Found Deceased MO - Clauddinnea 'Dee Dee' Blancharde, 48, Springfield, 10 June 2015 - #1 *Arrests*

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I wonder how much money, gifts and free trips DB and GB managed to scam people out of? They seemed to fool a lot of people including real disabled children which I find so heartbreaking :(. I find the title of this news report very fitting as I have the same question (some misquote tho in the article as it should be DB's sister they are quoting not "said Blancharde")
That's interesting. So many people on other groups were assuming they were hoarders because the neighbor " missed" seeing the body, or smelling anything foul. Hmmmmm. Makes me wonder even more now about that. Some have supposed she was UNDER the bed.

She is a little large for that. Maybe stuffed into a closet?
She is a little large for that. Maybe stuffed into a closet?

The police report says she was found on the bed. I think he either didn't look in the room, lied, or was instructed not to say anything by police.
I'm on board with this. If she was always little and frail it'd be easy to continue the con.

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She would not be able to have children. Not the her mom would have told her. She doesn't look like Turner's to me, but there are varying degrees.

I noticed I never saw any acne. I don't know if that is significant or not.
But isn't that where their neck is usually really short or webbed?
And it can cause one to be sterile, so the mention of Gypsy already anticipating & naming her first borns doesn't fit. That is if she in fact has Turner Syndrome & possibly sterile. And if DD passed on that tidbit of info to Gypsy.
The police report says she was found on the bed. I think he either didn't look in the room, lied, or was instructed not to say anything by police.

I think he was instructed not to or smelled something and ran off. If she had been dead days and the heat and humidity the mid west has had he had to have smelled it. Have you ever smelled a decomposing body? It's wretched. I only by the misfortune of being a curious 13 year old stumbled across one. Like sometimes I get flash backs of it and it makes me vomit. I don't know why. Smelling has always been my super power though.

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She would not be able to have children. Not the her mom would have told her. She doesn't look like Turner#)'s to me, but there are varying degrees.

I noticed I never saw any acne. I don't know if that is significant or not.

My friend has a form of turners. She just got married and the doctor is doing experimental big fancy stuff to help her conceive soon.

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But isn't that where their neck is usually really short or webbed?
And it can cause one to be sterile, so the mention of Gypsy already anticipating & naming her first borns doesn't fit. That is if she in fact has Turner Syndrome & possibly sterile. And if DD passed on that tidbit of info to Gypsy.

If she was malnourished and never had a normal menstrual cycle she could be sterile too. And who said she was going to get pregnant... ?

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The police report says she was found on the bed. I think he either didn't look in the room, lied, or was instructed not to say anything by police.
I go with third option, but, but ,but, if he was told not to say anything he sure screwed that one up by going to media and Facebook right away!
Wow, this one has my head spinning. :(

In a newly released search warrant, friends told police that in addition to the Facebook page she shared with her mom, Gypsy Blancharde used Facebook aliases "Emma Rose" and "Devona Wolf," where she liked pictures of sadomasochism, and, over the last six months, wrote that she was engaged and wanted to name her future son Nicholas P. Godejohn

If she was malnourished and never had a normal menstrual cycle she could be sterile too. And who said she was going to get pregnant... ?

Per the report mentioned above she wrote that she was engaged & wanted to name her future son after Nicholas....
I think she was pointing out that you may want to get pregnant, it doesn't automatically mean you will be able to as well.

"We had been led to believe that she had at least two very rare genetic conditions," Kim said. "Chromosomal abnormalities that accounted for hearing problems and vision problems, the muscular dystrophy, she had several food allergies, fabric allergies, environmental allergies. She was allergic to basically everything. And the chemo from the cancer led to hair loss and the like.

"It was one of those — if it could go wrong, it did in Gypsy. As far as we knew."
That's interesting. So many people on other groups were assuming they were hoarders because the neighbor " missed" seeing the body, or smelling anything foul. Hmmmmm. Makes me wonder even more now about that. Some have supposed she was UNDER the bed.

It's entirely possible other rooms of the home were dirty, or since we were there last things got out of hand. I am not sure, however the living room area was clean as was the kitchen area. I know they are saying under the bed, however I can't quite understand how that's possible. IMO
Wow -- in just four short days, this roller coaster of a thread has provided an amazing and at times chilling ride as it has followed a case one could barely have imagined occurring -- before it all began to unfold.
That's interesting. So many people on other groups were assuming they were hoarders because the neighbor " missed" seeing the body, or smelling anything foul. Hmmmmm. Makes me wonder even more now about that. Some have supposed she was UNDER the bed.

or under big quilt, well made bed at a glance? Air conditioning? set low and cold? It is very odd...........and he saw nothing to alarm him?
The police report says she was found on the bed. I think he either didn't look in the room, lied, or was instructed not to say anything by police.

BBM: I think he may have been told by police not to say anything. I believe police waited to go in until they had a search warrant because they knew it was a crime scene and wanted to cross all their T's and dot all their i's so to speak. I also think they didn't want to tip off the killer that Dee Dee had been found until they could get the location of origin for that horrible facebook post.
I think she was covered with a comforter, or they dumped laundry over her, nmaking it look like a bed with piles of clothes to be sorted. JMO
Wow -- in just four short days, this roller coaster of a thread has provided an amazing and at times chilling ride as it has followed a case one could barely have imagined taking place before it began to unfold.
You said it wf! I have been astounded for 3 days! It keeps getting stranger and stranger. I'm sure the info is about to start drying up for now, but what a trial this is going to be[emoji12]

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She is a little large for that. Maybe stuffed into a closet?

between bed and wall?
no blood anywhere with all the stabbing?
I would assume blood on bedding and walls, floor???
and no odors?
Did the murderers clean up so well?
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