MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #10

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I saw that one. It wasn't a gun, it was her fingers and you could only see her from the waist up.

If that's the one you're talking about.

Nope different girl, different myspace.
Snip from article and WTH??:

"That's as much as Richardson would say about the facts of the case. At one point in juvenile court hearing, a highway patrol investigator testified that Alyssa had dug two holes in the woods, five days before Elizabeth Olten disappeared.

Richardson said that he cannot tell us if Olten’s body was found in only one of those holes."

Sorry if this is a repeat - I haven't made it to current page yet but have two comments on this topic.

Last night I caught the 10:00 broadcast of the KRCG news on which there was a rather extensive recap of the case to date. Included was an interview with Mark Richardson which generated the question/comment about possible findings in two graves.

This is my perception only: In answering the question, Mark Richardson stumbled around for quite some time – so much that for me, it was one of those holding my breath for the answer moments. He seemed a bit uncomfortable with the question and at the time I thought I noticed a faint quiver of his lips as he was fumbling around for words. He started and re-started numerous times until he finally ended with (paraphrasing): I cannot answer that at this time.
This new information about Alyssa being driven to a hospital (ward) makes me that time I'm sure the GP's were aware that EO was missing...then Alyssa comes home with possibly blood on her clothes whatever. I think GP's panicked they had an idea that Alyssa had something to do with EO missing but didnt know to what extent. Like someone else mentioned here maybe once at the hospital she came clean about killing her and they decided to drive back and face the music. Wow is all I have to say, may God have mercy on her sould because she will need it. IMO I dont think the meds are to blame entirely, she has too many characteristics of a Sociopath IMO.
Hi everyone!
I just have a question and if this was already brought up, I apologize. So, AB is considered and adult for this trial, why is she not eligible for the death penalty?
While it is not true her gps took her to STl. on wed. night, I think she did miss school on Thurs.
Hi everyone!
I just have a question and if this was already brought up, I apologize. So, AB is considered and adult for this trial, why is she not eligible for the death penalty?

Because in the state of Missouri even though you can be tried as an adult at the age of (I think) 13 you have to be 16 to be eligible for the death penalty!
Hi everyone!
I just have a question and if this was already brought up, I apologize. So, AB is considered and adult for this trial, why is she not eligible for the death penalty?

It's MO law. She committed the crime before she was 16 so she can't be given the death penalty even tho being tried as an adult.
Hi everyone!
I just have a question and if this was already brought up, I apologize. So, AB is considered and adult for this trial, why is she not eligible for the death penalty?

She will be tried as an adult. However, in the state of Missouri if a person is under 16 when the crime is commited they are not eligible for the death penalty only life w/o parole.
It's rather interesting that after being evaluated at the psych hospital, she was sent back rather than admitted. So much for the psychotic break theory. That doesn't bode well for her defense.
Kinda ot but I know there are a lot of area locals around this thread.

Has anyone seen any info on two African American teen girls (I think between 12-14) that walked away from a "children's home" in St. Louis with a 16 year old? This happened Monday November 16th and I seen a 3 second snip on the news about it this morning but I have been searching for the last hour and a half and can not find a DAMN thing about it ANYWHERE! Not even on the news site that I seen the story on this morning!
Sorry if posted already! I've had company for the last 2 wks & am trying to catch up on A LOT of reading/posting on several cases.

I did have a thought! :waitasec: I also apologize if this theory was hashed out out the 2 graves being dug by thought is that the 2nd one was to bury her clothes she may have worn when she attacked Elizabeth! AB a lot of time planning & maybe she had a change of clothes, knife, etc. hidden ahead of time, since she did dig 5 days prior to the attack. She knew she would need a way back in her house without obvious signs of her being in a struggle.....her thought may have been....have a change of clothes ready & bury whatever else.

I guess I'm hoping that she wasn't disturbed that she was planning 2 murders for both of the graves.

Maybe in her head she wanted EO buried ASAP (in case someone noticed her) & knew she would get muddy etc. so that's another reason to have 2 holes dug. This way she could be more careful getting mudddy after a change of clothes since EO was buried at that point. IMO it's possible for this to be the answer!

Now back to catching up with all of you! :wink:

Sorry if posted already! I've had company for the last 2 wks & am trying to catch up on A LOT of reading/posting on several cases.

I did have a thought! :waitasec: I also apologize if this theory was hashed out out the 2 graves being dug by thought is that the 2nd one was to bury her clothes she may have worn when she attacked Elizabeth! AB a lot of time planning & maybe she had a change of clothes, knife, etc. hidden ahead of time, since she did dig 5 days prior to the attack. She knew she would need a way back in her house without obvious signs of her being in a struggle.....her thought may have been....have a change of clothes ready & bury whatever else.

I guess I'm hoping that she wasn't disturbed that she was planning 2 murders for both of the graves.

