Found Deceased MO - Clauddinnea 'Dee Dee' Blancharde, 48, Springfield, 10 June 2015 - #1 *Arrests*

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She did take the money but she also didn't go on some Menendez spree. They didn't even try to run. I wonder how far they could have gotten or how long
it would have taken anyone to check on Mom. They took the money but then they just went to his place and basically gave themselves away posting on Facebook.

In regards to how they fooled Dr's...I think Katrina was perfect for DeeDee to pull a long con. This poor Mother and frail sickly daughter just lost their home, they're destitute and on top of that
the poor daughter lost all her medical records. Mom probably made sure she was well versed on the ailments she was claiming daughter had and I'm not surprised a Dr didn't want
to put the kid through invasive often excruciating tests all over again if Mom knew the diagnosis. As a society we are also so politically correct it's an insult to question certain people at all.
I'm not sure if that's how everything went down but it really wouldn't surprise me. If I wanted my son to fake cancer or something, then of course they would do tests and not find cancer, DeeDee
found a way around that pesky step.
Was it ever mentioned if the cat was in the house? I remember neighbors saying how much she loved her cat. This might sound terrible but could part of the reason she wanted her mom found was to make sure her cat was found too?
On the gypsyrosetrip Facebook page, Gypsy is shown in a hospital bed supposedly "after surgery". What are y'all's thoughts...was this just props & fake, or did she really have surgery for something?? Also, I'm still not gonna be hard on family members. If these two fooled doctors, hospital staff, Ronald McD house, numerous charities, HFH, etc., I can't very well hold the family responsible, who rarely saw her face-to-face, and were pushed away by Dee.

My little boy has had numerous surgeries at this hospital. That is a legit inpatient room. The IV in her hand is something that they usually place for a very minor procedure just in case they need to administer something. Kids with complicated health histories almost always get a PICC line placed further up their arm and that would definitely be attached to something fresh out of surgery, whether in use or not. The white tubing that can be seen in one of the pictures is from the O2 sensor. They just leave them laying at the foot of the bed when not in use, so super easy to put on to stage a pic to make it look more legit. My gut says that she was in the hospital, but this was no surgery. She could have been in for sleep issues, dehydration, fever, etc. The little card from the cleaning service is still on the table, too, so they likely just got there when the pics were taken. If it were a scheduled surgery, they tend to have the patients come up the day before. I know that when we're inpatient that little table is covered in junk pretty much immediately by both the hospital staff and ourselves.
What troubles me is the taking of the money after the murder.I think Gypsy saw that money as hers and perhaps Dee Dee wasn't letting her have any of the profits from their scamming.
And why didn't Gypsy contact authorities about her mom...because that would bring an end to the money?
Was she convinced that her mom was so powerful and convincing that she wouldn't get any help?
I will say that reading the above link does make me feel bad for Gypsy but not enough to let her off the hook for the killing of her mother.

I think she took the money because that's all her mother cared about. Those years of Gypsy suffering was partly due to moms greed. So taking the money was not to aggrandize herself imo.

They probably spent some on Mcdoubles. Maybe she intended to help out with rent. But i doubt she even cares about money like that. Jmo.
Trying to understand how they were able to fool so many Dr's and Charitable Organizations has my mind spinning in circles. I have not dealt with any Charitable Organizations so have no expereince with how they work. But based on my experiences with medical care for my MS the last 21 years...

Lack of medical records wouldn't be a problem. Since moving to this area 8 years ago, I have sought care from 3 Neurologists and 2 General Physicians. Two of the Neurologists and the General Physicians did not want to look at the medical records I brought with me . Only the Neurologist at the MS Center has had me sign paperwork to request records from my Dr's in Wisconsin. looked at my previous MRI's and asked for a complete history of my MS experience.

Medications.. I provided the list of medications I was on and it was recorded in my new records and I was given refills for those medications. Two of the Neurologists pushed pretty hard for me to start new disease modifying drugs...without seeing any records or performing MRIs ..both of the drugs have serious side effects some can be life threatening one had just been reapproved by the FDA after several patients developed a fatal brain infection. At the time I saw one of the Neurologists, I was under the care of a Neurologist at an MS Center which is 3 hours away. I was looking for a Neurologist in my home town because it is getting difficult for me to travel the 3 hours. The new Neurologist changed the medications I was prescribed from the MS center without consulting with the MS Center or seeing any records.
All of the Dr's have taken me at my word if I asked for an antidepressant or sleep aid . or if pain med needs increased.

