GUILTY MO - Edward Bagley & others for keeping teen as sex slave for 8 years, Lebanon, 2009

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believe09, honestly, I was just thinking about that horrifying Toy Box case. Knew about it months, or has it been years ago. Saw a program on TV recently about it where they showed the contents of the trailer.
The "safe word" has been mentioned in two or three articles I've read about this case. I'm sickened to think how it will be used against the victim to prove the acts were consensual. In the Kansas City Star article MissIzzy posted earlier today, reporter Mark Morris refers to it as an "agreed upon" word, presumably one which the victim would use to indicate the level of pain had reached an unacceptable threshold. "Agreed upon"?! As if she had a choice.

Murky waters, indeed! I'd say it's pretty clear where this case is headed, and it's a darn shame.

OT: I enjoyed the sweet story about your daughter. I hope she's having a wonderful time tonight.
Here's the quote:

"...FBI agent Samuel Benson testified Tuesday that [Bradley] Cook was one of the woman’s most persistent tormentors, visiting as often as once a month. In interviews with agents, the woman said Cook was fond of shocking her with wires hooked to an old-fashioned crank telephone, Benson said.

“It was constant, non-stop use of the crank phone … several hours at a time,” Benson said.

The victim said she tried to use an agreed-upon “safe” word to get Cook to stop, but he just laughed and continued to crank, Benson said.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Cynthia Cordes asked that Cook be detained pending trial and said he had a long history of “violent sexual behavior....”

Has anyone found Cook's prior convictions? Also any news of the other victims which have been mentioned?
So, if Bradley Cook has a long history of violent sexual behavior, why does he not have any prior convictions? I don't even see any prior charges. Are they simply referring to a long history of torturing this particular woman?

"....A lawyer representing Bradley Cook, 31, argued that he was a good candidate for bail and has never been charged before now with anything more serious than a traffic ticket...."

more at link

I found a far more detailed article on Cook. It outlines the "relationship" he has with his girlfriend and evidence found at his home:

"....his [Cook's] defense lawyer said he came from a good family with whom he was in constant contact, that he had ties to his community and that he and his relationships had been mischaracterized..."


"...Cook tried to block investigators from talking to his girlfriend. During a search of Cook's house, investigators found guns, drugs and videos and pictures of the sexual torture of at least 50 different women..."

more at link (a quite detailed history of Bradley Cook)
The "safe word" has been mentioned in two or three articles I've read about this case. I'm sickened to think how it will be used against the victim to prove the acts were consensual. In the Kansas City Star article MissIzzy posted earlier today, reporter Mark Morris refers to it as an "agreed upon" word, presumably one which the victim would use to indicate the level of pain had reached an unacceptable threshold. "Agreed upon"?! As if she had a choice.

Murky waters, indeed! I'd say it's pretty clear where this case is headed, and it's a darn shame.

OT: I enjoyed the sweet story about your daughter. I hope she's having a wonderful time tonight.

BBM...hmm I think I am feeling an email coming on....
Welcome vokoya! So glad you have joined us.
Welcome Vokoya and thank you for the links. It is beyond me why the magazine would bear no responsibility to honestly determine if a person was fully in agreement with these actions. I'd love to see the contract she signed.

I'm trying to tie up the loose ends about bond. Here's a recent story of bail being denied for Postmaster Dennis Henry. Sounds to me that Mr. Henry knew perfectly well that the woman was not willingly consenting:

Judge denies jail release for man accused of sex-trafficking

"A Wheatland, Mo., man accused of sex trafficking a young Missouri woman believed she had consented to the activity, his lawyer said Monday at a federal court hearing.

Dennis Henry, 50, appeared in court to ask that a judge release him on bond. U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert Larsen declined, ordering Henry to await trial in jail...."


"...Henry also believed that the woman did not object to their relationship, Blegen said. At the hearing, FBI agent Samuel Benson said that in an interview in August 2009, Henry acknowledged strapping the woman to a painful device called a wooden pony and also having oral and anal sex with her.

But when asked whether the woman could refuse to participate in such encounters, Henry was not certain, Benson said.

“It was his opinion that she was afraid to say no......”

more at link
Questions about accuser surround sex slave case
By BILL DRAPER, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 59 mins ago
But as more details have emerged, more questions have arisen about the accuser, including her involvement in violent sex practices, her posing for a pornographic magazine and her work as a strip-club dancer. Supporters of the defendant are speaking out, too, saying many of the acts described in the indictment are practiced every day between consenting adults.
Bagley's wife, Marilyn, said she and her husband knew the girl because she had dated their son. That relationship had ended, Bagley's wife said, but the girl wanted to come live with the couple when relations with her adoptive parents soured. She said the girl moved in when she was 17, not 16, and never had sex with her husband until after she turned 18.

