GUILTY MO - Edward Bagley & others for keeping teen as sex slave for 8 years, Lebanon, 2009

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It occured to me last night that he could have been doing a live broadcast when she coded, and he had so many witnesses ("known and unknown") that he didn't dare let her die....could also explain the video of the torture. He must have been terrified that someone would turn him in. MOO.

I also totally agree that she may have appeared compliant, and in fact didn't fight what they were doing. She may have seen this as the first time someone "cared" about her, because from what I understand, it is much like an abusive husband "I love you, you were such a good slave, you made me so happy etc, etc.". MOO. She did run away from her foster home so she must not have been happy there. I wonder if they reported her as missing, or just continued to collect the $$?

Bessie--I hope you are right. But our children were video-taped when they disclosed and they each endured painful physical examinations. All their therapy notes were available. The investigation took almost a year and when we came to trial, each of the children (aged 7-12, all with special needs) were required to sit in the witness stand and be grilled for hours as their rapist stared at them. He even laughed a few times. I was ordered to not make eye contact with my children nor could I cry. Not even when I heard and saw their video-tapes. We had no idea as to the extent of their injuries and abuses until we sat in the courtroom as our family had been ordered to never speak about it amongst ourselves for the 11 months it took to get to trial. That was not easy with a busy household with 13 growing and hurting children.

I pray this girl won't have to testify but our children who are deaf, vision impaired, have cerebral palsy, autism, and who have cognitive challenges had to stay strong against a brutal defense attorney.

Twelve convictions. An appeal. The Supreme Court Affirmation. The Post Conviction Trial with new depositions (9 years after the rapes), the denial of clemency, the changing of a law. Over 3000 pages of transcript. We're twelve years in and not a day goes by without the abuses haunting our daily life through suicide attempts and PTSD.

The system is not set up to be tender on the victims. Not at all. The disclosure is just the first step. I'm very hopeful that this woman has strong supporters as the preparation for trial is grueling.
Dear God...I'm speechless. I'd hardly call myself naive, but you've just shown me that on this subject, I've a lot to learn. Miss Izzy, you mentioned awhile back to another poster that your family's story is in a thread here, I believe. If so, can you direct me to it? TIA
It occured to me last night that he could have been doing a live broadcast when she coded, and he had so many witnesses ("known and unknown") that he didn't dare let her die....could also explain the video of the torture. He must have been terrified that someone would turn him in. MOO.

I also totally agree that she may have appeared compliant, and in fact didn't fight what they were doing. She may have seen this as the first time someone "cared" about her, because from what I understand, it is much like an abusive husband "I love you, you were such a good slave, you made me so happy etc, etc.". MOO. She did run away from her foster home so she must not have been happy there. I wonder if they reported her as missing, or just continued to collect the $$?
I hope you're wrong. Wouldn't that be a treat for the (unusual persons) watching. :furious: It does make sense, though. Of course his lawyer will use that to show that he cared for her, so he didn't let her die even though he could have because no one would've missed her. :sick:
I suspect he kept her pretty drugged. She had challenges that have not been released as of yet, correct? so I would think that the combination of the likely drugs, her challenges and the brutality kept her compliant. Wouldnt it keep you compliant? Especially if she had no choices.

I hope they nail the Larry Flynt magazine who featured her. She is the victim of a crime, so at the minimum they are going to have to unring the bell and get back the copies that are in circulation, any photos and any video that was shot.
I think they will go for the consentual relationship and the fact that he waited until she was an adult, allegedly, to perpetrate the worst of the crimes.

