MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #3

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OMGosh the 15 year old planned this murder!
She doesn't live with parents.........
some relatives are raising her.
PREMEDITATED may bring hr name out even if she is a juvie!!!
My first time posting, but I've been reading this thread for days.

Has LE said what the note said, other than it was handwritten and led to AB?
OMGosh the 15 year old planned this murder!
She doesn't live with parents.........
some relatives are raising her.
PREMEDITATED may bring hr name out even if she is a juvie!!!

She was living with her grandparents. I saw her mention it either on MS or Twitter...can't remember which.
Wiki's explanation of Emo is basically regarding music and fashion and not so much about the person. Emo's are very emotional and sensitive. Very woe is me, the world is terrible, my life is terrible, everything sucks, everybody hates me, nobody likes me, I'm gonna eats some worms. Along with that type of mindset there is some cutting and self hatred type acts involved. They are very narcissistic, usually of junior high age and I can't stand them.

An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)
2. Guy finds out, so he listens to faggy emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".
3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)
4. Emo guy is just too much of a pussy. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bathe, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.
5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!
When she sees how sensitive and emo I have become, she'll definately go out with me!

Like a Goth, only much less dark and much more Harry Potter.
My life sucks, I want to cry.

A group of white, mostly middle-class well-off kids who find imperfections in there life and create a ridiculous, depressing melodrama around each one. They often take anti-depressants, even though the majority don't need them. They need to wake up and deal with life like everyone else instead of wallowing in their imaginary quagmire of torment.
Whoa...Nancy Grace just said that her sources told her that the written documentation was in the form of a diary...the murderer wrote in her diary about the murder AND that supposedly she told a friend about the killing or diary and that's who / what led police to the murderer and subsequent body.

Tried to type as she talked, so it's paraphrased and might have missed a bit of it...but, I had to let you all know what she just said.
Whoa...Nancy Grace just said that her sources told her that the written documentation was in the form of a diary...the murderer wrote in her diary about the murder AND that supposedly she told a friend about the killing or diary and that's who / what led police to the murderer and subsequent body.

Tried to type as she talked, so it's paraphrased and might have missed a bit of it...but, I had to let you all know what she just said.

It sounded like she had facts on the diary aspect, but the telling a friend part was speculation.

I wonder how much she knows? I bet there's folks crawling all over this town looking for info.

I just wish someone would post out everything thats known at this point, hell they don't even need to post the 15 y.o.'s name.
Whoa...Nancy Grace just said that her sources told her that the written documentation was in the form of a diary...the murderer wrote in her diary about the murder AND that supposedly she told a friend about the killing or diary and that's who / what led police to the murderer and subsequent body.

Tried to type as she talked, so it's paraphrased and might have missed a bit of it...but, I had to let you all know what she just said.

Shes going to be in detention court tomorrow morning and she might be LET OUT????
Shes going to be in detention court tomorrow morning and she might be LET OUT????

Theres no way IMO that she will be let out. Its just following policy, crossing the t's and dotting the i's. As much as this seems to be a cut and dried case, they still hafta do it by the book.
Theres no way IMO that she will be let out. Its just following policy, crossing the t's and dotting the i's. As much as this seems to be a cut and dried case, they still hafta do it by the book.

OK Thanx...Wow...I wonder what this letter said.
First we've heard about the diary! This is the first time in a long while that Nancy scooped us on something.
this is sooo IMO, but when I 1st heard about a letter(note) given to LE, I thought it was a tip from someone, orginally, I was thinking someone in her own family, now i'm think "maybe" a friend etc. Then there was a search warrant which gave even more imfo. I have to take a second ( and this hurts to do) but I have read this 15 yr olds tweeters page (or whatever you call it) this girl was disturbed, unhappy, her parents are not around, they're trouble, she is living where she doesnt want to be, her family is broken up. Her last tweeter said" sitting in class bored, wishes she had her cell phone" (and If i recall correctly, this was the same day that Elizabeth went missing), this girl had serious signs, I"m not making excuses by far but the thought of this girl so unhappy, disturbed and then doing this. I'm not one to place blame on parents or family, but this girl seems to be crying for help. AGAIN, not making excuses. Very sad here in PA
No matter how a person dresses, or the background that they come from these people CHOOSE to do the things that they do. Some CHOOSE to be evil people, and others CHOOSE to be successfull.
It sounds to me like a note from someone else pointing to her (could have been a family member that was suspicious or a friend who knew or suspected her). This doesn't sound like her diary at this point.

The break in the case came just after Friday's 10 a.m. press conference. That's when authorities received a hand-written note that led them to the 15-year-old suspect; the teen than lead authorities to Elizabeth's body.

Also, did it seem that the hand written note was given to them at the press conference?
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cousin of the 15yr old said:

Posted 10/27/2009 at 05:08:12 PM
I have to respectfully disagree about your assessment of what a "scene" kid is.

This is my understanding of the differences between Goth, Emo and Scene. Of course NOT everyone fits the bill.

Goth - like to dress dark, into alternative music/rock/metal. They usually are not depressed, harmful, etc. That's typically a misconception about them.

Emo - Dress dark, think dark, emotional, often self mutilate and are also often depressed, suicidal, etc.

- they like the same style of hair as Emo's (usually they also add some color streaks in) but do NOT partake in the same dark, depressing attitude that many Emo's typically do. They often listen to tech, punk, rock, indie type music. They also tend to dress more trendy and more colorful. Like wearing colored scarves, hats, striped gloves, Hello Kitty attire, tight pants, etc. Scene kids often HATE being compared to Emos.

To me, while AB's attitude may be Emo, she dresses and looks more like a scene kid (i.e., the Hello Kitty shirt in her Twitter profile pics, hat in her MS pic) IMO. BUT, regardless of how she dressed or what she was into, she was old enough TO KNOW BETTER!

As far as AB, she isn't Goth or Emo really...she looks more "Scene". The Scene teens like to be "hardcore" and many consider murder and certain other types of violence to be cool (hardcore). Her being "scene" would actually fit with her supposedly saying she "wondered what it would be like to kill someone" (would be a "hardcore" thing to say)
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Of course they are going to play the "mental" card no matter what her mental state was like! They know this will hopefully keep her out of trouble! Like it has done for so many in the past!
this is sooo IMO, but when I 1st heard about a letter(note) given to LE, I thought it was a tip from someone, orginally, I was thinking someone in her own family, now i'm think "maybe" a friend etc. Then there was a search warrant which gave even more imfo. I have to take a second ( and this hurts to do) but I have read this 15 yr olds tweeters page (or whatever you call it) this girl was disturbed, unhappy, her parents are not around, they're trouble, she is living where she doesnt want to be, her family is broken up. Her last tweeter said" sitting in class bored, wishes she had her cell phone" (and If i recall correctly, this was the same day that Elizabeth went missing), this girl had serious signs, I"m not making excuses by far but the thought of this girl so unhappy, disturbed and then doing this. I'm not one to place blame on parents or family, but this girl seems to be crying for help. AGAIN, not making excuses. Very sad here in PA

Well now she better get used to living where she doesnt want to be dont she cos she has no choice because of her disgusting actions :furious:
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