Physical examinations... All the Dr's I saw did perform the routine neurological am not sure how DeeDee and Gypsy got past this one. Am not familiar with how Muscular Dystrophy issues present during an exam , with MS the issues one has with muscle weakness , spactisity, tremors and vision can vary from one exam to the next during the same Dr's visit. And I was surprised when I was told the exam showed my left leg was the weaker leg even though when I walk I limp on my right so am not sure how one can fake what presents during a physical exam.
Mobility Aids... over the years I have needed various crutches, canes , wheelchair... It has been my experience that it is easier to get a prescription for a new medication or med refill than it is to get a prescription for mobility aids. During one MS flare it was almost impossible to stand using both arm crutches much less walk , I asked for a wheelchair and the Dr refused , he told me that if he prescribed me a wheelchair I would never get out of it .

Obtaining Disability money.. I worked as long as I could when I was down to working 12 hours a week my Dr insisted I stop working. When I applied for disability through my long term disability insurance provider I was sent to a Dr that specializes in Disability ratings. It is the LTD insuarance provider policy that I also had to apply for SS disability. The LTD Insurance company requires documentation from my Dr's every 6 months the first few years and now just once a year . As far as I know, Social Security has never requested information from my Dr's since I was approved 15 years ago. My adult daughter is disabled due to bipolar , and anxiety with paranoid tendencies , she recieves a small SS benefit through my account and she recieves SSI . The process for her to be approved for benefits required an extensive review of her medical history and 3 Dr's confirming the mental health issues . And they have required documentation from her Dr's that she is still disabled every year.
I have not read that Gypsy recieved SS benefits, and since her " disability " started as a child and was physical versus mental perhaps the disability wasn't as difficult to get approved as it was for my daughter who applied at age 17.
Still both my daughter and I had to have Dr's filling out a form describing our disability and how what our limitations were. But maybe the process isn't as involved for a child.

Given all that , I think it would be easy for someone to scam the system and fool the Dr's if no tests were required to monitor a medicines efficiency or effects on liver or heart functions. But why a mother would have her child live as if she was disabled is something I cannot understand.

sorry for the long post.. mostly thinking outloud but thought providing the info on my experience dealing with different Dr's on a long term basis might make it easier to understand how easy it would be for someone to pull off faking it for so long.

I have wondered about this too. Obviously DeeDee was very convincing. Medical records can be obtained from the treating physicians, and I guess with all the Hurricane Katrina aftermath, DeeDee was believed by the new treating physicians. What I can't understand is why the new physicians did not run new tests for a baseline, when confronted with the story that past medical records were lost.

DeeDee must have done a lot of research regarding the illnesses she has claimed Gypsy had. I am now assuming Gypsy did not have a feeding tube, nor did she have Muscular Dystrophy as that is a progressive disease. Nor do I now believe she had Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia either.

My mind is just blown that a mother could do this to a child and no red flags were picked up by the medical personnel. Did DeeDee forge scripts? Dilantin is no joke and levels have to be monitored. EEG's are repeated to determine levels of brain seizure activity. I worked ER and Critical Care for years, including PACU, and every patient had to have a complete medical history done along with substantiating tests and results. I just don't get this part. I wonder how many physicians DeeDee had to go through to find one that would believe her rendition of Gypsy's medical history. Gobsmacked. IMO

Escape2sc, I am so sorry for what you are going through. Thank you for sharing your courageous story and experiences. Wishing you all the best.
I think she took the money because that's all her mother cared about. Those years of Gypsy suffering was partly due to moms greed. So taking the money was not to aggrandize herself imo.

They probably spent some on Mcdoubles. Maybe she intended to help out with rent. But i doubt she even cares about money like that. Jmo.

Mcdoubles....bahaha. Oh, Dexter. lol

I agree with you though. They may have even taken the money to make sure they get back to WI without going broke. Who knows. Or just to have something, since if you think about it, she could probably never get a job!
Gypsy is living in an alternative universe, She did not attend school. Did she have friends? She manufactured a world with rules based on who knows what. Did they attend a church? What would Gypsy know about society's boundaries? Where would she kearn them?

How did she hook up with this perfect guy for her?

I don't know what I would vote on a jury. She needs intensive therapy.

She is a darn good actress.
I have worked on Domestic Violence Task Forces in the past in my state. I have spoken with women who killed their husbands as they saw no other way out. They had been beaten down so much to the point they believed they were worthless and nothing without their abuser.