Maybe in her head she wanted EO buried ASAP (in case someone noticed her) & knew she would get muddy etc. so that's another reason to have 2 holes dug. This way she could be more careful getting mudddy after a change of clothes since EO was buried at that point. IMO it's possible for this to be the answer!

Now back to catching up with all of you! :wink:


This is a plausible therory. The only thing that makes me think someone else was planned for that grave was the Judge stoped the MSHP Inv from answering who the other grave was for. That in itself leads me to believe it was someone else.
I knew the media got it wrong once again -- they don't seem to get many things right on this story -- and I guess that is just because they print just about anything without fact checking and without thinking about the logic of the report or possible ramifications of the report; oh yeah, because they can simply delete whatever they print at any moment without a correction or an apology
DalGal gets credit for getting the KRCG story corrected. No doubt, people on all the forums are all over that "new info", just like we were, trying to fit it in with what we already knew.....and it didn't fit....


Nice job ladies. Glad to see our skepticism was right. I also think that their "correction" is pretty funny. They try to make it sound like they just printed the date wrong but the difference between
“Later that night, ... Bustmante's family drove her to St. Louis and checked her into a psychiatric hospital”
"Saturday Bustamante was taken [by Juvenile Officers] to Hawthorn's Children's Psychiatric Hospital to be evaluated and monitored"
is much bigger than a typo. Makes you question everything you read.
I knew the media got it wrong once again -- they don't seem to get many things right on this story -- and I guess that is just because they print just about anything without fact checking and without thinking about the logic of the report or possible ramifications of the report; oh yeah, because they can simply delete whatever they print at any moment without a correction or an apology

Sorry, OT, but I have seen more grammatical errors in news reports (and I'm talking CNN, MSNBC, etc.) than I do here or in most blogs! Don't they use editors anymore?
First of all I just want to say that my heart goes out to little Elizabeth's family. What happened is just all around awful. I have a daughter close to the same age and I cannot even begin to imagine the pain that her family must be going through. I hope someday they can begin to heal and find peace.

I've been watching this on the news since it happened but I haven't read many of the posts here until tonight. I saw a couple of people mention that Alyssa had recently went off of her meds (Prozac IIRC) or at least she'd told some friends that. IMO while I know that coming off of a drug like Prozac can cause a person to become moody I don't believe it would cause a person to murder someone. I have a couple of family members who have taken that medication in particular although one of them eventually switched to Zoloft. I have seen first hand the effect of someone on that med not taking it and I really don't believe it would cause someone to commit murder. Let's pretend for a second that I'm wrong, that coming off of that medication could potentially make a person fly into a violent rage. I'm not saying that's true but I'm saying even if it was true do you really think that it would cause someone to go out into the woods, dig a couple of graves, and then wait for days to murder someone? Personally I REALLY don't believe that. I don't think any of this can be blamed on that girl not taking her Prozac.

As far as this girl cutting herself I think it's a desperate cry for attention. She must know that using her fingernails isn't going to kill her and if she had wanted to commit suicide by cutting she would have either done it or she'd have some very serious scars.

What I'd like to know is why nobody noticed the things she was doing or saying. Did nobody know that she had that disturbing video on youtube? Did nobody know that she wrote such disturbing things on those social networking websites? She was obviously in need of more mental health care than she was receiving. Don't get me wrong, I'm not making excuses for this girl as I believe she knew right from wrong from everything I've read so far but did nobody notice this girls cries for help? Sadly for little Elizabeth it's too late but this should be a warning for anyone who cares for a child to know what they're doing online, who their friends are, and what they're up to.

I'm sorry for such a lengthy post. This is all just my opinion of course. My heart goes out to the family of precious little Elizabeth.

great post !

I totally believe what Alyssa did is one of the most horrific things I have ever read about in crime cases. She needs to to be locked up for sure ! I have a 9 yr old and a 15 yr old so this case hits me hard.

With that said...I am still questioning the use of antidepressants, especially in kids. I have a nephew that it was a wonder drug for ! No problems !
But my family also experienced an attempted murder on my 11 yr old niece alittle over a year ago....the perp was an 11 yr old boy....he was on Prozac.

I had a bad reaction after MONTHS on Effexor XR....but I want to stick with kids/teens on Prozac (and other antidepressants)....

There are sooooooooooo many reported cases of murders, attempted murders, suicides, school shootings, severe aggression, severe violence, etc....and in those cases reported, the common factor was that the people were "on" antidepressants (besides having mental stuff going on anyways)...

Many of you have probably already seen this, its been around for years and the "cases" continue to make the list longer & longer every passing year.

Its a great read if you havnt seen it...

I just have to wonder....what IF ? Actually, theres so many "what IFs" I have, I doubt it will be figured out in my lifetime...but I would like to know if this type of drug plays ANY PART in all of the reported cases....and even the cases that arent listed.
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