I would think consent is going to be a huge hurdle however given the drugs and her state of mind. Beyond that, people do not consent to torture. Torture is designed to dehumanize. I dont know what she has been able to retain for herself as in even an emotional identity...I know people who are in consentual slave/master contracts in terms of bondage. I have seen similar tattoos. But there is a cardinal rule-you do not maim each other. It is supposed to be a protective, nurturing bond. Not one of terror.
I just couldn't believe that one human being (sort of) could do those things to another. How could you do those things to another person and be okay with that? How could you use someone almost to the point of death? My mind reels when I see things like this.
Belinda, this is obsession in it's worst form to me. The fact that he had multiple victims is INCREDIBLE. Where are those women now? It makes me quite anxious.
I just read the whole indictment, and noticed a paragraph which stated that she attempted to use the "safe-word" during sessions with Bagley alone, and he would not stop, in fact he escalated the torture. Nothing about that is consensual. I was thinking she might have gone along in the beginning because he made her feel that he cared about her, and that might still be true, but when she asked him to stop, he did not. Whether she was able to consent in the beginning or not (the drugs and mental status aside), that completely crossed the line. And none of that erases the fact that he took in a 16 y.o. run away, sexually abused her, gave her drugs, groomed her to be his slave, prostituted her and profited from it. I think the kinds of relationships believe was referring to utilize none of these techniques, although this kind of relationship is protrayed in literature:

Note: "The trilogy was a bestseller, outearning Interview with the Vampire."

Many, many of the things in that indictment are in this trilogy of books, and clearly they were popular.

My previous post might have appeared that I thought she went along with this. That is not what I meant, only that after such an amount of time, she may have stopped fighting and started identifying with her roll. I do not believe that after reading the indictment, which I could not stomach before....sorry for any confusion.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but I did not think you thought she went along with it, IWK.
Bessie - Indeed he didn't let her die, but if he had several hundred (? :sick: ? thousand ? :sick: ?) viewers, what was he gonna do? He had to have no idea who might actually call the cops on him, even though they were sick enough to sit around and watch it....guess they thought it was all consensual up to that point? :waitasec:
I hope the courts see through is plan to be 'smart' about what he did. And if they don't, I hope the karma bus does its job.
Bessie--I hope you are right. But our children were video-taped when they disclosed and they each endured painful physical examinations. All their therapy notes were available. The investigation took almost a year and when we came to trial, each of the children (aged 7-12, all with special needs) were required to sit in the witness stand and be grilled for hours as their rapist stared at them. He even laughed a few times. I was ordered to not make eye contact with my children nor could I cry. Not even when I heard and saw their video-tapes. We had no idea as to the extent of their injuries and abuses until we sat in the courtroom as our family had been ordered to never speak about it amongst ourselves for the 11 months it took to get to trial. That was not easy with a busy household with 13 growing and hurting children.

I pray this girl won't have to testify but our children who are deaf, vision impaired, have cerebral palsy, autism, and who have cognitive challenges had to stay strong against a brutal defense attorney.

Twelve convictions. An appeal. The Supreme Court Affirmation. The Post Conviction Trial with new depositions (9 years after the rapes), the denial of clemency, the changing of a law. Over 3000 pages of transcript. We're twelve years in and not a day goes by without the abuses haunting our daily life through suicide attempts and PTSD.

The system is not set up to be tender on the victims. Not at all. The disclosure is just the first step. I'm very hopeful that this woman has strong supporters as the preparation for trial is grueling.

Missizzy, I am so, so sorry your babies had to endure that. Sadly, you are so right that the justice system is not victim-friendly.

These pigs spent 7 years "training" this child/woman to OBEY them, to consider them her masters. No matter what level of care she's receiving now, that will not be undone any time soon. The thought of her having to face them in court sends shivers up my spine. Of course, I want her to have justice. I just can't bear the thought of her being further exploited by the defense attorneys or the media. I think we can all see how easy it would be for them to spin this horrific story.
Thank you Fairy--My children endured a lot but nothing to equal what this poor child/woman has. The agony is that the memories do not fade. Even my most challenged children remember details that just floor me. It's because the terror was imprinted on them.

Bessie, I will PM you with some details. There is no thread about my children but I can point you to information about the crimes they endured.

I've got a couple of observations. I read that the woman was shown a video of how she might be buried alive to further terrorize her. Being that at least one news source:

says that, "investigators had found evidence that he had tortured and sexually mutilated at least one other female victim for years in the past....", does this mean that they've located that victim? Could she, tragically, be the one shown in the video, buried alive? That thought unhinges me.

I also wanted to reassure everyone as much as I can that a foster family simply could not continue to receive funding for a child who was gone. Without going into all the legal specifics, it's highly unlikely--other than maybe for a month or so. If this young woman was classified as a special needs foster child, her supervision by the state would have been even more stringent. The agencies have to cover their own bunnies for these kids. However, that said, she slipped through the cracks somehow.