Truthfully, I had a hard time initially understanding why these women just didn't leave. I just didn't understand why they would allow themselves to be treated this way. I learned a lot, especially how I was imposing my values onto them when I did not grow up in an abusive household nor was I in an abusive marriage. I was humbled as I learned the extent of their abuse and was often brought to tears.

I cannot imagine what Gypsy's "life" or lack thereof has been like. I cannot imagine doing what DeeDee did to her child to my own. I don't condone what Gypsy did, but on some level I can understand why. She may have felt there was no other recourse, especially since she did not possess worldly skills or maturity consistent with her chronological age or expected life experiences.

It is my hope that her lawyers will do extensive psych evals and while in jail, will start to get the help she so desperately needs. IMO
I think she took the money because that's all her mother cared about. Those years of Gypsy suffering was partly due to moms greed. So taking the money was not to aggrandize herself imo.

They probably spent some on Mcdoubles. Maybe she intended to help out with rent. But i doubt she even cares about money like that. Jmo.

And yet she was able to call her bf and tell him to kill her mother. I'm just not seeing a lot of innocent thoughts from Gypsy at this point. IMO
Mcdoubles....bahaha. Oh, Dexter. lol

I agree with you though. They may have even taken the money to make sure they get back to WI without going broke. Who knows. Or just to have something, since if you think about it, she could probably never get a job!

Or, to make it look like it was an unknown individual that came in to the house and "raped her sweet innocent daughter". Some terrible outsider that came in, killed mom, took the virginity of sweet and innocent, and then took the daughter as well as money in their escape. Plus, they obviously needed the bus fare to get "home".

These two may not be as "innocent" or as "dumb" as they like to appear; however, they are obviously not savvy when it comes to what LE can track. :moo:
Obtaining Disability money.. I worked as long as I could when I was down to working 12 hours a week my Dr insisted I stop working. When I applied for disability through my long term disability insurance provider I was sent to a Dr that specializes in Disability ratings. It is the LTD insuarance provider policy that I also had to apply for SS disability. The LTD Insurance company requires documentation from my Dr's every 6 months the first few years and now just once a year . As far as I know, Social Security has never requested information from my Dr's since I was approved 15 years ago. My adult daughter is disabled due to bipolar , and anxiety with paranoid tendencies , she recieves a small SS benefit through my account and she recieves SSI . The process for her to be approved for benefits required an extensive review of her medical history and 3 Dr's confirming the mental health issues . And they have required documentation from her Dr's that she is still disabled every year.
I have not read that Gypsy recieved SS benefits, and since her " disability " started as a child and was physical versus mental perhaps the disability wasn't as difficult to get approved as it was for my daughter who applied at age 17.
Still both my daughter and I had to have Dr's filling out a form describing our disability and how what our limitations were. But maybe the process isn't as involved for a child.

My brother was born mentally and physically handicapped. It wasn't clear right away something was wrong, however it did not take long to figure out something was really wrong with him. Once they did, it wasn't long before he was able to get benefits and see specialist, he at first wasn't suppose to live a year but he did and it took that long to give what he has a name, this was back in 1976 though. I do know ever so often my mom has to send something in that states that he is still disabled, but it's not yearly.

Both of my parents were approved first application for disability. My dad because of COPD and heart disease, however he also had a long medical history of being sick and hospitalized, he died in 2007. My mom applied earlier this year after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year, she didn't apply sooner because she was on medical leave from work, once she knew she would not be able to go back she applied.

Those are just my families experiences, I have heard stories from other people where it takes years to get approved and only after hiring lawyers and sometimes not even then and yeah I've heard stories of people getting approved where there is nothing wrong with them. I just think it really is kinda a flip of a coin, if there is something clearly medically wrong that keeps you from working then you get it, but if it's not so clear cut you don't. I really don't know though.
I have worked on Domestic Violence Task Forces in the past in my state. I have spoken with women who killed their husbands as they saw no other way out. They had been beaten down so much to the point they believed they were worthless and nothing without their abuser.

Truthfully, I had a hard time initially understanding why these women just didn't leave. I just didn't understand why they would allow themselves to be treated this way. I learned a lot, especially how I was imposing my values onto them when I did not grow up in an abusive household nor was I in an abusive marriage. I was humbled as I learned the extent of their abuse and was often brought to tears.

