GUILTY MO - Edward Bagley & others for keeping teen as sex slave for 8 years, Lebanon, 2009

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I don't know if anybody else noted that Tina started her advocacy after her adoptive mother passed. She had bounced from one foster home to another as a young child and was adopted at age 12. This was the home from which she was stolen.

What an incredible tribute to her mother. I think I've found a woman who might be able to help me.

Here's her website: (some great resources)

MissIzzy, I hope she will be able to help you help your daughter!
Rarely do I grasp for words. Is this child/woman truly alive? How could she have lived? How did she not give up? I think everyone who takes the time to read this, needs to set aside some time to hold her up in prayer or meditation.

Dear one, if you ever read our thread, know that we care and send our strongest healing thoughts and prayers.

Sounds like she almost did not live-the alleged last torture session led to her suffering cardiac arrest and hospitalization, which is how all of this came to life.
Despite all of this though, one can see where their defense is going to be-they are likely going to claim she was consenting to all of this, IMO.
Someone is defending the suspects!! I can't believe this. "She could have left......"

"She wasn't being held captive,"says Shane Janes of Lebanon. "If she wanted to leave, she could have left. I mean like I said she had a hand gun she had a cell phone, she had her own e-mail site,. She'd been around cops before, all she had to do is say something to a cop...."

more at link (video)
Is that like Jaycee and Elizabeth could have left? We're talking NO grasp of mind control here. NONE.
Mentally disabled woman held as a sex slave (and other tales of Kirkwood, MO) - NeoGAF (122 comments here)

So, Kirkwood, MO is where the woman was held? And that's where Michael Devlin held his two young victims?

Only five men have been far. This woman was transported to many "venues" and even across state lines to California. I would imagine a large number of people are feeling a little ill right now.
I guess this is why they took the girl to California:

FBI Questions Hustler Editor, Photographer in Sex Slave Case

"A mentally disabled young woman allegedly kept for years as a brutally tortured sex slave in Missouri had her pictures taken by Hollywood photographer Ken Marcus for the cover of Taboo Magazine, a title in Larry Flynt's Hustler empire -- a situation that sent FBI agents knocking at Marcus' studio and the Beverly Hills office tower owned by the *advertiser censored* mogul...."

more at link (note: 3 pages)
Wintergreen just posted about this case over on the Mohler thread and I directed her here. In looking at her links, I noticed one which I don't think we've seen:]

Please be cautious in reading it, it is very graphic and has lots of triggers in it. Please.

Thank you, Wintergreen, for alerting us to this document.

You are so right to issue this caution. I'm sorry I didn't think of doing that and appreciate your great sensitivity. As always, you're an unstoppable and compassionate advocate for victims!
I guess this is why they took the girl to California:

FBI Questions Hustler Editor, Photographer in Sex Slave Case

"A mentally disabled young woman allegedly kept for years as a brutally tortured sex slave in Missouri had her pictures taken by Hollywood photographer Ken Marcus for the cover of Taboo Magazine, a title in Larry Flynt's Hustler empire -- a situation that sent FBI agents knocking at Marcus' studio and the Beverly Hills office tower owned by the *advertiser censored* mogul...."

more at link (note: 3 pages)

May these purveyors finally begin to pay for their crimes against humanity.
I have to admit, Wintergreen, that this case took several days to really "sink" in. Your post kind of shook me out of a haze. There have been SO many reports of child trafficking rings broken up that my head has been spinning with details. The fact that this young woman is mentally disabled just brings me to my knees. This could be my little girl. How many others are not only trafficked and forced to sell their bodies but are treated like this? The girl/woman was literally terrorized. It's so obvious when you read the details. Animals she cared for? I'm assuming that means pets. They were killed. She was shown images of being buried alive. Terror...plain and simple.

The fact that Mr. Marcus, who is an extremely well known and brilliant photographer, would make such an inane statement about the girl, leaves me furious. She could say "yes" and "no". Think about that statement. Most two year old children can also.

There have been several articles on "erotic" sites today about the involvement with Hustler. I have chosen not to link to them due to the language. However one did point out that this could be curtains for the truly hard core *advertiser censored*. Don't we wish?

Marcus, the photographer sought out this couple after seeing their live action show on I wonder how many other mentally challenged young men and women he's photographed who are merely capable of signing their name.

Did she print her name when presented with the release form? My daughter does. That should have been a tip off.
I couldn't even finish that indictment document.

I am shocked this poor girl is still alive after reading what I did. How is she ever going to be okay? I will pray for her and every other child who has fallen into the hands of freaks like these. I shudder to imagine how many others are out there. And it sickens me to know there are, seemingly, a significant number of monsters who get off on such horrific acts upon another human being. What punishment could possibly be enough?

I find it interesting that the ring-leader is said to have led a "transient" lifestyle. When I first read this story, I immediately thought of Racine Jane Doe, who has a thread in the UID forum, but thought it was probably too far away. Now, I'm not so sure. And did I see somewhere he was a truck driver by trade? Hmmm.
There is an alarming number of women missing in MO. And many for which "few details are known."

I do hope any other victims of these freaks will be located and helped in every possible way.
Here is a pic of the main PIG:


Looks like a real charmer, huh?
I am sorry, Fairy girl...could ya tell us how you REALLY feel?


I agree with every single syllable.

Thank you, my dear. :blowkiss: Subtly has never been my strong suit...particularly when rooting for the underdog.

If only WE could mete out the punishment on this case.......
Stop and think of the number of people who watched these performances. How many knew of her actual terror? How many men and women raped and tortured her? This crime is not contained within a tightly constrained group of five men.

Has anyone mapped out where the perps lived and where the woman was kept? They traveled good distances. My only hope here is that two things occurred for this poor child/woman. I pray that her disability allowed her to pull inward and to shut out some of the pain. Being cognitively challenged, it's possible that she has yet to understand the moral and ethical and spiritual repercussions. And this is hard to say, but I hope she was drugged almost into unconsciousness.

This woman is going to require a lifetime of gentle care and treatment. She has to learn how to be human. I really see her on the same level as many concentration camp survivors. My first thought is that she needs therapy with animals as she seems to love them.

Has anyone considered the possibility that there might be more than one girl? With Jaycee, there were vague hints that there had been others. Could a single young woman have stayed physically capable of keeping up with this depravity. Wouldn't these men want to train others as she aged?

And does anyone have a theory as to why she was taken to the hospital? That act would ensure that the men would surely be caught. Death would have almost been a release at that point and a natural progression of the torture. Was their some moral line they couldn't step over? Or was it a certain man who said enough.
She was held approximately 2268 days. Seven years and three months.

I have no desire to identify this victim. She deserves all the privacy and safety which can possibly be afforded her. However, I'm intrigued as to how the disappearance of this child played out. She ran away from foster care in December 2002. Was she listed as an endangered child, due to her disabilities? Was there a respectable amount of effort which went into looking for this child? Or was she just another lost, throw-away child?

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