Most know that I have a daughter who is trafficked. She qualifies for all sorts of assistance, job coaching and housing in our state. Her captors are keeping her away from those services, as well as her family. As it stands, her case is closed as she has officially left the state. I would imagine that the DHS in MO filed a missing persons report and watched for this girl until age 18. After that, she would have been on her own.

I'm very interested in the lifestyle and financial dealings of these men. Surely, Bagley must have made a huge amount of money on the suffering of this woman. Where did the money go? It's not every day that the depraved find a victim who is so readily compliant. Are there films being sold of her torture? If so, who is behind all of that? Bagley does not strike me of much of a mastermind. After all, he shot himself in the hand.

You won't hear me say this very often but I really wish he would have been scratching his head when that gun went off.
Thank you Fairy--My children endured a lot but nothing to equal what this poor child/woman has. The agony is that the memories do not fade. Even my most challenged children remember details that just floor me. It's because the terror was imprinted on them.

Bessie, I will PM you with some details. There is no thread about my children but I can point you to information about the crimes they endured.

I've got a couple of observations. I read that the woman was shown a video of how she might be buried alive to further terrorize her. Being that at least one news source:

says that, "investigators had found evidence that he had tortured and sexually mutilated at least one other female victim for years in the past....", does this mean that they've located that victim? Could she, tragically, be the one shown in the video, buried alive? That thought unhinges me.

I also wanted to reassure everyone as much as I can that a foster family simply could not continue to receive funding for a child who was gone. Without going into all the legal specifics, it's highly unlikely--other than maybe for a month or so. If this young woman was classified as a special needs foster child, her supervision by the state would have been even more stringent. The agencies have to cover their own bunnies for these kids. However, that said, she slipped through the cracks somehow.

Most know that I have a daughter who is trafficked. She qualifies for all sorts of assistance, job coaching and housing in our state. Her captors are keeping her away from those services, as well as her family. As it stands, her case is closed as she has officially left the state. I would imagine that the DHS in MO filed a missing persons report and watched for this girl until age 18. After that, she would have been on her own.

I'm very interested in the lifestyle and financial dealings of these men. Surely, Bagley must have made a huge amount of money on the suffering of this woman. Where did the money go? It's not every day that the depraved find a victim who is so readily compliant. Are there films being sold of her torture? If so, who is behind all of that? Bagley does not strike me of much of a mastermind. After all, he shot himself in the hand.

You won't hear me say this very often but I really wish he would have been scratching his head when that gun went off.

I'm glad to know her foster "family" wouldn't have profited for long from a child who had gone missing under their care. Still, I will be terribly sad if they or the state never reported her missing.

Sounds like drug use was a favorite pastime of the "mastermind" here. I have to say, I hope they had this girl drugged up enough she couldn't feel the pain they inflicted upon her. Maybe that's where the money was going?

Sadly, he could have made millions of dollars off his abuse of this girl. It was obviously to his benefit to stay in the trailer home out in the sticks where no one could hear her suffering. Pig.

Fund set up for victim in Missouri sexual torture case

"A fund has been set up to assist the victim in a Missouri sex trafficking case filed last week against five defendants.

The Kansas City Alliance Against Human Trafficking has established the fund for the woman, who told authorities she endured years of abuse and sexual torture beginning when she was a 16-year-old runaway...."

more at link
Believe and several others called this one to a "T". Bagley's attorneys are questioning the young woman's victim status. I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

Lawyer raises 'victim' issue in sex-trafficking case

"Lawyers representing defendants in a federal sex-trafficking case are preparing to argue that a woman described by prosecutors as a “victim” actually consented to her treatment.

Susan L. Dill, who is representing lead defendant Edward Bagley Sr., said Tuesday that the woman’s understanding of her situation needs to be explored.

“The acts alleged by the grand jury can’t be characterized as a crime as long as it’s consensual,” Dill said after a court hearing involving another defendant. “Another story is about to be told.....”

more at link

This is moving into some murky waters. If this woman is truly "mentally deficient" as has been described, that legally means that she has a diagnosis of mental retardation (soon to be legally referred to per Rosa's Act as "intellectually disabled"), or an IQ under 70.