I cannot imagine what Gypsy's "life" or lack thereof has been like. I cannot imagine doing what DeeDee did to her child to my own. I don't condone what Gypsy did, but on some level I can understand why. She may have felt there was no other recourse, especially since she did not possess worldly skills or maturity consistent with her chronological age or expected life experiences.

It is my hope that her lawyers will do extensive psych evals and while in jail, will start to get the help she so desperately needs. IMO

The thanks button was not NEARLY enough. I think some are forgetting that this isn't a normal girl making rational decisions. Her mother warped her mind in tremendous ways and unlike a rational adult in an abusive relationship and gets beaten down mentally, this girl has absolutely zero experience with what it's like to live a normal life without any abuse at all. It's pretty obvious she tried as much as she could to be a normal girl but clearly her mother was having NONE of that.

I certainly don't condone what she did in any way (or had her boyfriend do), but I genuinely believe that she believed there was no other way out.
I wonder if the confession can be thrown out if it is found that GRB and/or NG had some diminished mental capacity. Did they fully understand their Miranda rights? Of what we know so seems they gave a lot of details which IMO almost seemed child-like especially NG.

In Commonwealth v. Hilton, 823 N.E.2d 383 (Mass. 2005), the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts upheld a lower court finding that a mildly retarded and mentally ill defendant was not competent to waive her Miranda rights. The court also held that the information that the defendant volunteered to a court officer about her involvement in the crime was admissible; however, subsequent statements made in response to questions were properly suppressed.
Gypsy's case is definitely going to end up in a trial. Her defense attorney is going to pull up every low-down slimy thing her mother ever did to both her and the public at large. If you give this case to 12 sympathetic jurors, I could actually see her being acquitted. If this same jury thinks some punishment is required, you can almost bet on a manslaughter type sentence, but it will be the minimum.

Unlike the Arias trial, I think the victim in this case actually could be made out to look like a monster, and rightly so.
The scope of this deception isn't fully known yet, but I imagine is is going to be far reaching and historical.

During 90% of the time these scams were being pulled, Gypsy would've been considered a child. She was raised to be a scam artist. Her mom taught her everything she knows. This is a good example of someone being a reflection of their upbringing and environment.

She's been the actual breadwinner of the family since she was a small child. Her mother had no intention of letting her leave.....ever. If she did, the money would dry up and all the freebies would cease. I can understand how her hatred for her mother could have festered over a long period of time. She was a typical teenage girl, she wanted to flirt with boys, go to rock concerts, and play with her hairstyle. She wanted to be a teenager, and just have fun. Her mom said "no way".

If you constantly mistreat a dog, be prepared to get bit some day.

I think after all the dust settles, she's going to end up with a 5-10 year sentence, if that.

Well said, Steelman!

I just can't stop shaking my head in disbelief as I'm reading all the info coming out! I'm glad I wouldn't be a juror on this case. I keep debating with myself and have no idea which one of me would win! The murder was horrific and the looks-to-me-like emotional child abuse was horrific! I wish the situation could have been resolved in a different way!

I just have to say: I've been a member of WS for a few years and just recently came out of my shell to start posting. I have so much respect for everyone at WS, total strangers coming together to offer help to others in need. Also, sometimes the only thing that can be done is to offer insight to help each other try to understand human nature. I have no doubt this spills over into our everyday lives, making us better (and safer) people! It's refreshing to be able to come to WS and discuss a case without all the filth and trash that follows a bad situation. Everyone is so respectful of the case and with each other, even when emotions are high and opinions differ!

I have worked on Domestic Violence Task Forces in the past in my state. I have spoken with women who killed their husbands as they saw no other way out. They had been beaten down so much to the point they believed they were worthless and nothing without their abuser.

Truthfully, I had a hard time initially understanding why these women just didn't leave. I just didn't understand why they would allow themselves to be treated this way. I learned a lot, especially how I was imposing my values onto them when I did not grow up in an abusive household nor was I in an abusive marriage. I was humbled as I learned the extent of their abuse and was often brought to tears.

I cannot imagine what Gypsy's "life" or lack thereof has been like. I cannot imagine doing what DeeDee did to her child to my own. I don't condone what Gypsy did, but on some level I can understand why. She may have felt there was no other recourse, especially since she did not possess worldly skills or maturity consistent with her chronological age or expected life experiences.

It is my hope that her lawyers will do extensive psych evals and while in jail, will start to get the help she so desperately needs. IMO

If/when it's proven that DeeDee was the abusive and manipulating mother that she's being portrayed as, I'll believe it. Right now it's all speculation. This info is coming from people who haven't even seen Gypsy or DeeDee in over a decade.