"She was not a runaway," Marilyn Bagley said. "We picked her up from her adopted dad and stepmom. They were right there and everything."

Marilyn Bagley said prosecutors have told her she also will be charged if she doesn't agree to testify against her husband. But she said she will not take the stand against him because she believes the two did nothing wrong.

much, much more at
A lot to think about and parse out. I have an awful lot of trust in Beth Phillips judgement. I don't think she would have gone forward with the indictment unless she had the evidence. Many of the statements make by Bagley's wife really don't fly for me. JMO
ITA, . And we're not talking about fantasy or role-playing, we're talking permanent injury--AND concerning a woman with a low cognitive level.

I have to say that the comments by the wife and others are tremendously offensive, IMO. I'm fairly sure these people are not going to be warmly supported by the community after coming out and admitting this kind of behavior.

Authorities said the woman was a mentally deficient runaway who was recruited by an older man at the age of 16 to live in his trailer. The situation came to light in early 2009, after the woman, then 23, landed in a hospital following what prosecutors said was a torture session.

Susan Dill, Bagley's Kansas City-based attorney, told reporters recently that the indictment tells only one side of the story. She said the defense will present evidence that the woman practiced BDSM — bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism — by choice

My question - how do these two items jibe? Mentally deficient minors do not become involved in this lifestyle - by choice. NOT MOO, but FACT.

as to Beth Phillips statements I say - bullpuckey. I don't take anything this woman has to say seriously. If this young lady at 16 or 17 came to live with her and hubby and began particpating in the little reindeer games then of course she is going to say the girl was a willing participant. Otherwise she is legally culpible IMO for all that came after.

As to the little stripper acquaintance, the victim here may well have been very proud of her exploits and the attention that came from stripping.

My suggestion to this "witness" - be mentally deficient, be tortured and whored out as a sex/torture slave for a few years, have your every move dictated by a sadist and then tell me how excited you would be to be out of that hellhole of a trailer getting attention and money from men who only want to look at you naked not burn, electricute, beat, hang, torture you. Now - tell me you wouldn't be having a much better time there than what was waiting for you at home?
tlcox--ITA with most everything you say but you confused the attorneys. Beth Phillips is the US Attorney. She's the one who is pushing this case. She's cleaning house in Missouri. You might want to alert the mods to change that name as Ms. Phillips is the hero, IMO.

Secondly, you're preaching the choir here about this being consensual. However, that said the US attorneys have an uphill battle on this depending on how the victim presents herself and what the defendants' witnesses say about her behavior and actions over the last several years. Unless someone has legal guardianship of this young woman and was permitted by the court to make decisions for her, she has every right to consent to any type of sex.

Trust me on this one as my daughter who is also legally "mentally deficient" is trafficked. She went willingly and there's not a single thing I, the sheriff's dept. or the FBI can do about it. I know as we've all been trying to extract her from this life for almost three years. Given some of her challenges, I can see her doing exactly what this young woman did, all to "please".

The term "mentally deficient" is a legal term for having an IQ of under 69 or having a disability which causes one to function under that level. Being that President Obama just signed Rosa's Act into law, all legal documents that used the term of mental retardation (also meaning an IQ under 69) will now use the term "intellectual disability"...ID. I am uncertain as to whether this will effect the mentally deficient term. Plain and simple, this girl/now woman is cognitively challenged and she was horridly abused, used, and almost killed. Personally, I believe that her consent out and out proves that her cognitive ability is an issue. There's also the issue of the continuous threats, coercion, and fooling around with the safe word. All unforgivable.

People with ID have free will as we as a society have chosen to not take away the right to consent to sexual relations. It's a hard one, I agree. We want to keep people safe but we have to protect their rights. If this young woman wanted to date, have sex, or marry a nice young man (or woman) who had her best interests at heart, we'd all feel very differently.

I live with this dilemma every single day. As for the defendants and their supporters, I can hardly read their words as it feels as if they are speaking of my young daughter. I'm a pacifist but this puts me to the test.
arggggg. And back we go to the friggin traficking

I cannot believe that just a few short years ago I was blissfully unaware of the depths of depravity people will sink right here in the good ole US OF A.

I am sorry, I am just really sickened by discovering how prevalent this problem is right here at home and not in some distant uncivilized third world country. As long as I could imagine it was far from home in some "other" place that was vastly different from here, I could know it but know know about it, KWIM.

BTW thank you for correcting me on the Beth Phillips misidentification. I meant to refer to the ex wife of MrNasty.

Sorry for the rant, it just is upsetting to know of this goign on in towns just like mine, possibly even mine, all over the country right now.

