home. I have personal met this family, helped to build their habitat home. This is a very sad situation and being involved is even more difficult. I can personally say that they put on one heck of a performance, I haven't met someone so convincing in my life. My family surprised them with dinner right after the first of the year, and we're told all sorts of new "medical" conditions that Gypsy had, and they needed more money to see a specialist. We went right to work with a fundraiser. It's sick! I can't wrap my head around this at all!!

I can very well see this was her MO in the con, stating that Gypsy needed money to se specialists. Gypsy would have been on Medicaid or Medicare, most likely Medicare. Most Hospitals and Specialists take Medicare, so there would have been no reason for her to "need" money. Even St. Jude's Hospital takes kids that have no insurance and while there, I am almost positive the Social Workers work on getting these children some type of medical coverage.

This makes me sick to think that DD would take advantage of your compassion and kindness and what you and your family did was so selfless. I can't even imagine the sense of betrayal you all feel. Please know that your kindnesses did not go unnoticed, at least by those that truly matter. God Bless you and yours. The world needs more people like you.
Something that just makes this all the more weird...the wealth of information LE provided. Any other cases stand out to anyone where LE was so forthcoming with details so quickly? I mean there are an unusual amount of layers to this murder but I just can't recall gaining so much intel so quickly.

Yes, I noticed, and I'm glad LE is being upfront with the community. I wish there were more LE that would do the same. It's very refreshing!
I had the thought as well that the plan was to live in the house after Dee Dee was discovered. Maybe that is why they tried to alert others that Dee Dee was dead. IMO

That's what I think. It was taking too long for DD to be found, so GRB decided to make sure she was found.
Good point. I never thought about how she would still have to pretend to be handicapped. I guess she could act as though she had a recovery...or maybe just hide out inside hoping people would forget after a while.
If the intention wasn't to come back and live in the house....I wonder why the urgency to have mom found. Could be she was having some regrets.

ETA or maybe she would wear her wig as a disguise so she could go out and do normal things and still use her wheelchair to get donations.After all many might donate out of sympathy for her recent loss. Maybe that was her plan.

I doubt GRB thought ahead that far, but if she did, maybe she thought she'd sell the house.
So it's been discussed in other places but I don't think I have read anything here. But I instantly thought of the movie "Gypsy" when I heard her name was Gypsy Rose, it's an old movie and I had forgotten what it was about so I thought about it in the context of her name being inspired by the movie. But if you haven't watched this movie you should google it. [emoji15]
It's actually based on the real life of Gypsy Rose Lee, the stripper/actress. She had the over controlling stage mom, Mama Rose, who basically lived off of promoting her 2 daughters in vaudeville, back on the day.
I see no way that Gypsy could learn any morals. Where would she learn them?

I do not understand where she learned about rape and using the eff word.

How did she hook up with NG who is rhe perfect bf for her? Did he teach her sex stuff ?
I doubt GRB thought ahead that far, but if she did, maybe she thought she'd sell the house.

Possible as well. I can't imagine how they thought they would get away with what they did.
I see no way that Gypsy could learn any morals. Where would she learn them?

I do not understand where she learned about rape and using the eff word.

How did she hook up with NG who is rhe perfect bf for her? Did he teach her sex stuff ?

I dunno, her mother had ONE newspaper in the house at some moment? According to that person who wrote (is writing?) the article on her she allegedly ran away before to meet a guy she had encountered online. Her co-conspirator was not her first boyfriend or the first guy to catch her eye.
I see no way that Gypsy could learn any morals. Where would she learn them?

I do not understand where she learned about rape and using the eff word.

How did she hook up with NG who is rhe perfect bf for her? Did he teach her sex stuff ?

I think she just wanted to be a normal girl. At 23 not being allowed to date, have friends, even going to school? Being kept in a wheelchair she didn't needed? Being forced to have that short hair, no teeth, putting a performance almost 24/7... That's so totally not right!

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It's actually based on the real life of Gypsy Rose Lee, the stripper/actress. She had the over controlling stage mom, Mama Rose, who basically lived off of promoting her 2 daughters in vaudeville, back on the day.

There is an actress named Tammy Blanchard that played
Gypsy rose Lee. Just another odd thing about this case
I wonder if this is the name she was really born with
Watching GRB at court was hard. She looked terrified, and I could see her shaking. I felt and do feel sorrow for what has happened to her, and horrified by her choice to have her mom murdered. I think she spent so much time living in a fantasy, what with the "role-playing" and all, that this plan to kill her mom probably took on kind of a life of it's own between her and NG. I imagine that GRB expected to live free and happily ever after in the house without her mom there, and now she must face the reality and consequences of what she and NG did. Curiously, I have no real curiosity about NG, and no empathy for him. He should have told GRB NO WAY! But he went along with everything, even admitting to thinking about raping DD as he was stabbing her to death.

I hope when all is said and done that there will be some kinda help for GRB, and maybe a chance of being released while she's still relatively young. The whole situation is just so tragic.

Soooooooo much role playing. The sickness, the extra curricular activities it seems she was into, the type of dynamic between her and NG if that stuff is really true. This is definitely a big part of my fascination with what happened. We probably all play roles sometimes but this seems like role playing pushed to the extreme.
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