Also, these alleged sources are facebook sources. I could have emailed that reporter (I use that term loosely) and told her some embellished story of Gypsy running for her life from her mother. Also, some of these stories from neighbors don't give off an "abusive mother" vibe.....sheltered daughter, yes.....abused and kept in hiding, no.

The part I'm having trouble wrapping my head around is that IF Gypsy was a victim of abuse this bad, why was DeeDee parading themselves around and making themselves well-known, always in the public eye, etc. I just can't imagine it.

I'm just saying, I am ALWAYS a skeptic at first. I've been duped and burned many times in my day so my bull***** meter goes off fairly easily. Of course, once I can't argue it, I'll stop being such a piss-ant about it.

I am still theorizing that Gypsy was part of the scam and, for one reason or another, killed her mother to end the charade....whether she wanted to end it or her mother is up for debate.
Or, to make it look like it was an unknown individual that came in to the house and "raped her sweet innocent daughter". Some terrible outsider that came in, killed mom, took the virginity of sweet and innocent, and then took the daughter as well as money in their escape. Plus, they obviously needed the bus fare to get "home".

These two may not be as "innocent" or as "dumb" as they like to appear; however, they are obviously not savvy when it comes to what LE can track. :moo:

Oh, I agree with you; I just meant that the money wasn't first priority. They just wanted her dead. The money was just there to grab and have.
The thanks button was not NEARLY enough. I think some are forgetting that this isn't a normal girl making rational decisions. Her mother warped her mind in tremendous ways and unlike a rational adult in an abusive relationship and gets beaten down mentally, this girl has absolutely zero experience with what it's like to live a normal life without any abuse at all. It's pretty obvious she tried as much as she could to be a normal girl but clearly her mother was having NONE of that.

I certainly don't condone what she did in any way (or had her boyfriend do), but I genuinely believe that she believed there was no other way out.

I did offer it up as a possibility that Gypsy may have thought her mother was so powerful and convincing that she thought that no one in a position of authority would offer her help or believe her.
On the other hand all she would have had to do was stand up and walk and that would at least have shown that mom was scamming the community and various orgs.
Many grow up in abusive controlling households but that isn't leave to commit murder against those that are abusive.
I really am curious if Gypsy had any issues at all as far as her level of functioning mentally. I think once we find that out we will better understand this case.
I do feel sorry for her and yet the postings after the murder and the fact she told her bf to act in the killing gives me a great deal of pause. IMO
Only if Al Sharpton took on other cases outside of the realm.

This girl needs a protest outside the jail and courthouse which would consist of people who are fighting for her since so many knew but did nothing.

She needs a public advocate with followers that will remind the DA that this was premeditated self defense from an abuser who would stop at nothing to keep Gypsy mentally and or physically restrained.

Can you imagine looking at 20 years worth of photos and in everyone of them you look like a invalid even though you are healthy and could look better until mom comes to shave your head again.

She needs a voice. Jmo
This has gone on since before Katrina, that was a decade ago. She was very much a child when it began. No friends over to play, no interaction with family, head shaved, God knows what else. She was a child when she was made to start the wheel chair facade, not an adult. To keep up the charade Mommy started the girl couldn't even go outside for a damn walk, that's abuse enough for me. I can't imagine forcing my little boy to sit in a chair and not run or walk outside...not sure what people want in order to see the abuse here. Why didn't she leave? I don't know, why don't any of the abuse victims just leave??? I will admit, I have no sympathy for DeeDee, I think because I get to go watch my son play soccer tonight with all his little friends, Gypsy never got to do that.
This has gone on since before Katrina, that was a decade ago. She was very much a child when it began. No friends over to play, no interaction with family, head shaved, God knows what else. She was a child when she was made to start the wheel chair facade, not an adult. To keep up the charade Mommy started the girl couldn't even go outside for a damn walk, that's abuse enough for me. I can't imagine forcing my little boy to sit in a chair and not run or walk outside...not sure what people want in order to see the abuse here. Why didn't she leave? I don't know, why don't any of the abuse victims just leave??? I will admit, I have no sympathy for DeeDee, I think because I get to go watch my son play soccer tonight with all his little friends, Gypsy never got to do that.
^^^THIS. This is exactly what tugs on my heart. I think of my children. My heart breaks at the thought of diminishing their capacity for a childhood in ANY way at all.
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