Found Deceased MO - Clauddinnea 'Dee Dee' Blancharde, 48, Springfield, 10 June 2015 - #1 *Arrests*

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I read in a comment section of a news article on this whole case from a supposed relative that Dee Dee was force feeding her Tegretol. The court video shows a very helpless weak individual who has a very child like voice. She was groomed to play the part for so long. She became what her mom wanted. She eventually snapped. I am not sure she really can fully know how to act as an adult since she was always kept as a sick child. So sad. It will be curious to see what the diagnosis is if it's not munchausen by proxy. She certainly was emotionally abusing her but forcing powerful drugs on her is physical abuse. I usually watch cases from the peanut gallery but this one really bothers me.
I am on SS Disability and received it the first time I applied. I did not need a lawyer as my 17 doctors/specialists advocated for me and stated I was disabled. I worked for 33 years as an RN and wish I could go back to work daily. You all are my lifeline to the outside world as friends have fallen off and I am frankly, boring as it is Ground Hogs Day for the most part. I have never needed to re-certify that I am disabled either, so I can imagine with Gypsy's alleged diagnoses, SS would not question it either. IMO

BBM and sorry O/T

I totally get where you are coming from , would love to be able to work again and mingle with the world 5 days a week. I am so thankful for WS and even Facebook . There are just so many hours in a day you can spend knitting and keep your sanity. Lol
I see no way that Gypsy could learn any morals. Where would she learn them?

I do not understand where she learned about rape and using the eff word.

How did she hook up with NG who is rhe perfect bf for her? Did he teach her sex stuff ?
I am sure we will find out
It's interesting, because although our town isn't large (pop. 150,000ish) we still have enough separation from each other for the most part, that she very well could have planned on living in that home, and disguising herself to go in public. Most likely saying her mother was "poisoning" her and when mom was out of the picture she mysteriously got better. IMO, who knows if they even had the ability to plan that far ahead honestly. Our LE here has been so forthcoming because as soon as the murder was discovered everyone began donating money like crazy for Gypsy. There were no less than 10 different gofund me pages setup to get money, immediately. I feel like because the money was such an issue and the fraud was quickly discovered LE wasn't sure what members of the community were involved, and therefore had to release info quickly to stop the donations.

The saddest part of this all, is that Gypsy and her mother were able to get to the front of the Habitat line because of their "displacement" from Katrina, and Gypsys needs. I know another family that waited nearly 6 months longer than they would have had to because of these cons!

It's sick, and it causes a community to question our giving simply because of these people. I do believe Gypsy was "delayed", however, it's now painfully obvious not as severely as they played it off to be. I could go on and on about the things they did, but it's nauseating to think that there are people capable of this. My personal opinion is that gypsy was raised in the con, but willingly chose to continue in the schemes until the bf came into the picture! Just my two cents.
Possible as well. I can't imagine how they thought they would get away with what they did.

Well, her whole life she saw her mom lying and everyone believing it without question. I'm sure she thought any story she came up with would be accepted.

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Just read this thread.

Uhm. That's all I got.

Can anyone say the topic of the next episode of Snapped on Oxygen?

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I mean wouldn't all those tests come up negative for her "ailments"?

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"The first person to see Gypsy Blancharde and Godejohn after the killing was the cab driver who them to a hotel in Missouri.

The driver said Gypsy Blancharde was wearing a wig, was carrying a bag and was not in a wheelchair.

He said they were not acting strange, but he immediately noticed her voice.

"Her voice was one of them you can't forget. It is kind of like a cartoon voice. He didn't talk too much. I had the radio on. I don't listen to what people say. I had no idea what they had done,” cab driver John Horn said.

Police said the couple then took a bus to Wisconsin."

I noticed that near the "Located" for this case the yellow color was changed to purple. I've noticed the differing colors in other "Located" cases. How does that work? What do the different colors mean?

BBM and sorry O/T

I totally get where you are coming from , would love to be able to work again and mingle with the world 5 days a week. I am so thankful for WS and even Facebook . There are just so many hours in a day you can spend knitting and keep your sanity. Lol

Ot...I am in the same boat. One of my sisters is jealous that I don't "have" to work, not really understanding that it is not really a choice. I live alone, except for my pets, so days can be long. I read almost constantly, write, and then of course, read WS every day...and hobble around with my little dog.
There was an interesting comment on another site hypothesizing that with the conditions she had Gypsy would eventually have to die. If she figured this out and acted first, it would not be the first time that someone who has been abused made a preemptive strike on their abuser.

DeeDee hadn't started playing the "Gypsy is dying...we need money for her last birthday party, etc" card that Kate Parker did with her son. She could have milked that for quite a few "crises" but it's possible that when she had collected enough money, Gypsy's time would be up. A chilling hypothesis and I hope it wasn't the case.
Like I said.....IF that is proven, then I'll be right on track with you guys. I just can't be completely sympathetic yet.

This story has dumbfounded everyone; do you really think we have all the info yet? I'm not defending DeeDee. I'm not defending Gypsy. I just have a feeling Gypsy isn't as frail and innocent as we think. That's all.
I'm not referring to you specifically, but your comments provide a great platform to launch off of.

I would never spend energy trying to convince someone of my opinion, but I do have some thoughts that I would like our readers here to contemplate.

As of the moment Gypsy got back to her BF house, she started revealing the situation, beginning with a FB posting. The moment police arrived, she and Nicolas both started spilling their guts and confessing. I believe every single word out of that girl's mouth. She is not even trying to hide her deeds or make excuses for them. She is matter of fact, and telling what happened.

No doubt a lawyer will put a stop to that and begin grooming here (and the system will be victimizing her in a sense) so that she doesn't get herself deeper. But I do not think she is considering that or cares. She is safe from the clutches of an abusive, self-centered monster!

I think when this is all said and done, we will have learned horror stories of her being deathly ill, vomiting, diarrhea, severe body aches, dizziness, clouded thinking, physical violence to support submission demands, body burns, and on and on and on. The girl was being poisoned her entire life, since birth.

WHY does anyone feel she has an agenda or motive even remotely beyond gaining her freedom and stopping a woman from ever harming her (or anyone else) again? She was used as money bait. Human trafficking to the nth degree. She knows this. How do you not, for even a millisecond, conclude that she has many mental anguish type issues after a lifelong experience of this magnitude? Raise your hand if you are even remotely shocked that this was concluded (in her mind) as her only way out.
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