The laws can go either way on this issue. A person with ID (the new acronym) has a right to have a sexual relationship. We, as a society, cannot take away that right. That's also why we can no longer do involuntary sterilizations. However, it's very challenging to sort out just who that person can consent to have sex with. Think of all the ramifications.

As an example, I have a daughter with a 50 IQ who also has mild autism, is deaf, and has cerebral palsy. She's delightful and beautiful. She's going to the Easter Seals Dance tonight and I would give my right arm for her to find a young man or woman with whom she could have a loving relationship. She enjoys hugging. She knows what a kiss is. She understands tenderness. I believe she knows what sexual excitement is. So, if she found a young person of similar age (she's 22) and ability, we'd all be thrilled. She and the other person could consent to have sex and that would be wonderful.

OK, now think about it again. We, as a society cannot determine who she can give consent to. If an older, much brighter person wanted to take advantage of her, it would be tough to prove in court that he/she had used their power of intelligence or authority to control her. This is a really hard one.
Very, very interesting quandary, Missizzy. I hope your DD has a wonderful time at the dance. You bring so many interesting facets to these discussions that many of us would have never thought of. You have such a unique and personal perspective that I often spend long periods of time ruminating over your posts.

I don't see an answer to the problem though. At least, not a legal one. One can either consent or they cannot consent. The gray area is huge here. If we try to deem that they cannot give consent due to their ID, they then cannot give consent to anyone, even someone of their own intellectual and/or physical level.
Thank you Belinda, she most certainly will. They always end with the "YMCA Song" and everybody really whoops it up. My husband says it is so much fun as he picks her up but makes sure she can't see him as she's typically a very reserved young lady. On dance night, she lets it rip. If anyone want to do really meaningful volunteer work and have a blast, volunteer to chaperone an Easter Seals Dance.

I have no answers either. Often, my husband and I feel as if we got on a boat with no known destination twenty years ago. We adopted children from that first wave of crack exposure. No one knew what to expect and the kids are still surprising us by what they can master and what they can't. Their brains are very much like Swiss cheese--lots of holes in knowledge and reasoning. And also many unexpected gifts.

Because of the huge uptick in substance exposed babies who survived due to more advanced neo-natal care, we have a whole sub-section of a generation of young adults who pose some true ethical conundrums. Schools and therapists and doctors really don't want to address these issues as there's no right answer. And to be honest, the laws can be manipulated both ways.

The ADA looks at all disabilities pretty much the same--deafness, blindness, paralysis/mobility deficits and ID. If this woman was deaf or blind or paralyzed, these questions wouldn't come up (at least after she attained the age of consent). It's only with ID, dementia, or a brain injury that I can imagine these issues being very pertinent to the case at hand.

Another worrisome thing to ponder is that many people deemed "mentally deficient" are not allowed to testify in court. A judge has to make that determination. Interestingly enough, our daughter of whom I've been speaking was allowed to testify and two of the Rape 1 convictions are related to her abuse. Her words were simple and direct. Her handwritten notes about the abuse were also accepted as evidence. However, there was no question about consent as she was nine years old and functioned as a four year old.

Possibly this case will expose some issues that need to be far better addressed in the law.
Well now, these attorneys are going to be feelin a bit of pressure from the general public I suspect given at the minimum these fellas shocked this woman into cardiac arrest during a "consensual" episode.

Now beyond that, they took her across state lines for the purposes of photos and movies, plus they subjected her to mutilation. So one would think that if an expert or two puts her IQ into a questionable number for "consent" I would have to believe that these perps made a misstep.

I am grateful she lived-I wonder if she feels the same.
I am going to time myself out before I get really nasty about this case, but I am quite curious about the additional victims and whether or not they have been recovered. In any form.

I am also curious as to whether or not our perps were familiar with this dude:
David Ray Parker The Toy Box killer. The difference of course is that our perps kept her alive for quite some time...

ETA: This was the defense employed by David Parker-Proof of restraint against one’s will is difficult when one party claims an S & M lifestyle is at work and all parties are consenting adults.

I cannot in good conscience link any info on David Ray Parker-I am not a survivor of any sexual abuse, and the story makes me nauseous.

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