Some days I wish I could unknow all this sickness ya know?
I knew as soon as I read about the "safe word" that this would turn into a case of spin the blame. By virtue of her age alone, she's a victim of the older adults. Factor in the ID and her background, and it's just plain f'ing ludicrous that we're even having this discussion.

Only the most vile, filthiest scum of the earth could participate in the savage torture of such a young woman for sexual pleasure and then have the audacity to defend their actions by saying they thought she was okay with it. They knew darn well she was not a "fully consenting" adult.

Because she had freedom to come and go, it's going to be a tough case for the prosecutors. But I'd love to be in the courtroom when the jurors hear and see the evidence.
And how many pedophiles swear that the child "came onto" them? We all know how disgusting and ludicrous this is because we've taken the time to sort it out and educate ourselves. For the general public, though, who reads only the first paragraph of news reports, this will barely make a blip.

I still firmly believe that these five sick guys are exactly the same as Dustin Paxton of Canada--sadists, wracking up the victims. It really doesn't matter what sexual orientation or station in life they are. All that matters is that these perps can find someone with a broken will or a vulnerability which they can grab and run with.

I don't know what the answer is for our ID population. I go back and forth everyday. I talk a lot about a daughter who is trafficked but I still have two daughters at home who fit the identical profile. The only difference is that they are innocent and non-sexualized. They are what many would call "good girls" and are delighted to go to the Easter Seals dances and scrapbooking club. They still play with Barbies!! They've never been out in the community without an escort. They'd be afraid to. They both function at about an 8 year old level and are delightful. One is 16 and one is 22 (just like her sister who is trafficked).

I'd love nothing more than to think that they might date and fall in love and experience a kiss someday. That's their right. Even though they function at a very low level, they still have hormones and both have had crushes. But neither could handle a man or woman who was more forceful or higher functioning than them. Neither could ever handle a pregnancy (thank God we've got a doctor on board with depo shots) and neither will ever live fully independently. I do believe that it is barbaric to sterilize those with disabilities but I have no problem with getting them depo shots every three months. They can't handle their periods anyway. I want them to have the right to consent to appropriate sexual relations but how in the heck do you legislate that? How can we write a law that says that young men or women with IQs of 60 can only date or marry those with similar IQs?

Sometimes, free will sucks.
I would like to remind everyone that the victim here was the GF of the perps son. She broke up with the son and somehow wound up staying at the trailer w/Bagley and sleeping with him and his wife. Says the adoptive parents were all on board with that.......:liar: At least the adoptive parents where OK with her moving there - allegedly. Can we all say inappropriate relationship at the same time? :steamed:

Somewhat OT - I would like to say that IMO, any human who desires a sexual relationship is entitled to one, their body is theirs to do with as they please - OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL. But I also feel that if they are physically, mentally and emotionally unable to care for a child that they are not entitled to reproduce. I feel that those two things should be considered as seperate when discussing this topic, especially if the individual cannot truly understand what birthing and raising a child really means and entails. Sorry if I offend anyone with that opinion, but it is mine. :twocents:
I knew as soon as I read about the "safe word" that this would turn into a case of spin the blame. By virtue of her age alone, she's a victim of the older adults. Factor in the ID and her background, and it's just plain f'ing ludicrous that we're even having this discussion.

Only the most vile, filthiest scum of the earth could participate in the savage torture of such a young woman for sexual pleasure and then have the audacity to defend their actions by saying they thought she was okay with it. They knew darn well she was not a "fully consenting" adult.

Because she had freedom to come and go, it's going to be a tough case for the prosecutors. But I'd love to be in the courtroom when the jurors hear and see the evidence.

Yes it was a given that any attorney for the defense would choose to blame the victim. It is really the only defense. This is the reason this dude waited until she was 18. Allegedly.

Beyond that they will use the drugs she was plied with and the drinking etc to state that her recollections were fuzzy and that she was an active consenting participant. To having her body parts nailed to things and to having been shocked into cardiac arrest.

I know a couple who practices a master/slave relationship with BDSM. He and I have had many many conversations regarding hurting the "slave." He and the other couples I have met who practice state in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that legitimate practitioners NEVER EVER mutilate, maim or kill the submissive participant. Doesnt happen. Ever. Not people who legitimately practice this lifestyle. The dominants I spoke with also state that they never, ever share their submissive partner with the same sex as the dom. Not going to happen. At a maximum they allow others to admire or desire their sub.

Let me make it clear that I am not a practitioner at all. I met this couple by chance and the sub in this relationship is happy and healthy. She loves it-she loves not having any decisionmaking. She takes care of hearth and home, he is the decisionmaker.

Would never happen in in my world as I prefer to be mistress of my own destiny.

In any case, I call shenanigans period in this case. This is not legit-this is torture.

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