GUILTY MO - Edward Bagley & others for keeping teen as sex slave for 8 years, Lebanon, 2009

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Sep 26, 2007
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In 2002, Edward Bagley Sr invited a mentally challenged 16 year old who had been in and out of foster homes into his trailer. His hook was that he was going to make her a model and a star.

The now 24 year old was fed drugs, raped, tortured and sold to at least 4 other men for 8 years. She was tattoed with a bar code indicating she was a slave, forced to sign a slave contract and taken across state lines to pose in pictures depicting sex acts. She was forced to strip in clubs. She was kept in a dog cage, and electrocuted and suffocated by men who traded money, drugs and food for the opportunity to rape and torture her themselves.


It all came to an end when in Feb 2009, she was taken to the hospital in full cardiac arrest from having been electocuted and suffocated.

Dear God.

Bagley was smart-in an evil kind of way. He waited until she was 18 to have her sign the contract and held off on the serious torture until then. So we know that the defense will be it was a consentual relationship. I can already hear the words. The kicker for me is that the men may face as little at 15 years.

I have never believed in the Devil or Hell. I might be wrong about that. God Bless and Keep this woman close...
My prayers are with this woman, may she heal somehow! One of these monsters lives very close to my little town, which makes this all too real for me. I just cannot imagine this happening, no matter how much I read here, some lunatic always comes up with a new more vile idea of torture and disgust!
This is another shocker to me as well... these stories remind me that we have absolutely no idea how the brain functions. I get an instant headache just reading these because my teeny, tiny brain just cannot be wrapped around the sick, sick ideas these perps come up with!

I pray she can somehow heal emotionally! The body manages to usually heal itself but our minds are an entirely different matter!

I don't believe in the devil but I know evil exists and this man is plain evil.
OMG, this story is nauseating.

I'm sorry did it say one of the perps was the postmaster general?

That poor poor girl. What a horrifying story.
I'm just left reeling from these details. Anyone who knows me and knows my story can understand how the words bring me to my knees:

"...Federal prosecutors describe the woman, now 24, as mentally deficient and say that she grew up in foster homes..."

The most vulnerable of the vulnerable. I have been so saddened to read of the almost continuous flow of arrests in the Kansas City area for child sexual abuse and child *advertiser censored*. I've followed the Mohler case from the moment it broke which has caused me to focus on that area. Of course, I realize that these crimes occur every where in the world. No spot is immune. I'm wondering, though, if LE in Missouri is not just really cleaning house. While I'm heartbroken for the victims, I'm encouraged by the arrests.

I've had it explained to me over and over again that even "mentally deficient" (the legal term for someone with an IQ under 69) people have free will. They have the right to consent to sex. What a cruelty that would be if we took away that right. But then I live everyday with the knowledge of what is being done to my "little girl". She too has low self esteem brought about by early neglect and abuse and numerous foster placements until she was adopted by our family at age 6 years. She's now 22 and has an IQ of 63. She's also tattooed and is treated as a slave and coerced into servicing men. She's also transported across state lines.

What are the answers? My heart breaks for this young woman and the thousands just like her. There are NO services to treat mentally disabled women who choose to break free from this horrible life. Don't they deserve the care and treatment we afford children? Do they truly understand the limits of consent?
This case reminded me of the young girl from Oregon, who got kidnapped while hitch hiking in CA. I think her story is called 'the girl in the box'.

From the article:

The U.S. attorney's office said Henry is the postmaster general in Nevada, Mo., city of about 8,400 people near the Kansas border.

Among the charges, all five defendants face one count of commercial sex trafficking. If convicted of that charge, the minimum sentence is 15 years in prison without parole, and the maximum penalty if the case involves aggravated sexual abuse is life in prison.

Sick, sick, sick!! MissIzzy, I have no words. I can only offer prayers for your family. Perhaps as this case unfolds, it can get a prosecutor involved in your daughter's case!
Sunnie, you are probably referring to Colleen Stan (she insists that her name be public, bless her heart):

There have been books and a film made about her horrific ordeal and STILL people judge her for not breaking away. It is mind numbing.

I've wondered if something like this didn't happen to poor Dustin of Canada.
Sunnie, you are probably referring to Colleen Stan (she insists that her name be public, bless her heart):

There have been books and a film made about her horrific ordeal and STILL people judge her for not breaking away. It is mind numbing.

I've wondered if something like this didn't happen to poor Dustin of Canada.

Wow. The story of the girl in the box was one of the first true crime books I read, and that was probably back in the 70's or early 80's.
i just saw coleens story on ID yesterday (investigative discovery)...sigh... and this is going on still as we read and type.. in america and the world... x2 sigh :(
I would love to know if this child's foster parents looked for her after she disappeared in 2002.
Believe, the foster parents most likely would have been required to report her missing within a certain amount of time. It's different for each child and takes into consideration the child's level of ability and past history. We have to remember that a child in foster care is a ward of the state and foster parents have very little power. All police interaction would have to go through the child's case worker and DHS. Not enough information has been released to know whether the foster family would have had de facto parent status or interceder status (depending on the state).
Believe, the foster parents most likely would have been required to report her missing within a certain amount of time. It's different for each child and takes into consideration the child's level of ability and past history. We have to remember that a child in foster care is a ward of the state and foster parents have very little power. All police interaction would have to go through the child's case worker and DHS. Not enough information has been released to know whether the foster family would have had de facto parent status or interceder status (depending on the state).

With all due respect, Missizzy, that does NOT answer the question. I would like to know if ANYONE reported this girl missing.

I believe you have been a wonderful foster parent and you have been a huge advocate for children over the years. But let's please not pretend that is the norm for foster parents. It is not. The system is tragically flawed and needs to be fixed.

This child went missing at the age of 16. Whoever was caring for her at that time was RESPONSIBLE for her well-being. Period. If that were not the case, why place her with a foster family at all?

My heart aches for this girl and I sincerely hope and pray she will find someone who will care for her and help her heal.
I'm just going to have to pretend I didn't see this thread. It's the only way I'll be able to sleep tonight.

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